-Cults. Information
available from: www.csj.org/ and How cults think.(type
into your search engine 'Ted talk how cults think' or 'Ted talk Diane Benscoter').
people join them. Charlie's experience in a cult, from a baby to age 23.
He talks about it every so often. Who's
C h r i s t i a n
L i n k s
= the Creator, 'matics' = mathematics),
people can learn how the Creator has written His entire Word mathematically,
because existing inside the Bible there is mathematical design as
there also is in everything we see and know of and that which we may not
know of yet. In everything there is a code and in each code, a key.
As an example, consider the
is, new to humans on Earth).QFS.(Quantum
Financial System).system.
This design is the watermark
that reveals Creator's divine authorship. No other work of literature ever
written, apparently, contains anything that closely resembles theomatics.
It is unique to the 66 books of the
No existing word could be
found to accurately describe this phenomena
in the Bible, so a new word was coined, 'theomatics'. It is actually
the composite of two words. The Greek word for God is 'Theo' and when combined
with the suffix-–-'matics' from the word mathematics, the result is 'theomatics'.
It means 'the numbers or mathematics of the Creator'.
Another Bible Code
system is called ELS or Equidistant Letter Sequence. Both are discussed
Want a free good Bible
you can put on your own computer? It's called the Online Bible
and is complete with commentaries and various translations and.Strong's
Exhaustive Concordance.which
took 100 men 30 years to complete, listing all the words in the Bible.(King
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their original
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an 'Online Bible For Mac' and a Windows version 'Online Bible
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you have downloaded and installed. If you need help, contact larrypierce@alumni.uwaterloo.ca
And/or when online
you could also use the excellent.
Another good free program
-Concerned about
helping the poor, the ill, and those in need?
encouraging Canadian Christian Site.(crossroads.ca)
-An online.(and
on some newsstands).magazine
about Christianity, Christianity Today.(christianitytoday.com)
-Online magazines that consistently
have very good articles.Does
God Exist?.(DoesGodExist.Org);
is info on cults and religious groups).
-To well equip yourself
with knowledge and get resources, visit the CRI.(Christian
Research Institute).site.(equip.org).for
truth based research. Example.
-A group for Christian Judeans