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something in which an individual excels; the strong part of a sword blade, between the middle and the hilt; from French 'fort' and Old French 'strong' and from Latin 'fortis'

of.or.relating.to.government expenditures, revenues and debt; of or relating to finance or finances

word 'frigging' is used by some people to emphasize what they are saying, especially when they are annoyed about something (I can't open the frigging door, it's frozen; It's frigging cold outside); damned; confounded; the word 'friggen' is used as an intensifier

fuck, fucks, fucked, fucking.verbs
fuck is a rude and offensive word which you should substitute with a more appropriate word; many people find this word offensive that is used to express anger, disgust or surprise
word history: the obscenity 'fuck' is a very old word, first recorded in English in the 15th century. Its first known occurrence was in a poem entitled Flen Flyys written sometime before 1500 A.D. and is in code, illustrating the unacceptability of the word even then. The poem, composed in a mixture of Latin and English was about the Carmelite friars of Cambridge, England, with the title taken from the first words of the poem 'flen, flyys and freris' that is,'fleas, flies and friars'. The coded phrase that contains 'fuck' breaks down to 'They are not in heaven because they fuck wives of Ely', which was a town near Cambridge. It is also alleged to have come from soldiers under a British king's command, where it stood for Fraternizing Under Command of the King, that is, the soldiers had agreed not to fraternize with women while on duty and in uniform and if they did and were caught doing so, they were said to be in fuck or fucked
fucked up.adjective
unhappy and confused, so that you cannot control your life properly; messed up (she got all messed up thinking she should be with that guy, after four months with him she was completely fucked up, wrecked, being not in an emotionally good condition)

the indefinite time yet to come (there are many futures to come, different times from the one we are now in); something that will happen in time to come; futures are commodities or stocks bought or sold upon agreement of delivery in time to come 
the form of a verb used in speaking of action that has not yet occurred or of states not yet in existence (the state of our world will be immensely improved once the satanists are no longer futurely in control of); word futurely is verb form in the future tense
that is to be or to come; of or existing in later time.; Middle English, from Old French 'futur' from Latin 'futurus' meaning 'about to be'
the future; the quality or condition of being in or of the future; a future event or possibility
of.or.relating.to.the future; of, characterized by or expressing a vision of the future (futuristic decor was used in the new show home); being ahead of the times; innovative or revolutionary (futuristic computer software); of or relating to futurism
a belief that the meaning of life and one's personal fulfillment lie in the future and not in the present or past; an artistic movement originating in Italy around 1910 whose aim was to express the energetic, dynamic and violent quality of contemporary life, especially as embodied in the motion and force of modern machinery
the study or forecasting of potential developments, as in science, technology and society, using current conditions and trends as a point of departure

First Nation.noun,.plural.First Nations
First Nations' people in Canada are an indigenous American Indian community officially recognized as an administrative unit or functioning as such; see history of them

a trademarked plastic disk shaped toy that players throw and catch; a throw-and-catch game played with this toy

a very hard, fine grained piece of quartz that sparks when struck with steel; a piece of flint is used to produce a spark as used in lighters to ignite the fuel

the Fed.proper noun
The Federal Reserve System, created by those nefarious individuals who set up an unconstitutional monetary system throughout the world by means of central banks of most nations; also called The Federal Reserve Board; also 'fed', meaning a federal agent or official, one who is paid by some agency of a government

a narcotic.analgesic used in combination with other drugs before, during or following surgery; the word is an alteration of 'phentanyl' the chemical name