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What is responsible for producing most of the Sun's output if not preprogrammed instructions.(information)? It governs every process with no electric charge and very little mass, like neutrinos

Someone designed information producing decay of atomic.nuclei by beta radiation. This is when a neutron inside an atomic nucleus turns into a proton, then emits the electron and a neutrino.

Who initiated the parameters scientists are sure of happening, that allows protons to eventually return into the electron? There is such order in the design throughout the Universe, exhibited also, for example, by the tiny leptons being influenced.

A ludicrous.precursor to the Big Bang, that of atoms squeezed so tightly together that their subatomic parts no longer have meaningful identity, is to completely ignore the rules of physics, i.e. the dimensionless point of infinitely compressed matter, called a singularity. With Creator-God all things are possible. This means that He is the great singularity, the oneness of all things, the potential for all things. Out of God came all we see and know. His ways are greater in intelligence than our ability is to meaningfully understand them all.

Evolutionists point to the 'singularity'.(the dimensionless point of infinitely compressed matter), leading to the Big Bang, as being the beginning of the universe. There is so much wrong with this concept, there is not enough paper in the world, or bytes available for use in computers to write about the errors. Minds become boggled when it comes to understanding the laws of quantum physics where there is no single event in time in anything, just as there is no single velocity. In fact, in the realm of the invisible, there is no speed.

Instead we are all singularities within the overall oneness. How the world is various in its singularity.

1Corinthians 12:6 "And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which works all in all."

Something has to exist to relate to, otherwise there is nothing to measure occurrence. Missing the point is common when conjecturing; missing the point that is, that we are all in and of the same eternal energy and informational fields.

Within black holes is all the information and energy of everything that ever was or ever could be and this is individual to each of us. We are fractals of the unity, not seeing the unity as we are aware of only the fractals. We believe in separation and not the unity.

Maybe the black hole that sucked all these subatomic particles so tightly together actually did a blow out the other end. For every action, there's an equal reaction. Not really! What goes into the black hole is thought which is information and energy and on the larger scale black hole, it's what the information and energy has manifested and is recycling back into the 'nothingness'; the oscillation of all things, such as us; we breathe in and out, the days follow the nights, emotions vary from day to day, etc.

"While much as been done in the objective arena to connect thermodynamics and statistical mechanics to quantum mechanics, even some remarkably clever insights, we still do not have a fundamental theory connecting them. Given Planck's constant, the speed of light, the gravitational constant and the mass of any particle you wish to mention, we cannot derive Boltzmann's remarkable constant of nature.

"When it comes to time in physics, we are somewhat at a loss. All of our equations are unique in one very real sense, there is no specific order to the sequences of events we label as the passage of time."....Dr. Fred Alan Wolf

All the current theories of Einstein, Bohr, Newton, etc., miss why the electron spins, why the multiverse spins, why the galaxies spin, etc. The multiverse is like a giant electrical machine, only intelligent. The spin enables energy to be maintained from the 'nothingness'.

Try it yourself. Do it slowly. Spin around while holding your arms out. Chose a point of reference so each time you come around you see that picture on the wall or whatever. Just do it two, three or four times and this, a few times daily and see how you feel in just a day or two. Of course, health and physical ablility always needs to be taken into consideration. 

Gravity:.Most theoretical physicists do not as yet comprehend.(but one of them does).just how gravity is unified with all else.

Apparently all comes out of thing called gravity and all things are unified, just different aspects of the oneness. Everything is affected by gravity.

Gravity has been thought to be a side effect of the curvature of the space/time geometry in which we live. Gravity is the warping of spacetime because of the objects within it. It's flexible. Like a basketball in the center of a sheet suspended at its four corners, the basketball makes an indentation at the center of the sheet, so that any other ball on the sheet is attracted to it, it's that which is at the center which gets it all going, only it's more than this; it's like a spiral instead of just a round indentation, a spiral with a funnel as it were, similar to the pattern of a tornado.

More of an insight into gravity.

An individual is centered in the energy of the universe when he or she loves because that is what the intelligent energy behind it all is and love attracts to itself. The curve in the sheet is dependent upon the size and density of the object. Be as loving as you can and keep asking.(Matthew 7:7).to see clearer how to love more and you'll have more and you'll know more: Matthew 13:12 "For whosoever has, to him shall be given and he shall have more abundance...."

And the pattern carries on in how the soul functions.

Gravity can be overcome when an individual is in the unified field of silence in meditation..(*)

Astronauts experience 89% as much gravitional effect in orbit as they do on Earth! And you thought they were 'weightless' in space. The space station is constantly falling in its curved orbit, like a roller coaster taking a plung making those on board feel weightless. For more info on mistakenly accepted 'truths' about astronomy see badastronomy.com

Gravity is an attractive.(yang).force that binds the solar system together and keeps the stars from exploding. Gravitational waves have never been directly observed. They can travel unimpeded through material that normally hangs onto electromagnetic radiation.

Is there pressure upon the Earth from space due to photons.(neutrinos).bombardment?

Gravity is instrumental in maintaining the set pattern the components of the multiverse move within. Quantitative measurements on individual atoms have shown that gravity is the same on the atomic scale as it is on objects.(like humans, trees, cars, etc.).made up of billions of atoms. Astronauts can't burp as it's the gravity that allows bubbles to rise to the surface of a liquid. The Earth is perfectly formed for man's inhabiting, as Britain's Astronomer Royal discovered.

Atoms trapped in laser beams are forced to shoot upwards. Their subsequent downward descent was measured. They fall at the same rate as other objects.."There was no reason to suspect that isolated.atoms would fall differently than more massive objects, nevertheless, you want to establish that."....Steven Chu, Stanford University. Why do all things fall at the same rate if not programmed to occur that way?

If gravity was at 10 to the 39th power times weaker than electromagnetism, say if it was instead at, 10 to the 33rd power times weaker than electromagnetism, then stars would be a billion times less massive and would burn a million times faster, galaxies would fly apart and not enough gravity would be there to pull the debris from dead stars into new interstellar.(between or among the stars).dust clouds. The formation of new stars and planets would be impossible and we wouldn't be here! It's a.mathematically exact.universe, more balanced than a sharpened pencil balanced on its sharp point, if that could even be done. 

We know some incredible intelligence that we commonly call God or the Infinite Intelligence.(Revelation 4:9,10), did it. God is a quiet presence, as He can only be personally known from within. How?

If gravity would have started out even a fraction stronger, the rate of collisions between stars would be so great that any solar system such as ours would not survive long enough to produce stable planets and support life. Our Milky Way.galaxy.would be a nightmarish pinball machine. But these things are theorized by those unaware of the hologram.

The time taken for something to travel a given distance is the distance divided by the speed it is traveling. If the speed of light has not changed, the only thing left untouched in the equation is time itself. In fact, Einstein's relativity theories have been telling the world for decades that time is not a constant.

Einstein's general theory of relativity, the best theory of gravity we had until Nassim Haramein came along, indicates that gravity distorts time. So was gravity different back then?

Electromagnetism:.This function of invisible waves holds the atom together and is responsible for electricity, magnetism, heat, light, cell phones, etc. The electromagnetic force between a proton.and the electron is generated by photons being passed back and forth between them. In here we see the electromagnetic field, which is photons behaving in a certain way.

Electromagnetism is a vector.field occupying physical space wherein magnetic forces may be detected. A magnetic field occurs typically in the presence of a permanent magnet, being a current carrying conductor, or an electromagnetic wave. The strength of a magnetic field can be expressed either by the magnetic field strength.(unit: ampere per metre {A/m}).or the magnetic flux density.(unit: Tesla {T}).

Michael Faraday, 1791-1867, made many contributions to the study of electricity in the early 19th century. He was also responsible for the theory of electric lines of force. The fact that a magnetic field exists around an electric current flow was demonstrated by the Danish scientist Hans Christian Oersted in 1819 and in 1831 Faraday proved that a current flowing in a coil of wire can induce electromagnetically, a current in a nearby coil.

About 1840 James Prescott Joule and the German scientist Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz demonstrated that electric circuits obey the law of the conservation of energy and that electricity is a form of energy.

An important contribution to the study of electricity in the 19th century was the work of the British mathematical physicist James Clerk Maxwell, who investigated the properties of electromagnetic waves and light and developed the theory that the two are identical. His work paved the way for the German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, who produced and detected electric waves in the atmosphere in 1886.

This electron theory, which is the basis of modern electrical theory.(wrong and severely.outdated for over a 100 years, as Tesla, Bearden, Bedini, Haramein have shown), was first advanced by the Dutch physicist Hendrik Antoon Lorentz in 1892.

The charge on the electron was first accurately measured by the American physicist Robert Andrews Millikan in 1909, thanks to laws of the multiverse programmed to work as intended. The widespread use of electricity as a source of power is largely due to the work of such pioneering American engineers and inventors as Nikola Tesla and Charles P. Steinmetz, where their many inventions must be in accordance with the functioning of the laws of the multiverse, which had to be designed that way or their inventions just would not work as expected. There is no randomness when it comes to the exacting design of the multiverse and all in it.

Atomic particles move thanks to the controlling affect of the electromotive.(electromagnetism).force. Electromagnetism enables the positive charged nucleus.to function with the negatively charged electron orbiting it in specific.(set).patterns.

If electrons didn't behave exactly as they do, our radar systems would be useless. We depend upon the stability of God's creation in everything from balance to positioning, to time.

The key to advancement in any area is comprehending just how the Great Infinite Intelligence set things up and then designing things to function in accordance with those parameters;.example. This is also the key to health.

The electromotive.(electromagnetism).force is stronger than gravity. TV, radio, cell phones, etc. functioning as they do are different forms of the effect of the electromagnetic force in action, one being radio waves going up to the ionosphere and bouncing back to Earth, seemingly unaffected by gravity. 

If electromagnetism was a little stronger, the electron could not affect atoms and the formation of chemical compounds would be impossible; weaker, they would disintegrate or not form in the first place.

A unique.ratio of gravity to electromagnetism makes it possible for carbon-12 to reach an excited state exactly 7.65MeV.(Mega {million} Electron Volts {an unexcited electron is said to be at rest at 0.5 MeV}).in the temperature at the core of stars.
