means 'the numbers or mathematics of God' and is the science of examining
Theomatics proves the authenticity
of the Bible.
ELS means Equidistant Letter
Sequence. These are.two
the mathematics contained in the Bible.
Just how accurate are they
and which one appears to be valid?
The following is taken from
the Theomatics web site about ELS at
There is positively no
relationship or similarity whatsoever, between Theomatics and ELS. They
are as different as night and day.Unlike Theomatics, ELS does not utilize
the numerical values for the letters of the Hebrew and Greek alphabets,
nor does ELS work with the numerical values of words.
Theomatics is solid, credible,
and scientifically
A Brief History
A Rabbi named Weissmandel
in 1958 observed an unusual phenomenon in the original Hebrew text of the
book of Genesis. Upon close examination he found patterns of coded words
and phrases buried 'beneath' the surface of the book. Unable to pursue
this phenomenon very far due to lack of technology, the study died with
Weissmandel. Some students at Hebrew university examined Weissmandel's
research in 1988 and incorporated computers to further the search for these
'Torah Codes'. These 'codes' reveal knowledge of future events and the
names of prominent people! By examining the letters of the text in equally
spaced intervals.(ELS).in
the Old Testament, these letters fit together to form new words with significant
meaning. Names, dates, events, are 'spelled' out in passages of the O.T.
Perhaps an example of how these codes are searched out would be appropriate
If a hidden word such as
'Torah' was being looked for in a particular paragraph or verse, once the
for Torah was found in a particular passage, the computer then searches
forward through the text to locate the 2nd letter. When the 2nd letter
is located, the distance.(in
noted. Let's say the distance between the 1st and 2nd letter is 13. The
computer then continues through the text at 13 letter intervals and only
that interval and records the letters at those positions to see if they
form coherent
words or phrases. Of course you have to first know what word you are looking
for and thus ask the computer to look for the first letter of that word
to initiate the search.
Excerpts taken from Hal Lindsey's
magazine article 'God's Authorship of the Book of Genesis'
What Has Been Found?
Here are just a few very
brief and typical examples of the 'phenomena'.
The first five books of the
Books of Moses).are
known as the Torah. In the Hebrew of Genesis, if you take the first 'T',
then count 49 letters, the next letter.(the
'O'; the next 50th is 'R'; and the next 50th is 'H'. In other words, after
the first 'T', in 50 letter increments, we find the letters spelling Torah.(TORaH
{there are no vowels
in Hebrew}).
In the book of Exodus, we also encounter a similar result.
Using this method, the word
'Eden' is encoded repeatedly 16 times within the short Genesis 2:4-10 passage
dealing with the garden of Eden. The odds against 16 'Edens' occurring
by chance this way in such a short passage, is claimed to be 1 in 10,000.
Also in chapter 2 of Genesis, which deals with the Garden of Eden, scientists
have found encoded in the text, 25 different Hebrew names for trees. The
odds against this happening is 100,000 to 1. ...Source – Grant Jeffrey,
Signature of God, pages 207-208)
Yacov Rambsel
has discovered an astonishing pattern of significant letters spelling Emmanuel's
name YESHUA encoded at equally spaced intervals beneath the Hebrew text
of the Old Testament. God encoded these Hebrew letters spelling the name
of His Messiah 'Yesha ha'Mashiach'.(Emmanuel
the Christ).in
each of the great messianic prophecies. These incredible coded words provide
profound insights revealing who Yeshua
is, His origin, His mission and His destiny to return as God's Messiah
to establish the kingdom of God. ...Source ...Yacov Rambsel, YESHUA,
The Name of Emmanuel Revealed in the Old Testament.
For example, in Genesis 1:1,
starting with the first letter
yod, counting every 521st letter,
Yeshua yahkol, which means,
Yeshua is able. In Genesis
2:20, starting with the
mem (Hebrew lettering) in Adam's name, counting
101 letters three times from the right to left, spells Messiah,
Starting with the last
heh in Genesis 3:20, counting 9 letters 5
times from right to left spells,
Yoshiah, which means,
He will
save. In Exodus 25:5, starting with the second letter ayin,
counting every 219th letter from right to left.(in
reverse), spells, ha'yorah emmet,
which means
teach the truth.