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knit, knitted, knitting, knits.verbs
transitive verb use.to make a fabric or garment by intertwining yarn or thread in a series of connected loops.either by hand with knitting needles or on a machine; to form yarn or thread into fabric by intertwining; to join.closely; unite.securely
intransitive verb use.to make a fabric or garment by knitting; to become securely joined or mended together closely, as a fractured bone heals
a fabric or garment made by knitting; the way in which a fabric has been knit (a loose knit; a tight knit)
knit stitch.noun,.plural.knit stitches
a basic knitting stitch.usually made with the yarn at the back of the work by inserting the needle held by your right hand into the front part of a loop on the left needle and from the left side, catching the yarn with the point of the right needle and bringing it through the first loop to form a new loop; compare purl stitch

a clever, expedient.way of doing something; a specific.talent for something; a knickknack
also spelled nicknack
a small ornamental.article; a trinket

a metric.unit of length equal to 1,000 meters or 0.62 of a mile

kick, kicks, kicked, kicking.verbs
intransitive verb use.to strike out with the foot or feet; kicking a ball; to punt; to recoil (a high-powered rifle kicks when fired) upon being fired
transitive verb use.to strike with the foot; to propel by striking with the foot; to spring back against suddenly (the rifle kicked my shoulder when I fired it)
a feeling of pleasurable stimulation (got a kick out of the show) 

kick at the can.idiom
another attempt; to try again (didn't make the ride to 8 seconds at the rodeo championship, but he'll have another kick at the can)

kick the bucket.idiom
to die

kick against the pricks.idiom
hurt oneself by persisting in useless resistance or protest:.Acts 9:5

an unprincipled, craftyfellow; in card games, the card named the jack
knavishness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

your kidneys are the organs in your body that take waste matter from your blood and send it out of your body as urine; you have two kidneys in the back area of the abdomen that are used by your body for maintaining proper water and electrolyte balance, regulate acid-base concentration and filtering of the blood to remove wastes, which are then excreted as urine

a tube-shaped optical instrument that is rotated to produce a succession of symmetrical designs by means of mirrors reflecting the constantly changing patterns made by bits of colored glass at one end of the tube; a constantly changing set of colors; a series of changing phases or events (a kaleidoscope of events); from Greek 'kalos' meaning 'beautiful and 'eidos' meaning 'form'

utensils, such as pots and pans, spoons, forks, knives, etc. for use in a kitchen

your knuckles are the rounded pieces of bone that form lumps on your hands where your fingers join your hands and where your fingers bend; the part of a hinge through which the pin passes, such as a hinge on a door; knuckle comes from Middle English 'knokel'
knuckle, knuckled, knuckling, knuckles.transitive verbs
to press, rub or hit with the knuckles; to shoot a marble with the thumb over the bent forefinger (a knuckle shot)
knuckle down.phrasal verb
to apply oneself earnestly to a task
knuckle under.phrasal verb
to yield to pressure; give in, to not stand up for what's right and good; to be a chicken shit

kibble, kibbled, kibbling, kibbles.transitive verbs
to crush or grind grain, for example, coarsely
meal ground by this process and used in the form of pellets especially for pet food; kibble is also an iron bucket used in wells or mines for hoisting water, ore or refuse to the surface

kerosene.also.spelt.kerosine.noun,.plural.kerosenes, kerosines
also called coal oil and lamp oil; a thin oil distilled from petroleum or shale oil, used as a fuel for heating and cooking, in lamps and as a denaturant for alcohol

a colorless to white lustrous crystalline.mineral, Na2B4O7·4H2O, that is a major source of ore of boron

John Maynard Keynes, First Baron of Tilton, 1883-1946. British economist. Some of his quotes 1 & 2, 3.

a collective farm or settlement in modern Israel, whre the state owns the land and you work on it to produce profits for them

also spelt Kazar; members of a confederation of Turkic-speaking tribes that established a commercial empire in European Russia in the late 6th century, being kicked out by the Russians due to their ruthless disregard for the lives and property of others; they are a takeover, fifth column minded group and had almost taken over the world of today with their counterfeit systems of money and control and confusing the world (1Corinthians 14:33) as best they could by making counterfeits of everything they could use to stomp on others, example 1; example 2; where these the ones despising the truth the Bible was talking about?.Jude 1:8.
also spelt Kazarian; Khazarians date back to ancient Sumer and Babylonia and are said to have originated with Cain; the demons who inhabited them were here much earlier than humans; much later the Khazars allied with the Byzantines against the Persians in the 7th century A.D. and warred with the Arabs until the mid-8th century. Their empire extended westward along the Black Sea and they controlled trade routes and exacted.tribute from their neighbors, often killing them and taking their identity. This cruel ruling class of criminals adopted Judaism (Revelation 2:9; 3:9) as they figured it was the better way to widely control and manipulate others to their own greedy selfish and horribly evil advantage at any cost to others, while at the same time remain hidden by both location change and name changing. Using cruelty to be overlords, the Volga Bulgars and numerous Slavic tribes were subjugated. But not the Russians, who kicked them out. The Kazars adopted Judaism to hide themselves within it because Judaism was tied to the ancient Mosaic Law with its over 600 do's and don'ts, so in this they figured they could be well hid and carry on their evil ways. They eventually maintained close relations with the Byzantine emperors. In the mid-8th century A.D. the Khazars engaged in a series of wars with the Arab empire. Their 'trademark' is always to create division leading to wars. They hated anything to do with the true God and the Arabs were of Abraham's son Ishmael. The Khazars and Arabs fought each other directly in Armenia in the 720s and, though victory passed repeatedly from one side to the other, Arab counterattacks eventually compelled the Khazars to permanently withdraw north of the Caucasus region. The Khazar empire began to decline after their crushing defeat by the Russians from Kiev in 965 A.D. by being kicked out of the country, but they just moved on, continuing on with their evil ways of blackmail, bribes, brainwashing, murder and satanic rituel abuse in gaining control of all they could, until revenge could be taken on them, again by the Russians. In the 10th century A.D. they submerged into various, useful to them, ideologies, isms, institutions, corporations and even governments, medical/pharmaceutical corporations, etc. These massive satanically aligned deceivers (Revelation 3:9; 12:9) used many labels to hide their identity as satanic liars, thieves and murderers operating by creating wars under any name which suited them, such as Communist, Nazi, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, democratic, republican, liberal, conservative, bankers, judges, justice system, legal, court, attorneys, justices, BAR associations and infiltrated pharmaceutical, medical, agricultural, chemical, various commercial industrial corporations, educational and health services, etc. They came to be known as the 'name changers' (1Kings 10:12). See the History of the World series of videos by Janet Ossebaard to trace their horribly evil history right up to today, seeing also who they all were along their blood and greed filled pathways of deceit:.John 8:44. Now they are reaping what they have sown. They are all being taken out. Their times of evil in the world, evils both here and beyond, has ended and is almost completely cleaned up. Never again will they exist because no matter what name they try to hide under, we now know what to look for to remove them quickly:.Matthew 7:16-20.