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D e v i l ,  D e m o n s  –  E v i l  S p i r i t s
The crew of the dark side
p a g e  4

They are integrity, intelligence, energy. And does the person love the work or the money? How's his honesty? And his or her cooperation? Do they care for others even if that care, that love seems clumsy? Opportunities come from open honest communication.

With some people the devil.(and/or his cohorts).just comes and goes in their minds. They have yet to master themselves.

You have heard, 'I just don't know what came over me to make me do that' or 'be like that' and in corporate and governmental offices 'just why did we feel we had to go in that direction anyhow?' 'Why couldn't we see the end result sooner?'.Genesis 6:11

Microsoft really didn't want to head in a direction that would cause their break up! And genetic engineers are not out to poison people:.Ephesians 2:2,3; 5:6; Romans 7:15. But they do nevertheless. They have been duped into believing that what they are doing is correct:.Proverbs 14:12; Isaiah 5:20; Revelation 12:9

In communist countries the people only have what the government gives them. In other countries, the people only have what the government leaves them. It's the same result, scarcity.

That's what happens when We the People aren't controlling government. That's what happens when the people are so distracted with other seemingly important concerns that they tacitly allow the criminals to gain control over them. That's what did happen when the criminal cabal put in their own American constitution in 1781, usurping the very good 1776 one, the We the People constitution.

With some it's easier than others for the devil.(and his cohorts).to come and go. They just think, 'I wonder why I am that way', 'I wonder why we are going in this direction' and give it little more, if any, thought:.Hosea 5:4 "They will not frame their doings to turn unto their God, for the spirit of whoredoms is in the midst of them and they have not known the Lord." Revelation 12:9 "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceives the whole world. He was cast out into the Earth and his angels were cast out with him.".And they have been busy taking over the world ever since, that is until today, where they are being stopped. Stand up against evil. Stop it before it even gets going. Because this was not done, the world has gotten to the place it is now in. Toward extinction of man is the road it's on.

Ever wonder why someone who appears to be a good friend or acquaintance turns on you; let's say, shortly after you sell him a used car on payments? Ever wonder why the partner you loved turned into something other than what you expected? Ever wonder why you can be around someone and they just turn hostile for a while, then seem to return to their usual self and they do not even really notice it? They do not know why they sometimes are a certain way and/or, say some things as they do:.Luke 9:55 ".....You know not what manner of spirit you are of." Galatians 4:29 "But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.".People assume that what comes out of them is all them, and give little more regard to it. Such are those not being circumspect with what is occurring in their experience.

Ever wonder why you may not be accepted by a lot of people?
   The devil is out to thwart your life at every turn. His main purpose is to get you against yourself, to get you so dissatisfied with yourself, to get you angry and confused, to get you under his direct influence and/or through others the devil group influence, as evidenced by someone sabotaging you and in such health disorders as anorexia nervosa, bulimia, confusion, depression, guilt, hate, etc. All to get you so down on yourself, to get you to totally lose heart, to get you into a boat named 'Despondency' traveling the river of no return; to get you away from all that the Infinite One killed His Son for – all that the true God did so we could live free and forever. But that's never forced upon anyone. To get you so alienated from others that you won't have much, if any, compassion for others. That is how the dark side ones work. To turn you further inward so you end up with more heartaches, more confusion and a faulty life headed into complete ruin, example 1, example 2.

The dark side invisible world of evil is active and those in it are against you big time:.1Peter 5:8. They are like that because of they know humanity will be above them:.Hebrews 2:7; 1Corinthians 6:3. This is how it became set up as it had, when humanity rejected the one and only true God:.Jeremiah 44:16,17

We are not playing a 'sand box team'. We are fighting an unrelenting spiritual battle:.Romans 13:10; Ephesians 6:10-18. It's a warfare that some are not, at this time, able to handle. But most of us handle it and easier so because of the help we have:.1Corinthians 10:13.

The Creator uses various ways to take us along in our predetermined life path.

All occurs with His knowledge 1, 2, 3, 4. There can't be more than one supreme power in the multiverse, which is all one big multiverse, if you will. It's impossible!.Isaiah 44:8 "...Is there a God beside me? I know not any."

Not to worry about the evil out there. Guess who's in control of everything? Keep close to God and you're out the mess of mass confusion most hang in with no question.

Within the Creator's overall framework, much is allowed to occur and all for taking humanity into his eternal future.

God is aware of all things:.Matthew 10:29,30 "Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered."

Avoid being possessive. If you want to keep it, what we call the devil will try to take it from you. If you give it up in your mind, what we label as the devil or the dark side, then has nothing from you he can take, as it is what is in one's mind that he focuses upon. That's why Bruno said to shake off your sufferings. Give them to him and let him take care of them; he has more connections than we do and knows better than we do.

The hardest thing, I think, that we all have to deal with is ourselves with our selfishness. We live by our habits. If you don't think it's hard to switch around, try changing one. How about your daily food? Get rid of it for awhile and fast. How?

During your fast, pick something good you want for others. Maybe the children still being rescued in the tunnels and protection and health for them until the Earth soldiers and the non terrestrials who came here to help, as they both rescue the children and adults held in the tunnels. Decide to pray and fast to make efforts more effective in saving them. When you fast, envisioning becomes easier and more meaningful. When you are fasting, every time you think about hunger, it comes to mind why you are fasting. And God honors your sincere thoughts.

A weapon the devil uses.(Ephesians 6:16).is to get you deceived into thinking that in the code that you live by, everything is ok.(Proverbs 14:12), that is, until it's too late and things fall apart. And all these negatives for a reason. What's that?

A deceived individual thinks he's in the right, because he won't know if he's deceived. We all think that the way we are and what it is that we live by and do, is ok, that is, until life shows us otherwise. We'd all take the easy road in life if life's choices were all made by us, so Creator-God throws up brick walls to force us to make drastic turns and leaves us unable to see around the next corner. He knows what He's doing. It's all for character development. If only we could see this, we would be able to live by faith. It may take years to see the light of where He's taking us individually. Learn to trust your Creator. It's all for your good now and into eternity:.1Corinthians 2:9.

True spiritual individuals.(those having the law of love etched upon their hearts and who live from their hearts).possess a sureness of mind that Christ is in them:.John 17:23,26; 1John 4:4. Therefore the devil is a 'non entity', they need not be concerned as they continue living life:.Hebrews 2:14. Think of it like you have taken a friend along to, say, examine some property in a different part of the country that you are interested in. Some wealthy people have their lawyer with them all the time to provide help in advice:.Proverbs 11:14. This friend of yours, Christ, is always with you:.Hebrews 13:5. But His presence is not onerous, not 'sticky' and not judgmental or corrective. Why not judgmental and corrective? Father-Creator God in Christ.(*).is only helpful if you need help and if you do, ask:.Matthew 7:7.

If Christ be in you, you don't have to worry about the devil. That is, as long as you pursue.(Psalms 34:14; Hosea 8:3 {'Israel' here is you if Christ is in you:.Galatians 6:16; 3:26-29}); righteousness, holiness, compassion and don't open your mind to things which may give him a foothold in you. God has got him doing what he is supposed to as the opposite pressure to the principle of good. He is part of the plan to get you good at love, righteousness, compassion, etc. The sooner a person heads in that direction, the easier and more fun life becomes. 

The lifelong programming of one's own ego, as influenced by the dark side, is to get us against, against something! Against yourself and/or others is the game. You name it; it's to get you against somethingAnd this brings one into struggle. So, struggle is there to hopefully, bring us to the purpose of it all where is found peace. This is the purpose of this vibrant thing called life, to generate movement from the evil ways of lower consciousness that hurt us and others and into the way of thinking at a much higher consciousness:.Habakkuk 2:9,10 "Woe to him that covets an evil covetousness to his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the power of evi!. You have consulted shame to your house by cutting off many people and have sinned against your soul."

Painful memories tend to keep us against ourselves, keeping us down. Moving into higher consciousness eradicates them.

Most of all we become against ourselves, feeling guilty, confused, despondent and in self-condemnation:.Ephesians 4:27; 6:11; 1John 3:21. Then we're open for any cultist half-way hopeful philosophy that may come along that we may think will lift us up, but, alas, many of them don't.

The ancients were the same:.Deuteronomy 13:13. Humanity, having progressed remarkably in technological areas, but because of leaving off from the Creator.(Jeremiah 44:16,17), has yet to progress in spiritual areas so needed for all humanity's benefit. Humanity needs to adopt spiritual technologies.

Avoid besmirching yourself with decisions against alignment with higher consciousness principles; welcome to some types of religion, themselves a product of a world having left off Creator-God.

If a sincere spiritual individual, the assurance possessed from the knowledge that you are a child of the Infinite One.(Hebrews 3:14), a member of the family, is at first, always being countered by the belief in separateness that has accompanied each of us all our lives, that is, until we see the reality of life, thus moving out of the ego's grip. It could have been so different if parents would have emphasized spiritual high consciousness concepts to their children.

Along the roads of confusion are the dangers the devil group presents. Twists and turns to take an individual down are dangers to be wary of:.1Peter 5:8. The dark side plan is to drag one further into deep depression and discouragement. Then he has got you beat!

And this is allowed by the Creator so that there is pressure to find a better way of living one couldn't seem to find without greater negativity first being in his or her life. These things make life on Earth a pressure cooker for us all.

Why do they call a watch, a watch? It should be called a glance,
cause you only glance at it. You don't watch it.