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-Why can't we see God now?

Emmanuel did and so can you:.Ezekiel 39:29; Isaiah 45:15;.(*).

-Why did God create the Universe so big?

Isaiah 48:13,18
   The fact of Creator-God's creation is all the more amazing when we consider the greatness of the entire multiverse.

How old is it? Perhaps hundreds of trillions of years or less or more in the way humans measure time:.2Peter 3:8.

A typical galaxy contains billions of individual stars. Our galaxy alone.(the Milky Way).contains 200 billion stars. And there are trilions and maybe more, of galaxies:.Isaiah 45:18 "For thus says the Lord that created the heavens, God himself that formed the Earth and made it, he has established it and created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited..."

The universe means one verse, unity, unity of love. Why love? The multiverse connotes many but together they are all one in this unity. It's just that we don't experience all of what's in this multiverse, only some things. In meditation you discover the unity necessary to bring peace and prevent crime and other harmful things to people."Eternity of life is the true unity with the Creator."....Grigori Grabovoi

While it is decaying, the multiverse is expanding. Everything is in constant recreation. Your body recreates itself. The sun comes up every day. Especially when you sleep organs are repaired and recreated, your internal physical systems do all the many, many things it does to keep the internal clean and well functioning. So, why then does one die, if it's always recreating? Why then do we get ill?

From an article about the book Why Aren't Black Holes.Black? The Unanswered Questions at the Frontiers of Science, Anchor Books, by Robert Hazen, research scientist at the Geophysical Laboratory at the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C. and Clarence Robinson professor of Earth science at George Mason University. His newly released book was cowritten with Maxine Singer, president of the Carnegie Institution and scientist emeritus at the National Institute of Health's Laboratory of Biochemistry:."There is so much left to discover. Moreover, if the task of describing the tangible universe weren't enough, it now appears that most of the mass of the universe, as much as 99 percent by some estimates, is missing, evidently consisting of strange matter unlike anything we now comprehend. Within the past two decades astronomers have discovered overwhelming evidence that the universe is littered with dark matter, seemingly invisible stuff that must be out there but has not been found even with our most powerful telescopes.
   And what about white holes?

"Looking outward to space, we observe tens of billions of stars in each of tens of billions of galaxies, perhaps a trillion solar systems exist for every human.(but none like the Milky Way God specifically engineered for humanity)

"Almost all of the universe's matter that we know about is concentrated in galaxies, which exist on a scale almost beyond comprehension. Each galaxy holds tens to hundreds of billions of stars in a region that may exceed 100,000 light years in diameter.(a light year is the distance light travels in one yearand is almost 6 trillion miles).

"Our own galaxy, the Milky Waycontains all the stars and constellations that are familiar to us in the night sky, but billions of other galaxies are also easily visible with the aid of telescopes."

"Why is it that although the Milky Way's centre devours matter at the rate of 1/5000th of a solar mass annually, yet it produces no x or gamma rays.(high energy photons). No one knows why." ...American Scientist.(americanscientist.org), July/Aug, 2000. After several shots throughout the evening right before wrapping-up for the night the photographer captured the Bodie Island Lighthouse in the Outer Banks of North Carolina sized up with the Milky Way and the starry sky exploding in the background. Nags Head, North Carolina, USA, July 13 2018. Credit: Jason Perry, USA

For astronomers who want to study the nature and distribution of the universe's mass, galaxies are the logical place to start. See also 'Astronomy/Astrology'. 

There is so much still to be discovered both in the infinite.(extending beyond measure or comprehension).and finite.(having measurable limits).universe. Even after centuries of labors, by most estimates we have identified only one or two percent of all living species on Earth, have sampled only the thin outer skin of the planet and have described only a few of the 80,000 proteins that our bodies produce. 

We know all 100 or so stable elements of the periodic table, but the number of possible combinations of these elements is for all intents and purposes.infinite

Our Creator created the Earth to be inhabited:.Isaiah 45:18 "For thus says the Lord that created the heavens. God himself that formed the Earth and made it. He has established it. He created it not in vain. He formed it to be inhabited. I am the Lord and there is none else."

Is one to assume that the universe has been created for something less? Does the Infinite One plan and create things that have no long term use for man?.Job 7:17,18; Psalms 8:4-6; Hebrews 2:6-8.

-What kind of house does the Creator live in?.Acts 17:24; Ephesians 2:22; 1Kings 8:27; Hebrews 3:6;.(*).(*).(*). How big is His house?.2Chronicles 2:6 "But who is able to build him an house, seeing the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him?..." Jeremiah 23:24 "...Do not I fill heaven and Earth, says the Lord?" 1Timothy 3:15 "...the house of God, which is the church of the living God...".Isaiah 66:1; Luke 17:21; John 14:2; 2Corinthians 5:1.

-What is this Creator?
