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P r o o f  o f  t h e  B i b l e
p a g e  3

Prophesies Specifically About Emmanuel Fulfilled

Emmanuel the Christ was prophesied in the Old Testament over 2000 times. A few are referenced here:

-The first prophecy was 4000 years before His birth, in the first book of the Bible:.Genesis 3:15.

-This one was 740 years before the turning point of all history would happen, that of this individual being born of a virgin and even giving His name, Emmanuel:.Matthew 1:22,23.

-He would be born of a virgin:.Luke 1:30-35.

-His birth would be in Bethlehem.(Matthew 2:1,2); wise men from the east would come:.Matthew 2:1-6.

-He would come out of Galilee:.Matthew 4:12-16.

-Way back in the early times of humanity, Christ was prophesied to come:.Genesis 49:10.

-He would come from a line of descent leading back to Abraham:.Genesis 12:3; 17:19; Matthew 1:1,2,16

-His crucifixion with criminals:.Matthew 27:38.

-His garments parted to the soldiers:.Matthew 27:35.

-No bone of His would be broken:.John 19:36.

-He would heal infirmities and illnesses:.Matthew 8:17.

-He would be despised, rejected, oppressed and afflicted:.Matthew 27:41-44.

-His seemingly being forsaken by the Father:.Matthew 27:46.

-He would have the spirit of the Creator-Father:.Matthew 12:18.

-He would speak in parables:.Matthew 13:35.

-He would come riding on an ass with a colt, the foal of an ass:.Matthew 21:1-11.

Look up in a good encyclopedia when Isaiah and David lived, when they made some of the following prophecies about Emmanuel, fulfilled some 790-800 and 900-1000 years later. Look up in an encyclopedia to verify the men who made the predictions to verify those involved in these predictions, about those living so many years later in the time these prophecies were fulfilled by Emmanuel.

    Examples are:
-Isaiah 59:20 a redeemer would come.-.fulfilled:.John 1:29.

-Isaiah 53:11 would give His life for many.-.fulfilled:.Matthew 20:28.

-Isaiah 7:14 would be born of a virgin.-.fulfilled:.Matthew 1:18,23; Galatians 4:4.

-Isaiah 53:4-6,12 would suffer for us and be numbered with the transgressors and make intercession for those who crucified Him.-.fulfilled:.Luke 23:32-34.

-Isaiah 35:5,6 would work miracles.-.fulfilled:.Matthew 4:23 and many other places.

-Psalms 69:8 would be rejected by the Jews.-.fulfilled:.John 1:11.

-Psalm 41:9 would be betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver.(Zechariah 11:12,13).-.fulfilled:.John 13:18-21; Matthew 26:14,15,48-50.

-Isaiah 50:6; 52:14 would be beaten, scourged.(skin shredded from beatings with leather straps holding shards of glass and clay chips), 39 times.(their custom:.Deuteronomy 25:3; 2Corinthians 11:24).to beyond recognition and spit upon.-.fulfilled:.Matthew 27:30; Mark 14:65.

-Isaiah 53:7 what He would be like when oppressed and afflicted.-.fulfilled:.Matthew 27:12-14.

-Isaiah 53:2-5 would not be particularly attractive.(He may have been chubby, servant.org/h_cc.htm), would face rejection and be despised, would meet many sorrows and be around a lot of grieving people, would alleviate our griefs and sorrows, would be bruised and wounded; which He was.

-Psalm 22:12-16 would be nailed to a cross.(a tree in the shape of a cross:.Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29; Galatians 3:13; 1Peter 2:24), etc..-.fulfilled:.John 19:34; Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29; Galatians 3:13.

-Psalms 22:18 the soldiers would cast lots.(gamble).for His quality clothes.-.fulfilled:.Matthew 27:35.

-Isaiah 53:8,12 would be cut off early in life.-.fulfilled:.Matthew 27:50.

-Exodus 12:46; Psalms 34:20 and Zechariah 12:10 not a bone was broken. Tradition had the soldiers always break the legs of those crucified so they could no longer push themselves up to breathe and would then suffocate..but Emmanuel's legs were not broken.-.fulfilled:.John 19:31,33,37.

-Zechariah 12:10.Prophesied some 550 years before it happened; Emmanuel's body would be pierced.-.fulfilled:.John 19:34,37.

-Isaiah 53:9 would be buried among the rich.-.fulfilled:.Matthew 27:57-60.

-Psalm 16:10 His resurrection.(legally and historically verified), His body wouldn't be left to rot.-.fulfilled:.Luke 24:6,31-34; Acts 2:32

-Emmanuel even predicted His death and resurrection:.John 2:19-22. If He knew He was going to die then and how He was going to die and sure that He was going to, He could have gotten outta there real fast, but He did not! More 1) 2).

It is easy to see that Christianity has incredible substance to it because absent from all other religious writings is any sort of specific predictive prophecy. Buddha, Confucius, etc., nothing! In the case of the Koran,.(scriptures of the Muslims), you only find the prophecy of Mohammed, that he would return to Mecca, a 'self fulfilling prophecy', that he himself fulfilled.
   This is quite different from the prophecy of Emmanuel, who said that He would rise from the dead.

Other religions also refer to Emmanuel as a "great teacher", "prophet" and a "good man". They put him in the middle of their superstar lineup of 'many ways to this so-called place of heaven.

He Himself said that He was God:."No man comes to the Father, but by me....I and the Father are one.".And what is the Father?.1John 4:16.

If Emmanuel was a phony 'prophet' or a 'teacher', as soon as they were after Him to crucify Him, He would have changed His tune, quickly. But He did not...Emmanuel was born to die that way for us. He knew why it was necessary for Him to come to Earth:.Hebrews 9:23,24 "It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true, but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us."

Legality proves things about Emmanuel.

To do anything correctly usually takes at least two tries.