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vacuously, smugly and unconsciously foolish; delusive; unreal

the animals of a given region or period considered as a whole. Compare flora

a gracious, friendly or obliging act that is freely granted (do someone a favor; she graciously offered to help us clean up the garage); friendly or favorable regard; approval or support (God had favor.toward; looked with favor on the plan); advantage; benefit (sailed under favor of cloudless skies); a state of being.held in such regard (a fashion.style.currently in favor); something.given as a token of love, affection or remembrance; favoritism; a privilege or concession; a small decorative gift given to each guest at a party (Thanksgiving Day party favors)
favor, favored, favoring, favors.verbs
transitive verb senses.to perform a kindness or service for; oblige; to treat or regard with friendship, approval or support; to be partial to; indulge a liking for (favors bright colors); to be or tend to be in support of; to make easier or more possible; to facilitate (darkness favored their escape); to treat with care; be gentle with (favored a wounded leg); to resemble in appearance (she favors her father)
intransitive verb senses or use.to resemble another in appearance (she and her father favor)
in favor of.idiom; in support of; approving (we are in favor of his promotion to president; to the advantage of (the court decided in favor of the plaintiff; inscribed or made out to the benefit of (a cheque in favor of a charity)

one that enjoys special favor or regard; one that is trusted, indulged.or.preferred above all others (a favorite of the teacher); a contestant or competitor regarded as most likely to win
liked or preferred above all others; regarded with special favor

advantageous; helpful (favorable winds); encouraging; propitious (a favorable climate for enjoying the Sun); manifesting approval; commendatory (a favorable weather prediction); pleasing (a favorable impression; a favorable reply)
the showing of special favor; partiality; the state or fact of being a favorite; preferring another for what can be gotten from him or her as compared to being sincere to everyone

capable of being done or carried out; possible; probable

weak; not strong; without force or effectiveness; easily broken; frail
in a feeble manner
feeble minded.adjective
mentally weak or deficient; subnormal in intelligence; irresolute

feel, felt, feeling, feels.verbs
transitive verb senses-to have one's sensibilities.markedly.affected.by; to touch; to perceive through the sense of touch (feel the velvety smoothness of a peach; felt the cold wind); to be conscious of an inward impression, state of mind or physical condition (she always trusts her 'gut feeling'); to have a marked sentiment or opinion (feels strongly about it); felt is past tense and past participle of feel
intransitive verb senses or use.to experience sensations of touch (the sheets felt smooth)
a feeling is conscious awareness of vibration (what vibration are you in right now, a happy or sad one?); conscious awareness of one's regular state of being; the awareness of the electromagnetic field of an object, sensed by closeness to it and we call that touching; susceptibility to impression; sensitivity (the remark hurt her feelings); when you refer to someone's feelings, you are talking about the things that might embarrass, offend or upset them, for example, if you hurt someone's feelings, you upset them by something that you say or do (he was careful of hurting my feelings; she has little respect, that is, no regard for anyone's feelings); sentient; easily moved emotionally; expressing emotion or sensitivity; a feeling is an emotion, such as anger or happiness (it gave me a feeling of satisfaction; our main feeling is one of immense.gratitude); intuitive.awareness or natural ability (has a feel for decorating)
fabric of matted, compressed animal fibers, such as wool or fur, sometimes mixed with vegetable or synthetic fibers; a material resembling this fabric made from aluminum pop cans
made of, relating.to.orresembling felt
felt, felted, felting, felts.verbs
transitive verb senses or use.to make into felt; to cover with felt
intransitive verb senses or use.to become like felt; mat together

feel out.phrasal verb
to try cautiously or indirectly to ascertain the viewpoint or nature of (sent spies ahead to feel out the situation:.Joshua 6:23-25)
feel inside.idiom
to have an intuition of
feel like.idiom
to have an inclination or desire for (felt like going for a walk)
feel like oneself.idiom
to sense oneself as being in one's normal state of health or spirits (I just didn't feel like myself yesterday, but today I'm ok)

feign, feigned, feigning, feigns.transitive verbs
well-turned words designed to fabricate.falsities or present a false impression usually for selfish gain:.1Timothy 6:5; to give a false appearance of (feign sleep); to represent falsely and subtly; pretend to (feign authorship of a novel); to imitate so as to deceive (feign another's voice); to fabricate (feigned an impression upon them:.Matthew 7:15)
synonyms.pretend, simulate, fake, counterfeit
a deceptive action designed to divert attention from one's real purpose; an artifice
see also 'fain', sounds the same, but meaning is different

a deceptive action calculated to divert attention from one's real purpose; a feigned act designed to draw defensive action away from an intended target; an artifice
feint, feinted, feinting, feints.verbs
intransitive verb use.to make a feint
transitive verb use.to deceive with a feint; to make a deceptive.presentation of something (her fainting was feinted {or, feigned})

felicitous.adjective.(pronunciation 'fell ish it is')
very well.suited or expressed; apt.(a felicitous remark); pleasant; delightful; fit

the condition of sharing similar interests, ideals or experiences, as by reason of profession, religion, nationality or location; two fellows in a ship, meaning two or more sharing experiences, such as getting together at the local pub for a beer; the companionship of individuals in a congenial atmosphere and on equal terms; a close association of friends or equals sharing similar interests; friendship; comradeship
a man or boy; a comrade or an associate (he seems to be a fine fellow); an individual of equal.rank, position or background; a peer; your fellows are the people who you work with, do things with or who are like you in some way (people looked out for one another and were concerned about the welfare of their fellows); one of a pair; a mate (found the lost shoe and its fellow); a member of a learned society; a fellow of an academic or professional association is someone who is a specially elected member of it, usually because of their work or achievements or as a mark of honour (the fellows of the Zoological Society of London; a fellow of the electrical society); you use fellow to describe people who are in the same situation as you or people you feel you have something in common with (she discovered to her pleasure, a talent for making her fellow guests laugh); a graduate student appointed to a position granting financial aid and providing for further study; a member of the governing body of certain colleges and universities
being of the same kind, group, occupation, society or locality; having in common certain characteristics or interests (fellow workers)
Word history: the ancestor of our word 'fellow' referred to a business partner; the word 'fellow', was borrowed into English from Old Norse and is related to an Old Icelandic word meaning 'a partner or shareholder of any kind'

fend, fended, fending, fends.verbs
transitive senses.fend off; to ward off; fend for oneself; to get along without the help of others (fend off the cold); like a fender which fends off or protects something else
intransitive senses.to make an effort to resist (fend against the cold); to attempt to manage without assistance (the children had to fend for themselves while their parents worked)
fend off.phrasal verb
if you fend off unwanted questions, problems or people, you stop them from affecting you or defend yourself from them, but often only for a short time and without dealing with them completely; to hold off; avert; avoid; deflect; keep off; rebuff; rebut; refuse; reject; repel; repulse; spurn; stave off; ward off; hold or keep at bay, keep at a distance

fermion.noun,.plural.fermions.(quantum mechanics)
a fundamental.particle of matter of one half integral spin; electrons, protons and neutrons are fermions; a fermion cannot occupy the same quantum state because 2 fermions in a system would have their wave functions altered or to put it another way, not more than one in a set of identical particles may occupy a particular quantum state; fermions make up matter and bosons.comprise a particle's forces

extremely.savage; fierce; marked by unrelenting.intensity; extreme
ferociousness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

the state or quality of being ferocious; fierceness

of, relating.to.or.containing iron, especially with a valence of 2 or a valence lower than in a corresponding ferric compound
of, relating.to.or.containing iron, especially with a valence of 3
an iron containing protein complex, found principally in the intestinal mucosa, spleen and liver, that functions as the primary form of iron storage in the body
iron that has not combined with carbon, occurring commonly in steel, cast iron and pig iron below 910°C.; a ceramic ferrimagnetic oxide of iron and one or more other metals, used in high frequency electrical components such as aerials; in metallurgy a form of pure iron occurring in low-carbon steel

intensity of feeling or expression to get something done, either good or evil (the ferocity of evil demons); intense heat; implies a warm and steady emotion (she read the poem aloud with great fervor)
intense devotion
great warmth of feeling; intense devotion or earnestness; that doesn't cease; assiduous; ardent; passionate
ferventness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
marked by great passion or zeal.(a fervid hockey fan); extremely hot; burning
fervidness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

characterized by erratic changeableness or instability, especially with regard to affections or attachments; capricious

the shape and structure of an object; the form of something is its shape (the form of the body; what form of vehicle did you get, an automobile, truck or SUV?); the body or outward appearance of a person or an animal considered separately from the face or head; a figure; the essence of something (was the form of the letter kindly? the different forms of customs.peculiar to various.cultures); the mode in which a thing exists, acts or manifests itself; kind (a form of animal life; a form of speaking); a ceremony; a formula; a document with blanks for the insertion of details or information (application forms); a form of something is a type or kind of it, such as, manners or conduct as governed by etiquette, decorum or custom (behavior.according to a person's unique.expression); when something can exist or happen in several possible ways, you can use the word form to refer to one particularway in which it exists or happens (valleys often take the form of deep canyons; they received a benefit in the form of a dividend; her form of behavior was exemplary); proven.ability to perform (a musician at the top of her form); a mold for the setting of concrete; a linguistic form
form, formed, forming, forms.verbs
transitive use.to give form to; shape (form clay into figures); to develop in the mind; conceive.(form an opinion); to shape or mold dough for example, into a particular form (she made gingerbread cookies for Christmas in the form of a minstrel)
intransitive verb use.to become formed or shaped; to come into being by taking form; arise; to assume a specified form, shape or pattern

the act or process of forming something or of taking form; something formed (beautiful cloud formations); the manner or style in which something is formed; structure (the distinctive formation of the human eye) 

relating to or involving outward form or structure (the parents sat all the kids down in a serious.manner to sternly ask them about the bullying.incident); being or relating to essential form or constitution (a formal principle); following or being in accord with accepted forms, conventions or regulations (had little formal education; went to a formal party); carried out or done in proper or regular form: a formal complaint; a formal document); characterized by strict or meticulous observation of forms; methodical (very formal in their business transactions); stiffly ceremonious (a formal manner; a formal greeting; a formal bow to the monarch)
something, such as a gown or social affair, that is formal in nature (a formal dress; a formal function)

formalize, formalized, formalizing, formalizes.transitive verbs
to give a definite form or shape to; to make formal; to give formal standing or endorsementto as having been recognized for following established.procedures

the quality or condition of being formal; rigorous or ceremonious.adherenceto established forms, rules or customs; an established form, rule or custom, especially one followed merely for the sake of procedure or decorum

figure, figured, figuring, figures.verbs
transitive verb use.to conclude, believe or predict (I never figured that this would happen); to consider or regard (figured them as con artists); to calculate with numbers; to make a likeness of; depict (she carved a wood figure of a buffalo for a gift); to adorn with a design or figures 
intransitive verb use.to calculate; compute
go figure.phrasal verb
said to express the belief that something is so stupid, that why then is it done? parts of English are even like that
figure in.phrasal verb
to include, as in making an account (figured in travel expenses)
figure of speech.noun,.plural.figures of speech
an expression such as a metaphor or simile or a device such as personification or hyperbole in which words are used in a nonliteral way to achieve an effect beyond the range of ordinary.language
figure on.phrasal verb
to plan (we figure we'll leave about noon)
figure out.phrasal verb
to discover or decide (let's figure out a way to help); to solve or decipher (can you figure out this puzzle?)
shaped or fashioned in a particular way; decorated with a design; patterned (stained glass is elaborately figured)

an individual human, an animal or an object that symbolizes something; a written or printed symbol representing something other than a letter, especially a number
mathematical calculations (good at figures); an amount represented in numbers (sold for a large figure); the outline, form or silhouette of a thing (the shape or form of a human being); an indistinct.object or shape (saw figures dashing down the street); an individual, especially a well-known one (the sculpture was of a famous historical figure); an individual, an animal or an object that symbolizes something; a personage; a pictorial or sculptural.representation, especially of the human body; a design or pattern, as in a textile (silk with a paisley figure); a pattern traced by a series of movements, as in ice skating; in logic, any one of the forms that a syllogism can take, depending on the position of the middle term

based on or making use of figures of speech; metaphorical (figurative language); containing many figures of speech; ornate.represented by a figure or resemblance; symbolic or emblematic; of or relating to artistic representation by means of animal or human figures
figurativeness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

an individual given a position of nominal leadership but having no actual authority; a carved figure on the prow of a ship

a bitter, often.prolonged.quarrel or state.of enmity, such as a state of hostilities between two families or clans
feud, feuded, feuding, feuds.intransitive verbs
to carry on or perpetuate a bitter quarrel or state of enmity

a medieval.term for fee

relating to lands held in fee or to the holding of such lands
a political and economic system, not agreed on by the common people of Europe, from the 9th to about the 15th century, based on the holding of all land by those of nobility having favor with the king's army, who connived it away from generational families continuing to live and work on it, placing them in fief or fee with the resulting relation of lord to forced vassal beginning to be characterized by homage, legal and military service of tenants and forfeiture; a political, economic or social order today resembling this medieval.system of control

forbid, forbad.(past tense of forbid), forbade, forbidden, forbidding, forbids.transitive verbs
to command someone not to do something (I forbid you to go); to command against the doing or use of (something); prohibit.(forbid smoking on buses); to have the effect of preventing; preclude.(discretion forbids a reply)
tending or threatening to impede progress (forbidding rapids); unpleasant; disagreeable (a forbidding scowl) having a menacing.aspect.(forbidding thunderclouds)