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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n
p a g e  8 1

Crocodiles cease all activity in the light, being shy creatures, but are extremely active after dark.

Elephants:.Elephant trunks are highly sensitive, having up to 100,000 muscle units. Elephants are also acutely sensitive to smell and touch, but unlike a lion their eyes lack the tapeta.(plural of tapetum)

Elephants can't see past 100 yards.(300 feet or approximately 100 meters). Elephant eyes are recessed and surrounded by thick skin protecting them as they forage for food. Their eyes have an abundance of fluid lubricating the cornea to keep it free of debris. Their eyes are different from many other animals.

There are three species of elephant, Savannah.(Africa), Forest.(Africa).and the Asian elephant and their DNA is all different! Nick Ellerton of the Knowsley Safari Elephant Park near Liverpool, an expert in elephants says the rare Forest elephants are very different. Why not greater similarity if indeed, they evolved from a common gene? They certainly could not have come from mutations.

Interested in more? Gideon Louw's.Why Elephants and Fleas Don't Sweat, Detselig Enterprises, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Evolution remains aloof to answering, apart from listing environment, failing to properly consider the differences in environments of these elephants and fleas far removed from each other.

Leopards:.How did the first Leopard know that he could climb a tree? Did God program this information into him, just as a computer has a BIOS.(Basic Input/Output System).first put into the computer, so the computer is able to properly handle the operating system software that is added.(the new Windows 10 has the BIOS integrated with the Operating System, so there is no longer a separate BIOS).

How did the Leopard know what foods to hunt for? Why is it carnivorous.(flesh eating)? How does it know to stalk so patiently, sometimes for hours, before jumping its prey? The Leopard has been observed to move just 50 feet over 3 hours, as it sneaks up on a gazelle. The first Leopard had to know how to do everything just right or would there have been another leopard? His species would have died out with his death, due to inability to properly hunt. What must those who propagate this inane theory of evolution as regard to living organisms, think of the people who are exposed to it? Perhaps they are part and parcel of those behind the scenes who have developed ways to first dumb down people.

The elusive Snow Leopard.(high in the Himalayan mountains of South East Asia in Afghanistan and China {map, map}, this beauty is shown in all its glory in the movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and in BBC's fabulous Planet Earth II and in the amazing DisneyNature's.Ghost of the Mountains, you'll see what's never been seen before on film, a family of them in the mountains of China). The Snow Leopard is a large mammal of the cat family, found in the mountains of Central Asia. The animal's range extends from 8860 to 19,700 feet.(2700 to 6000 meters).in the summer, when the animals it eats migrate upward to graze on new grass. It has a thick layer of soft underfur covered by thick, long hair. The beautiful coat is pale grayish beige, with black rosettes and small spots and a black streak along the spine; the underparts are whitish. The body length is about 3.3 to 4.3 feet.(about 1 to 1.3 meters).and the tail length is 2.6 to 3.3 ft.(0.8 to 1 m). The animal is mainly nocturnal and there are usually two to three cubs in a litter. It is akin to the fastest land animal on Earth, the Cheetah....comprised with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Lions:.Lions have a special intuition; learn about it. Lions also have a tapetum.behind their retina which reflects light back the second time to the retina. This is why they have such excellent night vision. In addition, they have an acute sense of smell and hearing. They travel up to 25 miles each night over their territory. Lions and Leopards take up to 36 hours to complete the sex act and are very noisy while at it.

Lions are symbols for strength, determinedness, intelligence and dominance.(*).

Like lions? flixxy.com/lion-whisperer-kevin-richardson.htm

Most mammals are nocturnal.(of the night), that is, apart from primates. At night, sounds and scents travel further; sound because of the night time temperature layers and smells because the Sun destroys the smell's composition.

The rhinocerous can't see past 15 feet! The shark rolls its eyes into its head to protect them during an attack.

The horned toad can squirt blood from his eyes, right into an enemy's face. 

In diversity we see such complexity; all the designs for all the species. Some we understand. Others, we wonder why. Evolution has proven itself too stupid for such complicated organisms.

Lizards:.The Marine iguana is the only sea going lizard in the world. How come? And how come the rest have no affinity for oceans? Maybe it's selective natural selection eh? The Marine iguana.(Amblyrhynchus cristatus).dives into the ocean for its meals of seaweed.

The giant Komodo dragon is a monitor lizard measuring up to 10 feet long, weighing up to 300 lbs. and living around a 100 years, maybe much longer.

The Mexican water monster.(type 'creature video' at news.nationalgeographic.com)

What about good dragons? 

And where in the Bible is the word 'dragons' used? There are 16 places where the word 'dragons' is used and 18 places where the word 'dragon' is used. A few listings of them:.Psalms 74:13; 148:7; Jeremiah 49:33; Isaiah 27:1. For great information on dragons, gene Decode has lots to say, see the video.

Owls:.Owls can move their heads 180º, but their eyes can't move in their sockets. Screech owls bring blind snakes, a snake that inhabits the underground, into their nests to eat resident parasites. This keeps the nest hygenic. Strange thing is, only about 20% of Screech owls do this and for the ones that do, where did they get the medical knowledge to do this? Maybe the others can't find the snakes! Ha ha!

Evolution has no answer for how the first owl knew how to do this, nor does the ridiculous theory of evolution address how the first owl was formed or even needed as a species. Evolution as an explanation for the origin of living organisms is just such a bunch of unintelligent crap!

"Chicks reared in nests containing snakes, grow faster and are much more likely to survive than those growing up without a snake in the family."....Fred Gehlbach, Robert Baldridge, Baylor University, Texas. ...New Scientist Magazine.(newscientist.com), January 22, 2000, page 39. If the system was surviving without a snake in the family, why is there one then? What was the invisible programming that caused this to happen?

As was said earlier, the only thing about evolution being true is that it's stupid and that, it should be taught in school.(along with some other things good and evil).as an example of utter.stupidity, in how man can come up with ridiculous ideas to bamboozle the non thinking members of society. That's what happens to man's mind when he's out of touch with God. Man just cannot find the right path and keeps tripping over himself with idiotic ideas purported by those vaunting themselves into positions having an outward appearance of supreme knowledge, one item of which is evolution functioning as the beginning of living organisms on Earth.

Where did all the amazing complexity and interdependence in nature come from if not from a great overriding intelligence who created it all and all at once and maintains all of it, all the time? Who designed the invisible hologram from which patterns of all existing came into being and are continually sustained? So, we see then how far from an appreciation of Creator-God's thinking humanity has slipped, with what has got to be the stupidest theory ever generated, that of the origin of living things coming from other than Creator-God, that is, by way of this strange cocoction named evolution.

Evolution is a bypass used by those easily satisfied with cursory explanations on the origin of living organisms. Evolution leaves out connections with invisible energies and how they can affect humanity, instead only focusing upon the material world of what can be seen and/or measured at the moment. All the things of the spirit are sidestepped.

And so we have increasing evils today as a pressure to get back to reality in our thinking, to get away from concocted adult 'fairy tales' and get to know the Creator-God that made it all.

Pigs:.Pigs are the only animals that, like humans, are subject to being sunburnt. Why? I looked for answers from evolution to see what was said on it. There are none I found. Searching for answers on the complexities of living organisms cannot be found in evolution. What the hell is it good for then? Other than teaching kids how to spot erroneous thinking in order to stay away from such things, as they simply waste one's time. Evolutionary concepts are useless to use for arriving at an overstanding of the beginning of processes of life.

Sea dragons:.The twenty inch leafy sea dragons.(Pycodurus eques).have frond like appendages that branch out from their armor plated bodies making them perfectly camouflaged in their environment. 

The male carries the female's eggs, transferred to him for fertilization. Then he hatches the eggs on the outside of his body. Once hatched a sac remains to feed the new borns for a few days as they swim immediately after hatching to hunt for food. After depositing the eggs, the female is exhausted and needs about a day or so to begin swimming again. It would appear that it's easier for her to carry the eggs than transfer them, a conundrum for "survival of the fittest"?

These leafy sea dragons can perfectly mimic drifting seaweed so that they can ambush their prey, tiny mysid.shrimp.
