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an expression of approval; praise; a special acknowledgment; an award; if someone is given an accolade, something is done or said about them which shows how much people admire them (Linus Pauling was accoladed with the Nobel prize for his Vitamin C discoveries of uses for this amazing vitamin)
accolade, accoladed, accolading, accolades.transitive verbs
to praise or honor

arousing or intensifying.sexual.desire
something, such as a food, having such an effect (desire for sex comes from extra energy and foods containing vitamin E, foods such as beans having protein and foods such as ginseng, provide energy, as well as many other foods {search for organic energy foods})

the part of the body that lies between the thorax and the pelvis and encloses the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen and pancreas organs; also called the belly; the posterior.segment of the body in arthropods

Alexander III, known as 'Alexander the Great', B.C.E. 356-323, king of Macedonia (336-323) and conquerer of Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, Babylonia and Persia. His reign marked the beginning of the Hellenistic Age

abba.noun.is the Syriac or Chaldee word for 'Father'. It is a term expressing warm affection and appreciation, closeness and confidence, such as, 'Father, dear Father', etc.

the seeds of amaranth plants, originally from in Central and South America are used as a cereal and as flour now throughout the western hemisphere; any of various.annuals of the genus Amaranthus having dense green or reddish clusters of tiny flowers and including several weeds, ornamentals and food plants; amaranth color is a deep reddish purple to dark or grayish, purplish red

a Semitic language, comprising several dialects, originally of the ancient.Arameans but widely used by non-Aramean peoples throughout southwest Asia from the seventh century B.C.E. to the seventh century A.D. Also called Aramean and Chaldean
the name Aramean came from Aram in the Old Testament; Aram was an ancient country of southwest Asia, roughly coextensive with present day Syria; its inhabitants were a group of Semitic peoples inhabiting Aram and parts of Mesopotamia from B.C.E. the 11th to B.C.E. 8th century

a piece of soft iron or steel that connects the poles of a magnet or of adjacent magnets; a usually.rotating.part of an electric.machine (as a generator or motor) which consists.essentially of coils of wire around a metal.core and in which electric current is induced or in which the input current interacts with a magnetic field to produce.torque (the movable part of an electromagnetic.device (as a loudspeaker)

a feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression

an avalanche is a large mass of snow that falls down the side of a mountain; a massive or overwhelming.amount; a flood (received an avalanche of mail)
avalanche, avalanched, avalanching, avalanches.verbs
intransitive verb use.to fall or slide in a massive or overwhelming amount
transitive verb use.to overwhelm; inundate

the Arctic Ocean and lands in it and adjacent to it; the word 'arctic' is from the Greek 'arktos' meaning 'bear'; Ursa Major is a bear shaped group of stars in the northern sky; the Arctic is a region between the North Pole and the northern timberlines of North America and Eurasia
Arctic winters, Arctic summers
cold; frigid.(going to be wearing my arctic wintercoat soon)

Arctic Circle
The parallel of latitude approximately 66°33' north, which forms the boundary between the North Temperate and North Frigid zones.

all projectiles and explosive.materiel that are used as weapons, such as bullets and shot, together with their fuses, that can be fired from guns or otherwise propelled; an object used as a missile in offense or defense (rocks were my only ammunition against the bear); information used as a means of attacking or defending an argument, thesis or point of view

having.enough.money to be a useful and contributive person in society; staying out of debt (staying free of debt and thus not paying interest on top of the debt, gave us a much better lifestyle)
in a floating position or condition; on a boat or ship away from the shore; at sea; if someone or something is afloat, they remain partly above the surface of water and do not sink

a brownish, bitter, foul-smelling resinous.material.obtained from the roots of several plants of the genus Ferula in the parsley/carrot family; a fetid resinous gum obtained from the roots of a herbaceous plant, often used in herbal medicine and Indian cooking and as an antispasmodic and in folk medicine as a general.prophylactic against disease

relieving or preventing spasms, especially of smooth muscle antispasmodic.noun,.plural.antispasmodics
an antispasmodic agent such as asafetida

from a particular thing or place (sent the children away to grandma's place); at or to a distance in space or time (we live a block away from the park; stay away from the fire); in a different direction; aside (glanced away); on the way (we want to get away early in the day; in or into storage or safekeeping (put the toys away); out of existence or notice (the music faded away); so as to remove, separate or eliminate (chipped the paint away; cleared away the debris); from one's possession (gave the tickets away); continuously; steadily (toiled away at the project for more than a year)
absent (the neighbors are away on a holiday); distant, as in space or time (the city is miles away; the game was still a week away); played on an opponent's field or grounds (an away game); in baseball, an out (bases loaded, with two away)

a place of congregation, especially an ancient Greek marketplace
a unit of currency in Israel

in the fresh air; outdoors (dining alfresco)
taking place outdoors; outdoor (an alfresco garden gathering)

the act of lying in wait to attack by surprise; a sudden attack made from a concealed.position
ambush, ambushed, ambushing, ambushes.transitive verbs
to attack from a concealed position

a nautical.term.meaning a heavy object attached to a vessel by a cable or rope and cast overboard into the water to keep the vessel in place either by its weight or by its flukes, which grip the bottom; a rigid point of support, as for securing a rope climbers make sure their ropes are well anchored with strong metal.attachments into solid rock before relying on them)
anchor, anchored, anchoring, anchors.verbs
transitive verb use.to hold fast by or as if by an anchor; fasten; to provide or form an anchor store for (two major stores anchor each end of the shopping mall)
intransitive verb use.to drop anchor or lie at anchor
a man who narrates and/or coordinates a newscast in which several correspondents give reports
a place for anchoring; a fee charged for the privilege of anchoring; the act of anchoring or the condition of being at anchor; a means of securing or stabilizing