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characterized by underhandedness or treachery.(a dastardly attack on freeness as the state and/or Crown has done, example of the satanic Mussolini, a dastardly villian); if you describe an action as dastardly, you mean it is wicked and intended to take advantage of another even if it hurts them in some way
mean; brutal; the dastardlinesses of governments at all levels

information such as could.include.facts and figures from which conclusions can be inferred

a fact or proposition used to draw a conclusion or make a decision

also called data bank; a collection of data.arranged for ease and speed of search and retrieval; a database is a storage and retrieval system in a computer where one puts away information for future use
database, databased, databasing, databases.transitive verbs
to put data into a database

DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane).noun
a colorless contact insecticide, C14H9CL5, (14 parts {molecules} of carbon, 9 parts of hydrogen, 5 parts of chlorine), toxic to human beings and animals when swallowed or absorbed through the skin. It has been banned in the United States and Canada for most uses since 1972, although the poisoning of the environment will resume as it is being brought back to control weeds once again, part of the madness on Earth that hurts others

death house.noun,.plural.death houses
a place where prisoners await execution

a debacle is an event or attempt that is a complete failure; a sudden, disastrous collapse, downfall or defeat; a rout; a total, often ludicrous failure; a disaster such as a violent flood or a con job as the devastating.covid expeience proved to be and is still killing people

debase, debased, debasing, debases.transitive verbs
to make lower in quality, character or dignity; degrade; adulterate; corrupt; bastardize

extreme indulgence of one's appetite for sensual pleasures; selfish sensuality; orgies
debauch.transitive verb
corrupt; to lead astray.morally
an act of debauchery; an orgy
in a debauched manner 
an individual who indulges in debauchery; a depraved person; debased
debauch, debauched, debauching, debauches.verbs
transitive verb use.to corrupt morally; to lead away from excellence or virtue; to reduce the value, quality or excellence of; debase; corrupt
intransitive verb use.to indulge in dissipation

debris.plural noun
the scattered remains of something broken or destroyed; rubble or wreckage
Biology:.the fragmented remains of dead or damaged cells or tissue

to fall into ruin (a civilization that had begun to decay)
transitive verb use.to cause to decay; the destruction or decomposition of organic matter as a result of bacterial or fungal action; rot
decayed, decaying, decays.intransitive verbs
Biology:.to break down into component parts; rot
Physics:.to disintegrate or diminish by radioactive decay; an unstable nuclide changing its state; there is alpha, beta, gamma, and exponential decay
Electronics:.to decrease gradually in magnitude

being in a state of decline or decay; marked by or providing unrestrained gratification; self indulgent
an individual in a condition or process of mental or moral decay

a process, condition or period of deterioration or decline, as in morals or art; decay

the act or practice of deceiving; deception; a stratagem; a trick; the quality of being deceitful; falseness; deceit is behavior that is deliberately.intended to make people believe something which is not true (they have been involved in a campaign of deceit, example; deceived people don't know they have been deluded); scriptures on deceit:.Psalms 10:6-11,13; 55:21; Proverbs 6:12-15; 23:6,7

deceive, deceived, deceiving, deceives.transitive verbs
to cause to believe what is not true (he was deceived into believing what the commonality of humanity had accepted; who is behind individuals using deceit for their selfishnesses?.Revelation 12:9); to delude; mislead; beguile; betray
tending to deceive; mislead

given to cheating or deceiving; doing something sneaky to harm, not to help another; knowing not to do something but doing it anyway for selfish advantage; deliberately.misleading; deceptive; dishonest; beguiling; crooked; corrupt

the use of deceit; the fact or state of being deceived; a ruse; a trick

tending to deceive; misleading
in a deceptive or deceiving manner; so as to deceive

decimate, decimated, decimating, decimates.transitive verb
to remove one tenth of; to select by lot and kill one in every ten of; to punish every tenth person (from decimus, tenth); to destroy or kill a large part of a group

decipher, deciphered, deciphering, deciphers.transitive verb
to read or interpret.ambiguous, obscure or illegible.matter; solve; to convert from a code or cipher to plain text; decode

dawdle, dawdled, dawdling, dawdles.verbs
intransitive use.to take more time than necessary (dawdled through breakfast); to move aimlessly or lackadaisically (dawdling on the way to work)
transitive use.to waste time by idling (dawdling the hours away)

decree, decreed, decreeing, decrees.verbs
to order, decide.or.appoint by decree; what are decrees and ministerial orders
transitive verb use.to ordain, establish or decide by decree
intransitive verb use.to issue a decree
an administrative act, which is not a law; a dictate; a decree is also a judgment made by a law court or by someone in a position to make a decree, be it a Natural Law court or the corrupt Maritime, Admiralty, Civil, Statute law.satanically.imposed upon the world

something that is decrepit has fallen into ruin or disrepair (the old ways of war, hate and greed have contributed to man's increasingly decrepit condition); something or someone who is decrepit is tired and weak, worn out, impaired or broken down (many old buildings in a decrepit state.require.either.renovation or replacing)
the quality or condition of being weakened, worn out, impaired or broken down by old age, illness or hard use (some film sections had been shot in a decrepit old barn)

decry.transitive verb
to depreciate; to express strong disapproval of (decry the emphasis on sex); deprecate; disparage; belittle

deduce, deduced, deducing, deduces.transitive verbs
to trace the course or derivation of; to conclude, to reach a conclusion by reasoning; to infer from a general.principle by deductive reasoning
capable of being deduced

deductive reasoning.noun
reasoning based on deduction; inference by reasoning from the general to the specific or from cause to effect (see also inductive reasoning); a conclusion reached by this myopic process, often in error, as the theory of evolution.elicits

deduct, deducted, deducting, deducts.verbs
transitive verb use.to take away a quantity from another; subtract; to derive by deduction; deduce
intransitive verb use.to take away a desirable part (a poorly kept up yard both detracts from appearance as well as deducts from the value of the house)
the act of deducting; subtraction; an amount that is or may be deducted; in logic, the act or process of deducing; reasoning from a known principle to an unknown, from the general to the specific, or from a premise to a logical conclusion (opposed to induction); the drawing of a conclusion by reasoning; the process of reasoning in which a conclusion follows necessarily from the stated premises
compare inductive

deem, deemed, deeming, deems.verbs
transitive verb senses.to regard as; consider (deemed the results conclusive; a bully deems others as weaker); to think; believe; to have as an opinion; to come to think or judge; to consider (deemed it wise to go slow) 
intransitive verb senses.to have an opinion; to believe; consider

a dull witted, sluggish or disappointingly ineffective or unsuccessful person

design, designed, designing, designs.verbs
transitive verb use.to conceive or fashion in the mind (design in the multiverse); design is the process and art of planning; the design of something is the way in which it has been planned and made; invent (design an electronic machine that cures infectious diseases; Tesla designed and produced inventions. He had over 700 patents); devise (designed a helpful new product); to plan out in systematic, usually graphic form (design a building; design a computer program; a game designed to appeal to all ages)
intransitive verb use.to make or execute plans; to have a goal or purpose in mind; to create designs
drawing or sketch; a graphic representation; the purposeful or inventive arrangement of parts or details (the aerodynamic design of an automobile; furniture of simple but elegant design); something designed, especially a decorative or an artistic work; an ornamental pattern; figure (the statue's depiction of the historical figure was of meticulous design); a plan; a reasoned purpose; an intent (it was her design to set up the entire celebration)

designate, designated, designating, designates.transitive verbs
to indicate or specify; point out; to give a name or title to; characterize; to select and set aside for a duty, an office or a purpose; allocate; appoint
appointed but not yet installed in office (the commissioner designate)
designative or designatory.adjective
the act of designating; a marking or pointing out; a distinguishing name or title; name

diametrical also diametric.adjective
exactly.opposite; contrary; of, relating to or along a diameter

the diameter of a round object is the length of a straight line that can be drawn through the middle of it, such as a circle with a straight line from one side of the circle and also touching the opposite side of the circle
Mathematics:.a straight line segment passing through the center of a figure, especially of a circle or sphere and terminating at the periphery; the length of such a segment; thickness or width

dilly-dally, dilly-dallied, dilly-dallying, dilly-dallies.intransitive verbs
to waste time, especially in indecision; dawdle or vacillate

something that is remarkable or extraordinary, as in size or quality (that was a dilly of a storm); delightful (that was a dilly of a picnic)