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motivate, motivated, motivating, motivates.transitive verbs
to impel to action; to provide with an incentive; move to action; to provide a motive, a reason for decision 
motivating or being motivated

the reason that makes someone do something (considering his actions, there may be hidden motives); subconscious.conditioning providing impetus for decisions and actions in accordance with the conditioning; drive, impulse, emotion, intention, etc., that causes a person to do something or act in a certain way, an incitement to action; acting from low consciousness is functioning with locomotives (young people often begin complicating their lives with flies)
causing or able to cause motion (motive power); impelling to action; of or constituting an incitement to action
motive, motived, motiving, motives.transitive verbs
to motivate

mock, mocked, mocking, mocks.transitive verbs
if someone mocks you, they show or pretend that they think you are foolish or inferior, for example by saying something funny about you or by imitating your behavior (the bitch Delilah and her accusation of being mocked by Samson, 'you're mocking me':.Judges 16:10-18); a mocking expression or mocking behavior indicates that you think someone or something is stupid or inferior (she gave a mocking smile); to give the impression that you are not serious, that you are playing and making a joke; to mimic, as in sport or derision; to pretend you are like another in such a way as to be demeaning to them, like ancient Elijah did:.1Kings18:27-29; you use mock to describe someone or something which you disparage with ridicule or contempt; cynical; to turn up the nose at someone; deride; to imitate; counterfeit; to defy and make futile
scornfully.contemptuous ridicule; derision; a specific act of ridicule or derision; an object of scorn or ridicule (made a mockery of the rules); a false, derisive or impudent imitation (the trial was a mockery of justice); something ludicrously.futile or unsuitable
intransitive verb use.to express scorn or ridicule; jeer.(they mocked at the idea of love spreading throughout the Earth)
the act of mocking; mockery; derision (said it merely in mock); an object of scorn or derision; an imitation or a counterfeit

simulated; false; sham.(a mock battle)
in an insincere or pretending manner
a usually full-sized scale.model of a structure, used for demonstration, study or testing; a layout of printed matter

the morphology of something is its form and structure; the branch of biology that deals with an organism's form without consideration of function, such as in the case of structure of plants and animals; the form and structure of an organism or one of its parts (the morphology of a cell; the morphology of vertebrates)

the manner in which an organism or any of its parts changes form or undergoes development; from Greek 'morphsis' meaning 'process of forming' and from 'morphoun' meaning 'to form' and from 'morph' meaning ' form'
Linguistics:.the study of the structure and form of words in language or a language, including inflection, derivation and the formation of compounds

malign, maligned, maligning, maligns.transitive verbs
to make evil, harmful and often untrue statements about; speak evil of; showing ill will; malicious; very harmful toward; evil in intent
evil in disposition, nature or intent; evil in influence; injurious; having or showing malice or ill will; malevolent
intense ill will or hatred; great malice; an act or a feeling of great malice; the condition or quality of being highly dangerous or injurious; deadliness

if you manifest a particular.quality, feeling or if it manifests itself, it becomes visible or obvious; manifest is to bring forth to a place of notice, a place of visibility, as from the invisible; to show or demonstrate plainly; to make clear; to reveal; make evident; to be obvious; apparent (it wasn't manifest until we arrived to purchase the tickets that there were many other charges added)
manifest, manifested, manifesting, manifests.transitive verbs
to be brought forth into view; to come from invisibilty into visibility; to show or demonstrate plainly; reveal; to be evidence of; prove

a list of cargo or passengers carried on a ship or plane; an invoice of goods carried on a truck or train; to record in a ship's manifest; to display or present a manifest of cargo (ships have to list all cargo they are carrying in what's called the ship's manifest); a list of railroad cars according to owner and location

the act of manifesting; the state of being manifested; an indication of the existence, reality or presence of something (a high fever is an early manifestation of one's immune system dealing with a pathogen); one of the forms in which someone or something, such as an individual, a divine being or an idea, is revealed (many non terrestrials look just like us)

minimize, minimized, minimizing, minimizes.transitive verbs
to reduce to the smallest possible.amount, extent, size or degree; to represent as having the least degree of importance, value or size (minimized the amount of salt the recipe called for and it still tasted as good as before)
use of a bit of sugar minimizes the taste of spicy hot foods

smallest in amount; only barely.adequate

the smallest or least.quantity or degree that is possible, allowed or needed; least.possible.quantity or degree
of, consisting of or representing the lowest possible amount or degree permissible.or.attainable; from Latin.neuter of 'minimus' meaninf 'least'

minute.(pronounced 'my noot').adjective
tiny, exceptionally small; usually relatively unimportant; petty; trifling.(it's simply a minute point and not worth spending any more time on)
with attention to small details; on a very small scale; into tiny pieces
a small or trivial.detail; petty

minute.noun,.plural.minutes.(pronounced 'min it').
a unit of time equal to one sixtieth of an hour or 60 seconds; a note or summary covering points to be remembered (do you have the minutes of the last meeting?); a memorandum; a record of the proceedings at a meeting (we'll now go over the minutes of the last few meetings)
minute, minuted, minuting, minutes.transitive verbs
to record in a memorandum or the minutes of a meeting

misname, misnamed, misnaming, misnames.transitive verbs
to call by a wrong name

application of a wrong name; to misname; a name wrongly or unsuitably applied to an individual or an object (because they lacked.comprehension of the facts, they called it a conspiracy theory); if you say that a word or name is a misnomer, you mean that it describes something incorrectly (herbal 'tea' is something of a misnomer because these drinks contain no tea at all, they are an infusion of herbs; 'silent movie' is a misnomer since the movies usually had a musical accompaniment); a wrong or unsuitable name; the act of applying a wrong name or epithet to some individual or thing

a manner, way or method of doing or acting (modern modes of travel); method; a particular.form, variety or manner (a mode of expression); a given condition of functioning; a status (the spacecraft was in its recovery mode); the current or customary fashion or style; fashion

having or showing a moderate or humble opinion of one's own value, abilities, achievements, talents, etc.; a disinclination to call attention to oneself; not forward or obtrusive; not ostentatious; decent; unpretentious; not extreme; quiet in appearance and style; shy; observing conventional proprieties in speech, behavior or dress; free from showiness or ostentation; refined

the state or quality of being modest; reserve or propriety in speech, dress or behavior; lack of pretentiousness; simplicity

poorly adjusted; failing to cope with the demands of a normal social.environment; aberrant
faulty or inadequate.adjustment, as in a machine
not conducive to adjustment; poorly adjusted
Psychology:.in psychology, the inability to adjust to reality, the demands of interpersonal relationships and the stresses of daily living (maintaining a stance of hiding reality from others by use of confounded.reasonings.evinces their maladaptive thinking)

marked by faulty or inadequate.adaptation; not assisting or promoting adaptation
faulty or inadequate adaptation

maladminister, maladministered, maladministering, maladministers.transitive verbs
to administer or manage inefficiently or dishonestly maladministration.noun

extremely careful about details; precise; concerned with details (a well-groomed individual)
meticulosity or meticulousness.noun
synonyms.careful, painstaking, scrupulous, fastidious, punctilious

joyfulness, merriment characterized by laughter

mature, maturer, maturest.adjectives
full grown; fully developed; full-fledged; having reached full natural growth or development; having reached a desired or final condition; ripe (a mature cheese); of, relating.to.or.characteristic of full development, either mental or physical (mature for her age)
mature, matured, maturing, matures.verbs
transitive verb use.to bring to full development; ripen; able to work out fully in the mind
intransitive verb use.to evolve toward or reach full development (children's judgment matures as they grow older); to become due, used of financial instruments known as notes and bonds

the state or quality of being fully grown or developed (a man reaches his full growth height at about 25 years of age and a woman at about 18); the state or quality of being mature; the time at which the financial instruments such as a note or bond is due; the state of a note or bond being due

the process of becoming mature; production or discharge of pus

copy; imitative
mimic, mimicked, mimicking, mimics.transitive verbs
to copy or imitate closely, especially in speech, expression and gesture; ape; to copy or imitate so as to ridicule; mock (always mimicking the boss); to resemble closely; simulate (an insect that mimics a twig); to take on the appearance of; imitate, copy, parody, simulate
one who imitates, especially (an actor or actress in a mime); one who practices the art of mime; one who copies or mimics others, as for amusement; a copy or an imitation
relating to, acting as, resembling or characteristic of a mimic or mimicry

very important; if you refer to a decision, event or change as momentous, you mean that it is very important, often because of the effects that it will have in the future

a brief, indefinite.interval of time; a specific point in time (she is not here at the moment); a particular.period of importance, influence or significance in a series of events or developments (a great moment in history; waiting for her big moment; a discovery of great moment); in physics, the product of a quantity and its perpendiculardistance from a reference point; the tendency to cause rotation about a point or an axis
for a moment or an instant
moment by moment.idiom
from moment to moment; at any moment; for a moment
lasting for only a moment; transient; occurring or present at every moment (I made a momentary stop for a rest); short-lived or ephemeral, as a life
moment of truth.noun,.plural.moments of truth
a critical or decisive time on which much depends; a crucial moment

mores.noun and.plural
folkways that are considered conducive to the welfare of society

mediate, mediated, mediating, mediates.verbs
transitive verb use.to resolve or settle differencesby working with all the conflicting parties (mediate a labor management dispute); to bring about a settlement, for example, by working with all the conflicting parties; to effect or convey as an intermediate.agent or mechanism; to be in an intermediate position; to be the medium for bringing about a result
intransitive verb use.to intervene between two or more disputants in order to bring about an agreement, a settlement or a compromise; to settle or reconcile differences; to have a relation to two differing persons or things; interpose
acting through, involving or dependent on an intervening agency

the act of mediating; intervention; the state of being mediated Law:.an attempt to bring about a peaceful settlement or compromise between disputants through the objective intervention of a neutral party
one that mediates, especially one that reconciles differences between disputants; Christ was the mediator

meditate, meditated, meditating, meditates.verbs
transitive verb use.to sit quietly allowing the ever so busy mind to calm to a point where it is beyond thoughts of physical concern, which is the point where one's soul can begin to flourish and influence (good to daydream), welling up things to the conscious mind; intend; a good and simple technique; information on meditation (Harvard trained Ph.D. quantum physicist Dr John Hagelin on proof of the way to produce world peace, safety and protection, health and abundance for all, video at invincibledefense.org (see the 'Message from the director' there on the right for the video; also on YouTube)
intransitive verb use.to consider or reflect at length; to engage in contemplation, especially of a spiritual nature (using the principles of love)
synonyms.ponder, deliberate, ruminate, mull, muse
the act or process of meditating; an exercise akin to the other spiritual disciplines
characterized by or prone to meditation; pensive
meditativeness.noun.(many words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' can make the word be clumsy)

consisting of or making up a large mass; bulky, heavy and solid (a massive piece of old furniture made of a heavy wood such as can be found in antique shops); large or imposing, as in quantity, scope, degree, intensity or scale; large in comparison with what was expected; heavy; large in comparison with the usual amount (a massive dose of the Sun's cosmic rays bombards Earth every so often, usually bringing warmer weather and disrupting radio frequencies often causing erratic.functioning of cell phones, etc.)

a unified body of matter with no specific shape (a mass of clay); a grouping of individual parts or elements that compose a unified body of unspecified size or quantity; a large but nonspecific amount or number (a mass of butterflies); the principal part; the majority (the mass of the continent); the physical volume or bulk of a solid body; the body of common people or people of low socioeconomic status (the majority of humanity); in physics, the measure of the quantity of matter that a body or an object contains;."A fundamental characteristic of a body determined by the amount of matter it contains; mass gives every particle its particular.identity and properties (atomic number, atomic weight, boiling point, density, melting point, valence); mass is defined by the resistance that a body opposes to its acceleration (inert mass) however the problem with mass is an unresolved issue with modern physics, that is, that mind has an effect upon it or to put it another way, matter changes as mind changes, example; it is also measured by the weight of the body (heavy mass); that these two radically different definitions.lead to the same value for the mass of a body is, in itself, an astonishing.fact."....Albert Einstein; the mass of the body is not dependent on gravity and therefore is different from but proportional to its weight
mass, massed, massing, masses.transitive and intransitive verbs to gather or be gathered into a mass
of, relating to, characteristic of, directed at or attended by a large number of people (mass education; mass indoctrination; mass communication); done or carried out on a large scale (mass production as invented by Henry Ford to produce automobiles; mass distribution); total; complete (the mass result wasn't impressive)
having a mass of zero

word is from Middle English 'masse' which is from Old English 'mæsse' which is from Vulgar Latin 'messa' which is from Late Latin 'missa' and from the Latin.feminine.past participle of 'mittere' meaning 'to send away', 'dismiss'; apart from the discombobulated grammar of this word, its confusing mess is used for public celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church and some Protestant churches, called the sacrament of the Eucharist; the word 'Mass' as used in the Roman (Latin) Catholic Church is a name derived from their religious formula of dismission as used in 'Ite, missa est' meaning 'Go, it is discharged'; the word 'mass' as meant here, is not a word from the Bible. Mass is also a musical setting of certain parts of the Mass, especially the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei; learning more about history will show the Roman Catholic Church was an outcrop of the Roman Empire, which became known as the Holy Roman Empire, then the Holy Roman Church vis-à-vis the Roman Catholic Church

the womb; a situation or surrounding substance within which something else originates, develops or is contained (creating situations within which more control over a population can be implemented); the component of tissues in which the cells of the tissue are embedded; see the movie The Matrix which clearly explains what it is today and how it affects people

a condition (psychopathological) in which delusional ideas of power, control, wealth predominate; an obsession with grandiose actions or extravagant things

a membrane is a thin piece of skin which connects or covers parts of an individual or animal's body (loud noise can damage the delicate membrane in the ear); a membrane is a thin soft pliable sheet of tissue or layer, especially of plant or animal tissue, serving as a covering or lining separating or connecting regions, structures or organs of an animal or a plant (in the case of cell membranes, how are they made?)
relating to, made of or similar to a membrane

mutatis mutandis.adverb
the necessary changes having been made; having substituted new terms

a rich or powerful person; a member of the force that under Baber conquered India in 1526; a member of the Moslem dynasty founded by Baber that ruled India until 1857; a Mongol or Mongolian

the socially correct way of acting; etiquette; a way of doing something or the way in which a thing is done or happens; method; away of acting; bearing or behavior; the prevailing customs, social conduct
model and norms of a specific society, period or group; kind; sort (what manner of individual is she?; saw all manner of people at the mall)
in a manner of speaking.idiom
in a way; so to speak