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Also don't miss his Lack & Limitation video and be sure to see 
Bruce Lipton's helpful information based upon epigenetic control. 
Bruce also is in the award winning movie What If The Movie.

Snake venom in so-called 'vaccines'.(bioweapons).and your drinking water.

More from Dr. Bryan Ardis

video also covers pets danger if vaxxed, toward the end of the video and
they told you in pictures in the Denver Airport what they were going to do to you

A new society based on the great republic constitutions of the world, including the American Constitution's initial writings in 1776 is taking the place of corrupt corporate kakistocracies, people in all countries have been slowly bamboozled by, that is, thinking they were their government and not knowing they are corporations having policies against best interests of people, examples.

England right now, as well as many other BRICS countries, are working on their We the People's constitution, using the original 1776 American Constitution as a template. The reason you see both good and evil in your country's governing, is because in all countries there are two governments.(an example of 'the trick of two'), the satanic one, which we are most used to.(why?.Psalms 55:21).and the good one which is unfolding again into view as the evil one is removed.

We the People say NO to criminal cruelties and poisons used by medical systems.(the bioweapon jabs, which include all vaccines since day one. Today they come under violation of the 1972 Convention On The Prohibition Of Biological Weapons).

And here's a February 26, 2023 'here we stand' talk from Kevin with a music introduction; true, shocking, will change your mind about those you've trusted.(Psalms 146:3).who have ruled you and harmed your life. https://www.bbsradio.com/podcast/here-we-stand-february-26-2023 When there scroll down just a bit to the black audio line and click on the arrow to start. 

The March 5, 2023 talk shows how to be a one man army, explains how people get zombified, talks about the Nazis first brought into Canada under Operation Paperclip and then the scientist ones went to the states and also shows the power of ridicule and mocking; see https://www.bbsradio.com/podcast/here-we-stand-march-5-2023

And the March 27, 2003 talk on the atrocities committed on children and others by those we once trusted, at 25 minutes in https://rumble.com/v2f2eho-situation-update-32723.html

The April 23, 2003 talk about the 30 trillion resource based value of Canada/Kanata to catch up to.We the People.BRICS countries and covers the importance of uniting the true republic of United States with Canada and Mexico and then or along with, South America https://www.bbsradio.com/podcast/here-we-stand-april-23-2023.

And see the May 7, 2023 blockbuster report showing why the crown of England was illegal and corrupt and what Crimes Against Humanity were allowed to be committed by them and others in Canada, a nation allegiant to the crown of England and a nation illegal from 1867 including today, a nation holding policies which have been designed to work against We the People.

In Canada and many other nations, deceit upon the people, as well as Crimes Against Humanity continue to be spread and upheld by the controlled lying media, the RCMP, United Churches, Anglican Churches and the Roman Catholic Churches, along with complicit politicians, pharmaceutical companies and their covid bioweapon. It was reported that it was "safe and effective". Pascal Najadi trusted their word. He shouldn't have. Here's what happened. Pascal is standing up.."The price good people pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil."....Plato.

Many, many other lies abound about the covid debacle and about everything else, really everything else. Like what? And you won't find out about them from mainstream TV, radio and print.

What Kevin says about all this corruption, you may know only a little bit, understandably so, because of the media cover-ups. So, you have to dig below the suface. One way is to follow the money, where and why it's gone and going.

May 7, 2023. Learn the full picture and you'll see how the covid con is also part of it https://bbsradio.com/podcast/here-we-stand-may-7-2023

August 27, 2023, if you haven't listened to the ones just above, this one will bring you up to date. When there, scroll down to the black audio line and click on the arrow to start the talk; sometimes has a musical introduction.

Keep up. There's a new one each Sunday. https://www.bbsradio.com/podcast/here-we-stand-September-11-2023

Kevin's also on Telegram at https//t.me/murderbydecree.com




           And after this one, see gene's latest on all this stuff
                        The Alien Races Book is also there.


See the videos on these at almost the end of
Thursday March 16 2023 Judy Byington Situation Update

A world hidden from view is new information to many. 
After you see it, see the synopsis for elucidation, here.


Mel K brings us up to date with her incredible research on history of the frauds
and lies the cabal uses to get and keep corruption going, who they are and 
what's being done about it. Very good intel.
It's good to learn how the cabal took over the system from We the People, as the more of us that do, the less chance of lessons learned ever again being forgotten. We can then watch to ensure terrible evils such as we now have, never creep in again, by staying alert on the high road of life and keeping ourselves out of the ditch of unconcern
But it goes further for us as the great opportunity of lasting rewards for efforts not having to do with money, but character enough to branch out and lead others beyond Earth.(Mark 13:27), away from negatives afflicting them there too. But you need your own life set first. Get the money! And with biblical principles explained by Dr. Joe Murphy, you'll develop the attitude that keeps positive thing in you and your family's life.

We are here to learn..Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to me, seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.".Why people's thoughts are constantly about themselves, their car, their house, their job, their position, their friends, than on taking some time for praying about others, such as, children being stolen and dying and the good militaries saving them, shows where one's heart is. Take a lesson from ancient Job and how his life totally opened up when he did this:.Job 42:10.
Matthew 7:13 "Enter you in at the strait gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many there be which go in thereat. 
James 4:7 "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.".How many hours have you wasted in front of the tel-lie-vision and in doing things you can look back on that turned out unprofitable and/or useless wastes of time? When will you use the paddle in your boat to navigate your life instead of drifting aimlessly through it, stupidly following destructive instructions?.Colossians 2:20.

David Straight explains benefits for you and your family. Get going with your prayer and study because:.Romans 9:28 "For he will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness. A short work will the Lord make upon the Earth." Luke 1:52 "He has put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree." Matthew 5:5 "Happy are the meek for their inheritance of Earth is established and secure." 1Corinthians 15:24 "Then comes the end when he has delivered up the kingdom to God the Father, after he puts down all rule and all authority and power.".Keep your mind on the good you want for all humanity, but do be alert to what causes the bad and worse, the evils, so you can pray about those causing them.

There is a way to.awaken others if you care enough about them.(2Corinthians 3:16; John 14:6; Hebrews 7:25; Psalms 37:40; 145:19; Romans 10:13-15; 1Corinthians 9:22; 1Timothy 2:4; James 5:20).and about what may come upon the Earth:.Luke 21:25-27. But first, how would you know if you are, as they say, awakened? 

Then the fake news will be seen for what it really is and you will have saved many from following advice of criminal 'authorities', backed up by the equally corrupt courts, justice, legal, attorney system and their nefarious ways used to subjugate others and keep them in the  way of pay, pay, pay. Pray for these evil ones.

Never get dismayed or discouraged.Here's why
Stay awake to the present goings on and what's to come.

Good to keep up with Max Igan on his walks and talks. Click on the pic. One of the present goings on has to do with child trafficking for sex, torture and experimentation, organ harvesting and for adrenochrome and then slaughter. Warning, shocking. 

Be aware of how horrendous this all has been and how most of those that knew, did nothing and so they were actually part of its continuance. True but graphic, disturbing and awakening, not to get you hateful towards those having perpetrated such crimes, but also not trying to take away from any crime's severity, instead to realize how desperately the souls of these barren beings need forgiveness, even though the way they've been has brought Crimes against Humanity penalty upon them. 

One doesn't forgive the crime:.Luke 23:34 "Then said Emmanuel, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do...".Forgive the soul having committed it, if perhaps there may be a spark somewhere there that would respond to the kindness of forgiveness, because in Christ, all is wiped away, so see others as being in the light of Christ and they will be:.Ephesians 4:32.

The so-called elite cult.(known also as the cabal, deep state, illuminati).have.willingly.stepped into evils, having been duped by the greatest deceiver of them all and his minions:.Revelation 12:9. One doesn't hate that which is believed to not exist. Satan et al.knows God is real, but just like the satanically influenced ancients, decided to completely stay away from God:.Jeremiah 44:16,17. So, these psychopaths.hate God and anything to do with God and kill children. Why? They have allowed themselves to be sucked into Satan's attitude of hating God, where if you get rid of the children you fit in with the satanic goal of eliminating all God has made.

Learn what an undercover effort found out. The cultish crimes were done and those having committed them are being dealt with. Not to hate anyone and anything. That also means not to accept the evil either. Because you don't hate doesn't mean you agree with it:.Matthew 6:14,15. Let us bring light into the world of today, while it's our oppotunity to do so:.John 8:12; Matthew 5:14; Acts 26:18. And this because any good.destroys the evil in the collective consciousness by a huge factor and strengthens the good in this multiversal consciousness, thus helping all humanity and those beings not of humanity.

The evil side:
AND The power of forgiveness. Include these all to send far and wide.
AND Gene talks about forgiveness in this recent video at 52 min in
I'll Love You Forever. A beautiful short video for Mother's Day or for anyday.

We have been told many lies about 'get a vaccine, it's proven safe, helpful and effective', as well as other harmful things people have been conned into believing are true, safe, needed and necessary. How do you start another on the awakening pathway, when so many think of the truths of today as the ancient ones thought of Christ?.Isaiah 53:3-10..

If you are able to, stay away from those who have been jabbed. Here's why. See the July 22, 2022 Situation Update at about 34 minutes in. And if they or you are getting sick, it could be from the jab or other of the cabal's poisonings. Here's what others have taken to get better.

So, get going with this most important key in awakening those you care about. Many already have been awake for awhile and remain quiet about it as they daily pray and meditate. They may appear to others as being unawakened. But they are helping to provide the effective consciousness needed for shifting to a world of goodness. How so?

John 10:14,15 "I am the good shepherd and know my sheep and am known of them...and I lay down my life for the sheep.".What is it that you can do and must, for your own good and the good of all? The most effective thing we can all do, no matter who you are and what your situation may be, is pray and meditate. Why? Luke 1:17; Ezekiel 33:1-10.

To notice the contrast and to stop being deceived, one has to come to see that this has all come from the dark side. We need to get away from this invisible vail of deceit.(2Corinthians 3:16).that's been blinding all of us:.Revelation 12:9. There's only one answer. In the Old Testament, a man of God had to remove the 'blindness':.2Kings 6:14-17. In the New Testament, this is also true:.John 14:6. One has to be focused on Christ to line up with true reality and new tomorrows:.John 10:10; 3John 1:2; 1Corinthians 2:9. But what if I don't believe, but want to?

For the evil ones, whether born on Earth or from beyond, the only way out is to throw themselves on the mercy of the great true God of all creation.(2Samuel 24:14; 2Chronicles 30:8; Ezekiel 33:17-20; Romans 10:13), being sincerely sorry and.greatly wanting to CHANGE:.2Corinthians 3:18. Only God will know the sincerity of each heart. God will always help, if one is truly sincere. If they don't change, they await arrest, tribunal, execution or imprisonment for life. They know what they have purposely done in their promotion of evils to We the People of the world and the law of the multiverse is they must now pay for their crimes. To those whose hearts don't change, we say bye, bye and good riddance. To those who do change, we say, welcome back to sanity!.Isaiah 25:7 "And he will destroy.(what does God use to do this).in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people and the vail that is spread over all nations."

See some of the Telegram channels and be sure to keep up with
the Situation Updates, Charlie Ward, gene Decode, David Straight,
Kevin Annette and Janet Ossebaard.
Because of ill minded thinking, what the good God wants for all is taking longer than expected.(why?). And that's because it's confusing to put in something new until the old corrupt system is gone. That's why praise/pray. Do your part. The principle is:.Colossians 3:3. The many severely evil criminals out there that most people had no idea even existed, have done such horrible things to good people, yet were those asleep to the reality of what went on at both the Earth's surface and underneath it. They never saw the 'prison doors' of a corrupt totalitarian non human society out to eliminate them by using them for torture, for food and murder for profit.(extracting organs while the victim was still alive and selling them).

What's been done in the cleanup as of a while ago. And just recently:

Hope it brings you up to the present, so you can then keep up with the newer information from Gene, Kevin, Judy and Charlie. Judy and Charlie put out daily updates. Scrap the useless lies from the tell-a-lie-vision's 'news' and their crap propaganda programming. It's out to take you down a path of deceit and death:.John 8:44. Get efficient with the 4 spiritual disciplines.

Ecclesiastes 9:3 "...the heart of the sons of men is full of evil and madness is.(an example of the present madness).in their heart.(madness on Earth not allowed to be exported).while they live and following that is death.(that is, after they are caught, arrested, tried, excuted or blown up in the air)."
There is always a time for reaping what has been sown, whether good or evil.

Thanks to Russia's Putin, Trump and the Alliances, Earth and non terrestrial here to help, the worlds are changing into good for all: https://youtu.be/6b5iQFNtfKQ

Details here are of evidence regarding Canada.(which applies worldwide - it's an International Court).that convicted Big Pharma.(Pfizer, Moderna, Glaxo Smith-Kline, J&J, et al).of genocide and banned the covid 'vaccine' and all related to it worldwide. The International Common Law Court of Justice has labeled it what it is, a weapon for genocide, a bioweapon.

Do not take the 'vaccine' or any of them under anycircumstances. There are much more powerful healthy alternatives.(and please stay away from GM 'food').that have been kept from you by Big Pharma and the corrupt part of the corporate governmental / medical / chemical / agricultural system worldwide, started under orders to the satanic criminals Rothschilds and Rockefeller by those.far.behind them.(now seized, tried and executed).

Like, why would you ever take a chemical concoction proven genocidal, unless you too were unsane or trusting lying authorities because you didn't check information carefully to arrive at truth

Weapons are used in war and that's what they are using to get rid of those the cabal has deemed as being lower than insects. The war is against We the People worldwide by the satanists, such as the many globalist, psychopathic.New World Order totalitarian heads. Remember the murders of the couple, Barry & Honey Sherman who owned the Canadian company making hydroxychloroquine available and how Big Pharma/Big Medical didn't like it one bit? Now we know who murdered them

You don't want to be part of the International Arrest Warrant implicating those having anything to do with a weaponized method of destruction used on your fellow man and children. The Court's own Sheriffs begin now arresting the following as in the court documents.(see at International Court's verdict just below). And here's only a bit of the info surrounding the court's verdict.(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {number 4 is about nurse admits hospital purposely killing people for the huge covid money from Big Pharma; number 5 is a daily Situation Update, has in it about plastics in lungs from masks at 40 min in and at 50 min in, the huge blood clots made from synthesized.snake venom in the cabal's biolabs worldwide and is in certain batches of vaccines, with a chance you'll be given one of these purposely concocted deadly batches and your health dept does nothing to protect you; number 6 is also a daily Situation Update, has in it about what an autopsy.shows in the dead who took the vaccine causing 8 inch blood clots molded into shape of an individual's airways}).

Local police, the good ones, now being informed on arresting those under the International Common Law Court's Criminal Division verdict, case number OTP-CR-473/21 for docket 09152021-A001.


The International Court's verdict is fully here

A synopsis: The International Common Law Court of Justice Criminal Division covers Crimes by Church and State. The Court is very powerful. In Canada local law enforcements had until January 25, 2022 3pm, to begin arrests on the January 15, 2022 Court's order or International Allied Special Forces.(example).will enforce the Court's International Arrest Warrant with or without the assistance of domestic law enforcement agencies.

Details here are of evidence regarding Canada.(which applies worldwide - it's an International Court).that convicted Big Pharma.(Pfizer, Moderna, Glaxo Smith-Kline, J&J, et al).of genocide and banned the covid 'vaccine' and all related to it worldwide. The International Common Law Court of Justice has labeled it what it is, a weapon for genocide, a bioweapon

Do not take the 'vaccine' or any of them under any circumstances. There are much more powerful healthy alternatives.(and please stay away from GM 'food').that have been kept from you by Big Pharma and the corrupt part of the corporate governmental / medical / chemical / agricultural system worldwide, started under orders to the satanic criminals Rothschilds and Rockefeller.by those.far.behind them.(now seized, tried and executed).

One system that is obviating corrupt Western medicine is med beds, ready now, public free use soon; being used worldwide at present to help those rescued from the DUMBS and tunnels and those rescuing them who were harmed.

This is the same Court that removed Pope Benedict from Office in 2013.

Canadian Kevin Annett's.connection with this International Court verdict. Kevin worked 30 years to bring these criminals in corporate governments in Canada and churches to justice. Worldwide we have so much to thank Kevin for and to the many who helped him.

Canada became first country in the world to incorporate the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act.

Crimes against humanity and treason both carry the death penalty or life imprisonment as these.treasonous ones found out.




click on pics for videos

At 40 minutes in, the God of all light, love, compassion, creation, health, protection & prosperity can give you a new soul or repair your soul, no matter how evil you may have been (ancient Paul's example), if you ask. And at 45 in, examples of kindness to street dwellers. At 49 in, the wisdom of God in what fabrics do you the most good. At 1:04:00 in, what's our job after Earth? At 1:10:00 (one hour, ten minutes) in, Gregg Braden, most interesting new info on spiritual historical writings. At 1:19:00, 2 true stories on the love of these lost dogs, heartbroken to find their owners. Click the graphic for the video.

Putin wants this war ended, but the Nazis who took over Ukraine, continually refuse any plans for peace, because they worship Satan who wants death and more death. The satanic plan is always toward death, whether it's wars.(Luke 13:2-5).or killing by vaccines and other poisonings. And why God allows these things is to awaken.(awaken to what things we've been asleep to?).us to turn our hearts away from evil selfish things and to the true God of all light, love, compassion, health and prosperity, that is, to turn from the evil rules based society of corruption.(*).and toward a loving heart based society:.Leviticus 26:14-33; Matthew 22:35-40. It starts with your heart. Those of good heart want each one of you to be with us in this new world coming and why do we want you there? So you don't die here, because, unlike the satanic ones, we care and want you to live forever. Don't end up as these in history who just didn't have the attitude to learn:.Numbers 32:11,12.

Also follow Charlie and Simon to keep up on which other countries are joining BRICS, how close we are getting to all the good coming and what else is going on we should be aware of, see about your millions, at 1 hour in on the December 16, 2022 Situation Update.

The Canadian Armed Forces, the U.S. military, along with Russia and 14 other good militaries including their Space Forces are working with our non terrestrial loving brothers and sisters, the.Intergalactic Special Forces of Light Beings.(see a ship similar to theirs and the highly secretive, not any more, USAF TR3B triangular crafts, able to cloak and then destroy enemies).in eliminating the harm being done to children and all of us. Know that in every country there has been two governments, the legitimate one and the cabal one, which using their four tools with deception and lies, were able to hijack.We the People governments and masquerade as legitimate. The people, being put asleep by a complicit mainstream media were not alert, awakening to what was going on and many still haven't crossed that boundary in their minds. 

The new Republic in Canada, perhaps to be called Republic of Kanata, as suggested by Kevin Annett, including its new Space Force, is set up and is STOPPING these and more evils! Nobody hurts the children on our watch! We are coming for those that did these things. As gene Decode has said."There's got to be a word greater than evil, for these monsters.".Revelation 18:2.

8-10 mln children, plus young and older adults are trafficked for forced sexual exploitation per year.
1 million found, alive and dead, just in Australia, in the DUMBS, tunnels and cities beneath that continent. The average victim of human trafficking is raped 6,000 times. Every 30 seconds a child is sold for sex, adrenochrome, organ harvesting and labor and/or murdered. Those who do such great evils.are being rounded up and executed. No more of this will ever happen, absolutely, totally and completely guaranteed! The true God always acts and wins.(2Kings 20:1-32).WHEN those who love the good also take action! How?
What evils? The criminals and what they've done and still do to babies. They are ALL being hunted down, will may then have a tribunal, with many, if not all, being executed on the spot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTlrNEkwFW4.and about tribunals

The bioweapon is for killing people and you thought it was just a safe vaccine, because that's what the satanic lying politicians, medical and pharmaceutical authorities were telling people. And you believed them because you thought they were people, because they look like the rest of us, not knowing that they were hybrid, reptilian.shapeshifters, who also run the corrupt mainstream media and so, you couldn't see enough of a reason not to take what you were deceived into thinking were trusted human authorities. When you ask these criminal ones, though you may not have known that they were, you'll immediately notice if they are using tergiversation. Question, question, question and then question again. Don't allow these satanic ones to carry on with their murderous plans. They hate being questioned.

Here is only a sampling, a miniscule amount of the millions of people worldwide who have died or been seriously and permanently injured from the jab. See this documentary https://rumble.com/v1wijbe-stew-peters-world-premier-died-suddenly.html.Do not trust authority, unless you are sure that you can.(Luke 8:18), because the satanic ones are tricksters and hate humans and nature and questioning. They are out to completely destroy the world and always have been, but their efforts have been ramped up because they know God is finally taking over and they are done like dinner. The more people of good heart want evil gone, the quicker it will all be over.(*). How's this work?

A video here too on Russian soldier explains what he found; kids carved up.
https://rumble.com/v1xbowo-situation-update-112622.html.(watch the whole thing, it's informative)
Matthew 18:6

Follow.David Straight.(David's recent videos are now put together in one here). Those who can learn enough to do something about it for themselves, families and friends, take notes. When you get to the point of David's explanation in getting an AOR.(Affidavit of Repudiation), if you're in Canada, here's who to send it to if you  want to learn to stand up for the rights the one Almighty God gave you. And for those struggling with finances, know that money has been kept from you knowing about it. Hey! that's how the cabal always operates. Don't ever expect they'll give you any advantage at all. They are satanic and not of love as Almighty God is. Your parents and grandparents never heard of this, even though it's been around for a very long time and in Western world countries since 1933..See https://rumble.com/v28xkba-situation-update-2923.html at 17 minutes, 40 seconds to 20:53, about Birth Certificates, how much is in your Birth Certificate trust account numbers.(if you had known, you never would have had to borrow; see just below).& about pope Francis signing release of all people on the planet.(the Vatican controlled it all for those satanic ones far behind the scenes that controlled the Vatican and they too have been removed; Satan and his ways are now 'done like dinner'), recognizing that each one of them is a Sovereign Being, no longer owned by the Vatican and the British Crown through the Birth Certificate system.

How one enthusiastically brilliant sweet lady started three years ago learning what could effectively be done to get the criminals out of power, saving our children and lives. Worldwide, others can learn how to do just as well in their area.

More Miki Klann on Scott McKay's show; here she begins at 29 minutes in. Both David Straight and Miki Klann deal with the Cestui Que Vie.(means 'he who lives').trusts, which hold millions of dollars.in.each individual's name, including.your.kids and dead family members. Kick the corporate political criminals out as Miki has done, so the QFS/BRICS can fluorish in your area. What's in your and your family's trust will be included in your QFS account. Keep up with Charlie Ward's announcements and with the Situation Updates by Judy Byington. See Miki in the video above and get her documents of how to do as she has done, at https://bondsforthewin.com/ Learn, learn, learn. Don't be a lazy loafer!

And see David Straight's videos
How much is in the trust set up in your name and what have they done with it? Check it out at www.treasurydirect.gov/ When there at treasurydirect.gov go to Bonds to search your Birth Certificate or Social Insurance Number to see what each entry has earned. It's fiddly and convoluted, as it's still an 'against We the People' criminal corrupt government, so they hide it from you as much as they can. Trump is fixing all this obfuscation. Remember all is still changing from the criminals that ran the world who never wanted you to know these things. Trump and the military changed all that to your benefit. They are on your side. They are spiritual and follow the true God of all creation. 

Anyhow, you'll find more than one entry under your Birth Certificate and/or Social Insurance Number, probably many, all with various amounts according to how you were traded with your BC#. Don't fret about it. You will not miss out. You will be shown all of this when we go through Disclosure and get our QFS.accounts at a Redemption Centre. A Redemption Centre Guide will help you collect all assets tied to you and your dead family members and at no charge to you. But you can check the Cestui Que Vie trust money now by putting in your CUSIP number.(learn how, SEE David Straight at Utah 3, 1:19:00 and on through to 1 hr 39 minutes, if you want to do that. It's at least, good to know about it). Learn more about it in this short video

CUSIP is basically a SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) regulated investment and control number and is usually a 9 digit number such as one's Social Insurance Number or the Birth Certificate number which is the main CUSIP number. For other things, they create more CUSIP numbers to trade on in your name, but they have only had access to half. The rest is yours. The idea originally was good, as it provided money to run the country and prosper you in the process, but the cabal immediately turned it into a scam.(what the satanic lying cabal always and always does).in that they never wanted you to know about your half of it. Let's hear it for the criminal justice system, judges (who are really, executive administrators of their corporation), courts, attorneys, politicians and corporate leaders who never let you know about it. 

That's what happens when We the People fail to act regarding governing what we decide.they do. We were asleep (how to know if you are still asleep) and effectively just left it all for others. Half of what's in your account is yours. Wait for it to soon come to you. When you get yours, in your heart thank the true God and Donald J. Trump, David Lester Straight, Vladimir Putin and the militaries of the Earth Alliance and the non terrestrial Alliance who all follow good and are bringing it to you. They are all out for your good! They have laid their lives on the line. Praise God in thankfulness for what God is doing through people. Connect with the true God in your heart.(*), as those worldwide who are working flat out.to get this to all of us are doing.

Pascal Najadi talks with Professor and trainer of doctors Sucharit-Bhakdi about the princess of Thailand's 3 month coma linked to the Pfizer jabs. They talk about covid being a proven fraud at 19 minutes in and criminal charges brought against those having pushed vaccines with the lies of them being "safe and effective". At 23 in shows the genius of Trump in flushing out the covid criminals by his 'warp speed' initiative and at 29 in, it's not the spike proteins, but the packages they come in, which are lipid nanoparticles, that are deadly. See Pascal on Telegram (https://t.me/PascalNajadiNEWS) and on https://rumble.com/user/neutralswiss where there are videos on the take down of the corrupt Swiss government and see him on Charlie's Insiders Club November 15 and much more on it, scroll down when at  www.charlieward.tv

More on the covid con harm and what Pascal is doing about it.

Also, Pascal interviewed by Canadian Bill Dove
and an up to date Canadian interview of January 28, 2023
Pascal interviews

The crime against humanity of the covid con revealed concisely, by one of the most intelligent men on the planet. About Pharma, Medical liars.

This one.(https://www.bitchute.com/video/1siJFHFYGM00/).is about Dr. David E. Martin's critically important information about the bioweapon called a vaccine and speaks of Trudeau and how evilly Canadians have been lied too. And David talks about which corporations and individuals are hiding behind the scenes like the satanic snakes they are.

And more from David E. Martin, such as this also MUST WATCH https://www.bitchute.com/video/fHhniBm4cyiM/ on the criminal conspiracy to commit murder on children and depopulate.(aka murder).people on the planet, except of course for conspirators and those elites who have been part of it, pretending to get a jab. And on 'following the patents' for the murder weapon, a bioweapon,
https://thegoodlylawfulsociety.org/dr-david-martin-follow-the-patents-then-you-will-understand-covid/and a dossier on it to send to your attorney general is here.

How the Nazi's were allowed to rise in Europe as they are today in Ukraine and Israel. Wake up! They've already targeted many, including children, for a bioweapon jab they call a vaccine. See the movie InDOCTORnation. If you won't stand up for the children, the Nazis will be coming for you next. And just who are the terrorists today? Here's 4 of them. Ancient David acted from his mindset of standing up:.1Samuel 17:26. Why does the true God allow such evils? But, how does one stand up and what to use? Consider Paul's example:.Acts 22:22-29; 23:27. Follow the evolved corruption to today and today is where it stops. Are you behind those who have stood up? Many can't do much, but you can do the most powerful thing there is - meditate on kindness, humility, the true God's power, love, protection and freeness for all good people and on other high consciousness items, because this puts those good frequencies into action in the invisible, affecting the visible world we all are in. If you don't get into spirituality, you'll stay in what you're in. It's a worldwide wake up, thanks to those who do watch, pray, learn, care and share. If you share, you care and vice versa. If you care, you'll learn. If you pray, you know the importance of life for all. And all this counts for you..Ezekiel 33:6,8 "But if the watchman see the sword come and blows not the trumpet and the people be not warned; if the sword come and takes anyone from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand...When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, you shall surely die, but if you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man will die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at your hand." Isaiah 58:1 "Cry aloud (that is, get the message of the true Creator to others; why?.Romans 11:14), spare not, lift up your voice like a trumpet and show my people where they are going wrong and need to improve..."


Australia especially is such a huge mess to cleanup (see https://www.bitchute.com/video/ecwU4XMOr5ap/ at about 23 min in). It is being cleaned up as we speak and as of January 23, 2022 Australia and New Zealand mostly finished. Africa is being cleaned up. Over one million, mostly children, discovered in the massive tunnels complex under just Australia, 37,000 children found under a cabal headquarter.(Ukraine). Many were saved and many dead. Worldwide, 8 million children and young adults disappear yearly into the tunnels not to be seen again. A few manage to escape. The rest are used, abused and die while being brutally harvested for their blood to produce adrenochrome (*), chromachrome and body parts, etc., while many sit at home being 'entertained' (by brainwashing programming) by the fake news on the mainstream channels. Wake up and grow up! Canada had about 3,000 humans annually, mostly children, U.S. about 50,000, U.K..(don't know). Europe, Antarctica is just about finished being cleaned up. Antarctica had 50 million people hidden deep in underground cities there. Clean up is finishing all over the world - Australia, Canada, US, UK, EU, Germany, Switzerland, rest of Europe, Africa. South American countries, where cabal controlled gangs now being severely dealt with by Trump and Putin's Alliance Special Forces. Cleanup continues there. Other places throughout the world, cleanup carries on as smaller tunnels are still being found here and there. 

Many of these children and adults are in such bad shape being used to the tunnels and DUMBS way underneath the Earth and not ever used to the surface atmosphere with the Sun, they had to be taken off Earth to special places to facilitate their healing.

Keep up with it all from the honest and honorable gene Decode, who refused to compromise his ethics and morality. When he was asked to take someone out, he asked why. They said just do it. His story if you are of a caring mind and want to learn about his honorability and ethics is here at 1hr 39 min in, https://www.bitchute.com/video/ooRjFoY1w6F1/  Much on the latest goings on is brought out every few new videos gene does. Keep up as best you can and you'll learn much. Important documents and latest videos also are at this one of gene's sites: BlessedForService.org  In the meantime you can see the latest from gene at https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=gene%20decode&kind=video.Click on Relevance and select Newest First, then hit Search. Look at the length of times of each video. If many are basically the same length of video, they are pretty well all the same, just placed by different people. Picking the first one in that group should bring you to its first posting. One of gene's 'recents' is October 15, 2021, the one with Patriot Dave; really astounding information. gene's also on Telegram, where also his latest are listed https://t.me/realgenedecode.

Some children and young adults wonder why most older adults have done nothing to halt the world from sliding into the mess it's now having to be brought out of. Like, what is wrong with you guys to have allowed this and this? You sit on your ass, are entertained by fake news from the cabal controlled mainstream media and other crap pursuits while the world goes to s~*t and you don't even care enough to confront the politicians, corrrupt so-called laws, pharma and other corporate criminals robbing lives in any way they can. You know nothing about any rights you may have and avoid taking time to find out. What do you know about the new world coming? What have you found out about the DUMBS? What about the world takeover by the satanists? What is it that you do believe? 'I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe I'll have another beer and watch the football game.' What have you learned about true history? What have you done in correcting the purposeful errors presented in the horrendous satanic propaganda indoctrination system called education? If the children see it, how did you miss it?.Psalms 82:3,4 "Defend the poor and fatherless. Do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy. Rid them out of the hand of the wicked.".Did you care or sit afraid?.If you care to, please share too! Or was it like the Nazis for you today, where thousands of people let a few with guns they could have easily overpowered, separate their familes and murder them? 

Silence is Agreement. Tyranny lives only by agreement. If you fail in standing up for the good, you are in agreement with the bad. How you responded when the covid con came along, shows if you 'just went along' or how well you researched to decide. Taking over Europe beginning in 1935, the Nazis were allowed by the people, because the majority of them did nothing to stop them, so by default, they were tacitly approving of government edicts.which were set up to greatly harm them? SAME TODAY with the poisonous bioweapons, falsely called vaccines:.Psalms 82:2 "How long will you judge unjustly by going along with those who are wicked?"

How can the true God save you when you don't want to be? God could intervene, but won't. Why? What you think about such things as that having gone on today with the Russia/Ukrainian and Israel situations, the covid hoax, etc..shows what you are in your heart. Not too great eh! Well, wake up as best you can with the rest of us, while you still can. Your life is your choice. God gave life to you. Use it for good. Don't throw your life away based on satanic cabal.(aka Deep State, Illuminati).lies transmitted to you by the satanic lying mainstream media and by those lackeys.who carry on with the satanic policies of the little Hitlers above them who came up with such evil programs as history has shown.(gene Decode's highlights, good to follow if you want to move from all the crap stuff satanists have placed in society:.Revelation 12:9). Prepare for your future and your.reward in it:.Hebrews 4:1. Talk to God asking what it is that's right and proper that you should consider doing.

Many of gene's recent videos are about the new Earth alongside the Earth we are on.(pic), such as https://www.bitchute.com/video/SHcpEylAXmma/.and others are about the progress in cleaning the DUMBs & tunnels, blowing them up, cabal & much more. For more on gene's specific videos please see each dog picture

Some people will say, Oh, there's so much to learn! Yep! It'll take awhile, but not to worry. Start where you are now in your spiritual quest. On your journey, start at the station you are at to get on the train. You don't ask for the train to go back to where it started. You take it from where you are. God will show you what you need to know along the way. Just ask God!

If you can spend about two hours daily on it, these are some items to have some knowledge about and you probably already do. Have some scripture knowledge, like these.

Be somewhat familiar with these things here and here, by keeping up with the daily Situation Updates and Charlie Ward's.(www.charlieward.com).daily short news.(on Telegram at https://t.me/officialcharliewardsfriends).where all these following things end up being covered: 2030 UN agenda, 911 inside job, Area 51, controlled media's fake news, grey pope, blood sacrifices, Bohemian Grove, cancer and other cures hidden from public, Deep State aka Illuminati aka Cabal, CERN, chemtrails, covid con, crisis actors, dangers of PCR testing, DUMBs, false flags, FEMA camps, fiat money, fluoridation poisoning, GMO's, HAARP, hospitals paid for killing patients, income tax illegal, Iraq war was for finding a stargate, not just for oil, Israel war truth, Jesuit order, JFK assassination, justice system corruption, mankind, martial Law, masks harmful, Maui truth, mkUltra, moon landing faked, but true, New World Order, predictive programming, project Bluebeam, RFID chip, rigged elections, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Seal Team 6, secret societies, snake venon in vaccines, synagogue of Satan, the Clintons are murderers, Ukraine war truth, world controllers. It's like going to school again only this time not having to consider a bunch of lies.

Turn off the, up to now, useless tel-lie-vision, then you can add a bit more time to your daily study. Your life and reward in eternity stands in front of you. Take action towards it!

If an employer is telling you that your job is in jeopardy unless you take the jab, wear a mask, take a PCR test, etc., solve the issue by creating a Religious Exemption.or use this or the latest, the International Criminal Court verdict as described above. You're here! You might as well do the best you can for yourself and that includes doing the best for others you can:.Job 42:10. Always be kind, considerate and respectful to others.

See and save know your RIGHTS. The courts.(there still are a very few good people in justice left, the rest, corrupt).WILL BACK you if YOU stand up to the tyranny! But do have wisdom about doing so, as Paul did in reaching others:.2Timothy 2:22,23; Acts 17:19-25; 22:22-29; 23:1-5; 23:27-34. If you can't or aren't inclined to stand up, because it's just all too much for you and don't at this time know how to handle it, do something that helps you and/or others. It's a large final and permanent clean up of evils worldwide and NCSWIC.(Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming), because:.Matthew 13:36-43. Are you today part of the problem or of the solution?

Something of importance.we all must do. And, to ensure horrible corruption such as we have today, NEVER sneaks in again: Tell other good people about.what's really going on.(lawyer Lin Wood explains).that corrupt governments and corporations, full of pedophiles and/or baby flesh and blood eaters, all over the world have been involved in:.Micah 3:1-5. Satanically backed curiosities occur to those having allowed themselves to be influenced into perpetrating horrible experimentations and satanic practices. Demons in people do these kinds of horriblenesses. https://rumble.com/v1o5i95-the-black-awakening-and-jab-bioweapon-agenda.html
This Rumble video has within it an Oct 15, 1995 Canadian doctor's warning about what's happening today and about demonic 'super soldiers', demons. The bioweapon.has within it blood of aborted fetuses. This allows demonic influences upon people susceptible to dark side influences. Always stay on the bright positive side of life.

Tell others what you learn because most just don't know. Why tell others if they don't know?.1Corinthians 9:22; Romans 11:14

Since 1867 Canada became much worse in all evils. And, very important to do if you're 'with us' in prayer: Pray for the soldiers and their families and the good non terrestrials who have come to help us, without whose help we would have already been finished as a civilization, which was the satanic plan. Together they are returning the Earth to good, from the evil we all have allowed to accumulate over many centuries. How? Many already have lost their lives fighting in the DUMBs and tunnels. Hold their arms up as they continue on keeping you free, cleaning up the world:.Exodus 17:11. Do your part, at least what you can! At least please pray and meditate.

So what evils now cleaned up? There are still a few dregs around, but basically all Child Sex Trafficking, all Child Ritual Abuse and all Sacrifice of them to Satan, all Adrenochrome, all Organ Harvesting, all Torturing Children and Others Stolen for Human Trafficking and taken into the DUMBs and tunnels and used for horrible experimentation, satanic sacrifice, organ harvesting, cannibalism, then murder. Also all harmful Drugs and Weapons Trafficking and more. 

So far Special Forces of both the Earth and non terrestrial Alliances have saved over 10 million children, young adults and adults, with just as many found murdered or burnt up in satanic sacrifices or ground up and hidden in food they want us to consume. Satanists are cannibalistic. They are not human. Type into a search engine 'human flesh found in food at Macdonald's, Burger King and other fast food restaurants, reported by Rabbi Finklestein of New York'.

One million children were trafficked for forced sexual exploitation per year, just in the US and 8 million worldwide. Adults & children trafficked total 3 million plus, in the US. The average victim of human trafficking is raped 6,000 times. Every 30 seconds a child was sold for sex, labor or organ harvesting. Worldwide, the numbers are shocking. 

Always watch your children closely when out, always hold their hand and NEVER let them wander out of sight. If your child is with you, perhaps behind you when you're shopping and looking at something, know that it takes less than 15 seconds for someone to grab one of them and disappear into the crowd with their hand over your child's mouth.

Waking up others is an important way to help:.Acts 26:18. Many were duped so badly they were lulled into thinking the world 'has its problems, but it's basically ok' but didn't see the snakes slowly getting ready to bite all of us. Thank God, some over many decades were watching. That's what we mean by waking up! Perhaps start mentioning what the great true good God has for all humanity with a question such as 'When you look at the world, do you think God is not that good? or Do you think what you see in the world is the best God can do? Are you aware of what's happening in the financial world that's good?

Canada, similar to most other countries, was taken over by a cabal controlled Corporation and called Canada, Canada Inc., a Crown corporation which represented corruption, criminality, thievery and massive evils, as Kevin Annett has documented. We were like the frog, which when placed in a warm pot of water will sit there and you can very slowly increase the water temperature and it will stay there till it's cooked, whereas, if you put it into the boiling water immediately, it would jump out. So, get involved by praying about it and by seeing a much better world, fair for all and do help awaken others. We have to wake others up as best we can.

We can bring this better world just by seeing it. How? And why this works is, in this great scheme of things, the evil ones must alert us. It's in their code. If they don't, they believe karma will throw the blame on them. So they do alert us, but in ways that lead us to be cognitive dissonant. They do this through what you think or don't think about, that is, if they can alert you without you knowing something is real, they have a good chance of bamboozling you and absolving themselves of karma. 

They use predicative programming on you without you realizing what is going on. That's why they gained control of the media. You hear about the children and others murdered in the tunnels and think it's just too monstrous to believe that eight million annually disappear into the tunnels for horrendous evils to be done to them.(*). This makes many think that this just can't be true. Or you hear about how the entire world has been taken over by evil ones; or you think that anyone in charge, such as the justice system, police, child protective services, health care personnel, politicians, corporate leaders et al, are basically good. So, you go your way content enough with how society has been presented to by 'the fox who wants to guard the chickens' and so you leave things to go on as they have and that as they continue to seem to be.

In this way the evil ones have warned you, but in a way such as you probably would do nothing, not even giving a thought or prayer to this stopping and seeing how things could be. And so, these monsters carry on with their plans of evil while you carry on asleep to it all.

What one can talk about if another seems open to truth and whether or not you think they would be interested in elimination of such evils as: 1) Adrenochrome. 2) Child Sex Trafficking.(*). 3) Child Ritual Sacrifice.(*). 4) Other human Trafficking. 5) Illegal Drugs Trafficking. 6) Money Laundering industry in Canada. 7) PizzaGate. 8) Chemtrails. 9) Pedophilia. 10) Corruption, Blackmail, Extortion in all industries. 11) Human Organ Harvesting. 12) Bioweapon packaged as Vaccine. 13) UN Agenda 21 and 2030.(*). 14) Georgia Guidestones. 15) Human Cloning industry in Canada, headquarted under Alberta. 16) Do you think Queen Elizabeth II of England was a fake, as she had some means to make the world better, but didn't?.(she actually was executed for crimes against humanity as were others)..17) Canadian Rev. Kevin Annett's 30 plus years of effort bringing Canadian governments, including the RCMP, the Roman Catholic, Anglican, United Churches of Canada to justice for the horrendous crimes they've committed.

There you go, 3 positive talking points and 17 points of conversation on the negative side which should arouse caring and interest and if it doesn't, you're probably dealing with a mankind.(kinda like man, not completely of humanity, a hybrid or maybe even an evil shapeshifter).one and one with probably a seared conscience:.1Timothy 4:2

Always introduce with a question. It shows if one's mind is interested and open for more. If not, drop the conversation subject respectfully.(Job 34:18,19).and let them alone:.Hosea 4:17. They may awaken later and will, unless they were spawned by the devil; who then would these be and to what extent did this occur? 

The true God is now taking drastic steps to awaken those who possibly can be awakened. Better to awaken to spirituality now. Why? But, it may take this big event to get people out of the mental bubble they continue to want to live blindingly within:.Revelation 16:18.

They.all know the jab is a bioweapon, so, the severely evil of them do want dead most of us and the others of them don't care, doing the harm they do for the money, lots of it for following the dictates of dark side influences. Within these jabs are 'alive' dangerous AI particles and more horrendous poisons. All these criminals would sell your soul for a nickel and you thought they could be trusted as authorities to look up to, to look after you. Ha!.Isaiah 9:16 "For the leaders of this people cause them to err and they that are led of them are destroyed.".They'd walk over you with their boots on and think nothing of it. Why? And, they all signed "Non Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)" also known as Confidentiality Agreements, for this bioweapon, in exchange for 10s of millions of dollars each...The higher the rank the larger the bribe money. The Intergalactic Federation of Worlds of Light Beings have Special Forces here to help us get out of the mess we have allowed since people have been on Earth (see the History of the World series by.Janet Ossebaard. Why and how.have we allowed this and how can we fix it?

In addition to that, the more of us who awaken others, the more the intergalactic special forces are able to help us. Why is that? Learn how it all works?.The true God of all light, love and good creation is against all evil:.1Peter 3:12. How are we or how can we be against the evils as the real true God is? What can be done by us? In addition to awakening others as best you can, by always and ever being respectful and kind, know that if you've spoken in love, then it's the true God's words. Why is that?.1John 4:6,8,16

Please also continue prayer and meditation:.Exodus 17:11 "And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.".Perhaps some of them will awaken:.Psalms 83:13-15. If they think you're nuts and they won't take to heart what you're talking to them about and check out what you've kindly mentioned, well, you've done your part. They just don't care at this time and that's their choice. Remember, they don't have to agree with you for you to love them. They could be as hard hearted as Paul in the time of Christ on Earth, that is, until the true God took over directly in Paul's life. Paul awoke! Pray that this happens in other closed-minded people too:.Acts 26:10-12. Your good work and care for others is being noted; noted where? Many, not all, are good at their heart, but some hearts, peoples souls, have been encrusted over many years by 'deals with the devil'.

Deuteronomy 18:19 "...whosoever will not hearken unto my words...I will require it of him." 2Samuel 4:10,11 "When one told me, saying, Behold, Saul is dead, thinking to have brought good tidings and that I would give him a reward, I took hold of him and slew him...How much more, when wicked men have slain a righteous individual in his own house upon his bed shall I not therefore take your blood for what you did to him and take you away from the Earth?" Like the true God, David did not play around when it came to dealing with evil. Matthew 13:16 "But blessed are your eyes, for they see and your ears, for they hear."

Please do your part.(Matthew 25:35-40).in this worldwide cleanup of these criminals who actually do worship Satan and this includes the lying media (controlled worldwide by six of those in the cabal:.Isaiah 25:7), corporate and political (worldwide some 85% plus, of all in key positions are cabal), pharmaceutical / medical bribes, chemical, agricultural, manufacturing, etc., all criminal scum perpetrating and participating in horrible satanic evils. It's a huge cleanup job. Prayers are needed for those alive and rescued and for the Alliance and the non terrestrials here helping us and for the families of those soldiers and others who have died giving all they could so you could be helped:.John 15:13 "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.(those you care about)."

Gene covers all this. Keep up with him. See recent ones next page.(the dogs). And if you are having to deal with the nonsense of the covid con, the absolute law of Canada is right alongside with you, but print out the sheets you can carry with you and use if need be in maintaining your freeness.."If not us, who? If not now, when?"....JFK.

The cabal.is.being wiped out, but do what you can in the meantime to respectively alert others to what has gone on, as it's a huge part of what you can do in this awakening process.

We are in the time of for growing consciousness of the one and only true God of all creation. At first everone will have all they need and all they may want and much more. Eventually money will not be necessary. Character will be the main focus and will take us onto the road beyond:.Malachi 3:3.

The GOOD STUFF! The new Earth for those of higher consciousness could very well be the present one we are on, that is, once it's cleaned up with the criminals going to the second one or elsewhere, the second one pictured here, hardly visible. Look closely or click on these words for enhanced image and see here the Sun of the new Earth alongside ours. At this time that seems to be how it will be, but it could be the other way around, that is, with us going there and them staying here. Evil bigots.will not be on a cleaned up Earth, whichever Earth that could be


New Earth explained at about 54 to 56 minutes. What's it like? Cities built there. Not many people yet. It's possibly for those of good heart now rising up spiritually, from low 3d to 4d/5d.and beyond. Transition to the new Earth will be seamless..Isaiah 66:22 "For as the new heavens and new Earth, which I am doing, shall remain before me, says the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain." 1Corinthians 15:51-54"...We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye...the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed..." Acts 26:8 "Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you that God should raise the dead?".You'll wake up one day soon and you're there. It's a copy of this Earth but without any negatives in any way whatsoever. This world made toxic by the satanists remains for awhile so those of lower consciousness who may want the good and seeing where the evil on this Earth is bringing people, can be helped toward a higher consciousness (from 3d to at least 4d) needed in order to move to the new Earth. At about 1 hour 8-11 minutes into that video Gene explains mankind (kind of like man) genetics people.

New Earth Enhanced Image

New Earth's Sun Alongside Ours
