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bombast, bombaster.nouns
grandiloquent, pompous speech or writing

bestow, bestowed, bestowing, bestows.transitive verbs
to present as a gift or an honor; confer.(bestowed high praise on the winners); to give
bestowal or bestowment.noun

happening twice each year; semiannual

lasting or living for two years; happening every second year
Botany: having a life cycle that normally takes two growing seasons to complete biennial.noun
an event that occurs every two years; a plant that normally requires two seasons to complete its life cycle, growing usually as a rosette in the first season and producing flowers and fruits and then dying in the second season; a perennial plant, such as the English daisy, cultivated as a biennial

besot, besotted, besotting, besots.transitive verbs
to muddle or stupefy, as with alcoholic liquor or infatuation

close to; next to (the window by the door); with the use or help of; through (we came by the back road; by prayer and meditation we have access to the true God; her parents were Canadian by birth); up to and beyond; past (we drove by the house); in the period of; during (sleeping by day); not later than (by 5:30 PM); in the amount of (letters by the thousands); to the extent of (shorter by two inches); according to (played by the rules); with respect to (siblings by blood); in the name of (affirmed by the Bible to tell the truth); through the agency or action of (a mouse was run over by a tire); (used to indicate a succession of specified individuals, groups or quantities (one by one they left; they were persuaded little by little); used in multiplication and division (multiply 4 by 6 to get 24; used with measurements (a room 12 by 18 feet); used to express direction with points of the compass (south by southeast)
on hand; nearby (stand by); aside; away (we put it by for later); up to, alongside and past (the car raced by); into the past (as years go by); marked by (they told us on top of the hill the road would be marked by a sign as to which way next)

by and large.adverb
for the most part; generally (by and large, the play was a success)

by the way.adverb

of a kind and gentle disposition; showing gentleness and mildness; kind; tending to exert a beneficial influence or what appears to be such; favorable (the benign influence of pure air); favorable
Medicine:-of no danger to health; not recurrent or progressive; not malignant (a benign tumor)
kindly (students gently guided away from their dreams)

the quality or condition of being kind and gentle; a kindly or gracious act

strikingly unconventional and far-fetched in style or appearance; odd

banish, banished, banishing, banishes.transitive verbs
to force to leave a country or place by official decree; exile; to drive away;
expel (we banished all our doubts and fears)
banisher, banishment.nouns

brittle, brittler, brittlest.adjectives
likely to break, snap or crack, as when subjected to pressure (brittle fossil bones); fragile; difficult to deal with; snappish: a brittle disposition
a confection of caramelized sugar to which nuts are added (walnut brittle; peanut brittle)

a shaded, leafy recess; an arbor; a rustic cottage; a country retreat
bower, bowered, bowering, bowers.transitive verbs
to enclose in or as if in a bower; embower
a section of New York; a farm
Nautical:.an anchor carried at the bow

bonfire.noun.(from bon = good, above average)
a large outdoor fire

burst, bursting, bursts.verbs
intransitive verb use.to come open or fly apart suddenly, especially from internal pressure; to explode; to be or seem to be full to the point of breaking open (the sacks were bursting with grain); to emerge, come forth or arrive suddenly (burst out of the door); to give sudden utterance or expression (burst out laughing; burst into tears)
transitive verb use.to cause to burst (burst the balloon); break; to exert strong pressure in order to force something open
a sudden outbreak or outburst; an explosion; the result of bursting, especially the explosion; an abrupt, intense increase; a rush (a burst of speed; wind blowing in fitful bursts)

one that gives aid, especially financial aid; one who benefits on your efforts (taxes, etc.)
the act of conferring aid of some sort; a charitable gift or deed 

something that is carried; something that is emotionally difficult to bear; a source of great worry or stress; weight; the weight of the cargo carried by a vessel at one time
burden, burdened, burdening, burdens.transitive verbs
to weigh down; oppress; to load or overload
of or like a burden; onerous

comparative of good; greater in excellence or higher in quality than another of the same class, set or kind; more useful, suitable or desirable than another or others (found a better way to go; a suit with a better fit than that one); more highly skilled or adept than another or others (better at math than English); greater or larger (spoke for the better part of an hour; a better chance of success; the patient is better today)
comparative of well; in a more excellent way; to a greater extent or degree (large dogs are better suited to outdoors; likes it better without sauce); more (it took me better than a year to finish building the garage)
one that is greater in excellence or higher in quality than another or others (the vehicle with the better reliability should be high on your consideration list)
better, bettered, bettering, betters.verbs
transitive verb use.to make better; improve (the weather is trying to better itself when spring comes; bettered myself by changing jobs); to surpass or exceed
intransitive verb use.to become better
for the better.idiom
resulting in or aiming at an improvement (conditions take a turn for the better when the attitude of people improves)
had better.idiom
ought to; must (we had better go before the winter weather arrives)
think better of
to change one's mind about a course of action after reconsideration 

an improvement over what has been the case (relationship betterment); the betterment of something is the act or process of improving its standard or status (his research is for the betterment of humanity); a making or becoming better especially in someone's social and economic position

superlative of good; surpassing all others in excellence, achievement or quality; most excellent (the best performer; the best grade of ore); most satisfactory, suitable or useful; most desirable (the best solution; the best time for planting)
superlative of well; in a most excellent way; most creditably or advantageously; to the greatest degree or extent; most
one that surpasses all others; the best part, moment or value (in humanity's future, the best is still to come, butet's get the best out of life now); the optimum condition or quality (look your best; he was at his best speaking words that were helpful); the supreme effort one can make (doing our best); one's warmest wishes or regards (please give them my best)
best, bested, besting, bests.transitive verbs
to get the better of; beat; to outdo or outwit; defeat
at best.idiom
interpreted most favorably; at the most (attendance was held to no more than 40 people at best); under the most favorable conditions (has a top speed of 20 miles per hour at best). for the best
get the best of.idiom
overcome someone to your advantage but to their disadvantage
in the interest of or in the interests of.idiom
to the advantage of; for the sake of (he was thinking in the interest of the whole family; ate breakfast on the train in the interest of time)
Usage note: according to rule 'better' should be used in comparisons between two things (which vehicle has the better {not 'best'} reliability record?) not best) attendance record? In certain fixed expressions, however, best is used idiomatically for comparisons between two (put your best foot forward; may the best man win!). See Usage note at well and good. More on usage of grammar

a draft of a proposed law presented for approval to a legislative body (the American Bill of Rights; Canadian Bill of Rights); an itemized list or statement of fees or charges; an list of items bought; a list of particulars, such as a theater program or menu; the entertainment offered by a theater; a public notice, such as an advertising poster; a piece of paper money (a ten-dollar bill) and a bill of exchange such a a promissory note
a bill of goods.noun,.plural.bills of goods
a consignment of merchandise 
sold a bill of goods
something intentionally.misrepresented; something passed off in a deception or fraud
bill, billed, billing, bills.transitive verbs
to present a statement of costs or charges to; to enter on a statement of costs or on a particularized list (bill it to them)

the horny part of the jaws of a bird; a beak
Nautical:.the tip of the fluke of an anchor
bill, billed, billing, bills.intransitive verbs

behave, behaved, behaving, behaves.verbs
intransitive verb use.to conduct oneself in a specified way (she behaved well for so long and then just fell asleep); to conduct oneself in a proper, that is, unoffensive way; to act, react, function or perform in a particular way (this fabric behaves well even in hot weather)
transitive verb use.to conduct oneself properly (did you behave yourself at the party?)
the manner in which one behaves; the actions or reactions of persons or things in response to external or internal stimuli

Bright, John.(1811-89)
British Parliament member in 1843 for Birmingham, England.his comment.on Britain glossing over Nova Scotia's concerns

belabor, belabored, belaboring, belabors.transitive verbs
to discuss repeatedly or at length; harp on (she belabored the point); to attack with blows; hit, beat or whip; to assail.verbally

bends.proper noun
a manifestation of decompression sickness that is caused by the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the blood and tissues after a rapid reduction in the surrounding pressure and is characterized by pain in the joints and abdomen (he came up to quickly from the deeper water and got what's called 'the bends')

bend, bent, bending, bends.verbs
transitive verb use.to bring something into a state.of tension: bend a bow; to cause to assume a curved or angular shape (bend a piece of iron into a horseshoe; determined to take a course of action (I was bent on going to the theater; the way he drove his car sure looked like he was bent on going to hell); a tendency, disposition.or.inclination ("The natural bent of my mind was to science."....Thomas Paine); to force to assume a different direction or shape, according to one's own purpose ("Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events."....Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)
intransitive verb use.to deviate from a straight line or position (the lane bends to the right at the bridge); to assume a curved, crooked or angular form or direction (the saplings bent in the wind; to incline the body; stoop; to make a concession; yield
the act or fact of bending; the state of being bent; something bent (a bend in the road); bends; nautical meaning, the thick planks in a ship's side; the wales or the heavy planks, also called strakes, extending along the sides of a wooden ship
around the bend.idiom
insane; crazy (her instructions are so confusing they drive everybody 'around the bend'); wacky
bend someone's ear.idiom
to talk to at length, usually excessively

a tendency, disposition or inclination; dishonest; corrupt (the big bent of the colonists was to grab and steal land from those who rightfully possessed them so their resources could be confiscated

past tense and past participle of bend
determined to take a course of action (I was bent on going to the theater; their bent was aggressive but was based on sketchy information); altered from an originally straight or even condition (pieces of bent wire)

a benefit.bestowed, especially one bestowed in response to a request; a timely blessing or benefit

Britain/Great Britain
the island of Great Britain during pre Roman, Roman and early Anglo-Saxon times before the reign of Alfred the Great (871-899); name is derived from Brittania, which the Romans used for the portion of the island that they occupied; acts of union joined England with Wales in 1536 and with Scotland in 1707 to create the political entity of Great Britain with its constitution
compare England, United Kingdom; interesting how the cabal uses names to make them blend in, making them not noticeable to most of the people in areas they are subjugating; their playbook is the same today with UNITED STATES Inc. making most think that it's the United States government, when it's really a foreign corporation owned by a few not even living in the land area of America; they did the same with the name Jew and more hijacks by the cabal, Australia, Darwin's writings and even more one can research

Britain's 13 American Colonies before 1763, circa 1750

British Empire (early 20th century).in green
The British Empire, established over the course of three centuries, began in the late 16th century with chartered commercial ventures in sugar and tobacco plantations, slave trading, land grabbing in the name of the Crown, genocide of the Indians they stole the land from and missionary activities in North America and the Caribbean Islands. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the British Empire reached the height of its power, spreading its forceful corruption and murder over large parts of Africa, Asia and North America.
"British Empire, Early 20th Century," Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.