Ask yourself
before deciding on any vaccine for you
or your family. See and learn from doctors
who've reported the truth. The good stuff the criminal medical/pharmaceutical,
al complex have conspired
to keep from you is, the covid so-called
'vaccine' is not a vaccine whatsoever.
It has not been registered and as such can never be registered for
anything to do with health. It is a killing mechanism, a bioweapon, designed
to murder, maim and severely harm those who may have been bamboozled
into taking it, as many doctors and scientists have proved, as well as
people have proved by losing their lives. One must comprehend
that there are satanists
who are out to deopulate.(murder).most
of humanity. The
registered as vaccines, but no jab needed, no poisoning and does a body
good are Ivermectin, Regeneron, Chlorine
Dioxide Solution (easier to take than the MMS.Master
Mineral Supplement), Potassium
Iodide, Hydroxychloroquine and Boron (detoxing
from vaccines; hydroxychloroquine and boron you can easily make at
home). These proven safe and effective
health are criminally kept.(*).from
you by this evil complex of death, with the help of the complicit
mainstream news sources, better know as propaganda
sources, spouting
things as this communist dictate:."Public
education must establish the status of vaccination as a social norm, ensuring
that public discourse is not dominated by vaccine opponents."'s
that for communist propaganda from Chief Public Health Officer of Canada
Dr. Theresa Tam.(now
by another lackey),
who wants us to 'trust the science' on vaccines. Does she mean trust the
science they want kept hidden from the public for 75 years?
They want you to just trust what they say, that is, their propaganda,
to get you to do something they know well are based not on science, but
are nonsense. The true science they want hidden from you.
That's what authorities often
say when they want questions you may have, to remain in the unquestionable
category, because they know true answers would incriminate
"I would rather have questions
that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned."....Nobel
Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman.(
What's the history
of vaccination?
One can even make their own
hydroxychloroquine easily. The sycophants
who suck up to the criminals have to give you the SDS.(Safety
Data Sheet).for
any vaccine if you ask for it. It's the law, but they avoid this,
as it all appears to be a quest to kill you. You can also check the ingredients,
And, here is more on aborted
babies and their cells used in vaccines. You support abortion, the
murder of children, if you take the poisonous vaccines, because baby tissue
is in most all of the ones they want to jab into you.
...if it's all more information
than you can handle at this time, check out the quick infographics here
and the recent court case of Patrick Henry in Alberta setting the stage
to kick the hell out of the hoax
called covid, in that, it was the excuse to poison you with their injection.
See actual deaths from this
hospital region from covid and the Vaccine
Death Report and the worldwide figures
on deaths and injuries from the jab. See the movie Tolerance Lost.
Pascal Najadi talks with Professor
doctor Sucharit-Bhakdi about the princess of Thailand's 8 week coma and
death linked to the Pfizer jabs. They talk about covid being a proven fraud
at 19 minutes in and criminal charges brought against those having pushed
vaccines as being "safe and effective", what they say about any
poisons used on the public; at 23 in shows the genius of Trump in flushing
out the covid criminals with his 'warp speed' directive to get the 'vaccines'
out to the public way ahead of the cabal's plan to do so, which would have
killed way, way more people:.1Corinthians
9:22 "To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak. I make
myself all things to all people that I might by all means save some.";
at 30 in, it's not the spike proteins, but the package they come in,
which are lipid
nanoparticles, that are deadly. See the video.
Pascal Najadi is a well-known international Swiss investment banker,
filmmaker, author and the son of Hussain Najadi, the founder of AmBank
Group in Malaysia, who was murdered on July 29, 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Pascal Najadi was a member of the Management Board of Dresdner Bank, London
and from 1993 to 2003 was responsible for the capital markets business
in the emerging markets of Central Europe, Central Asia, the Russian Federation,
Africa and the Middle East. He was born on August 20, 1967 in Lucerne,
Switzerland. His mother is Heidi Anderhub-Minger, a direct descendant of
Rudolf Minger, former Swiss Federal Councilor and President of the Swiss
Confederation before and at the beginning of World War II. Pascal has filed
criminal charges against the current Swiss President, which he talks about
in this video.
Pascal Najadi produced the Swiss feature film "GROUNDING, die letzten
Tage der Swissair" (2006), which was voted one of the best films in
Swiss film history. In the summer of 2022, he began production of the docu-drama
"The Najadi Assassination" about the murder of his late father Hussain
Najadi in Malaysia. The renowned Swiss filmmaker and director Michael Steiner
is part of his production team. Pascal Najadi lives in Switzerland and
is married to Anna Najadi-Janson, a professional Swiss photographer.
The criminal vaccination
pushers are sneakily
poisoning you. Magnetism INTENTIONALLY added to 'vaccine' to force mRNA
through entire body. It is done through a lipid nano system pushing the
mRNA technology into places it was never meant to be
Millions Against Medical
One can see that vaccines
are adulterated
when you check the ingredients, but manufacturers often don't list harmful
ones, manipulating by gaslighting
and by hiding ingredients like ethyl mercury.(called
'neglecting' to list other extraneous substances
found out to be heavy metals.(how
to clean them out of your body).and
then lying about it, so the poisoning of humanity, infertility
and death pathways can
continue. See the Congressional
Record for US House of Representatives Senate Subcommittee Hearing
on Autism, May
6, 2004, Senator Dan Burton.
"There will be in the next
generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude
and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind
of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will
in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy
Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961.
Now think, why would you
ever want to leave your liberties behind and why would anyone want to take
them away from you?
Shiv Chopra (, chief
at Health Canada
passed on).and
former world vaccine expert at World Health Organization.(WHO),
who was a good man protecting people from those in the WHO and Health Canada
advocating poisonous vaccine injections, food additives and
devices. Dr. Shiv Chopra's advice
on vaccinations."Don't
get any of them, an immune system has no need of poisoning."
Dr. Chopra would be the first one to tell you what he means by that broad
sweeping statement and that was 'don't get any you don't need', meaning
what if you're bit by a rabid
dog or skunk, etc. and not yet have knowledge of what natural remedies
you could use? He meant not to get the ones you have no urgent
need for and feel you are being conned into decision on. Nature has
cures for all illness and without poisonous vaccines, if one
cares enough to learn about them in advance and to stop
trusting authorities most of whom constantly lie to you. Why constantly?
Be prepared with knowledge about the Creator's remedies. Learn, learn,
Now you know why information
on what nature can do is not taught in schools. Rabies is no problem
for nature's cures.
to listen to your intuition.
Learn about intuition. This asking inside yourself will keep you from accepting
ideas of others which make you feel they have your best interests at heart,
when they may really be out to fufill their depopulation agenda by killing
you slowly or quicker.(example),
while these murderous criminals in the pharmaceutical / medical / chemical
/ political / media / banking
continue violating the Nuremberg
Code. Don't allow anyone to override your God given rights by dictating
what goes into your body. DO NOT trust
authority unless your heart tells you they are to be trusted. The decision
is always yours. Make sure there
is no possible harm attached to it.
God given rights are Natural
Laws of God and down from there into Common
Law of all nations, but the cabal liars are out to keep any and all
truth on anything away from you, because they are the product of
satanic purposes, using their private corporations in inflicting harm in
various ways upon We the People.
But haven't vaccines eradicated
serious diseases of the past? Not at all!
It's made to look that way even when the disease is still around, by relabeling
it. You can't believe how many lies they use to keep you on track for the
they've lined up for you. Oh yes! It's been planned all along for decades;
their world without you in it. And this has even been going on surreptitiously,
in different ways, for centuries 1,
Now it's being stopped and that permanently! Be careful making decisions
until you see it has all been stopped.
His main advice on GMOs
and vaccinations was to avoid them entirely.
vaccine ever, since the first one in the late 1700's, has stopped transmission
of any disease or done any good for anyone of any age,
spite of what you have been propagandized
into believing and in spite of you not knowing how incredibly powerful
your own immune system really is. In fact you've been conned into believing
vaccines do the opposite of what they actually do. Get his book.Corrupt
To The Core.(one
reason why to get it), available
at libraries or purchase at booksellers or Amazon.
of the highlights from Dr. Shiv Chopra's site before it disappeared.
Government breaks the law
re covid, masks & lockdowns
Just one example of
the craziness the government lackeys
implementing the Covid con.have
How can you tell the vaccine,
scientists, are corrupt?
cabal controlled medical/pharmaceutical/chemical corporation racketeers
avoid the more powerful and safer ways to get and stay well
and healthily advance in life, instead, carrying on in spite of massive
evidence to the contrary of their protection
racket scams
...the same cartel avoids
emphasizing strengthening the human immune system and this was avoided
in medical education, which prefers to follow the propaganda that vaccines
are safe and effective for preventing disease
...the same medical, pharmaceutical,
chemical cartel has never done
a study comparing vaccinated with the unvaccinated; that's how much they
care about you
...generally no seriously
harmful examples of those harmed by vaccines are made widely available
as the media is controlled

"The most successful
is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity but the one that removes
the awareness of other possibilities, that makes it seem inconceivable
that other ways are viable,
that removes the sense that there is an outside."....The
Closing of the American Mind.(*),
Allan Bloom. Example of this is hiding helpful information on methods of
health used for decades or hundreds or thousands of years.
Vaccinations can and do
injure you, initially
mildly and cumulatively
over time or severely
to the amount of poisons used in them. Click on the pic for the 10 min.
video. Almost the same vaccines sales pitches are used today as back then.
The injuries just never stop! They are out to harm you toward death.
Bill Gates in it all
is a process, a systematic means of exploring possibilities, not a dogmatic,
set of beliefs."....Dr Kelly Brogan,
and Brain Health. There is absolutely no science to the covid bullshit,
none whatsoever.
In some countries the so-called virus
goes away during curfew hours. In other countries idiot administrators
follow the dictates of the corrupt World Health Organization.(actually
a World Homocide Organization), the Center for Disease Control.(because
they are a vaccines sales company masquerading as a 'we help you with good
information' corporation, we call them the Center for Disease Creation
corporation).and their partner in lying,
the Federal Drug Administration or FDA (the Federal Disinformation
Administration corporation) and other cohorts.
If there is no
is the testing for? Ah! They have an agenda and they ain't tellin' you.
But you can find out unless you want to remain asleep to research and awake
to mainstream media lies.
Such idiocy as social distancing, which itself
is a misnomer,
where only 3 allowed in small stores which helps to wipe the small stores
out, as they did in the contrived
1929 economic crash, enabliing big cabal controlled stores to take
over. Hey! It's the
cabal and if you don't stand up with others who know the truth, well,
have you got? Idiocy such as 'stay 6 feet apart', unless you're on
an airplane where you sit within 2 feet of the next person. Idiocy such
as you can't cross the border in your car, but it's ok to in an airplane.
Idiocy such as the stupid idea of masks (,
allowing non elected 'health' bureaucrats to dictate policies which override
the laws of Natural Laws of God, on which are built Common
Laws extant throughout time and effective today. Idiocy such as only
so many peoole can gather together outside and a lesser amount inside.
All to 'prevent the spread' of what is erroneously believed to be an infection
from what is wrongly termed a virus,
because no 'virus' ever, scientifically, could ever infect anyone.
People choose out of their own stupidity. It saves
these lazy people from using their intuition,
their inner guidance abilities and so they park their brain and avoid researching
to arrive at truth, instead opting
for the bullshit mainstream media propaganda 'news', thus, remaining comatose.
they don't find out that if they have life insurance,
it's null
and void with some insurance companies, if they die within the
first year of taking an unapproved product such the covid injection
which is actually a bioweapon administered by those highly influenced by
Satan to murder people, such as the criminal pharmaceutical / medical /
chemical complexes.
Many around the world already have died
after being injected with the device
as a vaccine, the
called the Covid jab. Life Insurance Company states if you have had the
covid-19 'vaccine' and die from it, they consider your death as suicide
and won't pay your beneficiaries your life insurance as they-consider-your-death-as-suicide
False opinions perpetuated
by those receiving money for pushing the Covid con, such as stupid and/or
paid off politicians who just may have screwed themselves if they have
money for promoting the lies and deaths. Along with them are the corrupt
those too asinine
to use any commonsense
thinking abilities. The 'yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir' people are
those believing lies from the mainstream media stations and have no idea.(because
they have been brainwashed
for so long).of the real worldwide
conspiracy daily affecting them toward death.
And totalitarian inclined politicians show their
true colors by going along wth the covid fraud
and many other 'health' frauds
preceding it, thus joing in the
war against people by using such health frauds and other frauds such
as the Birth Certificate scam,
the Income Tax scam, the interest payable on loans scam, the 'not enough
money' shortage scam, the 'we're a country with leaders in control' scam,
etc. It's all a war on people of the nations. Arrest them! And that
is now being done. Did you do anything to bring
it about or were you a victim of being bamboozled?
Did you even check to see what rights
you have? Have you prayed
and meditated?
What prevents humanity from
awakening is if one carries on not responding? He has in this process,
the searing of his own mind:.1Timothy
4:2 "Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared
with a hot iron.".Such
stupid adults are they that believe that injecting poisons is 'boosting'
their immune systems, when it's relly another boost toward death; all satanic
lies propagated
by those subject to the dark side, in order to poison,
disable, maim and kill humans as quickly as possible:.Revelation
harms kept from you knowing about them, so
you'll buy into the misinformation.package
that vaccines are safe, which none of them are or ever were better than
nature's remedies.(see
Dr. Shiv Chopra, above and Robert F. Kennedy's
Vaccine labels on the vials
doctors, hospitals, nurses and pharmacists receive, say thimerosal
free, but it's a lie.
Thimerosal is highly toxic
this graphic below shows.
It's a trade name for the mercury produced by Eli Lilly pharmaceutical
company. Why is it added as an adjuvant
to the horrible concoctions
called vaccines if it's so toxic
or even toxic at all?
According to those trusting
in anti-science,
it makes the vaccine more effective by gaining a greater immune response
through severe poisoning. In other words, we can do better than God who
designed the immune system.
But they can't, of course. Anything the body interprets as a poison, it
wants to rid itself of.
But the anti-science people
who are all for vaccines, for whatever reasons there
could be.(money,
depopulation, hate other humans), are
also anti-thinkers and anti-health and at
the worst, anti good people. It's clear now that it's a depopulation.(murder).agenda.
Why is it they follow against those who believe scientific.truth
about vaccines and other poisonings.(see
the 9 part series.The
Truth About Vaccines). Why would
anyone ever recommend any vaccine, when none have been proven to
ever have done any good?.(*)
You know why? Because they
have little or no idea how powerful an individual immune
system can be in handling natural threats to it like chickenpox, measles,
whooping cough, mumps, etc. Note that viruses are not mentioned here, because
never can infect anyone. What's
a virus? You might as well find out, because medical so-called.'science',
doesn't seem to know, so then it's medical non science or nonsense.
As long as one's immune system
hasn't been harmed by vaccinations and other unnatural
frequencies, the 'cides' and
chemicals used to grow and protect nutritionally.deficient
and genetically
altered crap they call 'food', the body is designed by God with its
incredible systems to ward off all negatives, unless of course one stupidly
allows his body to be poisoned; stupid because they don't see how they
have swallowed as truth, the lies from Satan's propaganda masters.
There is nothing in vaccines
that is beneficial to the physiological
system. Many good doctors have reasoned this out on their own, once they
grow away from the false information under the banner of 'vaccines will
protect you' It's a complete lie!
If people espousing.the
poisoning of humanity were smart enough to see that is exactly what is
happening and weren't so unscientific and closed-minded, the documentaries
and VAXXED II and so many other sources of scientifically helpful
information would give them a lot more than haphazard.opinions
they seem now to be operating their daily responsibilities by. These are
the unscientifically
minded ones attempting to foist
opinions on the unstudied.populace.
Here's how they lied regarding
in the form of thimerosal being added to vaccines. It's a matter of congressional
record. They used to add it after the vaccine was made. They were told
to not do that because of the danger of mercury. Now they don't add it
after the main concoction is made, but they do add it in the main
manufacturing process to
all the vaccines. So, its not added after.
It's added before. So, it's labeled free of mercury. But it isn't! Because
it's in this main mfg. process, they said it's not added to the finished
as before. So, the damage upon people can continue in ways
one may not notice right away until it's too late and an individual has
alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, dementia, chronic fatigue syndrome or
one or more of a whole host of other chronic diseases.
Know that satanists
tell the truth. All they tell you is a lie of
some kind or other, the crafted twisted truths, the information left out,
the blatant
wrong opinions, opinions supported by their phony
Congressional Record
US House of Representatives
Subcommittee, Hearing on Autism, May 6, 2004. It's in the Library of Congress.
Congressman Dan Burton's
questioning resulted in recommending that criminal sanctions be brought
against the head of the FDA and the CDC, because
of this cover up of mercury poison they were to remove, but didn't. Their
reason for adding the poison Thimersol in the first place was to force
a greater response from the immune system they wanted to wipe out. The
purpose of all purposeful
to wipe out the immune system
the only true God made you with. But it's always
your choice, made either in ignorance, not caring about your body's
health or deceived by those you trust.
No media covered this most
important event. You can't at all trust the lying mainstream media's news
coverage regarding reporting on the horrendous damage pharmaceutical companies
were and are still responsible for. The CDC is itself a vaccine sales company,
along with the FDA, the rubberstamp organization used to approve pharmaceuticals.
They are all part of the harmful worldwide satanic
whose purpose is the elimination of anything created by the true God, such
as you and any good thing on the planet.
Hello! Why give vaccines
to 'improve' the immune system when every one of them suppresses
the immune system? That's how they lie. Purpose is to kill you, either
slowly over a few years or quickly or both. That's what the dark side ones
are like. But once you comprehend the hidden from view plot against all
humanity, then it all makes sense. One can start by seeing these
When it comes to 'protection'."Booster
shots are all hogwash
and are based strictly on rhetoric."....Dr.
Rashid Buttar. Their effect is to 'shove down' an immune system that has
been working hard to get rid of the poisoning any previous vaccinations
provided. The immune system God designed for you has been engineered to
work all your life. Just don't interfere with your immune system it by
allowing your body
to be poisoned.
If you don't stand up for the
rights given you by the good people in recent history, then you have
no rights, do you?
Vaccines never have
been properly tested to be given to anyone. Babies with a developing natural
immune system are, if you can believe it, given vaccinations.
It's no wonder autism
is up from 1 in 20,000 and is now 1 in 28 new births.
Measles breakout
was the excuse for more vaccinations, but they certainly avoided telling
the truth, where analyses showed it wasn't wild measles as claimed by the
liars, but from those who contracted it from others who had received the
measles vaccination. Vaccinations not only harm
but also spread disease.
Pathological teams reports
are outclassed by the controlled media that only reports on what the infectious
disease team allegedly finds, such as, 'this number of people have now
been infected', as compared to the information the pathological team may
have on the toxicology.(what
is poisoning the human system).

-Articles on the pandemic
(plandemic/scamdemic) and masks:
The True
Story of the 1917-18 'Spanish Flu'. The so-called 'Spanish' flu wasn't
at all Spanish, but is proven to be a vaccine concocted by the ancestors
of the same people out to kill you today, which are those influenced by
the master duper.(Revelation
12:9), out to destroy all
humanity; that's the satanic way:
Dr. Denis Rancourt Examines
COVID-19 Riddles, on
Eyeopening information. How a mask harms you besides retention of toxins
the body is normally trying to rid itself of and enabling chemicals in
the mask to enter your body and reducing oxygen your body needs by 17 to
27 percent. Masks set you up for illness, more
so if you're already further down the road on the pathway of death;
called comorbidities.
But stupid people sillily
stand up for what they believe are authorities to be trusted and what they
are told by them, such as these cops
who were made sure by the cabal not to know anything about people's
= A & 9 =
I, means.Artificial
is a patented.device,
it was purposely created and owned and though labeled a vaccine, is actually
a bioweapon to kill you, but there are three types used, one is a saline
injection, which won't kill you, so you tell others 'I've had the vaccine
and I'm fine' and another is the harmful flu shot with added graphene oxide
as they have done now to all vaccines because they were too slow at killing,
taking 2-4 years to kill you, unless you know
what to do. And the third is the almost immediate kill shot, no time
to do anything, from immediate to about 5 days or so. This patented device
is erroneously called a vaccine
for surreptitious reasons,
those reasons including the legalities.of
it being called a vaccine are m
favorably legal than it being called what it actually is and that's a device,
a gene therapy device used as a
but this is hidden from the people being affected by it, instead calling
it a vaccine, laced with Graphene Oxide,
a highly poisonous compound which has no reason other than murder to be
put in jabs to eliminate people; dangerous to animals too. The third
most dangerous jab contains Graphene Hydroxide.
See the
video. Other murder weapons they used are drugs called Remdesever and
Midazolam and of course devices called ventilators.
The RT-PCR Test.(Reverse
Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction):
How to Mislead All Humanity.
Using a 'Test' To Lock Down Society:
And what about the swabs
used on you that have cancer causing ethylene
oxide on them?
German Corona Investigation on Crimes Against Humanity by using the
Covid hoax.
Dr Robert Young
has true information, pictures of the covid con and a lot more.
"If the fish is sick, what
do you do? Change the water or treat the fish?"
...Dr Robert Young
can be found at these places:
Ultimate Proof Covid-19
Was Planned to usher in the corrupt cabal's New World Order, destroying
economies of the world so they are more easily taken over:
An RFK Jr. interview with
David E. Martin of.Plandemic
David E. Martin has also
explained that the so-called vaccine isn't at all a vaccine, according
to a vaccine's legal definition. It's a device, a device they hide under
the vaccine name so those who don't research such things.(politicians,
health bureaucrats, the general easily soothed public).remain
asleep to what's really going on. More
of David E. Martin's explicable
very important information.
It is a medical
because it meets the CDRH Center for Devices and Radiological definition
of a medical device. It is not a living system, it is not a biologic system,
as it would be if it were a vaccine. It is a physical technology. It happens
to just come in the size of a molecular package. The mRNA vaccine isn't
a vaccine but genetic engineering, a biological 3D printer, capable of
producing a cytokine
storm where the body becomes at war with itself.
This dormant pathogen has
the ability to activate, when fused with the other half of a binary
poison. It's a two part poison, hidden by lipids. Since the mRNA vaccine
is in fact an operating system, another element can be introduced into
the body at a later time and when the two elements interact, a binary poison
can be created. These two separate elements fomenting
into a singular binary poison cannot be traced back to the original alleged
mRNA vaccine. A hidden harmful destroyer:.Hebrews
The device involves
gene therapy with a genetically modified serum, that is using your own
body to alter your genes, all unknown to you, at first and never
disclosed to the public. This mRNA
non vaccine is a synthetic code, whose purpose is to create a synthetic
spike protein in every cell of the human body. To protect you from these
horrible things that you can even get from them shedding
if someone has had the jab and got one that wasn't just a saline injection,
here are some ways. Shedding poisons
on you by creating a synthetic spike protein, where the body is deceived
into an unnatural process of replicating mRNA and bypassing the safeguards
built into one's normal organic immune system. In essence the newly created
spike protein may become a dormant pathogen in the body. See Dr
Sam Bailey, what she found out.
It's an awful experiment
and guess who this harmful experiment is on? Their experiments, of course,
are to monitor your dying, as slowly or quickly the harm progresses. Many
are being harmed.
It's the synthetic proteins
eliciting the immune response, not the mRNA. The DNA present in every
cell is turned into codes for the protein. The mRNA is an intermediary
between the gene and the protein. It is the protein to which the human
body develops the immune response. Therefore, by definition the mRNA vaccine
isn't actually a vaccine because it doesn't elicit an immune response.
mRNA is asking the body's
cells to produce protein as a response.(you
go kill him, I'm going to sit back and direct you),
prompting the antibodies to stave off chances of infection. mRNA is simply
a messenger system.(here's
what I got for you). Depending on the
'package' it was instructed to deliver it could be very bad or just bad.
Professor Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi discovered, it's the package that has
the poison, similar to the poison added to some cereal packages to keep
the processed cereal crisp.
"If it disagrees with experiment.
It's WRONG!"....Richard
That's why pharma avoided showing the results of
experiments and wanted them sealed off from public view for over seventy
years. But others who were not corrupt scientists, made know the disastrous
results regarding the health of people and finally a court released the
Pfizer and other pharmaceutical companies documents. These sort of criminal
things should not have to be dragged out for the public to become aware
of them. And, they would not even happen if the constitution.We
the People.originally
set up was adhered
to and.We
the People.monitored
to immediately hold accountable anyone stepping away from the constitution's
protection and fomenting
harm upon the good people of society.
Before considering
really, why consider any of them at all?),
have your antibodies checked about three times over a few months. What's
in the Covid jab is designed to be an irreversible
genetic modification of the human body, through
redirecting its immune system to become a manufacturing facility, in other
words, to take it over. The body is now genetically modified and when the
next natural occurring exosomes,
such as what we call the common cold, comes along, the immune system could
mistakenly interpret it as a serious antibody attack and begin to attack
itself, producing the aforementioned cytokine storm. The human having received
this insult to its body is because the criminals hid the truth from you.
As one top CDC.(Center
for Disease Control or is it creation),
private for profit company that
sells vaccines to governments
and like the so-called
Federal Reserve, the CDC is not at all a government entity and by
results so far it should perhaps be called the Center for Disease Creation
for Vaccine Sales, as this top CDC official has stated 'there
never has been one vaccine that did what they said it would do'.
Shiv Chopra years ago warned us about this.
They all, every
one of them, harm the immune system God made you with, one
example. So, it's satanic, right! But what else would you expect from
the dark side out since the beginning to destroy humanity?
At 1 hour 42 minutes into
video David E. Martin explains about the new plan of eradicating men,
women and children the deep state regard as lower
than insects and using the
covid vaccine to do so.
If we said were going to
give people prophylactic
therapy for the cancer they don't have, you'd be laughed out of a room,
because that's a stupid idea. That's exactly what this is. This is a mechanical
device in the form of a very small packet of technology that is being inserted
into the human system to activate the cell to become a pathogen-manufacturing
not a vaccine. It's an mRNA
packaged in an envelope delivered into a cell..The
device is an operating system calleld mRNA
which is designed to alter the inherent patterns God designed to maintain
you as a human being.-.Frankenstein
anybody? Why is it dangerous?.It's
medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a
creator. It's not at all a vaccine issue. Vaccines
are a legally defined term where immunity has to be stimulated and transmission
of a disease is disrupted. This is not that. It is rather, a treatment.
The term 'vaccine' is being used to sneak this thing under public health
exemptions. You are getting a chemical that's made to make you sick.
80% of people getting this medical device have a clinical adverse event
negative response, such as MS, Lou Gehrig's disease, alzheimers, etc. Nothing
about this stops anything but creates illness. There's no non conflicted
voice on any platorm as the media worldwide enforces the deep state designed
pharmaceutical / medical / chemical / political / media and banking
through deep state puppets such as Rockefeller/Rothschild and corrupt communist
Chinese puppets, which now have all been removed. Their systems are remaining
but waning and
all will soon be completely gone. Such forces
of evil have been out to harm humanity over past centuries.".Information
comprised with the article mRNA Vaccine Lie: Physical Technology Designed
To Induce Illness.Monday,
March 15, 2021 by Lee Austin, who is also the author of Morning Star's
The cabal
has shown
what they think of those not of their ilk.
In this video, at about the 34 minute point gene Decode reads word for
The Secret Covenant about purposes of these evil ones, regarding
all but those of their ilk, as being lower than insects and worse.
Find about their satanic long term evil plan for the humanity they despise
and see how it was playing out today, but thanks to Putin of Russia,
Trump and the Alliance militaries, it has been stopped dead, all
46 biolab production facilities that were all in Ukraine have been taken
down, with some having been moved to Romania, necessitating more removal.
Virtually all DUMBS & tunnels where the scum
did their dirty work, are now
cleaned up or almost finished being cleaned up.
See and hear gene Decode read the short.(10
at 34 minutes in
also at 35 minutes in on this URL
And see the Banker's
Manifesto. And, why did
the good God of all creation allow it to become so evil?
Many good caring doctors upset over injecting
aluminum and all the other poisons
into your kids and the inflammation caused is the reason auto immune diseases
are rising in children. Dr.
Ardis on it.
Also see Reiner Fuellmich and his information.
And, a heads up to
alert you to what the evil ones have planned for you. But not to worry!.Psalms
91:3. Care for others by praying
and meditating.
And a typified
example of the cabal's uncaring arrogance, regarding you as worthless.
And on that see Janet
Ossebaard's reports on how these odd,
and uncaring ones progressed through the history of the world until today.
Dr. Mercola and The
Plandemic documentary; Plandemic
II with David
E. Martin also here.
as, are patented, meaning they are made on purpose. Vaccines
are made by the same group. What does that tell you?
showing up the lies.
Science Officer for Pfizer Says 'Second Wave' Faked on False-Positive
COVID Tests, 'Pandemic Is Over' till they fake the next one.
Covid-19 Roadmap: Towards Global Economic Chaos and Societal Destruction.
Nobel Prize winning Ph.D.
medical physicist, Dr. Otto Warburg
shocked the world when he revealed that most disease is caused by insufficient
the body getting to the cells, not just into the blood stream.(welcome
to air travel and jet lag).
His studies showed that if you deprive a cell by 35% of its required levels
of oxygen for 48 hours the cell is likely to become cancerous, whether
or not one's tissues are on the acidic side or the alkaline side. See the
new information on acid vs alkaline in a video by that name here
Breathe deeply often during
the day. And no,
exercise isn't the key.
In fact too much of it is to be avoided, but you do need exercise, walking,
stretching, resistance exercise, weights are good. Also to be avoided are
masks, depriving the body of 27% oxygen. Hey, think the 'health', medical/pharmaceutical
criminals didn't know that? Wake up. They are out to eliminate you.
-That Mask
Is Giving You Lung Cancer. Here's how & why.
-Information on what
you can do.
A comparison:
versus unvacinnated.(who's
better off by far?)
or false?)
immunity or vaccines, which really protects you? And difference between
immunization & vaccination and what about vaccine
Why the corrupt individual
medical/pharmaceutical/chemical ones and their paid for worldwide
mainstream media, never talk about how strong is the human immune
system, that is,.if
vaccines and other poisonings
the Chemical/pharmaceutical companies initiated for you?
the medical/pharmaceutical
corruption on poisonous vaccines, which is all of them since day one
ingredients kept from all of us apart from those who did their research.
Some of the main ingredients. Why were
they added to vaccines along with the regular poisons
already in them? Wasn't the first child injured by a vaccine a warning
not to go any further down the road with vaccines? Why does humanity carry
on beyond warning signs unless he has an
evil side to him that he keeps feeding? What will wake humanity up,
if not the reap/sow multiversal
law? Why is humanity so smart in many areas, but appears as ignorant
in health. See the movie documentary.Plandemic
II.and Indoctornation.on
and you'll find out.
a good chance of complete recovery if under 9 years of age, if you follow
the alternative health protocols and the med
beds will fix anything to do with health, including psychological,
available soon.
in vaccines, in the form of thimerosal, by.Robert
F. Kennedy Jr., lawyer, JFK's
Robert F. Kennedy's site
Get on his mailing list.
One highlight of this report is."...a
shameful conspiracy to cover up the greatest public health scandal in
American history; the ubiquitous conflicts of interest, financial and
otherwise, that infect relationships between the pharmaceutical industry
and the public health authorities...We must come to recognize the milestones
of oncoming tyranny."
-movie on it
for 'Expert Pediatrician Exposes Vaccine Myths' at
started it; what perpetuated it? Bill Gates polio vaccine seriously maimed
and killed 10's of thousands of children in India; corrupt mainstream
media silent). Gates; Gates
from researchers on vaccine idiocy
discover covid gene manipulating concoction increases cancer (also
called covid 'vaccine'l it's a bioweapon to kill)
(Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, also called Crib Death)
and brain health.(not
-vaccine research health
-videos on: type into YouTube
(they now may have banned it, so try Bought
and that'll bring up more
are they?
is vaccinate?
II The Peoples Truth.(and
you trusted them to do you good).about
the heartaches a growing nuumber of parents who had their kids vaccinated,
now must endure; banned on Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, et
al, because of the good helpful information; there are murderous people
out to depopulate the world and don't want you to know about such things.
II can be seen on
also 'Viruses' below)
"Vaccination is a barbarous
practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our
time. Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need
be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction."....Mohandas
"What The Pharmaceutical
Companies Don't Want You To Know About Vaccines" by Dr.Todd
M. Elsner. (*)
questions to ask and demand answers to
letter for your employer to fill out if your are threatened with job
loss because of a vaccine issue
age 2
doctors who've died after vaccination
well after having been vaccinated
have they done any good; when you research it, look for the alternatives
by those dumb enough to get vaccinated with the Covid-19 bioweapon
of space.(also
called the Dirac
sea, after Paul Dirac and,
Bearden speaks about it)
in vain
Thor from Venus
to another
and Goths.(455-476
ancient veil's relevance for us today)
Lama Dondrup Dorje.(Chi
master explains and demonstrates internal energy)
by chapters and
verses; also favorites,
a sampling of important ones)
of destruction
John, Dr..(physicist
who developed a better hearing device)
women man has had from the beginning till today, limit
both of them)
the vine
man under his vine"
children learn
to design your life so it works for you and not against you)
creatures used in satantic practices)
are viruses and why they can't infect and, bacteria, what's
the difference and what about Covid?)
you learned about viruses is wrong and why
attitude makes a difference
Nile virus
of the imagination)
of own heart
says He'll visit one's life if wickedness isn't being gotten rid of)
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob in the kingdom of God)
others socially
happened to it?)
B6.(now banned
in some countries, but poisonous pharmaceuticals, cides
& vaccinations aren't, yet should be)
with cyanocobalamin)
of vitamins
vitamin dangers?
Vladimir Putin.(president
of Russia; quotes)
small voice of God)
returns to his puke)
Neumann, Johnny.(brilliant
to look for)
vows; Old Testament stuff)