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tan, tanned, tanning, tans.verbs
transitive verb use.to convert hide into leather, as by treating with tannin; to make brown by exposure to the Sun; to thrash; to beat
intransitive verb use.to become brown or tawny from exposure to Sun
a light or moderate yellowish brown to brownish orange color; the brown color that Sun rays impart to the skin
tan, tanner, tannest.adjectives
light or moderate yellowish-brown to brownish-orange color; having a Suntan

tannin is tannic acid; any of various chemically different substances capable of promoting tanning (tanning leather)

making contact at a single point or along a line; touching but not intersecting
a line, curve or surface touching but not intersecting another line, curve or surface; in mathematics, the trigonometric.function of an acute.angle in a right triangle that is the ratio of the length of the side opposite the angle to the length of the side adjacent to the angle; a sudden.digression or change of course (went off on a tangent during his explanation)
of, relating.to.or.moving along or in the direction of a tangent; merely touching or slightly connected; only superficially.relevant; divergent (a tangential remark)

a modified branch in the form of a sharp, woody spine; any of various.shrubs, trees or woody plants bearing sharp, woody spines; any of various sharp, spiny protuberances; a prickle; something or somepne that causes sharp pain, irritation or discomfort.(2Corinthians 12:7 "...there was given to me a thorn in the flesh...")

a short cluster of elongated.strands, as of yarn, hair or grass, attached at the base or growing close together; a dense.clump, especially of trees or bushes; a tuft of facial hair hanging down from the chin is called a goatee on a man because goats have similar chin growth
tuft, tufted, tufting, tufts.verbs
transitive verb use.to furnish or ornament with tufts or a tuft; to pass threads through the layers of a quilt, mattress or upholstery, securing the thread ends with a knot or button
intransitive verb use.to separate or form into tufts; to grow in a tuft

tingle, tingled, tingling, tingles.verbs
intransitive verb use.to have a prickling, stinging.sensation, as from a sharp slap or excitement (tingled all over with.joy); to cause a prickling, stinging sensation or feeling (the straw tingled her when her neck was touched with it)
transitive verb use.to cause to tingle
a prickly or stinging sensation

tarnish, tarnished, tarnishing, tarnishes.verbs
transitive verb use.to dull the luster of; discolor, especially by exposure to air or dirt; to detract from or spoil; taint; if you say that something tarnishes someone's reputation or image others may have in their mind of them being a good person, you mean that it causes people to have a worse.opinion of them than they would otherwise.have had; if a metal tarnishes or if something tarnishes it, it becomes stained and loses its brightness (it never rusts or tarnishes said the ad; wear cotton gloves when cleaning silver, because the acid in your skin can tarnish the metal); tarnish is a substance which forms of the surface of some metals and which stains them or causes them to lose their brightness
intransitive verb use.to lose luster; become discolored
the condition of being tarnished; discoloration of a metal.surface.caused by corrosion or oxidation; the condition of being sullied or tainted

tempt, tempted, tempting, tempts.verbs
transitive verb use.to try to get someone to do wrong, especially by a promise of reward (the ancient.Pharisees.successfully tempted Judas with thirty pieces of silver to betray.Emmanuel:.Matthew 26:14-16); to try whether a thing can be done (kids often try their parents to see if they can do things and get away with it and in that way, they find out what actions are good and which ones are not); something that tempts you attracts you and makes you want it, even though it may be wrong or harmful (can I tempt you with a little puff pastry?); if you tempt someone, you offer them something they want or that you think they'll want, in order to encourage them to do what you want them to do; to be inviting or attractive to (a second helping of mashed potatoes and gravy tempted me); lure; to cause to be strongly disposed (the longer the professor spoke, the more I was tempted to walk out)
intransitive verb use.to be attractive or inviting (a meal, opportunity or situation that tempts
that sounds like a temptable offer, but I don't want to move from where I now am
the act of tempting or the condition of being tempted; something tempting or enticing

any of several.Aramaic.translations or paraphrases of the Old Testament, written in the ancient language of the Chaldeans; rom Amtract Bible Dictionary:."The Targum of Onkelos, that is, the translation of the Pentateuch into Chaldee, affords the next and purest specimen of that language. The oldest specimen of this language that we have is contained in the Peshito or Syriac version of the Old and New Testament, made perhaps within a century after the time of Christ. A multitude of writers in this dialect have flourished, many of whose writings are probably still extant, although but few have been printed in Europe. In Arabic, there exists a great variety of manuscripts and books, historical, scientific and literary. A familiar knowledge of this and its kindred dialects throws much valuable light on the Old Testament Scriptures."

a group or company of people, animals or things; band; a group of soldiers; troops
troop, trooped, trooping, troops.intransitive verbs
to move or go as a throng; to assemble or move in crowds (the office crowd trooped down the street to the usual restaurant)

a device, such as a saw, used to perform or facilitate.manual or mechanical work; something.regarded as necessary to the carrying out of one's occupation or profession (words are the tools of our trade); something used in the performance of an operation; an instrument; a machine, such as a lathe, used to cut and shape machine parts or other objects; a person used to carry out the designs of another; a dupe
tool, tooled, tooling, tools.verbs
transitive verb use.to form, work or decorate with a tool
intransitive verb use.to work with a tool

the arrangement and appearance of printed matter
in printing, the art and technique of printing with movable type; the composition of printed material from movable type

you can use thing to refer to any object, feature or event when you cannot, need not or do not want to refer to it more precisely
(what's that thing in the middle of the fountain?', some kind of statue, I guess.'; she was in the middle of clearing the breakfast things; if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?; a strange thing happened); the word 'thing' is used in lists and descriptions to give examples or to increase the range of what you are referring to (he works with the things that make a computer function); the word 'thing' is often used after an adjective, where it would also be possible just to use the adjective, for example, you can say 'it's a different thing' instead of 'it's different' (to be a good parent is a terribly difficult thing); the word 'thing' is also often used instead of the pronouns 'anything' or 'everything' in order to emphasize what you are saying (it isn't going to solve a single thing; don't you worry about a thing); you often use 'thing' to indicate to the person you are addressing that you are about to mentionsomethingimportant or something that you particularly want them to know
(one thing I am sure of is smart.enough to learn it quickly; the funny thing is that the rest of us have known that for years); a 'thing' is a physical object that is considered as having no life of its own (it's not a thing, it's a living organism); 'thing' is used to refer to something, especially a physical object, when you want to express.contempt or anger.toward it (turn that thing off, I can't hear myself think); your 'things' are your clothes or possessions; (please pick up all your things off the floor and put them in the drawers); if you say that something is the thing, you mean that it is fashionable or popular (I like these clothes because it's the in thing these days); if for example, you do the right thing or do the decent thing in a situation, you do something which is considered correct or socially.acceptable in that situation (people want to do the right thing and buy 'green'; Carrington did the honorable thing and resigned); an individual object (there wasn't a thing in sight)

of all things.idiom
of all things in the world including crappy.ideas (he constructed it himself and of all things, chose to build it almost at the water's edge)