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made flesh; invested with bodily nature and form; embodied in human form; personified
incarnate, incarnated, incarnating, incarnates.transitive verbs
o give bodily, especially human, form to; to personify; to realize in action or fact; actualize
the act of incarnating; the condition of being incarnated
Theology:.in Theology, the Christian.concept that the Son of God was conceived in the womb of Mary and that Emmanuel is true God and true man, the eternal spirit in him; a bodily manifestation of a supernatural being; a period of time passed in a given bodily form or condition (the times of our present incarnation)

the act or an instance of infringing; a violation; breach

Chemistry: any of two or more substances that are composed of the same elements in the same proportions but differ in properties because of differences in the arrangement of atoms

inform, informed, informing, informs.verbs
transitive verb use.to impart information to; to teach; the word information comes from a universe 'in form' for 'action' ('ation'); information makes us aware of something (we were informed by Email of the change in plans; the nurse informed me that visiting hours were over); to acquaint oneself with knowledge of a subject
intransitive verb use.to give or provide information
serving to inform; providing or disclosing information; instructive

word information, 'in form' 'action', 'ation' is 'action' (we come from a multiverse of information which can be intelligently energized to manifest.things (how?) knowledge.derived from study, experience or instruction; learning; intelligence; knowledge; collections of facts or data (statistical.information); the act of informing or the condition of being informed; communication of knowledge (safety instructions are provided for the information of our passengers)

information theory.noun,.plural.information theories
the mathematical principles related to sending and storing information; information theory deals with efficiency of processes of communication between humans and machines; types of information are instructive, supportive, inspirational, invisible, the non local intelligence underlying the universe

not formal or ceremonious; casual (an informal gathering of friends; a relaxed, informal manner; informal contract, nothing written down, just a knowing between hearts); not being in accord with regulations or forms (an informal agreement); suited for everyday wear or use (informal clothes)
the state or quality of being informal

Mathematics:.in mathematics, a real number is a member of the set of positive whole numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) and negative whole numbers (–1, –2, –3, etc.) and zero (0); all integers that are not prime are said to be composite, but all composite numbers can be written as the product of prime numbers

an erroneous.perception of reality; an erroneous concept or belief; an image.appearing.as.real, but in actuality having no substance of it's own, such as a shadow; the condition of being.deceived by a false.perception-or belief; something, such as a fantastic plan or desire, that causes an erroneous belief or perception
illusional or illusionary, illusionless.adjectives
produced by, based on or having the nature of an illusion deceptive

impinge, impinged, impinging, impinges.intransitive verbs
to collide or strike (sound waves impinge on the eardrum); to encroach; trespass (do not impinge on another's privacy)
transitive verb use.to encroach upon (one of a modern government's continuing challenges is finding a way to protect  secrets without impinging the liberties that a proper constitution exists to protect)

the process of increasing in number, size, quantity or extent; something added or gained (a force swelled by increments from allied armies; a slight, often barely perceptible augmentation); one of a series of regular additions or contributions (accumulating a fund by increments)

inundate, inundated, inundating, inundates.transitive verbs
to cover with water, especially floodwaters; to overwhelm as if with a flood; swamp (the theater was inundated with requests for tickets)
inundation, inundator-nouns

a route or proposed route of a journey; an account or a record of a journey; a guidebook for travelers. itinerary.adjective
of or relating to a journey or route; traveling from place to place; itinerant (the itinerant gambler)

not legible or decipherable
illegibility or illegibleness-noun

incorporate, incorporated, incorporating, incorporates.verbs
transitive verb use.to unite one thing with something.else.already in existence (incorporated the letter into her diary); to cause to merge or combine.together into a united whole; to cause to form into a legal.corporation.(incorporate a business)
intransitive verb use.to become united or combined into an organized.body; to become or form a legal corporation (San Antonio incorporated as a city of the state of Texas in 1837)
combined into one united body; merged; formed into a legal.corporation
used after the name of a company in the U.S.A. to show that it has become a corporation and therefor.protects those owning the incorporated company by having set down limits and a structure, often the structure being another corporation above the one directly producing items and/or dealing with the public and other corporations, so that if it gets sued for violating its charter of rights, rules and regulations and/or for causing harm in some way, its liability is limited and the parent corporation is protected and the subcorporation is on the hook only to the limits of its liability; see meaning of prefix 'sub'

originating and growing or living in an area or environment; native; intrinsic; innate

producing a display of lustrous, rainbowlike colors (an iridescent oil slick; iridescent plumage); brilliant, lustrous or colorful in effect or appearance

irk, irked, irking, irks.transitive verbs
to be irritating, wearisome or vexing to; annoy
causing annoyance, weariness or vexation; tedious.(irksome restrictions)

idiot savant.noun,.plural.idiot savants
a mentally challenged person who exhibits genius in a highly specialized area, such as mathematics or music

inveigle, inveigled, inveigling, inveigles.transitive verbs
to win over by coaxing, flattery or artful talk; lure; to obtain by cajolery (inveigle a free pass to the screening of the new film)
inveiglement, inveigler.nouns

interrupt, interrupted, interrupting, interrupts.verbs
transitive verb use.to break the continuity or uniformity of (rain interrupted our baseball game); if someone or something interrupts a process or activity, they stop it for a period of time (he has rightly interrupted his holiday to return home); if you interrupt someone who is speaking, you say or do something that causes them to stop; to hinder or stop the action or discourse of someone by breaking in on (the baby interrupted me while I was on the phone)
intransitive verb use.to break in on an action or discourse
interrupt, noun

acting or done without one's will (an involuntary participant in what turned out to be a great party); not subject to control of the volition.(gave an involuntary start); spontaneous

without the means or right of communicating with others (a prisoner held incommunicado; incommunicado political detainees)

the act or an instance of flowing, passing or giving out; the act of circulating, distributing or publishing (the school has a new ticket issue for the concert after adding more seats); something produced, published or offered (a new issue of stamps or coins); a single copy of a periodical (the March issue of the magazine)
issue, issued, issuing, issues.verbs
to be circulated or published (an issue of a monthly magazine); 
Pathology:.a discharge, as of blood or pus; a lesion, a wound or an ulcer producing such a discharge
issue, issued, issuing, issues.verbs
intransitive verb use.to go or come out; to spring or proceed from a source (when we opened the valve the gas escaped); to accrue as proceeds or profit (little money issued from the stocks we invested in); to spring or proceed from a source; to be circulated or published; stem
transitive verb use.to cause to flow out; emit; to circulateor distribute (issued uniforms to the players); to publish (issued periodic statements)

offspring; progeny (passed on without issue)
issue, issued, issuing, issues.verbs
intransitive verb use.to be born or be descended

a point or matter of discussion, debate or dispute (she had an issue with her sister over who would drive; legal and moral issues); a matter of public concern (refused to address the economic issues); the essential point; crux (the issue of how to balance work time with family time)

take issue.idiom
to take an opposing point of view; disagree
at issue.idiom
in question; in dispute; at variance; in disagreement
join issue.idiom
to enter into controversy

implode, imploded, imploding, implodes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to collapse inward violently
transitive verb use.to cause to collapse inward violently; to demolish (a building) by causing to collapse inward

not distinguishable (impossible to differentiate or tell apart  (indistinguishable twins; a moth with markings that make it indistinguishable from its background); impossible to discern; imperceptible (a sound that was indistinguishable to the human ear); difficult to understand or make out; vague (indistinguishable speech)

intermingle, intermingled, intermingling, intermingles.transitive and intransitive verbs
to mix or become mixed together

impossible to limit or circumscribe; limitless; infinite

the Irish Free State was established in 1922. Ireland developed its constitution and became a sovereign, free independent, democratic state in 1937. In 1949 the Irish people decided to end Commonwealth affliation with Britain.

At the Imperial Conference of 1926, the Free State joined with other dominions to obtain the Balfour Report, which stated that the British government would not legislate for the dominions or nullify acts passed by their own legislatures. Once this was confirmed by the Statute of Westminster in 1931, Ireland had the power to legislate away its relationship with Britain.
