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a consumable, often inferior item or resource that is in demand and usually abundant supply (the bulk of the population is often considered fodder by those governing them); feed for livestock, especially coarsely chopped and fermented hay or straw called silage raw material, as for artistic creation
fodder, foddered, foddering, fodders.transitive verbs
to feed with fodder

Fourier analysis.noun,.plural.Fourier analyses
Mathematics:.the approximation of a function through the application of a Fourier series to periodic data
Fourier series.noun
Mathematics:.an infinite series whose terms are constants multiplied by sine and cosine functions and that can, if uniformly convergent, approximate a wide variety of functions

a scuffle; a brawl; a heated dispute or contest
fray, frayed, fraying, frays.transitive verbs
to alarm; frighten; to drive away

fray, frayed, fraying, frays.verbs
transitive verb use.to strain; chafe (repeated noises that fray the nerves); to wear away the edges of fabric for example, by rubbing
intransitive verb use.to become worn away or tattered along the edges
fray also.noun,.plural.frays
she noticed a fray in the dress

word history denotes a windbag or an airhead; one who is regarded as deficient in judgment, sense or overstanding, as evidenced by what has been produced by their decisions:.Matthew 7:16-20; a fool is one who dislikes teachings which could lift him or her onto a higher road of living, such as kmowledge of a higher consciousness (scriptures on fools); a fool is one who acts unwisely (I was a fool to have refused.dating her); one who has been tricked or made to appear.ridiculous; a dupe (they made a fool of me by pretending I won the award)
fool, fooled, fooling, fools.verbs
transitive verb use.to deceive or trick; dupe.(trying to learn how to fool a trout with a little bit of floating fur and feather); to confound or prove.wrong; surprise, especially pleasantly (we were sure they would fail, but they fooled us)
intransitive verb use.to speak or act facetiously or in jest; joke (I was just fooling when I said you couldn't have any of my candy); to feign; pretend (he said he had a toothache but it turned out he was only fooling); to engage in idle or frivolous activity; to toy, tinker or mess (shouldn't fool with matches)
foolish; stupid (off on some fool errand or other)
fool around.phrasal verb
to engage in idle or casual activity; putter (was fooling around with some figures in hopes of balancing the budget); to engage in frivolous activity; make fun

if someone's behavior or action is foolish, it is not sensible and shows a lack of good judgment (the foolishness of some of the ancient Israelites:.Ezekiel 18:31); lacking good sense or exhibiting a lack of judgment; silly (foolish remarks); resulting from stupidity or misinformation; unwise (a foolish decision); absurd or ridiculous (a foolish grin); immoderate or stubborn; unreasonable (foolish pride; foolish love); preposterous; ludicrous

disgraceful.senselessness; lack of good sense; lack of an overstanding and foresight; stupid.pursuits, that being worthless pursuits; actions of someone whose bulb isn't the brightest in the chandelier; an act or instance of foolishness (regretted the follies of his youth); if you say that a particular action or way of behaving is folly or a folly, you mean that it is foolish and often disgraceful (it's sheer folly to build nuclear power stations in a country that has dozens of Earthquakes every year; it's folly to attach yourself to a mate before you really know their heart); a costly undertaking having an absurd or ruinous.outcome

full of or characterized by extreme.anger; raging; suggestive of anger in action or appearance; consumed by rage to the point of shutting out everything else; fierce; angry; ferocious
violent anger; rage; violent and uncontrolled action (the wind of the severe storm whipped up the water into turbulence; he was one of those violent nut cases that couldn't handle himself or life in general); turbulent

furry, furrier, furriest.adjectives
a furry animal is covered with thick, soft hair (the dog's furry tail: furry pink slippers; furry kittens); if you describe something as furry, you mean that it has a soft texture like fur; covered with, wearing or trimmed with fur; fuzzy
fur is the thick and usually soft hair that grows on the bodies of many animals (this creature's fur is short, dense and silky; fur is often used to make clothing or small carpet (she had on a black coat with a fur collar; the trading of furs from Canada); a fur is also a coat made from real or artificial.fabric that looks like fur and is often used to make clothing, soft toys seat covers. etc.

fuzzy, fuzzier, fuzziest.adjectives
covered with fuzz; of or resembling fuzz; not.clear (a fuzzy picture, image or sound is unclear and hard to see or hear); indistinct (the information was unclear as presented); if something is fuzzy, it has a covering that feels soft and like fur (fuzzy material); a fuzzy recollection of past events; not coherent; confused (a fuzzy plan of action); fuzzy logic is a type of computer logic that is supposed to imitate the way that humans think, for example by adapting to changing circumstances rather than always following the same.procedure
a massor coating of fine, light fibers, hairs or particles; down (the fuzz on a peach)
fuzz, fuzzed, fuzzing, fuzzes.verbs
transitive verb use.to cover with fine light fibers, hairs or particles; to make blurred or indistinct (the Sun looked fuzzy with the clouds in front of it)
intransitive verb use.to become blurred or obscure

fed up.adjective
unable or unwilling to put up with something any longer (she was fed up with their complaints; I resigned from the company because I was fed up with their cheating the public; she was fed up with those who complain about their government, those complainers failing to realize who's behind them and fail to be concerned for those in power)

of.or.relating to a family; occurring or tending to occur among members of a family, usuallly by heredity (familial traits)

a fundamental.social.group in society.typically.consisting of a man and woman and their offspring; two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another and reside usually in the same dwelling place; all the members of a household under one roof; a group of persons sharing common ancestry; lineage; a group of like things; a class (the apples family has many species of apples); a group of individuals derived from a common.progenitor, aka common stock (the family of human beings)

often encountered or seen; common; having fair knowledge; acquainted.(was familiar with those roads); taking undue liberties; presumptuous.(students should not try to be familiar in their behavior toward an instructor

familiarity.noun,.plural.familiarities.(pronounce 'fam mil yare ity')
considerable.acquaintance with; established friendship; intimacy; the quality or condition of being familiar

familiarize, familiarized, familiarizing, familiarizes.transitive verbs
to make known, recognized or familiar; to make acquainted with
familiarization, familiarizer.nouns

stubbornly.contrary and disobedient; crooked; deceitful; perverse; wrongheaded; obstinate

conspicuously bad, offensive or reprehensible.(a flagrant miscarriage of justice; flagrant cases of wrongdoing at the highest levels of government, such as.obfuscation of financial matters {*}); blatant

fluorosis.noun plural
an abnormal condition caused by excessive intake of fluorine.(a constituent of what is concocted to be fluoride, which is fluorine with added chemicals {highly toxic, next to arsenic on the toxicity scale}), as from fluoridated drinking water, characterized chiefly by mottling of the teeth, calcification of the pineal gland and other hard to pin down later occurring debilities

the property or condition of occurring at frequent.intervals; all matter is sustained by the invisible frequency signature or particular.vibrational.pattern that supports its specific.composition; everything is of frequencies
Mathematics and Physics:.the number of times a specified phenomenon occurs within a specified interval, as (the number of repetitions of a complete sequence of values of a periodic.function.per.unit.variation of an independent variable and the number of complete cyclesof a periodic process.occurring per unit of time and the number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform, as of an electric current)

a spectacular public display such as a celebration with fireworks, food and lots of fun; music; a loud flourish of brass instruments, especially trumpets

frisky, friskier, friskiest.adjectives
energetic, lively and playful (a frisky kitten)

full of high spirited fun; frisky and playful
gaiety; merriment (fun and frolic); a gay, carefree time; a playful antic
frolic, frolicked, frolicking, frolics.intransitive verbs
to.behave playfully and uninhibitedly; romp; to engage in merrymaking, joking or teasing

a state of resentment or vexation; vapor, gas or smoke, especially if irritating, harmful or strong; strong or acrid odor
fume, fumed, fuming, fumes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to feel or show resentment or vexation; to emit fumes; to rise in fumes (nitric acid gives of a visible fuming gas)
transitive verb use.to subject to or treat with fumes; to give off in or as if in fumes

foul play.noun,.plural.foul plays
criminal violence or murder (examples: citizens may have been  victims of foul play when a government enacts laws affecting them without a majority input; unfair or dishonest acts (the corporate deal with the government has brought cries/accusations of foul play {claims that there have been unfair or dishonest acts} from competitors)
foul, fouler, foulest.adjectives
offensive to the senses (the rotting smell of garbage); revolting; having an offensive odor; smelly; rotten or putrid (foul meat that smells bad); polluted (foul air); morally.detestable; wicked (foul deeds); of a vulgar or obscene.nature (foul language that was embarrassing to others); disagreeable or displeasing; horrid (a foul movie); violating accepted standards or rules; dishonorable (used foul means to gain power); in sports, contrary to the rules of a game or sport; entangled or twisted (a foul anchor); clogged or obstructed; blocked (a foul ventilator shaft)
in sports, an infraction or a violation of the rules of play; an entanglement or a collision; an instance of clogging or obstructing
in a foul manner
foul, fouled, fouling, fouls.verbs
transitive verb use.to make dirty or foul; pollute; contaminate; to bring into dishonor; besmirch; to clog or obstruct; to entangle or catch a rope, for example; to encrust a ship's hull with foreign matter, such as barnacles; to commit a foul against, as in sports
intransitive verb use.to become foul; in sports, to commit a foul; to become entangled or twisted (the anchor line fouled on a rock); to become clogged or obstructed

any of various birds of the order Galliformes, especially the common, widely domesticated chicken (Gallus gallus); a bird, such as the duck, goose, turkey or pheasant, that is used as food; the flesh of such birds used as food; a bird of any kind
fowl, fowled, fowling, fowls.intransitive verbs
to hunt, trap or shoot wildfowl
a trapper; one who hunts, traps or shoots wildfowl and lays bait to capture animals in his hunting

flaunt, flaunted, flaunting, flaunts.verbs
transitive verb use.to have disregard for (elected ones who you now realize should not have been elected because they flaunt the will of We the People by instituting policies inimical to the well being of all; one being arrogant enough to carry on with ostentatious and shameless errors; to show off (flaunts his conceit as the bad dude.Mussolini did until We the People got rid of him)
intransitive verb use.to parade oneself ostentatiously; show oneself off; to wave grandly (pennants flaunting in the wind)

fit, fitted, fitting, fits.verbs
transitive verb use.to be the proper size and shape for (these shoes fit me; it is not fitting to use vulgar language); to cause to be the proper size and shape (the tailor fitted {or fit} the trousers by shortening them); to measure for proper size (she fitted me for a new jacket); to be appropriate to; suit.(music that fits your mood); to make suitable; adapt (fitted the shelves for large books; you can't fit any more toys in the box); to provide a place or time for: (the doctor can fit you in today). to prepare (specialized training fitted her for the job); to equip; outfit (fit out a ship); to provide a place or time for (you can't fit any more toys in the box; the doctor can fit you in today); to insert or adjust so as to be properly in place (fit a handle on a door)
intransitive verb use.to be the proper size and shape; to be in conformity or agreement with (observations that fit the theory.nicely); to be suited; belong (doesn't fit in with these people); to be in harmony; agree (his good mood fit in with the joyful occasion)
see fit.verb
determine, resolve, settle, choose, exercise one's discretion
fit, fitter, fittest.adjectives
suited, adapted or acceptable for a given circumstance or purpose (not a fit time for flippancy); appropriate; proper (do as you see fit); physically sound; healthy (keeps fit with diet and exercise)
the state, quality or way of being fitted; the manner in which clothing fits (a jacket with a tight fit); the degree of precision with which surfaces are adjusted or adapted to each other in a machine or collection of parts
fit out.verb
if you fit someone or something out or you fit them up, you provide them with equipment and other things that they need; to provide with something, usually for a specific.purpose
fit to be tied.idiom
frustrated about something

occurring in or characterized by intermittent bursts, as of activity; irregular; periodic
fitfulness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

a sudden outburst of emotion (a fit of jealousy)

feverish or febrile are two ways of saying one has a fever; of, relating to or resembling a fever; having a fever or symptoms characteristic of a fever; causing or tending to cause fever; marked by intense agitation, emotion or activity (worked at a feverish pace to finish the house before winter)

abnormally high body temperature; any of various diseases characterized by abnormally high body temperature; a condition of heightened activity or excitement (the fans had a fever of anticipation over the rock group's upcoming performance); a contagious, usually short-lived enthusiasm or craze (disco fever) fever, fevered, fevering, fevers.verbs
transitive verb use.to effect fever in
intransitive verb use.to be or become feverish

any of various relatively small birds of the family Fringillidae, including the goldfinches, sparrows, cardinals, grosbeaks and canaries, having a short, stout bill adapted for cracking seeds

finicky, finickier, finickiest.adjectives
difficult to please; fastidious.(a finicky eater); fussy; meticulous

fussy, fussier, fussiest.adjectives
paying excessive attention to personal tastes and appearance; fastidious (he was always fussy about clothes); great attention to sometimes trivial details (a fussy kitchen manager); fanatically.inclined
needlessly nervous or useless activity; commotion (there was a lot of fuss on moving day); a state of excessive and unwarranted concern over an unimportant matter (made a big fuss over one low test grade); an objection; a protest (the longer working hours caused a big fuss); a quarrel; a display of affectionate excitement and attention (everyone made a fuss over the new baby)
fuss, fussed, fussing, fusses.verbs
intransitive verb use.to trouble or worry over trifles; to be excessively careful or solicitous (fussed over their children); to get into or be in a state of nervous or useless activity (fussed with the collar of his coat); to object; complain (she fussed about the color after adding bleach to her wash)
transitive verb use.to disturb or vex with unimportant matters fusser.noun,.plural.fussers

fidget, fidgeted,fidgeting, fidgets.verbs
intransitive verb use.to behave or move nervously or restlessly; to play or fuss; fiddle (he fidgeted with his notes while lecturing) transitive verb use.to cause to behave or move nervously or restlessly
a condition of restlessness as manifested by nervous movements
intransitive verb use.to behave or move nervously or restlessly; to fuss; fiddle (e fidgeted with his notes while lecturing)
transitive verb use.to cause to behave or move nervously or restlessly

tending to fidget; creating unnecessary fuss