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P r o o f  o f  t h e  B i b l e  T h e o m a t i c s
p a g e  3

One major study and paper that has been done, was put out by Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips and Yoav Rosenberg and is entitled 'Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis'. We obtained a copy from the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Volume 9, Number 3, August 1994. It is extremely scientific and mathematical and technical in nature.(would take a math professor from MIT to figure it out). Evidently, calculations have been done on this that substantially prove minute probability or chance that ELS is simply coincidence.

The two books currently on the market, fueling the excitement and debate among the general populace, are the books by Grant R. Jeffrey, The Signature of God, and YESHUA, by Yacov Rambsel---upon which much of Jeffrey's book is based. 

ELS Software Available
The programmer who put together the research for software for theomatics, also developed a program to do the ELS research. We have never really used the program, but will make it available to those may be interested in it. It is a DOS prompt Borland Turbo C program, that takes the straight line Hebrew text and finds Equi-Distant Words. A person enters into the program the location or (1) starting point of the search and (2) the sequence desired. The program then searches and (3) prints out the results with various formatting options. 

The program is available from us at Theomatics Research for a small charge.(theomatics.com/)

There is also a program available from Torah Gematrias that will look for the patterns, but only in the Torah.(first five books of O.T.). It is available from jewishsoftware.com. When there search for it.

Letter From and to a Doctor
To conclude here, we would like to quote portions of some email exchange, with a medical doctor, Dr. Frank Krautter, who wrote to us asking us about our assessment of ELS? It will provide a somewhat subjective and fascinating analysis. 

Dear Del:
I find the 'Hitler' and 'Mussolini' thing to be pretty incredulous. It almost makes me think that the patterns are random and that if you search long enough you can find anything, which discredits the whole approach. I would bet a lot of people look at that sort of finding and say 'lunacy' and close their minds like a clam snapping shut. I have to trust others on the stats and the statements that these patterns are not in non biblical sources.(that is, that they are not in regular books). To prove that, you would have to spend a huge effort looking. I thought the link would be in that the intervals were key numbers. For a few of Rambsel's intervals that is the case. You don't have a index by key theomatic values and I scanned a good part of your book looking for links between his work and yours and was not too successful. If being a doctor didn't take up so much time, I could get into this a lot better. Frank

Dear Dr. Krautter:
The fact everyone must realize, is that everybody out there is looking for future events, the holocaust, etc. determined to find those things. Can they be equally found by mixing up the words randomly? That is the type of testing that theomatic has done and must continue to do. It is the only credible way. This is all very fascinating, isn't it? Del

Dear Del:
Yes it is incredibly fascinating. I have talked it up a bunch, Most people say, interesting, but it is above their heads. They are unwilling to stop and think about it. Then a group.(says that they).understand it clearly and are content to just sit with the information I give them. Most people are very very lazy thinkers and at best are capable of only parroting back what others have said to them, but they are still dear sweet souls that I enjoy, even though it is disappointing; maybe the same frustration devotees of the opera have with me. Frank

Hi Frank!
I was glad to read the things you said. The one thing that disturbs me the most about ELS, is the fact that the findings consist of what I like to call "little spurts phenomena". Unlike theomatics, it does not involve testing procedures on a large population of non arbitrarily selected examples.(identified in advance of performing any tests). Hebrew words generally have very few letters in them. It takes perhaps only three to six letters to come up with any Hebrew word, that may require perhaps twice as many letters to translate into English.(Hebrew has no vowels but only consonants). Trying to compose Hebrew words to match modern English words, such as HOLOCAUST, HITLER, GESTAPO, etc. may be very easy to do, because with just consonants, any vowel.(a,e,i,o,u).can be arbitrarily interposed. Also, how many possible different ways are there to spell 'Hitler' in Hebrew?
