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-I am a spiritual person, a believer in the Infinite and Emmanuel the Christ. My husband and grown children are not. My grown children and their friends think I'm nuts!.What is their position with God?

-I belong to a large established church which emphasizes the closeness of family life, yet my children have become wayward even after many years of teaching them in the ways the church has focused on. I and my husband, before our divorce, have spent time almost every day going over Bible stories as produced in books the church provides and also teaching the children out of the church's adult books other principles for conduct in life and closeness to God. Question is why has none of it seemed to work?

-How can I circumvent homosexual tendencies from developing in my child?

-My children are always dealing with problems, both of their own making and those ones that seem to always come to them. What can one do to help them? And why problems in the first place. Why one child is ok and the other so trying? And, what can now be done about it? This story will help.

-Is it necessary to circumcise my male children in order for them to be God's people and be saved?.Acts 15:1 "And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren and said, Except you be circumcised after the manner of Moses, you cannot be saved."

-We have a hyperactive child diagnosed with ADHD.(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).and have been told that this is why he is not learning at the pace of others in his class.

It may not at all be ADHD, but simply this, but if they are taking Ritalin, there's serious stuff you must know.

Robert Steirnberg, Yale professor of psychology said in 1997 that there is no medical evidence to support the view that children who are labeled 'learning disabled' have an immutable. neurological disability in learning. This has been confirmed by the American National Institutes of Health, which said."that there exists no independent valid test".for ADHD.

From experience with my own kids, I think that ADD is more of a nutrition problem than a cause for Ritalin medication. For these factors:

Giving your kids Ritalin? Prozac? Did you know Ritalin is more addictive than cocaine and can lead to suicide?

If a buck can't be made on it, you won't hear about it, is the byword of many selfish corporations. You're not told that one doesn't have to die from AIDS and won't, that is, unless you die from the drugs treating it.

The origins of the modern pharmaceutical industry are found precisely in the Nazi regime where pharmaceutical scientists routinely conducted medical experiments on Jewish prisoners. As a fascinating matter of historical fact, the Chairman of Bayer in the 1950's.(the company known for Bayer Aspirin).was Dr. Fritz ter Meer, a convicted war criminal, who after committing crimes against humanity was sentenced to seven years in prison at the Nuremberg war trials.

Push a disease, then sell a vaccine they claim 'treats' the disease. It's the same old scam, whether we're talking about cervical cancer, swine flu, the flu shot or even AIDS and cancer..Dr. Luc Montagnier, the Nobel Prize-winning co-discoverer of the AIDS virus, who explained.(see the videos).that AIDS can be overcome with nutrition and that the vaccine approach is entirely overblown."....the article and videos.(type 'aids house of numbers' into their search of articles at naturalnews.com). Let's hear it for the pharmaceutical companies 'quality' controls.(type 'flu reaction' in a search).

Hyperactivity has been linked to the antibiotic amoxicillin; cause the problem; give 'em something else as a promoted solution. And they call this medical science?

The consumption of too much artificial colors and flavorings in foods tend to increase hyperactivity, especially when a child sits under fluorescent lights all day where the effects of Vitamin A so necessary for good vision is destroyed in the blood stream.

Clerks in stores under these fragmented light sources often suffer from poor eyesight, needing frequent updates in eyeglass prescriptions. This contributers to SAD.(Seasonal Affective Disorder).

More information on ADD/ADHD.(all-natural.com).and from Attention Deficit Disorder Association.(add.org).
   ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) also called ADHD (add the word hyperactivity), food colorings and fluorescent lighting. 
   About autism and asthma. Search at naturalnews.com and mercola.com
   A key to improving intelligence is here

-What are some safe Internet sites for kids?

Web site for parenting.(parent.net).and especially for baby.(babystyle.com).and if baby is in the hospital in intensive care, be sure the nurses' nails are not long, as it has been shown that harmful bacteria like psoudomonas aeruginosa are harbored there that find their way into respirators and similar devices handled in neonatal intensive care units where sick and undeveloped babies have needles and tubes in their bodies and are often given antibiotics. ...Orange County Register, March 24, 2000. Better to use the much more powerful nature's remedies. Learn about them. Here's one to get you going. You have to do your own research, otherwise you may have to rely on those taught by the corrupt Rockefeller medical system, who may harm your baby.

-Web site for teen and kids which includes research for homework, britannica.com

-Insects bugbios.com

-Science experiments for kids.(tryscience.org); more science for kids.

-A nice book: Dandelion, an uplifting tale for every age that will have you hopelessly guessing at what becomes of this lost, rebellious soul, until you, like thousands of readers before you, breathe a sigh of relief, shed a tear of joy and remember that trusting "life" is half the secret. This adventurous little horse will no doubt remind you of yourself who, with a little perseverance, patience and faith, makes a stunning success of her life. A horse with a gift and her life's puzzle is to uncover it. Desperate and downtrodden, with no hope left, Dandelion all but gives up, until...

"Good book to read to kids The Magic Shop by Herbert Wells. The story is part of the collection under 'Short Fiction'.(in Grabovoi's writings)".....Grigori Grabovoi.

-1.800.733-JOBS for school drop outs

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.