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P r o o f  o f  t h e  B i b l e  T h e o m a t i c s
p a g e  2

Probably the most astounding claims relative to ELS, are the claims that modern day historical events, people's names, etc. appear imbedded in the codes. 

ELS proponents of.Bible.prophecy present a harrowing examples:

  • In Deuteronomy 10:17-22, the scientists found encoded in a group of six verses the Hebrew spelling for 'Hitler', 'Nazis', 'Berlin', 'Auschwitz', and the phrase, "a people cry murder, slaughter"! ...Grant Jeffrey, The Signature of God, pages 209-211.
  • Perhaps one of the most astonishing codes that has been discovered has been a group of words clustered together that describe the death of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. The Hebrew words for Sadat, the name of the Moslem Brotherhood assassination team that killed him, the year of the assassination... 1981 and the words 'president', 'parade' and 'murder' were all found clustered together in several verses. ...Grant Jeffrey, The Signature of God, pages 209.
  • In chapters 39-41 of Genesis we see references to the French Revolution. Revealed in a cluster of encoded words we see the Hebrew words Mapecha HaSarfatit.(which spells "French Revolution" in Hebrew), 'Louis' the name of the French king, the word 'Beit Bourbon' his royal dynasty, the word 'Hamarseilles' the name of the French national anthem and the word 'Bastillia'.(the infamous French prison for political prisoners). Interestingly, all this information is contained in Genesis 39-41, where the surface text deals with Joseph's imprisonment in Egypt. ...Grant Jeffrey, The Signature of God, pages 211.
  • The researchers at Hebrew University took from The Encyclopedia of Great Men of Israel, a standard Hebrew reference book, the names of 34 prominent rabbis who lived between the 9th and 19th century A.D..(please note A.D., not B.C.). They also noted the dates of their births and deaths. They then did a computer search for these names in the Book of Genesis. To their amazement, every single name was present encoded in the book of Genesis, in addition each name was coupled in close proximity with the date of the rabbi's death. When submitted to the journal, they encountered skepticism. The Royal Statistical Society wanted to see the results firsthand. Therefore, the Society chose an additional 32 names from the same encyclopedia and asked that their referees observe the computer search. Again, every single one of the additional 32 names was present, coupled with the correct dates of their deaths. The odds of this happening by random chance are more than staggering, they are estimated to be 1 in 50 quadrillion. In other words... no chance.(Hal Lindsey).

  • Not to sound too 'lampoonish', the only thing that could surpass all the above, for an encore, would be if someone found the names of C.I. Scoffied, Hal Lindsey and Dallas Theological Seminary, imbedded somewhere in the codes? Or how about Del Washburn and Theomatics? 

    Our Own Personal Assessment:
    At Theomatics Research, it is not within our capability to say, whether or not for sure, any or all of the above are either true or false. At this time only God knows for sure what is present in His Word with ELS. In other words, how much of it is true and of divine origin and how much of it is simply the overzealous efforts of various proponents and researchers who have private wishes? 

    It.may.very well be within God's purposes to put something like ELS in the.Bible. Let's not underestimate God. We certainly would not be surprised to see spiritual truths, names and attributes of God, various.Bible.words and teachings, the name of YESHUA.(Emmanuel).all through the codes, etc. That idea, at least for us, is fairly believable. 

    But the names of Hitler and modern day Jewish Rabbis? Incredulous

    There are so many articles, studies, innuendoes, etc. all over the Web, about these discoveries. Many of them.seem.credible. Yet a great deal of it is 'hearsay', all sorts of second hand information, quotes from quotes of somebody else's quotes, people talking a lot about amazing and specific findings, but giving no real facts or verifiable.data. There are a lot of things being said, but not a lot of hard.(easy to understand).data or explanations. Everything seems to be in bits and pieces all over the place iwth ELS.
