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any of a class of basic organic.compounds.derived from ammonia by replacement of hydrogen with one or more monovalent.hydrocarbon.radicals; compare amide; any of a group of organic compounds of nitrogen, such as ethylamine, C2H5NH2, that may be considered ammonia derivatives in which one or more hydrogen atoms have been replaced by a hydrocarbon radical

an organic.compound, such as acetamide, containing the CONH2 radical; a compound with a metal replacing hydrogen in ammonia, such as sodium amide, NaNH2

the crystalline.amide of acetic acid, CH3CONH2, used as a solvent and wetting agent and in lacquers and explosives

acetic acid.noun,.plural.acetic acids
the chief acid of vinegar; a clear, colorless organic.acid, CH3COOH, with a distinctive.pungent.odor, used as a solvent and in the manufacture of rubber, plastics, acetate fibers, pharmaceutical and photographic chemicals

a salt or ester of acetic acid; cellulose acetate or any of various products, especially fibers, derived from it


one who is learning a trade or occupation; a beginner; a learner; a disciple; one who enters into an agreement to work for another for a specific amount of time in return for instruction in a trade, an art or a business (an apprentice electrician; an apprentice sailor)
apprentice, apprenticed, apprenticing, apprentices.transitive verbs
to place or take on as a beginner or learner

autism is not a mental disorder that affects children, making them unable to communicate properly and form normal healthy relationships, affecting particularly a child's ability in relating to others; it is most often developed in a child if the mother or child had been vaccinated.

When the body is detoxified from the many poisons in vaccines which poisoned it, causing autism, those with autism recover (see Dr. Rashid Buttar's protocols for this); search for 'overcoming autism' and see the work of Dr. Andrew Wakefield on autism at Brighteon.com and how to recover from autism from Dr. Rashid Buttar on Telegram at https://t.me/AdvancedMedicine and one of his great videos on recovery is at https://altcensored.com/watch?v=h6XDWF4UkUg) or see all the short autism recovery videos at https://autismdefined.net/video/?vgo_ee=WXngyhI8Tlfp2wh2lwjCGTpxdzkQNl9LgdxZ9pnzLRY%3D

Pine Needle Tea which you can easily make from most evergreen trees contains suramin and shikimic acid.

The much lower lower vaccination rate in the 1990's and earlier caused autism at about 1 in 19,000 births, but now, in 2023 with the vaccination rate being horrendous, 1 in 25 new births are autistic and it's rising; autism involves abnormal.introversionand egocentricity of a child, acceptance of fantasy.rather than.reality and is increasingly prevalent among those recently vaccinated as also is SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndromealso called Crib Death and SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) caused by those stupid enough to have allowed the bioweapon called the vaccine for covid to be injected into them

if someone or something goes across a place or a boundary, they go from one side of it to the other (she walked across the floor and lay down on the bed; he watched Karl run across the street to Tommy); on, at or from the other side of (across the street); so as to cross; through (drew lines across the paper); from one side of to the other (a bridge across a river); into contact with (came across my old roommate)
from one side to the other (the footbridge swayed when I ran across); on or to the opposite side (we came across by ferry; in such a manner as to be comprehensible, acceptable or successful: (she put her idea across to all of us); to get a message across across.adjective
being in a crossed position (seated with arms across)
including all categories or members, such as in an occupation or industry (an across-the-board pay hike; an across-the-board new policy)

either of two movable flaps on the wings of an airplane that can be used to control the plane's rolling and banking movements

a poisonous.substance, often a liquid such as the toxic.ethylene glycol or alcohol, mixed with another liquid to lower its freezing point, used in vehicle.radiators for keeping engines from overheating

a silly, rather unintelligent person

a garment, usually.fastened in the back, worn over all or part of the front of the body to protect clothing; something, such as a protective shield for a machine, that resembles this garment in appearance or function; a paved strip in front of and around such things as airport hangars and terminal.buildings; the part of a stage in a theater.extending in front of the curtain; a platform, as of planking, at the entranceto a dock; an area covered by sand and gravel deposited at the front of a glacial.moraine
apron, aproned, aproning, aprons.transitive verbs
to cover, protect or provide with an apron; from Middle English, alteration of 'napron' from Old French 'naperon', diminutive of nape, tablecloth, napkin

arsenic, also called arsenic trioxide, is a very strong poison which can kill people; arsenic is a very poisonous chemical.substance like fluoride, that is sometimes used to kill rats, insects and weeds and often added to 'cides' which slowly murders people; it's also used in metal adhesives, various.pigments, alloys, semiconductors and solid-state.doping agents; arsenic is an extremely poisonous usually white powder that has many highly poisonous compounds; see element table
of or containing arsenic, especially with valence

one that audits accounts; one who audits a course; one who hears; a listener; from Middle English, from Anglo-Norman 'auditour' and from Latin 'auditor' meaning 'listener' and from 'audire' meaning 'to hear'
an examination of records or financial accounts to check their accuracy; an adjustment or correction of accounts (we did an audit of accounts and found some errors needing correction)
audit, audited, auditing, audits.verbs
transitive verb use.to examine, verify or correct the financial accounts of (independent accountants audit the company annually, so that they are not done by accountants working for the company being audited to ensure accuracy); to attend a course without requesting or receiving academic credit for the learning
intransitive verb use.to examine financial accounts; from Middle English, influenced by 'auditor' from Latin 'auditus' meaning 'a hearing' and from past participle of 'audire' meaning 'to hear', from which we get words to do with hearing such as 'auditory'

any of various.water-soluble.pigments that impart to flowers and other plant parts colors ranging from violet and blue to most shades of red

living or occurring only in the presence of oxygen (aerobic bacteria); of or relating to aerobes; involving or improving oxygen.consumption by the body (aerobic exercise); relating to or used in aerobics (aerobic shoes bring in air to them as you walk which help to keep the feet dry and also cool on a hot day)
also called.aerobium.noun,.plural.aerobiums
an organism, such as a bacterium, requiring oxygen to live; from French 'aérobie' and Greek 'aer' meanong 'air'

a la.preposition
in the style or manner of (a poem a la Rumi); from French, short for 'a la mode de', meaning 'in the manner of'

anglicize, anglicized, anglicizing, anglicizes.verbs
if you anglicize something, you change it so that it resembles or becomes part of the English language or English culture (he had anglicized his surname)
transitive verb use.to make English or similar to English in form, idiom, style or character
intransitive verb use.to become English in form or character

artificial intelligence (AI).noun,.plural.artificial intelligences (AI)
AI is computer language for the ability to perform activities through robots, but there is more, much more sinister.stuff about it.
