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warn, warned, warning, warns.verbs
transitive verb use.to make aware in advance of actual or potential harm, danger or evil; to admonish as to action or manners; to notify a person to go or stay away (warned them off the posted property as they seemed afraid of the dog); to notify or apprise in advance (they called and warned me that they might be delayed)
intransitive verb use.to give a warning (God always warns)

wan, wanner, wannest.adjectives
unnaturally.pale, as from physical or emotional distress; suggestive or indicative of weariness, illness or unhappiness; melancholy (a wan expression)
wan, wanned, wanning, wans.intransitive verbs
to become pale

desiring, attempting or professing to be (would-be home buyers who are now renting)

would.auxiliary verb
past tense of will; used after a statement of desire, request or advice (I wish you would stay awhile longer; so that we could order now, would you please decide on the fish or the chicken for dinner?); used to make a polite.request (would you go with me?); used to indicate.uncertainty (it would seem to be getting warmer)
you use wham to indicate that something happens suddenly or forcefully (I met her and wham, I was in love; wham, the car hit a raised parking lot marker that I didn't see); a forceful, resounding.blow; wham is a word describing the sound of such a blow; a thud
wham, whammed, whamming, whams.verbs
transitive verb use.to strike or smash into with resounding impact
intransitive verb use.to smash with great force
(the cabal government's policy is higher tax and higher interest rates, a double whammy)
used to indicate the startling.abruptness of a sound, an action or an event

the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity and barometric pressure; weather types can include destructive atmospheric conditions, such as high winds or heavy rain (encountered weather five miles out to sea)
weather, weathered, weathering, weathers.verbs
transitive verb use.to expose to the action of the elements, as for drying, seasoning, fading or coloring; to discolor, disintegrate, wear or otherwise affect.adversely by exposure; to come through something safely; survive (we weathered the storm on the mountainside in our little tent); to slope a roof, for example so as to shed water
intransitive verb use.to show the effects, such as discoloration, of exposure to the elements (the walls of the barn had weathered); to withstand the effects of weather (a house paint that weathers well)
relating to or used in weather forecasting (a weather balloon)
under the weather.idiom
somewhat.indisposed; slightly.ill

wander, wandered, wandering, wanders.verbs
intransitive verb use.to move about without a definite destination (lost in the forest we wandered about until we came across the road where our car was); to go by an indirect route or at no set pace; amble (wandered toward town); to proceed in an irregular course; meander; to go astray (wander from the path of righteousness); to lose or vary from clarity or coherence of thought or expression (the speaker started out clearly, then wandered from logic into fluffiness)
transitive verb use.to wander across or through (wander the forests and fields on his walk)
the act or an instance of wandering; a stroll
a going about from place to place, often used in plural 

articles of the same general.kind, made of a specified.material or used in a specific application.such as Earthenware (clay pots), silverware (kitchenware of knives, forks, spoons, made of silver or coated with silver plating); hardware, software

a place in which goods or merchandise are stored; a storehouse
warehouse, warehoused, warehousing, warehouses.transitive verbs
to place or store in a warehouse
a person or business concern who warehouses

wear, wore, worn, wearing, wears.verbs
transitive verb use.to carry or have on the person as covering, adornment or protection or an aid (wearing a jacket; must wear a seat belt; wears glasses); to display in one's appearance (always wears a smile); to bear, carry or maintain in a particular manner (wears her hair long); to damage, diminish, erode or be consumed by long or hard use, attrition or exposure (rocks worn away by the sea; shoes worn down at the heels); to produce by constant use, attrition or exposure (eventually wore hollows in the stone steps; wore the clothes to rags; pebbles worn smooth); to fatigue, weary or exhaust (criticism has worn my patience)
intransitive verb use.to last under continual or hard use (a fabric that will wear well; a friendship that wears well); to break down or diminish through use or attrition (the rear tires showed signs of wear); to pass gradually or tediously (the hours wore on)
the act of wearing or the state of being worn; use (the coat has had heavy wear); clothing, especially of a particular kind or for a particular use (work wear; formal wear; rainwear; footwear); gradual impairment or diminution resulting from use or attrition; the ability to withstand impairment from use or attrition (the engine has plenty of wear left)
wear down, worn down.phrasal verb
to break down or exhaust by relentless pressure or resistance
wear off, worn off.phrasal verb
to diminish gradually in effect (the prescription drug which made her condition worse finally wore off
wear out, worn out.phrasal verb
to make or become unusable through long or heavy use (after years of playing, toys wear out)
wear away, worn away.phrasal verb
wear your boots.idiom
to exercise your responsibilites 
wear thin.idiom
to feel weakened or gradually eroded (her patience is wearing thin); to become less convincing, acceptable or popular, as through repeated use (excuses that are wearing thin)

word 'were' is the plural and the second person singular of the past tense of the word 'be' and the past indicative of be (you were a long time; we didn't know where we were due to the fog; they were again late for dinner); We were at the grocery store, not 'We was at the grocery store
the word 'was' is the first and third person singular of the past tense of 'be' as in these, Where is my umbrella? Here it is! It was in the living room; word 'was' often refers to something past (Where was my watch found?; Where was she going?)
a contraction of the words 'we are' (we're planning on a trip to the lake for the weekend)

if you call someone a wuss, you are criticizing them for being afraid; spoken about someone who you think is weak or lacks courage
one who is a wuss

worship is devoted.attention to, a reverent attention to, that is, you focus your mind by thinking about it, that is, what something means to you (the subject of Worship on this site); the reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol or a sacred.object (worship of the true God, the Creator; worship of false Gods, of which the ancients had many); the ceremonies, prayers or other forms by which this attention is expressed; used as a form of address for magistrates, mayors and certain other dignitaries (for example speaking to the mayor as Your Worship or the judge as Your honor) worship, worshiped, worshiping, worships.verbs
transitive verb use.to honor and love as a deity; to regard with ardent or adoring.esteem or devotion; revere
intransitive verb use.to participate in worship; to perform an act of worship such as the big 4

well-informed.also.well informed.adjective
if you say that someone is well-informed, you mean that they know a lot about many different.subjects or about one particular subject; someone who is well-informed knows a lot about one particular subject or about many subjects (a library encourages the public to become as well informed as possible)

accustomed to or used to; likely; inclined to (chaotic as holidays are wont to be)
customary.practice; usage; habit
wont, wonted, wonting, wonts.verbs
intransitive verb use.to be in the habit of doing something
transitive verb use.to make accustomed to

destruction or ruin
wrack, wracked, wracking, wracks.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause the ruin of; wreck (he is such a bad driver, never learning the bubble rule, that he wracks up his car every few months)
intransitive verb use.to be wrecked

the act of wrecking or the state of being wrecked; destruction; accidental destruction of a ship; a shipwreck; the stranded.hulk of a severely.damaged ship; fragments of a ship or its cargo.cast ashore by the sea after a shipwreck; wreckage; the remains of something that has been wrecked or ruined; something.shattered or dilapidated; a person who is physically or mentally broken down or worn out (after the harrowing trip of their vacation they each were a wreck for a week)
wreck, wrecked, wrecking, wrecks.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause the destruction of in or as if in a collision; to dismantle or raze; tear down (they finally wrecked that old eyesore of a building); to cause to undergo.ruin or disaster; to wreak
intransitive verb use.to suffer destruction or ruin; become wrecked; to work as a wrecker
the act of wrecking or the state of being wrecked; something wrecked; the debris of something wrecked

withdraw, withdrew, withdrawn, withdrawing, withdraws.verbs
transitive verb use.to take back or away; remove; to remove money from an account; to turn away one's gaze, for example; to draw aside (withdrew the curtains in the morning to let the light in); to remove from consideration or participation (withdrew her application)
intransitive verb use.to move or draw back; retire; to remove oneself from active participation (withdrew from the hike); to become detached from social involvement