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Here are former opening page lead articles
this is page 2; to page
1; to current main opening page
Learn about
See the movie
of Freedom, already way over 100 million
at the box office, about
the truth of the massive worldwide pedophile ring
and the children being
saved from these sickos. In theaters worldwide.
And from
the movie's star; what he says about this true movie and the man it
is based on,
Tim Ballard and his team.
Tim and team are saving children from corrupt politicians,
judges, lawyers, corporate
heads of health, police depts. along with the corrupt
mainstream media lackeys,
al, engaged in human trafficking for
horrific child abuse and,
and Bonnie Straight, the worldwide military Alliance and non terrestrial
Alliance are doing the same
in saving the children and others trafficked.
Thanks to all of them many
have been saved.
It is a worldwide
satanic ring covering all aspects of our societies.
And here, the movie's star,
Jim Caviezel
lot more info in
this short video.
We are in a war to
defeat the evil cabal.(aka
Deep State, aka Illuminati).and
share in the win! There
are those who fight, there are those who pray.(1,
there are those who watch
mainstream media and say, "what war?"
35:4 "Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not.
your God will come with
vengeance and a recompence. He
will come and save you."
So, how
would you know if
you are awake? When you research enough
to see what and who is behind
the evils and bring yourself to
the point of seeing the
entire world.was
almost taken over and
would have been if it was
not for the few seeing this early and
taking action to save all
of us, then you are half awake!
The other half of it is
that not only is God real,
but also is
and those above him such as the top AI
who had to be
by Christ.(superseded
by Christ).because....Jude
A special Q & A Event
Link takes you to this amazing and I mean, just
absolutely amazing information
on this gene Decode Q &
A Event with the Venus twins and also, all that's on his Deep Dives
section is free for you for 3 days after you sign up, so you can look around
and come upon what else you may like to see.
Another mindblowing interview with the Venus twins
What do you do when feelin' high to
keep it?
See Dr. Steven Greer's eyeopening video on non
terrestrials and government cover-ups, called The
Lost Century.
Got issues in life you wish weren't there? Somebody
not well?
If it doesn't go away with
this, then it's in your experience for
a good purpose that you may not see at the present
time and
will vanish when something is learnt that needs
to be.
Always be learning what the true God guides
you to.
is this guidance?
from Situation
Update by Judy Byington for July 19, 2023 at 57 minutes in, see the
list of lies the cabal dishes out which those trusting authority swallow
line & sinker. Vaccines anyone?
Update by Judy Byington. See July 1, 2023 episode for 'marked in blues'.
5 min. in, McDonald's, Burger King, human meat and body parts found
in food
6 min. 10 seconds in, all cabal
government assets handed over to
the People, cabal can't pay quadrillions
8 min, DO NOT GET INVOLVED in the cabal's FEDNOW or their CBDC.(Central
Bank Digital Currency), their new currency
scam for their New World Order. Many of their ilk
have awakened, seeing an ultimate fate with these criminals that's not
good. They have given those 'dyed
in the wool' globalists who are still in the scam, the middle finger
salute. They had come to see it's the same old financial slavery system
we've had worldwide 'forever' but updated with a new wrapper, now called
the Pact a formal agreement involving what's left of the UN.(United
of course leaving out We
the People, left out from providing input,
which they would not have considered anyhow. It's an enslaving agreement
concocted by evil controllers to increase slavery upon all of us of We
the People.
Stick with
new Quantum Financial System (QFS) of
the BRICS Alliance
already out in over 80% of the world and is greatly beneficial worldwide
for We the People;
should very soon be in Canada, U.S. & Mexico, as well as the few other
countries not yet in BRICS.
8 min, 20 seconds, Canada, U.S. & Mexico, signed treaty called
declaration of North America. Soon all one We
the People and for the people. Say bye
bye and good riddance
to the corrupt system of lies, greed, sickness, poverty, death and financial
-and at
15 min, 15 seconds in, 'med beds' shown
-and at
51 min in, Canadian clean up
was it that fired enthusiasm in early Christians so much that they
were able to endure horrible persecutions, even
to death?
And what happened to it today that the fire is
mostly dimmed?
Was it they knew these truths that the cabal hid
from us?
If you're serious about eliminating evils out
there, this will do it!
invocation by gene Decode. Protection
for you from the effect of
negatives, seen & unseen, upon your heart.
When the heart is strong spiritually, the
negative winds blowing won't topple
for you!
And see this too!
wait for it to be done very shortly by Trump, Putin and the
8000 plus helpers and
military Generals of the Alliamce
militaries working behind the scenes for you.
Get yourself well!
Military conclusions were
so good on CDS, it's now law for an entire country.
View results. See these
to easily make it),
And see the new series called Remedy,
put together by Ty & Charlene on recovering from the vaccine debacle.
*** To
see former lead articles that were on this page***
E x t r e m e l y
g r e a t t i m e s
a r e u n f o l
d i n g q u i c k l y ...
...as more nations
and territories join the
BRICS Alliance. BRICS is now at over 80% of the world's population
with many nations,
Britain being one, having joined and started to rewrite their constitution
in line with the great American We
the People Constitution of 1776. Trump
restablished this great constitution to bring freeness back to We
the People worldwide. The 1871 cabal bankers
criminal constitution was actually a corporation and against the good We
the People. Pretty well all countries now
are in BRICS with 42 nations having applied. Canada, Mexico, Australia
and New Zealand should be soon thanks to the military. Almost all of Africa
& South America is now in or have applications to be. Please have it
in mind to hasten it. NESARA/GESARA/BRICS/XRPL.are.finally
upon us. Speed it up where you are. Think often about it:.1Thessalonians
Monday to Friday.(and
sometimes Saturday and occasionally on Sunday; thanks Mary).Situation
Updates by Judy Byington at https://rumble.com/c/Mary
Follow Charlie, Judy Byington and Simon
Parkes to keep up on which other countries have joined BRICS, how close
we are getting to all the good coming and what else is going on we should
be aware of, such as about your millions, at 1 hour in on the December
16, 2022 Situation Update. And see more below on that at.millions.
Such governments throughout
the world are still in operation, masquerading.as
administrators of law, along with justice/legal branches which show their
war on the people by violating people's rights in favor of their own illegal
including rulings to cover one another's ass. All they do
and say are lies. They cannot tell the truth. It's just not
in those with satanic natures:.John
If they want to change,
God can repair their corrupted souls as gene
Decode explains, but it's up to We
the People to ensure these massive evils
never again begin to occur:.Jeremiah
8:10 "...every one from the least even unto the greatest is given to
covetousness, from the prophet even unto the priest every one deals falsely."
We the People
say NO to pharmaceutical.(the
bribe money), chemical.(poisons
everywhere), agricultural.(poison
what grows), food processing corporations.(calls
it food when it's actually poison chemical concoctions {see the absolutely
horrific things at 40 minutes in.https://rumble.com/v2e7mvg-situation-update-32123.html}).
Grow your own food and get away from what the liars are doing to us. Soon
you can get away from all the poisons in food by using a
replicator for quick nutritious food and other things such as clothes.
See on July 24, 2023 Situation Update at 1:02:17 in https://rumble.com/v325nmi-situation-update-72423.html
We the People
say NO to such corruptions that are propagated
by, approved by and protected by evil corporate politicians and their ilk
of the satanic dark side, including the so-called 'health' agency corporations,
corrupt corporate court systems, a corrupt corporate justice system, corrupt
judges, corrupt attorneys & lawyers, corrupt corporatized
police and associated departments/agencies, such as Child Protective Services,
corrupt corporate pharmaceutical, food, chemical and just about every other
corporation that interacts with the public:.1Peter
2:13,14. You're screwed by virtually all of them and so all these corporations
created under satanic Maritime/Admiralty
law, will not exist under We
the People's Constitutional law. All in
these corrupt administrations are being offered retraining in proper We
the People's law. Those that refuse will
reap what they've sown.
Ward. And a very
important Charlie show on how
the system steals children using the 'legalities'
of a horribly corrupt cabal legal system worldwide, of courts, justices,
lawyers, politicians, police, CPS.(Child
Protective Services).and,
are hospitals in collusion
with the crimes they all get massive amounts of money for?.https://t.me/DavidLesterStraight293.
You may think as you look
around your life, Surely the world isn't that bad.(1John
5:19), not realizing it's much,
much, much, much worse than you could ever imagine.(laid
bare here:.the
cabal's Secret Covenant and on Charlie's show it's explained
about your status as a slave, here https://www.bitchute.com/video/cCGNP1j2O9Ic/).
And an example about learning
to watch for evil things so they never again are allowed to occur as in
Calgary, Alberta: https://t.me/Peopleofthelie/1380.
out Simon's solid wisdom on his blog.
Click on the pic. He and Charlie
tell you about what's leading to the worldwide
fund. Got an idea to make the world better in any way, even in some
small or gigantic way? Get on the list. Wait for the 800 number in your
area, to book an appointment at the Redemption Center which wll be within
50 miles of wherever you live.
Straight here for more on how unlawful 'legal' criminalities
are, at 2 hours 19 minutes in, on how evil the present systems really
are and earlier in the video on how David and Bonnie get the children
back from the entire corrupt system before they are raped, abused,
tortured, organs taken while alive and eventually murdered for profit and/or
eaten by these shapeshifting demons.masquerading
as humans. Only a demon
would do the things that are being done and all the while the demonic
legal system looks askance:.Matthew
7:16-20. See the Aug. 6, 2022, free documentary by Stew Peters.(https://t.me/StewPeters),
Little Ones and you'll wake up to who these criminals are and see that,
apart from enjoying nature and good friends, it's not the nicey, nicey
society the brainwashing media makes it out to be in keeping you asleep
Really is it that
bad? No, it's way, way, way worse than decent people could comprehend.
Pray will you. How to wake up yourself, wake
up others and how
to stand up for rights God gave you:.James
4:7 "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will
flee from you." Joshua 23:10
"One man of you shall chase a thousand, for the Lord your God, he it is
that fights for you as he has promised you." 2Chronicles
32:7,8 "Be strong and courageous. Be not afraid nor dismayed for the
king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him, for there
be more with us than with him. With him is an arm of flesh, but with us
is the Lord our God to help us and to be with
us in fighting our battles..."
31:1. What
gene Decode said about it.
Ossebaard's recent report on murder in hospitals, murder purposely
done by those presenting themselves as worthy of your trust. How
could this happen? And the why is because they are satanists. Satanists
don't care everywhere they are and that's the whole world. They have one
overall purpose and that's to eliminate
of humanity.(the
ones the true God created).and
then all the mankind
Step by step society has
been led by lies into the evil mess it's now having to come out of. Dan
Willis shows and explains in the interview about a history
of the cabal, start at 4:57 in to the end. Dan's site is thewebmatrix.net
Also follow. Gene
gene Decode?) at genedecode.org
and blessedforservice.org
of gene's interviews {just below, the rumble.com video, gene's also on
rumble.com} covers 'Solar Warden', 'Radiant Glory' and Radiant Guardian;
and, the money,
how much there is for all of us, you won't believe it, at 25 to
26 minutes and at 1 hour 56 to 57 minutes. We've got a great future
'we' {meaning not the cabal but We
the People} got
the gold, etc. and other valuable assets
and it is over 90% done in reaching the rest of the world. Hang in there
guys. The evil is permanently finished everywhere
on Earth
and beyond, as explained by David E. Martin here.
Give some thought
to how you want management of a new government in your country. The old
ones are now being taken down. They ALL were corrupt. Many people want
their new one to be similar to the original 1776 American Constitution.
it and write down what you think. There'll be no more political
parties. Those in them caused the problems. Goodbye and good riddance to
them and the corruption they allowed to be brought on all of us. Talk is
of Mexico and Canada being one with our long time neighbor, the new United
called now the States of America or perhaps American States).an
arm of the huge BRICS Alliance.
Some 80 % of the world is now
in or applied to be in the new gold backed QFS.(Quantum
Financial System).of
BRICS Alliance countries and territories. .No
more fake money.for
people to trust in, the fake.fiat.money
the corrupt banking system worldwide created at
will, is being replaced with the QFS. Many people still being dull
and numb minded in especially nations of the fiat currency and its poisoned
Western world.(UK,
US, EU, Canada and some other nations).have
yet to wake up from the stupor
of unknowingness and disbelief as to what has negatively shaped lives for
centuries and their lives today. Theirs today, the duping.by
the MSM.(Mainstream
Media), the regular and mostly false
lying news on the tel-lie-vision. What to do?
"If you keep doing nothing,
you are the enemies best weapon."....https://tacticalcivics.com/
Some sell
themselves short by believing God will 'do it all for us'. Although
that is true, they may not have considered their part in getting
Find out about your millions.
I don't think that would be quicker at this time, as we are so close
to wide release of QFS, NESARA and GESARA,
it being announced some time ago, but coming out s l o w l y. NESARA/GESARA
will embody all of what's in your
Cestui Que Vie trust, saving you much learning and paperwork if you
did it on your own as David Straight, Ann Vandersteel and many others have
done after much learning. It's good to see what they have done to
get an overview, so you've at least got a heads
up and know something about it.
This verdict
by the
International Common Law Court of Justice, Criminal Court applies
and is effective January 16, 2022. It is being enforced.
And, the recent SCOTUS ruling
(Supreme Court of the United States)
And, the International
Court's verdict is against those having committed Crimes Against Humanity,
such as genocide,
which methods of destruction have also included use of the bioweapon.(the
so-called 'vaccines'). Everyone coming
under this worldwide arrest warrant includes any and all those having recommended
the bioweapon that is falsely called a 'vaccine', but is really an mRNA.concoction.
Included in the arrest warrant are medical, pharmaceutical, media and anyone
known to have recommended harmful vaccines.(which
actually were bioweapons to kill fast or slowly over a few years, depending
on the changing crap they put in these things, such as snake
anyone. Known as the ITCCS, it comes under a world wide superior rule,
The International Common
Law Court of Justice Criminal Division covers Crimes by Church and
State. This Court alone is very powerful. In Canada local law enforcements
had until January 25, 2022 3pm, to begin arrests on the
January 15, 2022 Court's order or
Allied Special Forces.often
called 'the White Hats'.(example).will
enforce the Court's International Arrest Warrant with or without the
assistance of domestic law enforcement agencies.
Emma Walmsley, the CEO of
is one of 75 felons
who was convicted of Crimes Against Humanity by the Court. The
for Crimes Against Humanity is death or life in prison.
Her GSK company also owns Google, YouTube, Instagram, etc. which quickly
erased and censored the Court's January 15, 2022 broadcast put on YouTube
of its verdict and sentencing of Walmsley and others such as Justin Castro
(Trudeau), Stephen Harper, Theresa Tam.(former
Canadian 'health' {more properly, death} minister and now she's gone, a
new puppet placed
there), Bonnie Henry, Jean Cretien,
Paul Martin, Beverly McLachlin, Elizabeth Windsor.(Queen
Elizabeth II), Paul Willms
(RCMP), Joseph Ratzinger (the pope), Devin
Stockfish (Weyerhauser Ltd.) and many, many more,
as in the
full court document. The cabal's
(aka Deep State,
Illuminati) lying corrupt media covering up what is really going
on, is complicit
and must also now be dealt
with. They will all soon be gone. These
are examples of those already gone.
The top and middle level
ones throughout this society of evil we live in have been removed for tribunals
involving charges of Crimes Against Humanity. Conviction of these crimes
against We the People,
earns them either death or life in prison.
Observation now is upon the
'coming uppers' into positions vacated by the top and middle ones. As we
see them do similarly, they too are earning the reward of those having
gone before them. We wait and see who they are and what they are doing:.Matthew
7:16-20. All the unrepentant
evil ones must be eradicated.
It will then be a clean kingdom:.Revelation
The entire
CORPORATION government
of Canada, is called just 'Canada',
but is or was Canada Inc. that is now
was in operation since
1867 and has been
run by the CPC.{Communist
Party of China}, as it's called in China, but called CCP.{Communist
Chinese Party}.by
the media in western countries). Canada
was mostly run by criminals. There still are a few good people remaining.
One is Brian Peckford.
Canadian politicians had
sold out the Canadian people for decades. Criminals such as these have
convicted of Crimes Against Humanity
by this Court. Corrupt Canadian political
parties were in on the scam to keep this information from We
the People of Canada. They never said a
word. There'll be no more political parties in Canada or the US, Britain,
etc. They've shown by their fruits what they have been like for hundreds
of years:.Matthew
7:16-20. We
the People will run the countries we live
in by using a constitution that is honest and fair that all must adhere
to as it will be monitored by We the
People . We don't want criminal controllers
around to hurt people any longer, because of what they have done and are
The entire
Canadian corporate Government being removed includes.(cities,
provinces, municipalities, territories and anything allied with the cabal
instituted federal government, a foreign owned corporation named
Canada {*} created by the cabal, not We
the People).in
this International Arrest Warrant,
along with 10,786 companies belonging to the now
defunct cabal corporation called Canada.(Canada
as some kind of a legitimate Canadian government, which Canada
has never had.
The Court
is seizing all of corporate Canada's criminal government of 10,786
corporations, all of its 570,000 employees, all of their assets.
anyone who continues to promote.(you
promote something by yourself showing you have complied with it).and
Administer the mRNA.so-called.Vaccine.(now
proved to be a bioweapon
to kill people of all ages).is
in the Arrest Warrant for contributing to genocide.
to stop the promotion, sale and use of the Vaccination.(bioweapon),
is Worldwide.
In Canada they accused, tried
and convicted the entire corporation government according to that published
verdict. That includes all levels - City,
Municipal, Provincial and Federal Politicians, Bureaucrats, Healthcrats.(doctors,
nurses, health care workers, pharmacists, hospital staff who complied and
even promoted what was lyingly called a pandemic),
School Board Trustees and everyone working under that umbrella has
been issued or comes under the International Warrant of Arrest.
Includes also,
and everyone who continues to partake in the promotion of, dissemination
of information and direct administration of covid injections. Do
you wear a mask and/or social distance? This communicates these illegal
and corrupt practices to others. This shows you are following a totalitarian
policy that is, in typical Nazi fashion, violating established into law
rights of others in Canada and similarly in most countries and territories
in the world and that you are part of the problem and therefore you come
under the International Court's Arrest Warrant. It may take awhile to get
to all these criminals, but they will as shown
in these examples, even if it takes years upon years. No one escapes!
The big fish come first. One's only option is to change now. Genocide
is very serious business and comes with serious penalties - death
or life in prison, where one's life is finished here!
Basically, the Court acknowledged
and confirmed the vaccine.(bioweapon).is
a genocide weapon. This Court has their
own Sheriffs and Deputized Police worldwide. They are huge. The arrests
have begun.
Nowhere to hide. And like in
everything there's two, one evil and one good and so it is with the courts,
with other things.
Now, watch for the
arrests continuing over the next few years. Note also all
Covid injection sites are being shutdown and all mRNA injections seized
All who pushed and injected
people with
'therapy' / covid injections, are part of International criminal investigation.
Every Country.is
arresting all who were/are connected to the covid so-called vaccine,
acting to impose their lack of knowledge on others for financial benefit
to them, such as employers and employees of grocery stores, doctors' offices,
provincial and city departments, transit companies, paramedic organizations,
police department administrators and employees, all stupid employees and
company owners who went along with ridiculous threats and couldn't even
stand up for themselves, instead allowing coercions to violate their and
the rights of others, thus becoming a terrible example to others of compliance
to tyranny. Every single one is known in the quantum computer and
will be gotten to no matter how long it may take, perhaps up to ten years,
but they were complicit to murder and they will be gotten to. Nowhere in
the world can they hide. All is known.
They were
all so stupid thinking nobody would notice them individually
as there's too many of them. Boy, were they wrong! They just didn't believe
the multiversal law of 'you
reap what you sow' and that because of being highly satanically influenced.
They always had a choice but chose evil and in one way or the other, chose
it for money. That's why, like the Nazi's of World War II, they went along
with the edicts from those above them and enforced harmful policies upon
others, taking away free choice.
Love is of humanity.
Evil is of the dark ones who have proven themselves unlovable by their
choices. They are harmful to a society of love. They will not be in it
and are being eliminated now so they won't be.
harmful have they been?
the information here similarly applies in most countries which use the
satanic cabal's concocted corrupt
Maritime, Admiralty, Civil, Statute,
Rules, Codes, Ordinances, Bylaws, Mandates law system, called the BAR,
in its subjugation of people's rights and used in how children are dispossessed.(stolen),
because of it.
Many of trafficked children
have had their minds messed with in severe mkUltra
experiments. See the Situation Updates series on it starting January
24 at 52-1:03 minutes, January
25 at 41-57 minutes, January
26 at 43-59 minutes January
30 at 27-42 & at 49-55 minutes, January
31 at 38-46 minutes, February
1 at 32-41 & 58-1:03 minutes, February
6 at 26 minutes in, February
7 at 22 minutes in, February
8 at 26 and a half minutes in, February
13 at 22 to 30, February
15 at 27 to 28 minutes, July
19, 2023 at 47 minutes in, July
1, 2024 at 35 minutes in.
And see what the incredibly
cruel Khazarian mafia world controllers did to the Tzar
of Russia and his family, the Romanovs.(some
pics with info). And a short very
well done historical documentary
on the Khazarian Bolshevik Revolution.(and.some
pics) and for a great condensed accurate history on Ukraine, see the
Surface Area at genedecode.org),
who started it, why and who these evil ones are today who are still out
to get Russia and to enslave and murder all of us anywhere, how? They
operate under different names such as liberal, conservative, republican,
democrat, Jew,
Israel and many more names such as most politicians worldwide, most judges
and their corrupt corporate Maritime court system with its BAR members
and lawyers, all in the corrupt worldwide Maritime/Admiralty law system,
used to keep people everywhere.at
odds with each other:.1Kings
10:12; Revelation 2:9; 3:9.
And yet even others, be they corrupt
lying doctors, health administrators, higher ups in all corporations,
banking, chemical, agricultural, etc.. Yep! They almost had the whole world
subjugated and if they had accomplished that, you would have already been
murdered or somewhere out hiding away from cities.
Such are these reptilian
shapeshifters, ones not
of humanity, not of the true God's creation, but satanic creations
who came here in their craft, landing on the steppes
of the Caucasus mountains
to begin their evil in taking over Earth. The Russians stood against this
evil subjugation, strongly resisting them, kicking them out of Russia.
Because of that these Khazarian demons immensely
hate Russians and Christians and even set up the Bolshevik revolution in
and murdered the ruling family who were the
Romanovs. Today you can tell who they are as they always hate the good
Russian people and all Christians everywhere.
We the People
do not need political parties. They have been proven to be divisive,
self-serving greedy liars, with many headed by evil shapeshifters, example
1, example 2. Only
a proper constitution set to benefit all good people will do and
that's one based on the great 1776
American Constitution.
England is now working on
theirs, but you won't hear about it from the yet to be taken down Khazarian
controlled news mass media. The criminal Khazarian Nazi/Communist types
could not exist under a proper people's constitution, where We
the People closely monitor all they do
or think of doing, unlike today where many simply monitor the soap operas
on tel-lies-vision, promoting the 'do nothing because it's all looked after'
lie, while you are slowly
enslaved, poisoned toward
death. and lied to.
Evils we have today is what
happens when people allow rulers to run away from the principles of Natural
Law as originally laid down to produce the
1776 American Constitution. You just 'gotta' get up and get going mentally
toward the great new world coming that's good. Get your mind into a state
of readiness
for it. Learn!
90:20-23 "The throne of iniquity.(the
mischief by a law. Why do you have fellowship with it? They gather themselves
together against the soul of the righteous and condemn innocent blood.(how
have they done this?). Let God be your
defence and the rock of your refuge.(always
follow God's ways:.Matthew
22:35-40). God shall bring upon
them their own iniquity.(*).and
cut them off in their own wickedness.(happening
now with the Alliance and non terrestrial militaries straightening things
out; pray about it will you? Remember God Almighty responds to you, 'no
wanty no getty':.Jeremiah
44:16). Realize God shall cut them
off.".For those
grappling with the criminals at CPS.(Child
Protective Services).over
the concocted reasons they come up with to permanently steal your
children, this
one is for you from David Lester Straight. Learn from David Straight
about your rights and how to protect your life and your kids with rights
you have, but have not known about due to the
horrible educational system we were all brought up in, leading us astray;
just where the cabal wanted you to be.
What gene Decode has to say
about the CPS criminal scam, at 1 hour 25 minutes in, at https://t.me/GeneDecode2354.
And gene's latest info on
what's going on in the world and Ukraine, is on https://rumble.com/user/RealGeneDecode
and a detailed expose on Ukraine is on gene's Deep Dives at https://www.genedecode.org.
Deep Dives is 7 dollars monthly or 77 yearly.

Wait for the new
financial system now being rolled
12:32 "Fear not little flock for it is your Father's good pleasure
give you the kingdom.".Be
sure to care for those in need:.Matthew
25:40 "...Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as you have done it unto
one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.".And
a way we can be effective here?
Do envisioning
and praise God that
you have from him what you want.(want
meditate so all the good stuff comes quicker than it would if you didn't
and in the process you'll save many from the clutches of the satanists,
such as these poor
12:3 "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament
and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever."
Your part continues after
cleanup. Your part is to help ensure that what the men and women of
Alliance militaries have done for you and all of us, continues. They
have been instrumental in giving us a great
new world based on love. They have eradicated the demons and those
influenced by them. Our part now is of keeping it that way, by being vigilant
so that the nonsense used by the
dark side to enslave us, never pops
up its ugly sick head ever again. We must watch and watch again to
ensure that a constitution that We
the People agreed upon is strictly followed
by all:.Isaiah
30:20,21. By keeping yourself pure, it keeps others pure. Follow your
