Englands Birth and Constitution
N o t e s

Were they conning her out of it? Look at the political deceit for selfish reasons always, of course! Look at how the limited monarchy was hatched, the queen losing her power!
How's that for limiting her? This article transcends anything to be found in the Magna Carta. It demotes the sovereign of England to the position of monarch. Ever afterward the government of England has been known as a "limited monarchy". The ruler is no longer a sovereign. When she signed it away, the Crown in Chancery administered the affairs over all of England's lands. She couldn't do as she used to before signing the sovereignty of her royalty away. She thereafter required approval of Parliament in matters affecting England and that's still true today; but it also removed the shackles holding in abeyance peoples' full potential.

B i r t h  o f G r e a t  B r i t a i n

Prior to the reign of Henry VIII the rulers of England were vassals of the Pope. When Henry VIII broke with papal authority he became the first absolute sovereign of England.
Queen Elizabeth I.(lifespan 1533-March 23, 1603).(pics), Queen of England and Ireland (1558-1603).inherited this sovereign power from her father. Her mother was Ann Boleyn, Henry VIII's second wife.
    Queen Elizabeth I owned all of England and all that England owned and could of her own volition grant the Charter.(what's a charter?).to Sir Humphrey Gilbert in 1583 to colonize Newfoundland.
    The colonizing of Newfoundland brought an end to the feudal system of England. It was one of the main events which brought about the signing of a Treaty of Union creating the greatest Empire the world had ever known.

The.Treaty of Union.was signed by the representatives of.England and Scotland.in the reign of Queen Anne, on January 14, 1707,.the beginning of what was to become.the great British Empire, an empire so vast that the Sun was always up on one part or another of it..
    However, when this Charter was brought to the attention of Her Majesty's Privy Council, they said:.But the Queen herself does not own.everything.by right.(was a surreptitious way of gaining control by those with their own agenda). They told her that England and her possessions belong to the Queen.and her people.
    Consequently they forthwith drafted thirty nine articles which Her Majesty was induced to sign. 

Sovereignty therewith for England's kings and queens were gone for all time.
Article 1 reads: "No gift or grant shall be made to any person without the consent of Parliament."

Those of the cabal, whose descendants exist today and called, the deep state, who wanted to grab her authority for their own purposes, by this, gained control. Who knows what lies were told to her, in inducing her, that are not recorded.

In the records of Queen Elizabeth it is stated that:."Members of her Majesty's Most Learned and Honourable Privy Council (divers orders thereunto called) conceived and Established the Crown in Chancery to Administer Affairs in connection with and exercise authority over the waste lands and commons of England."

This act by the Queen rang the death knell of the feudal system of England and fostered a period of prosperity heretofore unknown in England.(*).

It spawned the era of exploration and fostered the arts, science and letters. This period is adorned by the names of England's greatest men, Among those most noted are Shakespeare, Sir Francis Drake, Frobisher and Sir Walter Raleigh.

Returning from his last trip to Newfoundland, Sir Humphrey Gilbert was lost when his vessel, the Squirrel, foundered in a violent storm off the Azores. Walter Raleigh succeeded in saving his ship and another vessel. When he reported the disaster to Queen Elizabeth, she granted him the inheritance of his brother's patents and knighted him.

This Crown in Chancery, the first department of lands the world has known, was housed at Whitehall where it is today. The Lord High Chancellor is the custodian of the sovereignty of England; all lands are under him and his jurisdiction and their retention as assets of the nation is his responsibility.

The Lords of Trade and Plantations was organized by the merchants of London and to this organization the Lord High Chancellor granted the power to exercise authority over and administer affairs in connection with the plantations and colonies in the New World.

In order to assist them, Parliament enacted the Navigation Acts:."Anything and everything exported to the colonies must be by an English ship, manned by an English crew.".This is the gist of the many Navigation Acts enacted by Parliament.

This administration became so obnoxious to the colonists that it became a matter of principle as well as profit for them to circumvent the rules of the Lords of Trade and Plantations insofar as they were able..(and.they did).This period is known as.the old smuggling days.

It will be interesting to some to know that the Charter to colonize Virginia was granted by British Parliament before it was submitted to Queen Elizabeth for her signature. She was allowed by the cabal to still sign things.

The rule by the Board of Trade and Plantations lasted for two hundred years, from 1583 when the first Charter was granted to Sir Humphrey Gilbert for Newfoundland until a Treaty was signed by Great Britain which recognized that the colonies of New England were independent, September 1783. The loss of the colonies was a bitter pill, and the prestige of the Ministry was at a low ebb when in 1782 Burke introduced a Bill in scathing language to abolish completely and utterly the Lords of Trade and Plantations. In their destruction they provided a perfect scapegoat for the party in power.

Their functions were transferred to the Colonial Office with a Secretary for the Colonies holding a cabinet position. As the title to.all British lands.is in the custody of the Crown in Chancery.(because the Queen was talked out of her sovereignty for all time).all government or public lands are referred to as."Crown lands", stolen from those who were on the land already and then sold to those who they allowed to purchase them. It was a typical cabal move, trick to gain advantage.

After the Lords of Trade and Plantations were abolished, the Colonial Office administered the affairs of the colony. The colonial officials were so enthralled of the terms of the authority granted to General Murray by Yorke and Yorke that they copied them for all governors thereafter.

Since Canada is no longer under the Colonial Office (by reason of the enactment of the Statute of Westminster, December 11, 1931), the Colonial Office has not accredited a governor to Canada and therefore there is no need for a committee to aid and advise him.(what Ottawa was for)..

But, the 'carry on boys', followed in the track of previous cons, instead of making known to Canadians their new found rights. That was their choice for the people of Canada. And what happens when people really have no control of policies governing them? So sad. Canada needs a republic established like the 1776 American Constitution, not the cabal's perverted warping of it in 1871 which they did to dispossess the United States of its sovereignty.
    They were no longer needed in the capacity of 'aid and advise', if indeed, they claim that is why they still exist to this day (but, there is a need for them until a proper government is set up by all Canadians and perhaps some of them may be within it too, if the people so choose them to be)

Returning now to 1600, Queen Elizabeth's reign was followed by that of.James I the son of Mary, Queen of Scots, who was the daughter of James V of Scotland and.cousin of Queen Elizabeth. In 1603 when he was crowned Monarch of England, he was and continued as Sovereign of Scotland.
    His accession to the throne of England did not unite the governments. The governments of England and Scotland were united a hundred years later (1707) in the reign of Queen Anne.
    King James.retained his right as.King James VI, Sovereign of Scotland, where he was the exclusive owner, ruler and law of Scotland, since Scotland was a feudal state.
    In England, however,.James I.was required to submit to the advice and consent of the English Privy Council and Parliament, because his aunt, Queen Elizabeth I, had signed away sovereignty for all future time. (see very top of this page)

Nearing the end of his reign,.King James VI as Sovereign of Scotland.acting on his own volition, granted a Charter to Sir William Alexander to colonize Nova Scotia in 1621.
    The boundaries of the territory granted extended from the mouth of the Penobscot River north to the St. Lawrence and comprised what is now Gaspe, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island and our present Nova Scotia (New Scotland).
    King James is reported to have said: "Well! England has New England and France has New France and I see no reason why Scotland should not have New Scotland."

England's Constitution

The English Constitution was drafted by General Lambert and contains 42 sections and is dated December 18, 1653.

Many people seem unaware that England has a constitution, believing instead that they had only a.Common Law.system.(the main body of English unwritten law that evolved from the 12th century onward; the system of laws originated and developed in England and based on common law court decisions, recorded as precedent law and on the doctrines implicit in those decisions, customs and usages rather than on codified written laws). A Constitution created by We the People, based on Natural Law from which many Common Law constitutions evolved, allows for the people and not the satanists to be in control of their lives. This is what the United States had done with their 1776 original constitution, a great constitution with We the People in control. However, the evil sneaky satanic politicians and BAR lawyers subsequently shoved it aside in a takeover replacing it with the satanic cabal's version. It's the same 'two of everything' trick they have always used; an example. And see David Straight's videos.

Oliver Cromwell was responsible for England's Constitution, a constitution that to this day, allegedly holds the common people in great esteem and of which the United States Constitution, in its formation, took into consideration.
    Cromwell said."God, not man, is King."
    Cromwell was appointed Lord Protector from 1653 to 1658.
    Cromwell commissioned John Lambert to develop a constitution for England which would keep the politicians controlled by.We the People. It was altered as it went along in discussion and consideration, finalizing as the Instrument of the Government.(We The People again got screwed and it just got worse right up to today, where it stops, thanks to Trump, Putin and the Alliance), which Great Britain follows today and still is in such a mess because they do.
    Cromwell refused to establish a military government and asked General John Lambert for a written constitution, which became this Instrument of Government called England's Constitution.(here it is...). It was adopted by Parliament (supposedly representing the people, but as you can see today, that's a false front, a con upon We The People). Its forty two sections were adopted by British Parliament on December 18, 1653. It caused concerns in Virginia. And here is England's Bill of Rights, 1689.

Lord Protector signed the vouchers (written authorization or certificate, especially one exchangeable for cash) when the House of Commons voted the money necessary to run the country. 
    Since then every Monarch of England on ascending the throne takes the aforesaid oath of Lord Protector.
    Scotland signed the Treaty of Union in Edinburgh on January 14, 1707, which now became the British Constitution. Only one amendment has been made and that was in 1838, surely a testiment to the document's integrity.

Only a.limited monarch.has reigned to this day in England since Queen Elizabeth I (1508-March 23, 1603).signed away her rights to sovereignty..(the story)

Index of Canadian political history

Eternal Keys site
