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great happiness; bliss; an instance of great happiness; a cause or source of happiness

fungus.noun,.plural.fungi, funguses
fungi are all over the world, even in the Antartic and their mycelium are all connected, just amazing and most are very healthy to eat and support one's immune system; individual fungi are of the major group called Fungi; they are saprophytic and parasitic.spore producing organisms usually classified as plants that lack chlorophyll and include mushrooms and yeasts, molds, rusts, mildews (plant disease), smuts (plant disease)
of, relating.to, resembling or characteristic of a fungus; caused by a fungus

a chemical substance that destroys or inhibits.the growth of fungi

a depressed.state of mind; in a slump (an economic funk; the team went into a funk); a cowering or flinching through losing heart due to being sad, in fear or panic; a pulling away from others; to avoid because of sadness or fear; an unsophisticated quality or atmosphere of a region or locality
funk, funked, funking, funks.verbs
transitive verb use.to shrink from in fright or dread; to be afraid of
intransitive verb use.to shrink in fright

an eighth of a mile, 220 yards; a stadium, a Greek measure of distance equal to 606 feet and 9 inches; authorities differ as to exact figures (what else is new? another reason you can't trust authorities); furlong is an Old English unit of length, based on the length of an average plowed furrow (hence 'furrow-long' or furlong) in the English common-field system, where each furrow ran the length of a 40 × 4-rod acre or 660 modern feet; the standardization of such linear units as the yard, foot and inch, begun by government enactment sometime between 1266 and 1303, recognized the traditional sizes of rods, furlongs and acres as fixed and therefore simply redefined them in terms of the newly standardized units, thus the furlong, often measured as 625 northern (German) feet, became 660 standard English feet and the mile which was always 8 furlongs, became 5,280 feet; today, the term 'furlong' is used almost exclusively in horse racing

capable of being fused or melted by heating
fusibleness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

fuse, fused, fusing, fuses.transitive verbs
to mix constituent elements together by or as if by melting; blend; melt; accrete; to meld; to liquefy or reduce to a plastic state by heating; to equip with a mechanical or electrical fuse
intransitive verb use.to become mixed or united by or as if by melting together; to become liquefied from heat
a cord of readily combustible material that is lighted at one end carries a flame along its length to detonate an explosive at the other end (the fuses on firecrackers); also, a safety device that protects an electric circuit from excessive current, consisting of or containing a metal element that melts when current exceeds a specific amperage, thereby opening the circuit and thus interruping the electric current

a fusing; a melting together; the union of different things by melting (*); compare fission
  On Cold Fusion: Hal Fox, Fusion Information Centre, Institute for New Energy, Utah, padrak.com/ine 
Email halfox@mail.slkc.uswest.net
nuclear fusion.noun,.plural.nuclear fusions
a type of nuclear reaction in which atomic.nuclei.fuse, forming a heavier nucleus with the release of large amounts of energy (polynucleotides; poly means more than one or many)

Fathers of Confederation in Canada

Standing (left to right): G. Coles, H.L. Langevin, E. Palmer, O. Mowat, J.M. Johnson, A.G. Archibald, C. Fisher, J. Cockburn, J.C. Chapais, W.A. Henry, R.B. Dickey, A.A. Macdonald, W.H. Pope, J.A. Shea, F.B.T. Carter, H. Bernard.(Sir John A.'s brother in law; his pic superimposed after this pic was taken; he didn't arrive in Canada until some 3 years after this pic taken, so the famous Fathers of Confederation picture appears to be little more than an infamous.forgery}), J.H. Haviland (17)

Seated (left to right): E. Whalen, A.T. Galt, George Brown, J.A. Macdonald, Col. J.H. Gray, C. Tupper, Sir E.-P. Tache, S.L. Tilley, George-E. Cartier, J. McCully, E.B. Chandler, W.H. Steeves, Lt. Col. J.H. Gray. (13)

a violin, often called a fiddle when playing folk music (when a kid he played the fiddle at local dances); fraud; the act or an instance of cheating or swindling; if someone fiddles financial documents, they alter them dishonestly so that they get money for themselves (he's been fiddling the financial records to gain selfish advantage); a guardrail used on a table in a ship during rough weather to prevent things from slipping off; nonsensical, trifling.matters
fiddle, fiddled, fiddling, fiddles.verbs
intransitive verb use.to play a violin; to move one's fingers or hands in a nervous fashion; to occupy oneself in an aimless or desultory way (liked to fiddle with all the knobs and dials; children fiddling around with sexual organs); if you fiddle with an object, you keep moving it or touching it with your fingers (Harriet fiddled with a pen on the desk); if you fiddle with something, you change it in minor ways (she told Whistler that his portrait of her was finished and to stop fiddling with it); if you fiddle with a machine, you adjust it (he turned on the radio and fiddled with the knob until he got a talk show); if you play second fiddle to someone, your position is less important than theirs in something that you are doing together (she hated the thought of playing second fiddle to Rose); to meddle or tamper (a politician who fiddled with the facts); to commit a fraud
transitive verb use.to play a tune on a violin; to cheat or swindle; to alter or falsify (accounts, for example) for dishonest gain; fiddle away.phrasal verb
to waste or squander; fiddled away the morning with unnecessary tasks)

fiddly, fiddlier, fiddliest.adjectives
something that is fiddly is difficult to do or use because it involves small or complicated objects and/or their instructions (it was a time-consuming and fiddly job to write code for a computer browser's many functions; fish can be fiddly to cook)

pretentious speech or writing; pompous language; wordiness or overblown language in speech or writing
synonyms.bombast, rant, verbosity, verbiage, prolixity, turgidity, long windedness, hot air (colloquial)
antonyms.terseness, conciseness, succinctness

futility is a total lack of purpose or usefulness; the quality or state of being futile (useless); uselessness
if you say that something is futile, you mean there is no point in doing it, usually because it has no chance of succeeding; serving no useful purpose; completely ineffective (efforts to convince him were futile); occupied with trifles; frivolous; vain; fruitless; frivolous

a coin formerly used in Great Britain worth one fourth of a penny; something of very little value

existing in a wild or untamed state; having returned to an untamed state from domestication; of or suggestive of a wild animal; savage (a feral grin)

foment, fomented, fomenting, foments.transitive verbs
if someone or something foments trouble or violent.opposition, they cause it to develop; promoting the growth of; incite; foment implies continued incitement over an extended period of time (the unjust taxes fomented rebellion); to rouse; to treat the skin, for example) by fomentation

the act of fomenting; incitement; a substance or material used as a warm, moist medicinal compress; a poultice; the therapeutic application of warmth and moisture, as to relieve pain

an advocate.or adherent of fascism; a reactionary or dictatorial individual
a system of government control of people (instead of by the people) by a despotic group allowed to exist by a deluded populace, which is marked by centralization of authority under a dictatorship.(all must strictly tow the party line and major decisions affecting citizens are imposed upon them in order to provide regulations for continued control of them, such as the covid con); Mussolini and Stalin.exemplified.despotism; stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of opposition through terror, censorship, mistruths and confusion of all kinds and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism; fascists seek to divide, conquer and control; fascism is an evil political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government; oppressive, dictatorial control; a system devoid of representative government by We the People; that is, where the will of the people is re presented to those bound to ensure that the will of the people is enacted; fascism is forcible suppression of opposition; the institution, system or practice of censoring and presenting the narrative fascists project in trying to force it upon people using lies (they always suck you in with "it's for the good of all" & "it's safe and effective", such as with the covid con), censorship and coercion

done or achieved with little effort or difficulty; easy; working, acting or speaking with effortless ease and fluency; nimble; arrived at without due care, effort or examination; superficial (proposed a facile solution to a complex problem); readily manifested, together with an aura of insincerity and lack of depth (a facile slogan.devised by politicians); pleasingly mild, as in disposition or manner

quickly (she is a fleet acrobat); nimble
passing quickly (physical life lasts but a fleeting moment); ephemeral (fleeting moments of a daydream); transient
fleet, fleeter, fleetest.adjectives
moving swiftly; rapid or nimble; fast; fleeting; evanescent (vanish like vapor); fleeting is used to describe something which lasts only for a very short time (the girls caught only a fleeting glimpse of the extra terrestrial craft; she wondered for a fleeting moment if he would put his arm around her; a smile passed fleetingly across his face)
fleet, fleeted, fleeting, fleets.verbs
intransitive verb use.to move or pass swiftly; to fade out; vanish
transitive verb use.to cause time to pass quickly

a number of ships operating together owned or controlled by someone; a group of vessels or vehicles, such as taxicabs or fishing boats, owned or operated as a unit

freaky, freakier, freakiest.adjective
if someone or something is freaky, they are unusual in some way; strangely or unusually different; abnormal; freakish; somewhat.unnerving; almost frightening
markedly unusual or abnormal; strange (freakish weather; a freakish combination of styles); capricious or whimsical; relating to or being a freak (a freakish extra toe; a freakish conversation)
a thing or an occurrence that is markedly unusual or irregular (a freak of nature produced the midsummer snow); an eccentric or nonconformist person, especially a member of a counterculture
freak, freaked, freaking, freaks.transitive and intransitive verbs
to behave or cause to behave irrationally; to become or cause to become greatly excited or upset; a fleck or streak of color
freak, freaked, freaking, freaks.transitive verbs
to speckle or streak with color

occurring or appearing quite often or at close intervals (frequent moments of joy)
frequent, frequented, frequenting, frequents.transitive verbs
to pay frequent visits to; be in or at often.(frequent a restaurant)
frequentation, frequentations, frequenter, frequenters, frequentness.nouns
at frequent intervals; often
expressing or designating.repeated.action
a frequentative verb or verb form

located away from one's native country (went for a trip to a foreign city); of or from a place or country other than the one normally associated (a foreign custom; foreign food); not domestic (foreign trade); not the usual normality (a foreign object in the eye); not natural; alien (jealousy is foreign to her nature); irrelevant
one who is from a foreign country or place; one who is from outside a particular.group or community; an outsider

a long, narrow opening; a crack or cleft; the process of splitting or separating; division
fissure, fissured, fissuring, fissures.intransitive and transitive verbs
to form a crack or cleft or cause a crack or cleft in

the act or process of initiating.biological reproduction by insemination or pollination; the union of male and female gametes to form a zygote; the act or process of applying a fertilizer

fertilize, fertilized, fertilizing, fertilizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause the fertilization of an ovum, for example; to make soil, for example, fertile (compost fertilizes the soil); to spread fertilizer on: used a mechanical spreader to fertilize the lawn
intransitive verb use.to spread fertilizer

any of a large number of natural materials including manure and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compounds, spread on or worked into soil to increase its capacity to support plant growth; synthetic materials used as fertilizers are no longer regarded as being able to maintain productivity and produce nutritional.deficiencies

true food should be nutritionally highly conducive to health; food is material, usually of plant or animal origin that contains or consists of nutrients.essential for a body, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins or minerals with their synergistic.properties.intact.due to them not being stripped in some processing.scheme; food is that which is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth and maintain.healthy.life (most food, unless organic, today falls woefully short of maintaining optimum health); food, true food, promotes and sustains good health, as through its vital nutrients; true food has not been touched with additives, preservatives, flavorings, colorings, not been force grown because of Earth lacking nutrients because of improper use and therefore needing chemical fertilizers, growth hormones and all the '...cides' used on it, etc. by those not caring enough to find out how nature handles these things by avoiding monoculture (all one crop in a field) farming and how nature uses various other favorable crop growing methods, many of which no longer are known and/or widely understood, producers instead.emphasizing the quickest route to money while avoiding better health producing methodologies

capable of initiating, sustaining or supporting reproduction (fertile ground); capable of growing and developing; able to mature (a fertile egg); bearing or producing crops or vegetation abundantly; fruitful; rich in material needed to sustain plant growth; prolific (a fertile imagination; a fertile source of new ideas)
Physics:.capable of producing fissionable material (fertile thorium 232)
the condition, quality or degree of being fertile; the fertility rate  of a population is its birthrate

flinch, flinched, flinching, flinches.intransitive verbs
to start or wince.involuntarily, as from surprise or pain; to recoil, as from something unpleasant or difficult
an act or instance of starting, wincing or recoiling

at once; immediately
