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the act of depressing; the condition of being depressed; an area that is sunk below its surroundings (a depression in the road; a down point in one's life); a hollow; the condition of feeling sad or despondent.characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia and feelings of sadness, dejection and hopelessness; a reduction in activity or force; a reduction in physiological.vigor or activity
causing especially emotional depression; dismal; dreary (a week of rainy, depressing weather; one's body can make one feel depressed because it wants to control you toward your good but your habits keep it from fulfilling what it was designed to do)
depress, depressed, depressing, depresses.transitive verbs
to lower in spirits; deject; to push down; to cause to drop or sink; lower (the drought depressed the water level in the reservoirs; to press down (depress the space bar on a keyboard); to lessen the activity or force of; weaken (policies eroding the strength of the nation)

tending to depress or lower; depressing; gloomy
a person suffering from depression

direct, directed, directing, directs.verbs
transitive verb use.to manage or conduct the affairs of; regulate; to have or take charge of; control; to give instructions to (directed the construction); to cause to move toward a goal; aim; to show or indicate the way for (directed us to the airport); to cause to move in or follow a straight course (directed their fire at the target); to indicate the intended.recipient on a letter, for example; to address or adapt remarks, for example, to a specific person, audience or purpose
intransitive verb use.to give commands or directions; to conduct a performance or rehearsal
proceeding without interruption in a straight course or line; not deviating or swerving (a direct route; the airplane flew directly from my place to the destination with no stops along the way); straightforward and candid; frank (a direct response); having no intervening persons, conditions or agencies; immediate (direct contact; direct sunlight; a direct descendant); consisting of the exact words of the writer or speaker (a direct quotation); lacking compromising or mitigating.elements; absolute (direct opposites)
straight; directly

in a direct line or manner; straight (the road runs directly north); without anyone or anything intervening (directly responsible); exactly or totally (directly opposite); at once; instantly (leave directly before the store closes); in a little while; shortly (he'll be coming directly); candidly; frankly (answered very directly)

a direction is a path one follows to go somewhere (little Johnny walked toward the grocery store at the top of his street; on our holiday we'll be going in the direction of Banff, Alberta); the act or function of directing; an instruction or series of instructions for doing or finding something; a line leading to a place or point; a tendency toward a particular.end or goal
being without direction

an order or instruction
serving to direct, indicate or guide

a device is a method of achieving.something; if you leave someone to their own devices, you leave them alone to do as they wish; something devised.seeming to be of use in some way; a device is also a contrivance or an invention someone devised serving a particular.purpose; a machine used to perform one or more relatively simple tasks as compared to an intricate.machine able to provide many things (the automobile and computer are marvels of technology); a device is an object that has been invented for a special purpose, for example for recording or measuring something (the covid device hidden under the vaccine name; an electronic device that protects your home 24 hours a day)

an individual regarded as dull-witted or sluggish; a person who uses a free ticket for admittance, accommodation or entertainment; a vehicle, such as a truck or aircraft, that transports no freight or passengers during a trip; a partially.submerged log or trunk
without passengers or freight; empty
deadhead, deadheaded, deadheading, deadheads.transitive verbs
to pilot or drive a vehicle carrying no passengers or freight; to pull dead or dying blossoms off a flower
intransitive verb use.to bypass a senior employee in order to promote a more junior employee

decrease, decreased, decreasing, decreases.transitive and intransitive verb use
to grow or cause to grow gradually less or smaller, as in number, amount or intensity
the act or process of decreasing; the amount by which something decreases

affected or marked by low spirits; dejected; depressed
dispirit, dispirited, dispiriting, dispirits.transitive verbs
to lower in or deprive of spirit; dishearten; discourage

disown, disowned, disowning, disowns.transitive verbs
to refuse to acknowledge or accept as one's own (he disowned those he claimed to love for the lure of the unknown); repudiate

decode, decoded, decoding, decodes.transitive verbs
to convert from code into plain text

due diligence.noun,.plural.due diligences
came into use in 1903; the care that a reasonable person exercises under the circumstances to avoid harm to other persons or their property; research and analysis done in preparation for a transaction (know all the ramifications of what you may be getting into); in law due diligence is reasonable steps taken by a person in order to avoid committing an offence, especially in buying or selling something (watch you don't get sucked into scams)

payable immediately or on demand (the amount still due); in accord with convention or courtesy (she's due to arrive in 10 minutes); appropriate (due esteem; all due respect; he acted after taking due thought); meeting special requirements; sufficient (we have due cause to honor them); expected or scheduled, especially appointed to arrive (their plane is due in 15 minutes); anticipated; looked for (a long due vacation); expecting or ready for something as part of a normal course or sequence (we're due for some rain; this batter is due for another hit)
something owed or deserved (you finally received your due)
a charge or fee for membership, as in a club
straight; directly (go due west)

due to.preposition
because of
Usage note: 'due to' has been widely used for many years as a compound preposition like 'owing to', but some critics have insisted that the adjectival status of due must be retained. According to this view, it is incorrect to say 'The concert was canceled due to the rain', as opposed to the acceptable 'The cancellation of the concert was due to the rain', where due continues to function as an adjective modifying cancellation. See more Usage notes.

the inevitable necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one's lot; a predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control (destiny brought them together); what affects destiny?

destine, destined, destining, destines.transitive verbs
to determine.beforehand; preordain (a film destined to become a classic; a foolish.scheme destined to fail, because it was selfish); to assign for a specific.end, use or purpose (money destined to pay for their child's education); to direct toward a given destination (a flight destined for Tokyo)

the place to which one is going or directed

an occurrence causing widespread destruction and distress; a catastrophe; a grave misfortune; a failure (the dinner party was a disaster)
accompanied by or causing distress or disaster; calamitous; not good; terrible (a disastrous report card)

an act or a course.of action that is required of one by position, social custom, law or religion (do your duty to your fellow man by helping when you can); moral.obligation (taking action out of duty); a function or work; service (on duty at the park tomorrow; jury duty); a tax charged by a government, especially on imports, duty in this regard is also called tariff or customs duty
duty bound.idiom
obliged (you are duty bound to help your little sister and brother) 

careful to fulfil.obligations; expressing or filled with a sense of obligation

discover, discovered, discovering, discovers.transitive verbs
to obtain knowledge of, as through.observation or study; to gain knowledge or awareness of something not known before 
one who discovers something
the act or an instance of discovering; something discovered; in law, data or documents that a party to a legal.action is compelled to disclose to another party either before or during a proceeding

an inflammatory disorder of the lower intestinal tract, usually caused by a bacterial, parasitic or protozoan infection and resulting in pain, fever and severe diarrhea, often accompanied by the passage of blood and mucus

a documentary is a video or radio program presenting detailed information about real.events on particular.subjects, such as social or historical subject matter shown in a factual and informative.manner and often consisting of actual news films or interviews accompanied by narration
consisting of, concerning or based on documents; presenting facts objectively without over editorializing and without inserting fictional matter

a written or printed paper having words providing meaning for the document's purpose; a document is used to furnish.information.considered to be accurate enough for decision making
document, documented, documenting, documents.transitive verbs
to support an event, occurrence, assertion or a claim with proof positive information (he was documenting building construction with a camera to afterward provide information on how the construction progressed; the students documented university proceedings.regarding excuses used to increase tuition); to support statements in a book, for example, with written references or citations; annotate

a nonconductor of electricity, especially a substance with electrical conductivity less than a millionth (10–6) of a siemens; a dielectric is a material that conducts little electricity or not at all; if a voltage is applied to a dielectric, the atoms in the material arrange themselves in such a way as to oppose the flow of electric current; glass, wood, ceramics, porcelain and plastic are common dielectrics; dielectrics have no loosely bound electrons, and so no current flows through them; when they are placed in an electric field, the positive and negative.charges within the dielectric are displaced.minutely in opposite directions, which reduces the electric field within the dielectric

disassociate, disassociated, disassociating, disassociates.transitive verbs
to come apart from; to remove from association
the act of dissociating or the condition of having been dissociated; in chemistry, the chemical process by means of which a change in physical condition, as in pressure, temperature or the action of a solvent, causes a molecule to split into simpler.groups of atoms, single atoms or ions

denature, denatured, denaturing, denatures.transitive verbs
to change the nature or natural qualities of; to alter to such an extent as to render unfit to eat or drink without destroying usefulness in other applications, especially to add methanol (ethyl alcohol) to something; alter the structure of a protein, as with heat, alkali or acid, so that some of its original.properties, especially its biological.activity, are diminished or eliminated