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p a g e  4

Medically Verified Healings continued

Coma after blood poisoning from a non healing leg ulcer
Tienke Klein, age 77, Netherlands
"My housemaid Veronica went back to Chile as her father was in a coma and dying. I did intensive einstellen for her and her father. After a few days I noticed a lot of calmness and peace. When she returned to the Netherlands I asked her what had happened.

"She told me that her father had a leg ulcer for quite some time. It had become infected right down to the bone. He went into shock from the blood poisoning and fell into a coma. The doctors wanted to keep treating him. Veronica said to the doctors "He is 90 years old, let him die in peace".

"Then the miracle happened. Veronica and her brother went to the hospital the next day, where their father, they thought, was lying there waiting to die. When they entered his room, he was sitting cheerfully on a chair. He had come out of the coma, his leg was healed and his blood results were normal again.

"Moreover, he was very happy and told Veronica that he had been somewhere where very loving people dressed in white had cared for him. There was beautiful music and splendid colors, unlike anything he had seen before. Veronica's father received healing at 90 years of age and had a wonderful spiritual experience 'on the other side'. I am very grateful to God and Bruno Groening for his help, which was allowed to happen through my einstellen."

Medical Commentary:."That a ninety year old man, close to death, fully returns to the living within one day, is medically not explainable."....Dirk Leyten, MD.

Intestinal cancer, chemo, radiation, debilitating diarrhea
From a CD which comes occasionally with the Schooling Letter magazine, this one about a 77 year old man reporting on his healing of intestinal cancer.

He first had three months of chemo then thirty radiation treatments, which destroyed his intestines, giving him diarrhea for the following ten years. So bad it was, that he went to the bathroom many times a day and couldn't go out anymore, leaving him with no social life. He believed Bruno could heal him because he remembered what Bruno had said about there being no incurables and to give him your miseries and worries and to let it all go."I can't take them without you giving them to me"..Perhaps write them down, put them in an envelope and then destroy the envelope.

Borderline Personality Disorder
E.R, age 44, Austria, September 2017
"I don't know anyone who might have experienced this, where one is afraid to talk about something or to openly discuss it, out of fear of losing it.

"I have had this fear for almost three years. Now I am sure I can tell our story without being afraid that the burden will return. In the broadest sense, it is about the healing of our family, even though I am reporting mainly about our daughter. She was a difficult child or else our upbringing made her a difficult child. Today I can no longer say what was what. I was very young when she was born. My husband worked abroad and we were in the process of building our house. All sorts of financial obligations burdened us and I was mostly alone with the children, without a clue about how to bring them up, so we managed the best we could.

"The problem with our oldest daughter started early. She could never sleep, never mind sleeping through the night. When she was about 8, she started to talk about encountering dead people in the night. She insisted they were in our house and that she saw them on the street corner. They would not talk to her, nor would they harm her. They were just there! In the beginning I was afraid too. I am a devout person, so naturally I prayed with her. It helped, but not always. She mentioned that at times she could not tell the difference between the dead and the living.

"At that time I knew she would be declared insane if I talked to a doctor about it. Sometimes when it all got too much for me, my husband and I thought we must take her to a psychiatrist. But I was reluctant to do this, as I feared they would just put her on medication. What followed was an odyssey of treatments by energy healers, homeopaths and various quacks.

"Today I know that many people pay a great deal of money to establish some contact with people from the hereafter. But I can say only that, as a mother of such a child, one sees it differently. Night after night we prayed that she could get some sleep. Often when I was stressed out and lost my temper.

"I would say to her "You are here with the living, not with the dead!" As she got older there were more and more problems. Because of her lack of sleep at night she could not concentrate at school and she was also rebellious. Besides, she was extremely precocious and soon had a boyfriend. At this point we already felt totally powerless, so I was pleased about it at first, as I hoped everything else would disappear. But it got worse.

"She was only 12 when she said for the first time "I will kill myself anyway". She has hysterical.fits and blamed us for the fact no one would help her. And then she might say "You no longer have to take me to healers and clairvoyants, they only take your money and don't have a clue about me", after which she would shriek with laughter.

"Out second child suffered terribly. My husband threatened again and again that he could not take it any longer, that our family was falling apart, that he would take our oldest child to a hospital. I cried and prayed and felt hopeless. Over and over again I begged her to restrain herself. She promised, but explained that she has little control and did not know what the matter with her was.

"When she was 15, she started staying out until the early hours of the morning and she had access to alcohol. Every weekend she would get drunk at least once, sometimes twice. At least once a week she would threaten to kill herself.(*). Our second child once said "The atmosphere here is like there are an alcoholic and a little child living in the same house. It's terrible". It looked as though we would slowly but surely deteriorate all together.

"In 2010 I started to feel aches and pains but did not know what was wrong with me. I was pregnant. I asked myself "How can we go on?" When our third child was born, I was somehow filled with hope and I thought "This little one is a great chance for us!" From the very beginning, our oldest daughter loved the baby, but nothing else changed. The weekends were catastrophic. My husband and I alternated between taking care of our youngest child and watching our oldest daughter's outrageous behavior. 

"While writing it down now, I am thinking "No one will ever believe this but it does not matter. What's most important is that it's now over.

"When the baby was 8 months old, I was diagnosed with a severe illness. Another abyss had opened for me. I begged and prayed to God for help. I ordered a bowl online, one I already had and did not need. I didn't know why but I ordered it anyway. When I received the package, I found a flyer about Bruno Gröning. I had never seen this man or heard of him and I told the sender that I had received this invitation in error and would return it. But she encouraged me to read the information, check it out on the Internet and consider whether perhaps it was not an error after all that the flyer was in the parcel. I checked the Internet and Googled it. In the meantime she sent me the dates of three upcoming Information Lectures close to my home, plus the phone numbers of the community leader. To this day, I do not know or understand why she sent me the information about the Circle of Friends.

"Two weeks later on June 1st 2014, I went to an Information Lecture. In the Circle of Friends I did einstellen again and again to ask Bruno Gröning to help me get rid of my burden. It made my heart feel lighter. I wanted so earnestly to get healthy, especially for our youngest child. 

"In the beginning, I thought about the people I had read about on the Internet. I wanted to be one of them! Despite my burden, life went on. In the meantime, our oldest child finished her apprenticeship. The weeks passed with long talks and many tears on both sides. We then agreed to see a psychiatrist, since, by now, she deeply longed to resolve her situation. The psychiatrist diagnosed her with Borderline Personality Disorder. When I Googled this for information, I was shocked. My daughter was given a prescription of antidepressants, however she did not take them. 

"August of 2015 brought us another weekend with a festival and I knew this meant problems ahead as there would be plenty of alcohol. I went to bed at 8 pm with our youngest child. I knew I had to get some rest since the time after midnight would be difficult. As usual I prayed with our youngest child and went to sleep. Around 10 pm I woke up and tossed and turned. A deep sadness came over me as I looked at our now 2 year old youngest child, with tears running down my face. At that point I remembered about Bruno Gröning, I sobbed, turned my thoughts to my oldest daughter and in my mind took her and put her into Bruno Gröning's arms, as if she were a little child. Still sobbing, I said "I cannot handle any more of this. I am at my wits end. From now on, you look after her." I cried and prayed and went back to sleep.

"After 1 a.m. I woke up every hour. The house was quiet; no movement. I knew that if our oldest came home, there would be a big scene. Again, we would all try to calm her and persuade her to go to sleep. At times like this she would climb, fully clothed, into a bathtub full of ice cold water, hit her head with some object or demolish furniture.

"I became more nervous by the hour and at 4:30 a.m. I got up to drive around and look for her. It was not the first time we had to do this. I went to the front door and received a shock. There were her shoes! I quickly returned to the bedroom to ask my husband whether he had picked her up. He said he hadn't. We both snuck into her room to check whether she was there. We could not remember a single night in the previous four years, when we had not heard her come home. Sometimes she was very noisy, other times less so, but we always woke up. But here she was, sleeping peacefully in her bed. I was stunned when she said the next day that she had not felt like staying out much longer and had come home at 12:30 a.m. We kept quiet, said nothing and observed in amazement how the situation changed over the following weeks. Neither my husband nor I dared to talk about it that night. We did not want to jinx things. We both knew something special had happened. 

"That night a new life began for our family. We are so grateful to God that my tears still flow when I think about that night. Then my heart overflows with love and I don't know whether the love is flowing out of my heart or into it. At such times I feel close to God and I feel a deep awe and peace within me. 

"I realized that Bruno Gröning first takes care of our deepest heart desire. For me, this was the healing of our oldest child and peace in our family. From time to time our daughter still goes out and also drinks alcohol, but I have never again seen her drunk and she has never again acted aggressively toward us or herself. She is a pleasant and kind hearted person and well liked and appreciated by all. My thanks to Bruno Gröning for the connection to God and for his help. Thank you!"

Medical Commentary:."Actually, one should not make any comment. First of all, the report speaks for itself. And second, the medical and psychological understanding at present, in my opinion, has no answers. But Bruno Gröning called the power which made this happen, Heilstrom."....C. Dölzmüller, MD

Coma of unknown cause

Moti Hod, 58 years
Hadera Community, Israel
August 2015

"On the 18th of March Ilan went to vote. His partner and 2 year old twin sons were also in the car.

"On their way back home suddenly, without any warning Ilan lost consciousness while his foot was still pressing on the accelerator. His partner acted quickly and was able to stop the car. She pulled Ilan out of the car and called the emergency doctor on her cell phone. Ilan was taken to a hospital in Tel Aviv and immediately admitted to the intensive care unit.

"He was sedated and put on artificial ventilation. During his hospital stay he developed an infection in his lungs as well as in other organs. He received high doses of intravenous antibiotics, but they had no affect. The doctors tried 19 different antibiotics but none helped. Despite all their efforts and investigations, the doctors were unable to find the cause of the coma.

As soon as I heard about Ilan's condition, I did intensive einstellen for his healing, at home, in the Community Hours and in various online meetings of the Circle of Friends. 

"... Inwardly I felt very connected to him. Two days later I found out that Ilan had awakened from the month and a half long coma and had been moved to the neurological.ward. There the doctors could not make a diagnosis either. Ilan has simply woken up. He was fully conscious. All infections, including in his lungs, had disappeared. A week later he could walk again and had full movement of his body.

"... The doctors still do not know what happened and see his healing as a medical miracle."

Medical Commentary:."It is astounding that Ilan returned to normal physical and mental functioning. Medically that was not to be expected after such a long lasting coma. That the request during einstellen for Ilan's healing and his awakening from the coma occurred at the same time, is noteworthy."....Dr. G. Machacek
