Who but our Creator
can create an apple? The tiny apple with its skin hangs on the tree, getting
larger, its skin proportionally accommodating the apple's inner growth
without rupturing. A wonderful dynamic.accommodative
design. Not only that.
Deadly botulism
grows where its dark and moist, with an absence of oxygen, yet an apple,
squash, etc., will keep reasonably well all winter in a root cellar. The
skin of the apple, squash, etc., maintains a dark moist and virtually air
free environment inside even if a stem may puncture the apple at several
points and all this even after it's off the tree and separated from the
yet no botulism. To accomplish the same, canners must use heat at the boiling
An apple reflects the pattern
of seeds that produced it. The apple blossom has five petals and five ovaries
containing unfertilized seeds. The apple has five seed compartments arrayed
in a starburst pattern. A kiwi also evidences the starburst pattern. How
many more starburst patterns can you find? Amazing is the repeating of
throughout nature.
force from space presses on us, somewhat flattening the poles. Gravity
holds us to Earth in
spite of the centripetal force which would otherwise fling
us into space. Why doesn't it happen? Could it be the whole
thing is a hologram?
Earth spins about 700 miles per hour at the equator, but we are not
flung off in spite of its centrifugal
force centered at the equator, thanks to the much greater alternate space
pressure called centripetal force. The balance of these two forces set
in the hologram, keeps the planets
spinning at speeds which vary according to their particular size. The balance
of the so-called.four
(other) forces enables the multiverse and all in it to function
The air pressure is always
around 15 pounds per square inch at sea level. All is in the balance necessary
to maintain life, but all is constantly changing, so balance involves the
to adapt to change.
Earth's hum.
We have up and down, in
and out, fast and slow, high and low, north and south, Sun and moon, water
and fire, Old Testament and New Testament, hunger and fullness, cold and
warmth, comfort and pain, hard and soft, day and night, light and dark,
acid and alkaline, visible and invisible, human
and spirit, good and evil.(Ecclesiasted
7:14), positive and negative
like matter
and antimatter.(antimatter
is like ordinary matter, except that the anti matter version of the electron
has an opposite charge, that of a positive charge, as opposed to matter's
negative charged electron. This area of subatomic.physics
is being explored with
instruments), activity and rest,
male and female, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous
systems, conscious and subconscious; the balance of which all these
things provide, on this living stage
for life, this Earth and existence on it, provide the essence
of living and opportunity for
of life, arising from what we have learned.
All these comprise the physical
life and all for our purpose on Earth. No matter how evil you may be, just
be sure that there is some good
thing in you as there was in Abijah, a king of ancient Israel.
And as light and dark, we
also have the good and evil. When the light comes, where does the darkness
go? The same with good and evil. They both are only observances, yet both
have great effect upon our living. Those the dark side can
play through have such a different
standard than those living by the light of the Creator. Such are they
on the darker side, the would be world
We see some things and classify
them as bad, as evil. We see other things and call them good. We judge
them as we see their effects upon matters of living. Their effects present
a choice for us to decide upon, it's good or it isn't:.Genesis
1:4 "And God saw the light that it was good...".Genesis
1:31 "And God saw every thing that he had made and behold.(means,
note that, take notice).it
was very good..."
We have the yin organs.(expansive
the large and small intestines, bladder, etc. and we have the yang.(compact).organs
like the heart, kidneys, spleen/pancreas, liver, etc. A balance of design
and function. And in all this we
see efficiency.
And throughout the multiverse,
invisible energy fields.contrast,
yet maintain perfect balance with vibration. All is vibration
from the silence, the so-called 'nothingness'.
Man is in harmony with it when he learns how to be. This involves learning
about the ego nature he has and
how to rise above it. The impetus
to move higher is that if he remains where he is in mind, he gets
nothing that those get who have moved onward into a better higher consciousness.
And so the evils
in the world are there for a purpose, that of seeing them alerts us to
danger. The dark side is their and can trick you onto believing what is
good, is not and what is not, is good:.Isaiah
5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness
for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for
And so it was from the beginning:.Genesis
3:1. Learning to use
the interaction between consciousness and the invisible energy is a reason
we are here. But it can only be used for non destructive purposes because
there is a lock on it that you are able
to open. Learn more about how to unlock it,
from a Chi master. This quantum
field is also called the consciousness of all, within which is both the
good and the bad and it's one's tuning
to either which determines what he receives in life.
Even the measely.mussel.exhibits
this same thinking of the Infinite One, the Universal Planner. And, we
have light and heat, expansive cosmic
rays and contractible.black
holes. It's the same with the electrical balances in our bodies, called
qi, ki.(type
'chi machine oxygen' at naturalnews.com).
There is no matter as such. Everything
in existence is made up of the
invisible, yet intelligent, so-called.void,
which is not a void at all. It's frequencies which are always moving and
maintaining those physical things we see and touch, which at the human
level of electromagnetic sensing
ability, they don't move.
All in the multiverse are frequencies.(Genesis
1:2; Jeremiah 4:23),
Silence below all matter, often called the
zero point, the 'nothingness',
the 'stillness'. In some places in the Bible, it's called 'heaven'
and the kingdom of God. This
is easier to take.(*).into
one's heart from a higher consciousness level than it is to take into one's
head at the ordinary consciousness
What we call matter
is simply things of different frequencies and frequencies are of sound
changing into various forms of light.
From this silence, this void, comes vibrations
producing all we see and know and according to thought. The intelligent
energy we call God responds to all alike:.Acts
10:34. Thought in itself is also is a vibration and produces
to its kind.
This is why people just don't seem to be able to
absorb this knowledge:.John
1:5 "And the light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehends
it not." John 3:19 "And this is the
condemnation, that light is come into the world and men loved darkness
rather than light..."
And how can they absorb it?.John
8:12 "Then spake Emmanuel again unto them, saying, I am the light of
the world. He that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have
the light of life." John 12:46 "I
am come a light into the world, that whosoever believes on me should not
abide in darkness." Acts 26:18 "To
open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light..."
From the void comes the extremely complex balance
exhibited throughout the multiverse and life itself. Here every fluctuation
of virtual energy is passed along and absorbed by another virtual particle
in need of energy. 'Virtual' because, although it's called a particle
it is really a fluctuation of energy. Trillions of these exchanges
occur every second in the multiverse, yet each form is kept separate from
another. It's the same with
your mind.
It's all projection. Projected from the field of
pure intelligent energy, our world is what
we have made it. It's our own hologram.
Matter comes from formation of invisible frequencies
out of the silence.(1,
the '0; point, like a computer with its '0's and its '1's, the off and
on 'switches' that enable a computer to do all it can do. In like manner
the multiverse blinks
on and off.
Types of matter.(copper,
gold, a human hair, skin, etc.).show
forth particular
vibrations or frequency combinations. They can be created
by consciousness.
Individually we humans are waves
of light evidenced from the void, the stillness, the non moving essence
of all that is, the 'stuff', the stillness, that is below
the atom.
The intelligent so-called void is available potential,
spirit energy, available yet unobtainable from the
ego level of life most of us act from daily, a.k.a,
the ordinary consciousness. It's all about control by the mind. Where
the mind is, is what the mind can do, but it's got
to fit in with all else, that's why often answers seldom come immediately
and that's not your responsibility.
When one's is of high consciousness, nothing
is impossible:.Matthew
17:20 "...nothing shall be impossible unto you.".Matthew
19:26 "...with God all things are possible.".Luke
1:37 "For with God nothing shall be impossible.".Luke
18:27 "...things which are impossible with men are possible with God.".Hebrews
6:18 "...it was impossible for God to lie...".What's
hard for the Creator?
"The collective consciousness
is the merged consciousness of all things including animals, plants, etc.
People, present and past were all contributors. Raising the level of a
person's state of consciousness means that as this person grows, that is,
as he exceeds the level of the collective consciousness more and more,
he becomes submitted to less and less number of these 'objective laws',
that is, the less and less these objective laws are able to affect him.
nothing is fixed
as something that represents a certain unchangeable given."....Grigori
And when one's mind is still in the realm
of the ordinary lower consciousness,
the ego level, it is called a state of.unbelief:.Mark
In this ordinary consciousness.realm
things are viewed as having such 'unchangeable givens'. Here the things
of the collective consciousness become man's beliefs. In this realm we've
accepted a belief in limitations; not enough land to feed the growing population,
not enough money, not enough time, not enough of this and not enough of
that, shortages of current supplies, etc. These untruths are designed by
master deceiver to keep you off base and away from truth including
that all comes
out of the invisible and that things can be changed for the
betterment of humanity.
Matter is what we sense as being of substance,
by our senses. Like a TV, matter
on and off and different programs are ready for viewing and consideration
when we change channels. We don't see the blinking as it's faster than
we can comprehend. It blinks but it doesn't move. It only
appears to.
Here is stillness and immense
power. Here is the 'no thing ness', the non matter, the non stuff, the
'something' that is nothing, the
non local, the absolute stillness.(doesn't
move, doesn't vibrate, that is, until a thought from you is generated,
causing a movement, so we are not aware of it except by faith;
it can't be smelled, held, touched, heard, or be made aware to us through
our five senses because it is potential only, a high consciousness thing
above the physicality of life, potential that responds
to intelligence), difficult to understand from the thinking
we are all used to. When the thinking turns to dark
matter, understandable to quantum
physicists and anyone into higher
consciousness who goes into this
quiet, this stillness, this nothingness,
meditation, understanding begins to unfold:.Matthew
Meditation is the process of beginning in
equality with the Creator and growing into use of the available
greater power. One can't understand the Creator to any depth that produces
seemingly miraculous results unless he is an equal with what the Creator
is. The Creator became man for the Creator's purpose of being on equal
footing with Him. But it's individual man's choice. Why?
The available power is akin
to electricity which is dormant
potential until generated and has incredible power to pull locomotives
with over a hundred heavily laden
rail cars up a grade through a mountain pass.
From our normal conceptual
level involving linguistics,
we experience some difficulty understanding workings of the invisible.
in the mathematical language of nature.(0's
and 1's, being no end, eternal), language here is information and
Here in this creative base of awareness.(what
you are aware of and can become aware of).is
the potential for manifestation of that information.(what's
your mind).affecting the invisible
energy and bringing it forth into the physical. When?
All we are aware of, all that we know of and that
which yet we don't know of, is energy as frequencies begun
by sound. All that we see, we see as matter.
matter is spirit energy which is frequency fluctuations
producing specific
patterns in the invisible, which produce and maintain the various
forms of matter we are aware of. All is energy, able to be used by all
and therefor.all
is for all. How?
1:17 "And he is before all things and by him all things consist."
It's our thoughts that variegate
everything, that change the frequency of all things focused upon, even
in our human interactions
and getting better from illness.
Always remember that your thoughts are creative. They create your reality.
They have created the reality you are experiencing in your life today.."Always
be asking yourself when you come against facts spouted
off, what should be done with what is being said?"....pages
99-100 Grigori Grabovoi's
All matter is waves of invisible light, waves
of sound energy in fluctuation coming from the stillness,
put together in such a way as to bring about the eventual varied forms
we know as copper, oil, wood, skin, eyeballs, lips, etc. How?
"Matter is not independent
of the space around it. There is no separation."....Nassim
Connected Universe.
"God manifests himself as
the gift of positive events, circumstances and material provision."....Sri
Satya Sai Baba.
Everything is one! Energy is your
soul. Below the molecule, below the atom, below the quark,
below the
and perhaps even on down to infinitely tinier, we find that it's all the
same invisible energy, but having different intelligent functions. Everything
is of the same invisible intelligent energy.(Revelation
4:10), the invisible
spirit world and the good and the evil, all are of the same energy,
just different uses of it, different frequencies, responding as they do
to thought. And here our thoughts make the difference. Whether or not you
may know it, your thoughts bring forth and according to their kind, good
or bad comes forth.
When they are good, they are in
alignment with the true God,
as opposed to all the
false gods, those idiots who are satanically influenced people, who
have given attention to false gods they've adopted as being important to
them throughout history.
To manifest your thoughts to produce the good you
want for yourself, family and friends, you must be specific.
Here, Bob Proctor and Joe
Dispenza and the Grand
Self movie will be helpful to you.
As a complete human being are these waves of invisible
light and are affected by interactions with other energies positive and
negative.(negative brings dis-ease,
where you don't feel at ease), so that we can learn things about
life, someone is sad and you feel for them; you touch something and some
of its energy is gained by you and it gains some of yours. You are exposed
to what may make you fearful and you respond.
Any and all things of life and thought affect energy,
which are energy fluctuations in pattern,
bundles of energy vibrations act according
to information.(beliefs,
energy which is in constant movement.(mass
mind). That's why it's important to be
alert to what is affecting you.
Energy moves from the completely still womb of
creation, the stillness and into
manifestation in the physical world. Everything, even emotions, thoughts,
feelings, rocks, cars, grass, all is energy. High consciousess is protective
energy. Low consciousness is openness to fear.
One can
enter the stillness in meditation. From here you
create your world and what's in it.(so
it can be improved), the world that affects you and if you don't
like it, you can change it and you can change it and make
it better for others who don't yet know how.
The Stillness is the source of all that is. All
that, includes thought. Learning
to use thought develops consciousness, either higher or lower; depends
on what you yourself choose:.Romans
10:10 "For with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with
the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
This is a thing of structure, a
spiritual structure in the
stillness. This structure
in the invisible, is where you reach
personal black hole. Within this black hole is your desires and from
here they go out after being meliorated
for everyone and everything they could possibly affect. How is this done?.(1,
The Stillness is
eternal. It is beyond creation, yet pervades all creations:.Colossians
1:16,17. God is, shall we say, above and beyond his creations.(there
were many creations all based on God's perfect original human creation
thus, while God is sensitive to all going on in them, remains unaffected
by negatives that have developed in it.
The Stillness is the quiescent
energy potential of all creation ability and from which comes the sustaining
of creation as we understand it to be in the physical world. And when you
go into the stillness, tell yourself to be still because when the body
is still the mind is still. Just don't force yourself to be rigid.
That's stressful. So enjoy your
quiet times.
Thoughts arise from words having meaning to you:
the word 'dog' has meaning; you know what a dog is. The word 'sex' has
meaning. You know what sex is. You know what 'health' means to you. You
know what the word 'joy' means, the word 'happiness' and so on. What you
may not know is how the invisible brings such things as these words that
your attention may be on into
In this realm,
this state of potential for manifestation, everything is either a
wave or a particle. A wave function is a vector
in a linear space.
This realm is the state
of potential for both. It's you, the observer
of your thoughts, that turns the possibility
into reality, that creates
atmospheres which affect others. Often you can walk into a room and
sense the atmosphere, actually even right at the moment of your intention
to go into the room.
Intention is powerful. The fabulous works
of Dr. Masaru Emoto on how intention alters matter, in this case, water,
proves how powerful intentions can be. A word in mind can change matters
The intention
you have holds meaning according
to the word or words that convey.meaning
to your heart. The words 'meeting the plane at the airport' has both meaning
and intention. The energy state
created by those words no longer needs the words to exist. You just now
know that you are looking forward to the event. You know your important
purpose this day is to be at the airport to meet the plane. You are that
energy for this time of meeting.
The state of sureness of that meaning, that is,
you mean to get to the airport come hell or highwater. This is the amount
of what is called faith. Faith can be increased by thinking of words that
truth to a person.
This Stillness is.the
unified field. Within this stillness is potential and understanding.
It's a field of intelligent
possibilities where our inner self is the ultimate authority. It has been
set up with principles of mathematical order that work as they are intended,
that is, once one understands what
intentions make it work personally.
Once a thought enters the stillness it, like
the waves in a still pond that form when you drop a rock into it, quickly
returning to its still state. Your thoughts have incredible
effect when empowered
with feeling, that is, a sincere deep,
quiet and non.frustrating
desire for it to be so.
These energy vibrations are temporary vibrations
in what is called 'a flat field'. The flat field is the stillness, the
nothingness, the unified field and doesn't vibrate, doesn't move at all.
It's the '0' point between nothingness and existence, the starting
point of all matter.
Both energy and information are really one as you
can't have one without the other as the Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen Paradox
showed, which is that where non local communication is faster
than speed of light.
It's the same in making a baby. The right things
have to be in harmony to produce one. And it's the same with manifesting
material things from the non material invisible energy field by using your
mind in meditation. It's the same with nutrition.
The Creator designed food. Food is certain energy
frequencies that, in order to be of benefit to the energy frequencies that
a human being is, must be in harmony with them; must add to the energy
that is us, whereas tampered so called 'food', genetically engineered 'food',
lacks the harmononious energy the body requires and even causes harm. It's
contributed much to our world includeding his equation E=mc2
is that energy and mass.(material
things), including the information that enables energy to become
things, is all the same thing. Energy is coded
for different information dependent upon the frequency of vibration
of that which affects it. For example 95.9 and 96.5 FM brings in
different stations, different information.
The vibration in this non local realm is so fast,
like radio waves which are undetectable by us, but we know they are real.
The point is, information affects energy. Your information field
- the information in your head, the information that is your emotions,
the information that makes up your presence, are together a combination
of specific frequencies causing energy to be a unique way, the way that
is you.
Information affects energy. That's why it has
been said that 'thoughts become things':.Isaiah
33:24 "And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick:..." Matthew
12:36,37 "..very idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account
thereof...For by your words you are justified and by your words you condem
do Isaiah 33:24 and Matthew 12:36,37 mean?.Proverbs
23:7 "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he..."
"As the will, so the thought.
The thought leads man to act. Thoughts are spiritual forces."....Bruno
Gröning. The act leads to acts and the more there are, the greater
the chance is for cementing them to the heart. The will
is the decision making tool humans have. It is used for what they decide
to do or not do. Make sure the thoughts selected are those
from the divine source of thoughts. Decisions
are life. Repudiate
all evil potentialities.
Are you learning to look
at yourself and life in a positive
Everything starts
with a thought, the Creator's thoughts and your own thoughts. A thought
is a sound with meaning.
We call these 'words'. All words have their own sound in the invisible
field. You can try it yourself. Close your eyes so your attention is not
disturbed. Think the word 'health'. Do you feel the frequency? Now think
the word 'sadness'. Do you feel the particular vibrations of each word
as they each begin to draw in an image of what the each work connotes?
Do you feel the up and positive and the down and negative? Words
produce sound.
Now you can understand what the Bible means
when it talks of Him being.the
word.(please see the scriptures
at this link).
An amazing example
of how words affect. Another
example, a must see video.
This is why it is so important to be of higher
consciousness, moving constantly away from the ego level which keeps one
in bondage and cut off from influence your soul could have had in the experience
called your life.
From higher consciousness levels you can produce
was impossible at the ego level of existence.
Energy and information have to be exchanged, have
to move, have to interact in order to bring about a transformation in the
field, thus the beginning of matter coming out of the invisible and into
visibility thanks to the exchange methods and how they have been set to
function by an intelligence so very
far above
In the stillness of meditation one's actions becomes
the actions of the unified field. When you experience the unified field
you become the unified field:.John
And similarly once a thought is placed in the stillness
of your meditation a wave begins
and then a particle begins
invisible formation to come into the physical world we see and know,
its own time
and usually after you have forgotten about it and are no longer searching
for where it is and when it may be. That's faith; to know it for sure that
you no longer have to treat it as something that may happen: Hebrews
This spirit energy is our pure being beyond the
ego things of the world. It is the source of all energy and all creation.
From here we see intelligent natural laws such as the
four forces. They are not just forces but intelligence, the intelligence
power regarding many things including body processes, migration,
of things going on all at once and in correlation.
For you using this immense power it is simply enough
to know, to have the 'word' of
what your attention is
on, to have an intention because organizing power is inherent
in knowing. So what do you
know or want to know?
This fully awake invisible very real consciousness
exists within itself silently and this is within you, actually being the
real you, that is, you are maintained by it and it's a living intelligence,
the One beyond your physical appearance, the One we call the
Silence. It's the silent observer, the choicemaker, the abider,
as it's always with you, the always 'you'. It's the commander or choice
maker, the selector, the decision maker and the experiencer. It's the idea
maker, the imaginer, the intender, the interpreter of life. It's the one
who knows. It's the listener. It's the thinker, meditator and contemplator,
the learner. This is the
real you. You can test it. How? It's
one with all that is and you are one with this amazing infinite intelligence.
It's just that most people don't know it. They have yet to awaken to it.
can one awaken to it?
acts independently, on its own and as the link between the spiritual and
physical, between the spirit and matter. Physical matter is the form of
the development of consciousness. The World is arranged this way. Life
is built on the spiritual basis. Numerous documented facts strongly support
this. Just the three-volume edition of The Practice of Control. The
Way of Salvation includes several hundreds of such facts. Consciousness
is the structure that allows the soul to control the body and in a wider
sense, the structure that unites spiritual and physical matter."....from
pages 293 and 110."....Grigori
from page 65."All
humanity is in the Soul which reflects an event's characteristics according
to the consciousness held within it.
"Consciousness is the structure
which allows the soul.(our
soul {small 's' on the word soul}).to
control the body. All information of past, present and future events takes
place in the Soul.(capital
'S' {*}).
The Soul, the material part of which is the body.(explanation),
interacts with the reality through
the consciousness structure. There is also an interaction between the body
and the body cells. This interaction is carried out by consciousness too,
but this time this is cellular
is a different functioning of the oneness the Soul maintains in man by
means of man's soul,
spirit). By changing consciousness it
is possible to transform the spirit.(our
spirit).and therefore
to perform acts, that is, events; for the soul.(here
meaning, the
soul collective, all of humanity).is
a part of the world, that is, it is present in any event.(because
of its connection with the Overspirit, also called Soul, God and the
Oneness of all created things {capital S on the word Soul designates
that it is part of our soul [small s on word soul is our particular
The physical
body is the material part of the invisible pattern stored in the soul,
a physical part of your soul.(and
all within the Soul {capital S}).and
together with your body.(which
wouldn't exist without this togetherness).you
have a 'signature' that's you in the soul, the Soul of all that is; like
different boxes stored in the same warehouse, different patterns that make
us have appearances and personalities that can be recognized as different
from another. It's of the Soul that spirit is formed because of an act
of consciousness, in this case the Creator's consciousness.(which
is the responsibility of the being, the one Created called, the
this possible to be individualized as the unique
you that you are.(*).
Spirit is both the individual and collective action of life on all levels
both visible and invisible.
"Improvements in consciousness
of all.(how?).allows
for more love of the Creator to affect humanity, for how can the Creator
do anything unlike Himself? That is, He never
overrides man. It's up to humanity to develop the consciousness that
will improve the Universe and all in it."....Grigori
One's consciousness gets information from the physical
world through use of the senses. One's consciousness gets information from
the invisible side.(how?).when
If consciousness is everywhere and is eternal, you're always in it, so
die? Consciousness is within
spirit. Reacting to information one receives from either source, physical
or spiritual, requires consciousness. One's reacting in one way or the
other is dependent
upon whatever state
his heart may be in at any one time. Those unable to gain spiritual insight
because of a lock on it, react from what
they are used to, a low
consciousness ego calculating world.
Consciousness is awareness, that is, having knowledge
of what one's attention is on and knowing that the attention indeed
is on whatever it may be on; basically consciousness is synonomous
with awareness, enabling us to process information and decide whether or
not to act upon it. Keep this firmly in mind because when we talk of higher
consciousness it will aid in your comprehension
of just what higher consciousness is and what can be done with it.
Man at the ordinary consciousness level lives by
what he sees and knows; information coming to him from around him and from
the mass mind. He has nothing else at this level available to him. The
wonders of the multiverse reveal themselves carefully to those beginning
on the road of a higher consciousnes. Growth comes quicker the more dedicated
and sincere one maintains himself or herself to be. In higher consciousness
it's not the mass mind, nor is it what information man has previously garnered.(*).that
has determined
his heart by default,
but instead,
he is now able to
what his heart is to be like on his own. This is what is called 'coming
out of the world'.
Love is the expression
of the Soul level 'down' through a
person's spirit from where everything
is one, unity consciousness. What we see and agree with offhandedly,
we become. So act the way you want to be and you'll become that way. We
are here to create the world in every moment and you are creating all you
observe. That's why you only really are aware of what relates to your consciousness.
Why would one want to come to know God by being in higher consciousness
if not because you want to increase your power of being
a creator?
Carry the consciousness of the stillness with you
at all times:.Psalms
At this level you 'see' the soul presence. At this
level you are aware of the soul of say a tree.."The
sap of the tree carries nature's intelligence
to every part of the tree so like the body you don't deal with just
the leaves or the branches, buds and bark to give it nutrition."....Deepak
With every thought a molecule
is made and herein is they key to your future and the future of humanity.
Subatomic particles are particles
below the size of the atom that
are moving at lightning speeds around huge empty spaces, and these subatomic
particles are not things. They are fluctuations of energy and information
in a huge void.
When we go beyond the facade
of molecules we enter a subatomic cloud. When you go beyond the cloud you
end up with a handful of nothing. What's this
Though called particles
they are wave packets of energy
and information, which are concentrations of energy.(Heisenberg
burst energy in a pulsation
A particle is a fluctuation
of energy.(not
a material particle like a speck of dust but a detectible.occurrence).and
all is energy or wave function,.vibration,
What you see in your heart, your mind,
is what you get. You
are the selector of
that which comes into your life. Things appear according
to what you are looking for. All is spirit energy but there is a high
mind and a lower ordinary mind that affects this energy which underlies
You are always at a point of choosing one or the other.
The high mind is that which is of high consciousness
and the low mind that which is of low consciousness. The mind of the
Great Infinite Intelligence is that of high consciousness. The mind
of the ego, is that which is of lower consciousness. The ego is that which
us to get by until we discover the better way of higher consciousness.
That's why it's important to be
alert to what is affecting you. Without consciousness
acting as experiencer
or observer everything would exist as pure
potential. If you see something through the eyes of high consciousness,
it is different than seeing it through low consciousness looking, which
is what we have all been so used too functioning as we do from the ego
level. It is this energy
potential that binds the 'cosmic soup'
all things we see and know. This pure potential is beyond the
cosmic soup, as the true reality of us also is.
We are thinkers,
makers and imaginers and
are not in the physical body. The body is in us, meaning the soul which
the pattern
which is your body.
The body is an idea, an
invention of a great intelligence.
The body is like
a radio.
By amplifying
the frequency.(how?).by
the use of the mind, the
structure of matter, which is energy and information, will change.."All
matter originates and exists only by
virtue of a force.(an
the intelligence to).brings
of an atom
to vibration and holds this most minute
solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the
existence of a
conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix
of all matter."....Max Plank, German
physicist of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, one of
the founders of quantum
mechanics. Look on the Net for Max Plank Institute.
It is in this intelligent invisible world beyond
the physical where even each atom
always has the same properties:.Malachi
3:6 "For I am the Lord. I change not..."
One connects to this invisible intelligent energy
that created all things,
by a frequency. This energy that science calls the energy of the
quantum field, the Bible calls the
Holy Spirit. One can only become part of this 'kingdom
of the Infinite One', which is a 'kingdom' of the mind, this everliving
intelligent and conscious Infinite One that we commonly refer to as God,
by being in the frequency that is this Intelligent Energy, out of
which comes all things.(Ephesians
3:9).we are aware of and
those we may not yet be aware of.
The connection is only by being in the same frequency
as is the energy of all things. This frequency has been proven by physics
to be 528Hz, the frequency of love,
which God is:.1John
4:8,16. It is the way
into the invisible intelligent energy field we commonly refer to as God.
These things just evade
man's normal common mind
where they just don't make sense:.1Corinthians
2:14 "But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of
God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them because
they are spiritually discerned."
3:19 "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God..."
Super massive black holes
in distant galaxies power
intense light sources known as quasars.
Quasars are the signatures of gas and stars falling into black
Everything contributes to
something else and results in an overall beneficial purpose,
good and evil.
What spins
the Earth, the galaxies, the planets? The
the multiverse is noticed in
formation of the galaxies.(they
form into such a shape because God designed it to be the most efficient
pattern that shows His handiwork.
God's creation is not haphazard)
the planetary pathways, the funnel of a tornado, a hurricane.(osei.noaa.gov),
winds that encircle the globe as can be seen from satellite images of wind
swept clouds, the ocean currents,
the inner ear mechanism called the cochlea,
with a similar pattern to the nautilus,
fingerprints, fiddleheads,
webs and so much more!
Consider the eye.
It is noticed somewhat in
the rings of trees, climbing
plants, the way the water swirls down the bathtub; on our fingertips; the
spiral on the top of our head as the hair grows out, the Earth's wind currents,
cloud formations, ocean currents, DNA
and of course the atoms themselves comprising all matter. Nature's
repeating patterns show forth evidence of one designer behind them.
Another example is the specific
patterns that sound produces upon what is affected by it. In this case,
on a taut fabric
was sprinkled salt, then the different tones turned on. Each tone produced
an explicit
pattern and every time the same tone was used. Really quite amazing.
From pine cones to pineapples,
their stems, skins and heads show a spiral regularity with mathematical
precision. The seeds in the sunflower for example, are also arranged in
spirals, some swirling clockwise and some anti clockwise.
have found that only certain 'magical' combinations of these two types
of spiral.(Archimedean
and logarithmic).occur
in nature, say, 21 clockwise and 34 counter clockwise.
these numbers belong to a specific mathematical set, known as the Fibonacci
sequence: 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34 and so on, made up of numbers formed by adding
together their two predecessors. This sequence eventually takes one to
could 'know' about this esoteric
sequence baffled scientists for centuries."....Focus
Magazine, April 2000's article 'These Mortal Coils' has a moving graphical
these natural
one being the seed head of the giant sunflower, a beautiful picture also
of which is in the highly recommended book.By
Nature's Design.
Consistent with what was
in the Creator's mind when God used the recursive
computational procedure called pi,
this brilliant God set the parameters
for spiral growth patterns, where the mathematical design of these spirals
enables the largest number of seeds to be arranged on a flower's head,
"Astronomers have discovered
material (atomic.particles
and bits of dust).is
organized into clouds of dust and gas with
elaborate features resembling filaments, worm knots, loops and shells."....American
January/February 2000, page 52.