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Most of the
movies listed below are available on Netflix and YouTube.(youtube.com).and/or
from your library.
Some of the best movies I've
seen; good movies with no down side where you can really gain something
from them that makes you a better individual:.What
If? The Movie.and.The
Grand Self.
made as advance notice of what was to happen in the world aka
predictive programming. The cabal.has
to do this as they believe it absolves
them of karma affecting them
once the real scenario
Great movies with a
spiritual theme. Some classic
movies. gene Decode
mentioned movies.
on food you'll love. Great information.
Tom Hanks as captain 'Sully', who saved 155 lives by ditching the doomed
jet in the Hudson River, New York, January 15, 2009 and how the corporations
of government, insurance company and airline sneakily tried to blame him
for it, neglecting to mention what they found until asked directly,
perhaps so they could carry on with blaming him. They tried to stick Sully
for it all. Another reason the corporate system really stinks. Corporate
dishonesty at its worst.(Isaiah
1:4-7). On Netflix.
Connected Universe. Informative, interesting,
enlightening and entertaining movie about major new proven discoveries
in physics that humanity.needs
to know.which
changed the world of science forever!."Imagine
how the world will change when humanity realizes its interconnectedness
with all life and works together to restore the health and well being of
the whole."....Nassim
Haramein. Free to see on YouTube:
Michael Tellinger Ancient
'Michael Tellinger Ancient Technology' into an Internet search engine,
about the ancient civilizations on Earth and why they were created and
who were the beings involved? See all the movie for information
on technologies shortly after.{Genesis
on Earth); also as a corollary,
see Paul Wallis's the5thkind.com
Alberta, Canada's Stonehenge.(type
into an Internet search engine)
Released April 2020, this
believed in the content of the other two movies.{Sirius.and
the movie.Unacknowledged}.to
put their money into getting this new one to you).movie
will prove that
these kind, helpful and good hearted non terrestrials are indeed here
and have been coming, off and on, for ages. What they are here for and
what are they doing and what's it mean for humanity is answered in detail
in this movie. Also see these
releases on remote viewing.(the
powers of the amazing mind we all have).and
the ones below here. You'll learn much.
Wouldn't it be nice to know
what their world is like? They were monitoring
Earth and noticed the beginning of a nuclear arsenal and then stepped
in and took action. Be nice to know how their interdimensional spacecrafts
come into being from just sound and mind? An interesting manufacturing
process. Be nice to know if it's the same for the propulsion system they
use in their spacecrafts? Also nice to know what they eat, how body wastes
are handled, do they grow food or make it with their mind? How do they
reproduce, how long do they live and what is their commerce like, do they
use some sort of currency in transactions? Learn more from
gene Decode.
Non Terrestrial (ET) contacts.common
to many now proven valid:
ET's, crop circles, interstellar and interdimensional travels by civilizations
more advanced than ours, ours being a super secret governing on Earth
behind and beyond regular governments and covering it all up with illegal
tactics, Why the cover up? And yes it is true that nuclear weapons facilities
were shut down by ET's. Dr.
Steven Greer explains in these videos you can freely view and/or download.
There is a nominal
charge for one of the latest,.Close
Encounters of the Fifth Kind. Consider
also his documentary UNACKNOWLEDGED.as
well as these other ones.
Get on his mailing list to keep up with what's really going on. Make sense
of the things adversely affecting life on Earth. Learn other things beginning
now to affect Earth in a better way, for example, the non terrestrial's
message for humanity is 'Enhance Humanity' as you'll see in one of the
later episodes
Remote Viewing.
See these movies free:.Unacknowledged.and
the earlier.Sirius.are
on Netflix.and
on one of Dr. Greer's sites.(disclosureproject.org).
You'll see it's true that nuclear weapons facilities were shut down by
these non terrestrials, as is also being
done today. The loving advanced civilizations that regularly come to
long has this been going on?).just.will
not allow the madness.(Ecclesiastes
spill beyond Earth.
Humans are here to
fix the problems they have and develop a higher consciousness. Not
doing this is holding up the next step in man's development, by not preparing
for it. All the
is. Fixing yours, fixes others. We are all
one out of the same Infinite Intelligent Energy. Then, why
are we different? Even those
who are bad are part of the
stage for character
that is this world:.Ezekiel
18:31 "...for why will you die...?".But
for those having crossed
the line to evil, it's another story. That is, why would anyone but
the evil
and sociopaths
choose to die with the same consciousness they've always had, when change
is always possible to a
higher consciousness?.Here's
The Need To Grow.
A great movie with new technology that safely accelerates nature's patterns
in growing organic foods. Truly a breakthrough. Farmers, also learn from
the great work of National Resources Conservation
Dare To Be Wild.
The true story of Mary Reynolds and how she rose to fame. A little girl
growing up amongst the wild landscape of Ireland's beautiful countryside,
Mary had such a love of wild flowers, trees and all that the countryside
presents. Right then and there she decided to be a leader of the world
by making it better, even if it was just bit by bit. Her love for nature
took her childhood dream on a winding course to the premier event of the
year in Britain, the annual RHS.(Royal
Flower Show, where she became the youngest individual to ever win since
it began in 1913. The logistics
of arranging such a massive undertaking, moving trees and flowers from
Ireland's countryside to Britain proved almost too much of a task. She
lacked the
of the $500,000 dollars needed to get it done and no one would or could
help financially enough. At the Chelsea Flower Show each entrant was given
a plot of land for their display. Out of 8000 applications only 8 would
be selected from drawings they submitted. Prince Charles plot was right
next to Mary's. A very interesting story unfolds also taking in the country
of Ethiopia. You'll like it and if you're a gardener, you'll love knowing
the importance of Mary's philosophy that inspires her in reaching others,
sharing what she so deeply believes in. On Netflix.
Ice Pilots, NWT.
A so interesting series and more so as you come to know the real life characters;
their training, their lives, their highs and lows. Throughout the episodes
of this northern airline based in Yellowknife, North West Territories.(map).you'll
learn much. Reality at its best. What they go through each day will both
astound you and endear
them to your heart. On Netflix.
Expelled, No Intelligence
Allowed. Is the evolutionary theory irreparably
damaged? An informative movie about it, done by Ben Stein. It's about what
happens when a scientist dares to believe that the beginning of living
organisms is not by the academia
approved strange alleged
process called evolution. The movie covers incredible design, evidence
of intelligence coming from beyond and why scientists are castigated
for their views in a supposedly free country. It's
with an Internet search engine)
The Code.
Professor Marcus du Sautoy explains the overall mathematical code underlying
the entire multiiverse. It's a mathematical multiiverse. Who designed the
code and put it to regulate the multiiverse as it does? On Netflix.
The Magic Pill.
Things we need to know but haven't heard that can save civilization. Produced
Architecture Ten Best,
the world's best bridges, trains, roads, etc. Fantastic scenery, clearly
presented. On Netflix.
Hubble: The Invisible
Universe. PBS, Nova series. Need
I say more?
God a Mathematician? (was
on YouTube; maybe still is)
Great Math Universe (was
on YouTube)
Great Math Mystery (was
on YouTube)
Nature With Math (was on
Tesla: Master of Lightning
(these were, maybe still are, on YouTube and some on Netflix)
Lost Lightning:
The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla
Movies are
the man who gave many helpful inventions.(over
society, inventions that we use daily. Another good movie about him is.The
Secret of Tesla: The Rare 1980 Movie.
Search for it; may still be on YouTube..Quote."My
mother had taught me to seek all truth in the Bible".he
wrote regarding his inventive prowess.."The
gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being and if we concentrate
our minds on that truth we become in tune with this great power."....Nikola
Zapped. Secrets about cell phones,
wi-fi, smart meters. You don't want to know how they harm you and how the
corporate corrupt industry has done no independent studies to provide proof
positive that they are safe. Same story with vaccines.
Wireless technologies have
extreme dangers as
pages of scientific research shows. Is sticking your head in a microwave
oven and turning it on safer than using wi-fi, cell phones, their towers
and 'smart' meters? How about bathing the world in harmful cell phone frequencies.(they
could have been made safe).beamed
down from satellites or beamed out from boxes that are planned to be put
on every city block, so you'll be bathed in radiation from them 24 hours
a day, every day, every year? Why
are such negatives happening to humanity?
They could incinerate, but they don't. They
recycle it, sell it and guess who eventually eats it with its highly injurious
risk factors? Is it as bad as vaccinations
causing autism and other issues, which are out to destroy the immune
system God made?
The Secret.(whatisthesecret.tv).the
secret of the ages known by a few and suppressed by those few in order
to keep the majority in subservience;
the secret known throughout history about multiversal law is how one can
think in such a way as to solve every negative in life and bring into life
his or her hopes and dreams, but with the caveat
being, it has
to fit in with all else and the Creator has
reasons for taking you on your specific journey through life.
Out of Africa,
Robert Redford, Meryl Streep. A well done interesting and entertaining
story about a wealthy Danish woman who decides to take up residence in
Kenya, never finding the fulfilment she sought, so she returns to Denmark.
Did she find it back home? Spectacular scenery. Gripping story.
a fantastic BBC series with astounding video clarity. On Netflix.
Wild France.
You never knew France could be this gorgeous; 24 hours, a gripping thriller
through all episodes. On Netflix.
BBC's Human Planet,
on Netflix.
Earth From Space.
Spectacular viewing, much from satellites. Learn about how the Earth really
works. Very educating. A movie not to miss; things you never have known.
Wings Of Life.
National park of Utah.
Scenic National Parks,
Banff/Jasper, Alberta.
The Nature series, this one.Nature
Himalayas. A gripping trip with stunning
aerial views from Pakistan through India to China.
Paul Bettany playing Darwin), more
Local Hero.(a
'new' classic; where they used people from a village in northern Scotland
and the scenery, Wow! Great story and funny!).
One of the James Bond series and one of the most intelligent plots to date.
Here you'll also see the rugged beauty of northern Scotland.
Mel Gibson. And, Mel Gibson's.The
Passion, about the
man who provided the turning point of all history:.Isaiah
The well acted story of what happened after Emmanuel's crucifixion. Accurate
and really makes one think. Netflix.
Costner stars. About near death experiences. It's a glimpse into the
invisible side that's right there, just beyond the physical.(like
the true story movie.A
Beautiful Mind.also
brings out). Dragonfly.is
entertaining, interesting, very well done and will take you beyond
in your thinking. Directed by Tom Shadyac,
who also has a story about his life. Netflix.
The Last Knight,
one of the Transformer series. Brilliantly done and stars Mark Wahlberg
and Anthony Hopkins. Directed by Steven Spielberg. On Netflix.
1993; about the life of British writer C.S.
Lewis, starring Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger.
Almost Heaven,
shot in Scotland and Canada, you'll laugh yourself silly; just as funny
as Local Hero and also extremely engaging.
The Promise..A
touching movie about young love that never dies; real love never does die.
The Promise movie here talked about is the one about a car accident
where the mother lies to the deceased's fiancé
about her death; check your library.
The Notebook.
A good movie that will help you understand love more; every scene a masterpiece,
starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams.
Mumbai Railway,
through which station goes some one million passengers daily. Extremely
interesting, light and enjoyable. From BBC. On Netflix. Well worth watching!
If you love railways, you'll love this!
World's Fastest Indian.
A most interesting slice of life with the grand acting of Anthony Hopkins
and his Indian motorcycle.
Will make you think.
Mama Mia,
Pierce Brosnan, Meryl Streep. A most interesting musical based on the incredible
music of the Swedish group ABBA. Mama Mia was so good, there's now a Mama
Mia 2. Just as good, some say, better.
Laws of Attraction.
Pierce Brosnan and Julianne Moore. Lighthearted.
Lord of the Rings,
about what may be going on behind the scenes, in
the invisible world.
moving; very interesting).the
true story of the plane that went down in the South American Andes mountains
and how those that survived the crash kept themselves alive by eating the
flesh of those not having survived.
Mission Impossible: Rogue
Nation Tom Cruise. A very interesting
movie many believe to be the best of the MI series so far. Tom does this
astounding stunt at the beginning, strictly on his own. See it and wonder!
No special effects. They even did this scary stunt 10 times to get it just
right and Tom had the strength and courage to do what many others would
never risk nor attempt, many others, that is, apart from perhaps
Chan and other
great martial artists.
My Summer in Provence,
with the exceptional acting of Jean Reno and Anna Galiena. An excellent
movie; warm, friendly, happy and moving. Takes place amongst the great
scenery of southern France.
San Andreas.(how
would you deal with a devasting Earthquake {Earthquakes like that soon
be no more}; the special effects are amazing).with
Dwayne Johnson.(a.k.a.
the Rock).
Touching the Void.(search
the Internet for it), a true story
of amazing survival under the worst of odds in mountain climbing. And see
gene Decode's videos, 48 year martial arts expert with many black belts
in various martial arts disciplines, who climbs big rocks with feet, hand
and fingers, that's all! www.genedecode.org
The Water Diviner,
Russell Crowe. A touching interesting movie about a man searching for his
sons who allegedly
were killed in war. During the scrolling of the credits at the end of the
movie, you'll hear a great song,.Love
Was My Alibi, the lyrics of which were
written by Crowe and sung by the beautiful voice of Kristoffer Fogelmark.
Robin Hood.
The classic story! Starring Russell Crowe. Also see.Ironclad
I & II.which
tells the story of the great document, the.Magna
Carta, a good start to the amazing 1776
American Constitution, which would come much later.
Winter's Tale,
Russell Crowe. Russell as you've not seen him. Deep, dark, full of meaning;
not negative, but it will make you wonder.
BBC's equally astounding
and valuable.Planet
Never think anything from BBC is less than cutting edge interesting and
entertaining. Also see BBC Earth.
On Netflix. This is one more amazing series of episodes revealing incredible
ways on Earth, such as animals and how do they think as they do? The new.Planet
Earth II.gives
you even greater stunning photography done with the latest cameras and
thrilling composition of brand new material. You've probably never seen
anything quite like it! The expensive new cameras and editing equipment
produce results that are absolutely stunning. Now you can see it on Netflix.
10 years since the original Planet Earth comes BBC's ultra ingenious.Planet
Earth II. Your
jaw will drop many times in this awesome and brilliantly engineered shorter
series, keeping you on the edge of your seat. Worth it beyond words! One
of life's must sees!
Also from BBC, the absolutely
History Collection, such a great series.
Once you see it all, you'll know why people say it's worth at least 7 times
the cost it was sold for when it came out.
Many of these movies are
available from your library and/or on Netflix.
Dirty Money,
the details on Volkswagen's greed actions and the law suit against them,
won by the great lawyer Reiner Fuellmich.(on
Telegram at https://t.me/ReinerFuellmichEnglish),
it's debacle
and other sad greed stories, such as Wells Fargo, the payday loan scandal,
etc. Interesting. Informative and helpful in keeping 'heads up' about the
of so many hiding behind the corporate label. Shows the deviousness
of the ordinary consciousness
of man and what it can do when influenced by the dark
side. On Netflix.
A well done criminal/conspiracy type thriller that keeps you on the edge
of your seat. On Netflix.
Disney's Butterflies
Wings Of Life. The amazing butterflies.
What you'll learn about ducks!
Cirque Du Soleil,
the movie. Amazing! If you haven't seen it live, this is for you.
The Cobbler,
Adam Sandler and Dustin Hoffman at their best. Very interesting and surprising
plot. What if you could live the lives of those whose shoes you repaired,
just by wearing them?
Drew Barrymore at her best in this movie.
The Rewrite.
Hugh Grant. Captivating and 'down to Earth' interesting.
Love & Mercy.
The amazing true story of the Beach Boys. A movie that will reach
the heart. The song Love & Mercy, which you'll hear in its entirety
during the scrolling of the credits at the end, is one you too will love
as it's one of those special songs that sticks. It's so moving!
Very interesting movie. About the genius in music and a singer of the Beach
Boys himself and how he took music to a higher level with his intuitive
insights, bringing the Beach Boys to world prominence.
Moondance Alexander.
You'll see spectacular Alberta scenery and small town Alberta. A girl,
a horse, an interesting story that will lift your spirits.
Profoundly moving. The true story of.Tom
extremely wealthy screenwriter, director and producer of movies that have
starred Kevin Costner, Jim
Carrey, Robin Williams, Eddie
Murphy, etc. Tom's choice was to give up his unhappy lifestyle and
live in a mobile home community, getting his life to a more simple and
happy state. And it worked! What led him to do this and what can we learn
from it? See the movie for all the answers. Really, a good movie because
it will reach the heart, providing answers to questions.(they
ask the questions too).a
lot of us have wondered about.
Jim & Andy.
Jim Carrey tells the true story of Andy Kaufman and the movie in which
he portrayed him. Has good wisdom for life, including how Jim manifested
10 million dollars and why Jim is the wacko he appears to be. On Netflix.
One of Jim's quotes:."You
can fail at what you don't love, so you might as well do what you love.".On
this, listen to the words of Beth Chapman's song, How
We Love.
Along the same lines are
the profoundly moving Steven Seagal.(black
belt top martial artist in Aikido).movies.On
Deadly Ground.and.Above
The Law. Be sure to pay close attention
to what Steven says at the endings of these movies about corporations and
governments of greed, being the world wide control by the cabal
that does evil things and gets away with it because they are so many of
them that cover each others asses, that they 'above the law':.(Psalms
What The FUQ? Frequently
Unanswered Questions of the Australian Government..(use
an Internet search engine to find it).
The incredible true story today of two
national governments in Australia and
how corrupt one is. Looks to be a 'fifth
column' takeover? Surreptitiously
happened to most countries over past many decades by the satanic cabal
and now being stopped by Trump, Putin, the Alliance militaries on Earth
and the non terrestrial ones, along with both Earth and non terrestrial
supporting them.(*).
Interesting and entertainingly presented. Gives you insight into the Khazarian
mafia corrupt world controllers in most countries, which are being,
shall we say, taken out. Watch and pray for quicker world change in the
hearts of people, by seeing the world as good as you can imagine it to
be and learn meditation.
Feed off the positives, not the negatives, but know what the negatives
are and where they come from. This is how one awakens out of the sleep
that clouds his or her growth in the only true God:.2Corinthians
3:16. See The Grand Self.documentary.(ten
dollars or less).for
information on dumping any propensity
toward the dark side people have at times.
Erin Brockovich.
The true story about a completely irresponsible greedy utility company's
poisoning of water and their cover up, allowing the poisoning to continue
to cause grotesque health problems to the local community they lied to,
even telling the townspeople that the water was good for them, just like
was said to the people in Palestine, Ohio, February 2023. And just like
and vaccines! It's good for you! It's
safe and effective! Anything goes when it comes to getting you to believe
lies so they can slowly or quickly dispose of you as they get you onto
walking the pathway of
Sick minds
hurt upon the innocent, along with so many other
corporate hurts to men, women and children by extremely low
consciousness corporate governments and corporations whose first concern
is for themselves and not for best service and health and care to the public
to serve. Truly the love of money is the root of all evil, the root
that allows the dark
side a path to minds of low consciousness.
II, Foster & Kimberly Gamble's.(a
la Gamble family
{Proctor and Gamble}) movies about
reaching people with information about suppressed technologies being the
reason the world is still in such horrible shape with poverty, disease,
wars, etc., preventing it to thrive.
See the decades long work accomplished to benefit humanity, in opposition
to those out to harm, damage, limit and destroy humanity with their many
concocted ways of hurt. Listen to the physicist Nassim
Haramein explain what he's just done. You'll learn much that matters
for good! It's all for you and the entire world, to lift us into an amazing
future, for us, for our kids and all humanity. These are good people who
do good things for others. In these movies you'll meet them.
The Railway Man,
played by Colin Firth, with Nicole Kidman. The true story of Eric Lomax,
a soldier in the Second World War that will astonish you and why he's called
the railway man. At the hands of his captors,
one being Takashi Nagase, unnecessarily suffering cruel treatment to the
pont of death and why and how wonderfully it all turns out. A movie you'll
remember and learn lessons from.
The Lady,
Michelle Yeoh, David Thewlis. A lady of Burma who, in the steps of her
father, wanted to change the horrible Burmese government 1947-2010 and
her life to get there. As of 2010 Burma still is holding 2,100 political
prisoners including 17 video journalists, some of which supplied footage
for this film.
Flash of Genius,
Greg Kinnear, Lauren Graham, based on the true story of the invention of
the intermittent windshild wiper and the stealing and usage of the idea
by automobile corporations. Greed almost at its worst.
Rabbit Proof Fence,
based on a true story of ethnic
cleansing of aborigines
of Western Australia, another cabal genocide, similar
to what went on in Canada and the U.S.A. See Kevin
Annett. And see Kevin Costner's.500
Nations: The Story of the American Indians.
See Kevin Costner's 4
part series.500
Nations: The Story of the American Indians,
about the history not written about in school textbooks, maybe because
it's true and/or part of the
dumbing down of people by a corrupt controlling cabal
corporate government out to genocide
those they don't want around to reveal truth on what
they've done to others in history. These corrupt ones prefer instead
to provide historical 'facts' for so-called
write books from. There are two governments
in just about all countries. Few actual historians go to original sources
for true facts, as Kevin has done in this movie series. Was on YouTube..
Also Kevin
was in the well done true story movie.Hidden
Figures. Also you gotta see.Dragonfly.and.Wyatt
Costner stars. About near death experiences. It's a glimpse into the
invisible side that's right there, just beyond the physical.(like
the true story.A
Beautiful Mind.also
brings out)..Dragonfly.is
entertaining, interesting, very well done and will take you beyond
in your thinking. Netflix..Dragonfly.is
directed by Tom Shadyac, who has a story
about his life.
Wyatt Earp.(*),
Costner. The true story of this amazing individual and how he tamed
the West.
Hidden Figures,
based on the true story of three African-American women and their critically
important remarkably intelligent contributions to NASA. Katherine G. Johnson,
Dorothy Vaughn, Mary Jackson, Kevin Costner,
star in this most interesting movie.
Gran Torino,
Clint Eastwood.(available
on NetFlix). About a curmudgeon
who does in fact, have a heart for people after all and how his 1972 Ford
Gran Torino fits into the story. He's great in it!
Ring of Bright Water,
William Travis, Virginia McKenna. A classic!
on NetFlix shows forth the stunning beauty of China few ever see.
Through Grounding.has
completely turned lives around of those ill.
Fallen Angel.
Interesting historical movie on the life of Confucius, B.C.E.
551-470. Check Netflix, YouTube or your local library for a DVD.
City of Angels.and.The
Family Man. Both with the superb acting
of Nicolas Cage.
The Secret Life of Walter
Mitty, an expansive
movie that's a meticulous
work of art, a wonderfully put together interesting movie with amazing
humor that you'll want to see again. The movie is a great take off on the
1942 book of the same name by the amazingly successful writer
Thurber. Starring Ben Stiller, Sean Penn, Shirley MacLain. Impressively.mastered
by Ben Stiller who's also director. You'll also see beautiful Iceland.(gardarolafs.com).and
Greenland and you'll see the rare and elusive
ghost leopard, the Snow leopard,
in the mountains of Afghanistan!
Ghost of the Mountains.
From DisneyNature comes this so interesting documentary, with camera
footage never seen before of a family of highly elusive Snow Leopards.
It took months upon months to gain the footage in these mountain areas
of China. So much work was involved, it's amazing what they were able to
do at all at 16,000 feet, but because of the locals and the very helpful
monks who reside there, the film was able to get done. The kids will love
it. Netflix.
Expedition China.
From DisneyNature. The rare animals of China. You probably know
only one of them, the Giant Panda.
Brad's Status,
starring Ben Stiller. You'll learn much from how he deals with jealously
and comes out on top. More of a thinking movie and we all need to think
more regarding what thoughts have formed what we are. Well done! On Netflix.
First Wives Club.with
Goldie Hawn, Bette Midler, Diane Keaton, Maggie Smith, is a hilarious movie,
especially about.¾.of
the way into it. You'll laugh yourself silly! On parwith.The
Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
Anna Breytenbach Animal
on YouTube). About how to really communicate with animals.
Trailer is:.The
incredible story of how leopard Diabolo became Spirit.(click
on the pic). You'll see a snarling leopard's nature change and more:.Isaiah
11:6-9. Also have a look at her communication with consciousness of
the great white shark.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvwHHMEDdT0
Her website is animalspirit.org
And see this
communication with animals.
Life of Pi.
The Expendables 2.
Ever gone on a roller coaster ride? Hang on to your seat with this one.
From start to finish it's a wild ride well worth watching. The all star
cast includes Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Bruce Willis, Chuck Norris,
Jet Li, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Arnold Schwartzennegger, Randy Couture,
Dolphe Lundgren, Liam Helmsworth, Scott Adkins, Terry Crews and Yu Nan.
Great story. Extremely well done with amazing real life stunts and maybe
most important of all, the funny moments are really funny; guaranteed,
you'll be laughing as well as remembering the plot long after the movie.
On Netflix.
Floating City,
based on true characters, this fine movie from China.(has
an interesting and touching experience. On NetFlix.
Silver Linings,
Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence.
American Sniper,
Bradley Cooper. Well worth the time. Insightful!
an interesting TV police mystery series; has an adult theme.
Lie To Me,
another interesting TV mystery series; about body language; adult theme;
most TV series are available from time to time on Netflix or at your local
Doctor Martin,
a TV series about a dysfunctional
English doctor who gets sick at the sight of blood. Light and interesting!
starring James Norton with Robson Green, Morven Christie. This TV series
taking place in the beautiful English countryside town of Grantchester.
Time well spent!
a long running entertaining TV series about dead bodies and what killed
them; intelligently and interestingly done.
Life Below Zero,
a valuable docuseries that follows the lives of those living above and
slightly below the arctic circle in Alaska.
Well worth watching for the
trove of wisdom gleaned
from those daily living it. You'll see the amazing adaptions these healthy
hardy families and individuals have mastered throughout changing conditions.
What they say, where they came from and why; exciting! If you've been thinking
of life in the wilderness, take notes. These real life adventures provide
one of the most interesting, knowledgeable, entertaining and scenic series
there is. You'll come to love the characters. Winter, Spring, Summer and
Fall, filming took place at many locations. Real life at its best! Currently
on Netflix. New season 5 added.
The Mentalist,
a TV mystery series about reading character; refreshing; an entertaining
yet thought-provoking film.
superb acting, stunning and gripping mysteries, adult theme, another of
the great interesting series from the two giants ABC TV and 20th Century
White Collar.
An enjoyable, grasping at you TV mystery series that will keep you on the
edge of your seat; white collar crime. As in all of the above series, here
too, the acting is brilliant; adult theme.
Patch Adams,
with the Robin Williams.
And So It Goes.
The Giver.
Into The Wild.
The true story of Christopher Johnson McCandless February 12 1968-August
18 1992, who sought the spectacular outdoors of Alaska in order to escape
from the rough emotional past he endured. It'll move your heart and leave
you with new thoughts. If you don't love your child and show it, perhaps
you could see this movie, by Sean Power.
The Way Back.
Walking out of a Russian gulag
all the way to India.
with Johnny Depp. I loved the scenery and the story.
Julie and Julia,
Meryl Streep. Based on two true stories about cooking, the Julia being
Julia Child. Very interesting and enjoyable.."You'll
never know everything about anything, especially something you love."....Julia
The Love Punch.Pierce
Brosnan, Emma Thompson. Interesting, great scenery in France and funny.
Hidden Treasure Hunters..True
story of Spain's Golconda Diamond Mines that has been thought exhausted
for 500 years; how it was found and what was discovered. Many famous diamonds
including the Hope diamond came from this, at the time, the only diamond
mine in the world. A fascinating journey to success, both colorful and
scenery filled.
Hidden Dimensions.James
Garner. Beautiful country scenery of New Brunswick, Canada that will enthrall
those who watch this movie, all woven into a charming story.
Keeping Mum.Rowan
Atkinson. Not what you may think. Hang in with it till the end. Very good
The Post.
Starring Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks. Directed by Steven Spielberg. Based on
true events, this well done most interesting watch should be remembered
for its lessons to help us. Netflix.
War Horse.
A 2010 made inspiring first world war story.
Today's Special.
Another 'good story' movie.
Red Cliff,
2009, directed by John Woo. An amazing epic
taking 5 years in preparation and with literally thousands and thousands
of cast members. The most expensive movie ever produced, which also had
the most money raised for it of any movie. In Asia alone, it earned more
money than
Titanic did worldwide. It's not a 'movie', it's an stunning
Left Behind,
a 2014 gripping, PG-13, edge of the seat thriller.
Check for all these movies
on Netflix, at your library and/or YouTube, etc.
Blood of the Vine,
scenery in France's superb wine areas. Most interesting stories and
superb acting. This series done for television in France is well worth
watching. You'll learn much about famous wines of France integrated
with stories of intrigue
and suspense. Starring Pierre Arditi, a charming character you're sure
to love.
Secrets of Shaolin.Jason
Scott Lee.
some libraries).
Age of Adaline..What
would life be like if, once an adult, only you stopped aging?
Beautiful Mind, 2002, directed by Stephen Spielberg; the true story
of one having to deal with his seeing into the invisible
and the beings he met there.
The Terminal. What
happens when you arrive in a country and your passport is no longer valid
because your home country's government was just overthrown and the new
regime has yet to be recognized by the country you landed in? Now you can't
leave the airport terminal and must stay there, not knowing the language
of the nation you're in. Must stay there, that is, until the terminal gets
fed up with you and now you won't go!
Filmed over 10 years as the boy grows up.
young girl grows up trained by her special agent dad. The movie is great.
The series of episodes based on it is ok.
Nature's Himalayas..Journey
through these incredible mountains by air and land, learning their importance
to many countries.
Disney Nature Wings of
done. You'll learn so many highly valued necessary for life things you
may not have ever thought about.
Here's a list about as much
as possible about every movie ever made, imdb.com
Great movies
with a spiritual theme. Some classic