in the original is 'giving attention to with honor
and high esteem',
that is, to attentively.regard
that which is important to you; to respect what you accept. Meditation
is your thoughts about and for another's benefit.
"All you think and all you
do affects the multiverse in some way."....Paul
Dirac. And that's because all
is connected.
How does one worship God?
It's an inward thing:.Luke
17:21 "...for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." John
4:24 "God is Spirit and they that worship must worship in spirit and
in truth."
In meditation.(*).it's
not necessary to think; save thinking for your contemplation
time. Some combine it all in one and that works good too. Follow
what you feel at the time. Sometimes one might just talk to God, telling
God about the things encountered in the day and telling God all you felt
about it and if it was good for you or others or not. Be open and transparent
with God.
In meditation it's good
to have intent on being taught by God as ancient Issac's example shows
24:63. You will experience the
effects of meditation in your life as it goes along. It
affects the lives of others. But at first you may wonder if it's doing
any good at all as you may not feel as though it is. It is! And you'll
see the changes; another proof of God's existence.and.presence
with you.
attention is concentration.
Be attentive
to your concentrations, to what your mind may be generally
on at any particular
Each of us are here to make
a good difference
in our lives and in the lives of others, both on the micro
level, that of personal involvement with others and on the macro
level, where a difference is made in the collective
consciousness out of which is constantly
becoming the world as we experience it and one experiences it according
to what's in his or her subconscious.
Learn how envisioning speeds
all the good up coming to you How's the world going for you so far?
can things be changed to the good? Where does Christ fit into all this?.2Corinthians
Why is it that so many seem
to be ignorant of truth? For example, the tons upon tons of information
proven true that many people for some reason discount.
Why would this be?.2Corinthians
Those who can see through
the veil of deceit
got out of delusion
because of meditation and prayer/praise, because meditation and prayer/praise
brings in the cleansing frequencies, cleansing of those thoughts, moods
and attitudes that keep people blinded
at the lower consciousnes level.
59:1 "Behold, God's hand is not shortened that it cannot save, neither
his ear heavy that it cannot hear."
But are we living form the
great attitudes of care, compassions and helpfulness and service toward
others. What is in our minds if not?.Ezekiel
9:4 "...men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be
done in the midst thereof."
Hopefully these things of
caring are in your heart in your
quiet times.
is frequencies. Those living apart from
meditation and prayer/praise and other spiritual disciplines, study and
contemplation, are away from cleansing frequencies:.1Corinthians
2:14 "But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of
God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them,
because they are spiritually discerned."
The higher consciousness
frequencies of love
the frequencies of evil that the non spiritual man, woman and child soak
up, because, for some reason unknown to them, they feel right about
them and so they fail to research,
thus continuing on in a mental
The mind, having thus.been
altered, holds one in a negative grip, where he or she finds it easy
to discount
information and guidance they should
be listening to. Such close-minded attitudes obviate
that which would free them from the broad road of destruction, turning
them then onto things of the straight and narrow, onto the higher road
of life:.Matthew
7:13 "Enter you in at the strait gate, for wide is the gate and broad
is the way, that leads to destruction and many there be which go in thereat."
3:3 "For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias.(Isaiah
40:3), saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare
you the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."
The world hasn't been good
for all on it and has gotten worse for most. The collective consciousness
determines the general subconscious of the world. The world truly is what
one makes it to be. It's a
stage for learning. But some people are too asleep to learn how to
change it and some are even in a 'coma',
blinded and having no desire to learn truth
and so they carry on with their limited living in a zombified
4:10; 8:36; Romans
8:2; 6:16-23.
What we have contributed
into the collective consciousness by what we are, comes out of it and affects
all. How's that been working for you so far and for the rest of humanity?
How do you like the results in the world so far? If you put in
then it's highly effective for eradicating
evil. How effective
is it?
Even your little snits
and engrained.close-minded
way of looking at life, affect things negatively, including you.(*).
All you think and all you
do affects all the multiverse in some way, because, though you may
not yet know, it's all
connected, as proven in quantum
physics. Simply walking down the street or even just sitting in a chair
a difference because your body is always giving off microbes, as is
every other body of matter, be it organic.(living
living things), such as metals, rocks,
etc. It's all connected and it's all living because all is consciousness.
Because of this, what each of us do makes a difference. Make a good difference
by being in and acting from a higher consciousness. Each of us is here
to find out not just what can be done for them, but rather for what we
can do for others:.Matthew
22:36-40. As you do for other so the same attitude things will be done
to you:.Matthew
So forget about allowing
the hodgepodge
of information from you and all others on Earth lay out the way the world
becomes. We've all made a mess of it, mostly by ignoring what's
going on. And that's the same as choosing ignorance.
Instead, be of definite mind
for producing good in your own life. Because it affects all, others
join in that invisible attitude they sense and the world does change
for the good. So, how do we
do this? And how
has the world become what it is up to now?
A huge
difference is made for the better each time one cares enough to meditate
and/or to pray and/or to contemplate and/or to gain new helpful knowledge,
such as the incredible teachings of Grigori
Grabovoi and Bruno Gröning
about God. These things are powerful. What they use, you can too.
10:3-5 "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds, Casting down
imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge
of God.(the
knowledge of God includes the high consciousness things).and
bringing into captivity every
thought to the obedience of Christ.('obedience
of Christ' means high
consciousness thinking)."
Meditation and
praise is a most effective way to change the world to good and keep
it there. As you praise and meditate for others, it also affects you
and those you love that are close to you:.Job
But what is meditating?
When one meditates he or she is being at quiet, that is, quieting the mind
which always is 'chattering' it seems. To get into quiet, just.know.that
God is in the stillness you are now experiencing; know it by being
aware of that:.Psalms
46:10 "Be still and.know.that
I am God...".That
is, you know when meditating that God is right there, nearer than breathing
and closer than hands and feet.(*).
In that way you are one with God. How's
this work?
You could be sitting in a
park gazing to the flowers or sun
gazing. You could be lying in bed with your eyes open or closed. You
could be driving down a lonely highway with mostly no distractions from
other vehicles. You could be sitting waiting for someone or something;
gives you the idea. But what if I'm just so busy to do it?
how you can do it if you're busier than a one armed wallpaper hanger.
How long for anything always depends on you and your circumstances.
inspiring audio talk will ramp
up your meditation.
Meditation changes things
to the good.."He
was wide awake and his mind worked clearly, purged of all dross."....Vladimir
Nabokov. Being wide awake is not tacitly
approving of evils you may be surrounded by. If you don't stand against
evil, you are standing for it. You stand up mostly by praying and meditating.
This puts the evil situations into the hands of God, that is, by your actions
of prayer and meditation God sees you want no part of the timeline
of those out to kill others. God responds once you do. Why
is this? Envisioning
is important to do. Learn it.
"There are many kinds of
meditation. A prayer, for instance is in fact
a form of meditation. At the same time of course a prayer, like any true
meditation, must be spiritual.(of
love with all that
means). In the Christian.tradition,
there is, among other prayers, a so called Prayer of a Single Thought.(such
as one of these single words: 'kindness', 'joy', 'praising God in thankfulness
for what's available for you' {but you have to learn
how to get it into your life}, 'health', 'safety', 'prosperity',
and having the people in mind to be affected by these words),
such as Emmanuel's Prayer.(Matthew
6:9-13), the prayer of a high spiritual
as just focusing on words like 'my soul', 'peace for all', etc.),
during which consciousness stays in the region
of the heart and which is very effective for entering higher states of
consciousness. In practicing concentrations, meditations can be a constituent.part
of the process.
"Not only functioning of
the brain, but functioning of the entire body of its each and every cell
becomes affected by meditation practice. The difference in the way the
body functions before and after mastering
meditation is immeasurably.greater.
a matter of fact the difference is so great that an individual actually
moves to another level of existence.(3d
to 5d and beyond). For it should
be borne in mind that a human body is a system, capable of infinite self-improvement.(but,
why bother?). And it is hard even
to imagine an overall potential of this system. And one more remark. When
I say that one of the methods of changing the state of the body is meditation,
it should be noted that meditation itself can be very
page 16 Grigori Grabovoi's
62:8 "Trust in him at all times you people, pour out your heart
before him. God is a refuge for us."
Besides meditation, prayer,
study and contemplation, what
else needs done? Make a
difference in life, for others and for yourself.
Don't just run out there
and end up jumping into trouble on some emotion you may have. Take a step
back from the emotion and ponder
12:3 "For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that
is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think,
but to think soberly, according as God has dealt to every man the measure
of faith."
Our natural state is happy
and free, just 'being me'. That's how we were born, when we just were us,
without all the crap we later accumulated which took us far from our own
specified excellence as a baby, given to each of us by God, but then taken
away in every way by the evil cabal's information, foisted
on us to foster
the kind of individual they wanted, that is, till
You didn't have to meditate
to get that state or to keep it. If you were taught about there being a
God as you grew, perhaps also you wanted to be thankful to God, so you
had a little prayer you used. It was later when you saw some things that
needed improving in your life and in others lives, that perhaps then it
was time for gaining a greater introspection. You may have expanded your
little prayer time to now become what the 4
spiritual disciplines are. So, we try things out to see what works
best at any time in life as we learn and that's how we learn. Spiritual
disciplines iron out the creases in thinking.
Create a mental image of
what you want, for self or for some other or others or for the entire world.
The mental image is important because it's what your subconscious mind
absorbs and brings to pass exactly what was in that mental picture. Make
sure it's good. Meditate on good
and meaningful words.
If you are one who wants
to help the world, then meditate.
Meditation involves your heart. What's in it? Some feel that prayer
is fine mixed with meditation and it is. Many do that!
Nothing can come into your
life unless it's first in the mind.(1,
That's why the cabal wants you living in fear. And what they put out provides
for good reason to put people into fear.(one
example), that is, unless you know
the power of the one and only true God.(*).
Nothing can come into your
life applies also to one's belief in a reward for good works. People are
marked in what's called the.Book
of Life:.Ezekiel
9:4 "And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city...and
set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all
the abominations that be done in the midst thereof."
In meditation with prayer,
one resides in the house
of God and learns good things there. Be sure to take your 'God time'.
How can I do this with all I have to do, one might say? It's
It's that simple! You don't
have to get out there and demonstrate, banging the drum, hoping that someone
will be affected and pick up the torch with you, joining you in some way.
Just meditate/pray and consider the guidance that comes to mind. How
does this happen?
By doing this, you
reach others.(how
does this work?).and
you too are reached by God and others in
God. How effective
is it? Why is it so
What do you do in meditation
besides sitting quietly
allowing thoughts to just come, observing them, but not getting involved
in them and then just as easily letting them go?
30:15 "For thIs says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, In returning
and rest shall you be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your
strength but you would not."
Sitting quietly can also
be a time where one listens for what God brings to one's mind, "Here I
am God, listening for what you may want to tell me". Then just listen.
One can also ask God questions that he or she may have about those things
you might want to know about or know more about and listen for answers
which may come right then or later pop into the mind. In this way, meditation
is different from praying, in that, with praying, you may be earnestly
desiring something for self and/or for others, whereas, in meditation,
questions may take more the form of inquiries.
Meditation with prayer combines both and these are two of the
4 helpful things you can do for yourself spiritually.
When you meditate on
such things as how you would like them to be for all good people, including
yourself, you are able to affect outcomes. That's how powerful meditation
has proven to be.
Friendliness, kindness, health,
peace, prosperity, encouragement, safety and protection, honesty and joy,
are just a few items to pick a couple from and focus on. More
One who fails to meditate
is simply allowing the 'whatever' to happen to his or her life and to the
lives of others and that can
be mostly negative. Instead take the lower consciousness things out
of your 'car' and put them in a 'garbage can' and get back to where you
were, close the door and move along onto the
other road of higher consciousness, into
the presence of the Infinite
Intelligent Energy, which will take you into increasing spirituality,
is a reward for you. In other words, take some
action toward making your life better for you and those around you. And
here, the calmness of
quiet is effective.
One who meditates is absorbing
the frequencies of higher
consciousness attributes.
are they?
Learn from your own experience
in meditating. God knows you are dedicating the time to become a better
person and God responds. You may not feel anything in meditation, but you'll
grow in knowing there is something there that is real to you and
you'll see by your life that there is really something there. This is what
Graham Bell learned.
Learning meditation
is the most important thing you can do and is one reason why
we are in the physical at this time.
Meditation time involves
is quieting the mind which
allows the non local 'mind'
or presence, to be dominant:.Micah
7:8 "...when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me."
According to Dr. Joe Dispenza,
the word means to 'become familiar',
that is become familiar with the presence. "Silence
is not an absence but a presence.(*).
Not an emptiness but repletion,
a filling up."....Anne
is it that some meditation
tell us to be aware of the breath when doing what's called breathing meditations
and is this some kind of
preferred meditation technique?
The difference between concentration
and meditation regards
the heart's involvement, the amount of intention
behind the concentration.
From page 15 Grigori
Grabovoi's book.."In
order to succeed on the path of true understanding of the world, it is
essential first of all to improve our perception, it is essential to change
the body state. For example we need to perfect the brain functioning.(how?).
Through the change of even one cell, the state of the entire body can change.
And a cardinal
question then arises. How could such a change be made, how could it be
done? There are many ways to achieve this objective, but one of the easiest
and at the same time the most effective methods is meditation.(a
meditation for you). As a result
of a regular meditation practice a fundamental
change in brain functioning takes place. Gradually more and more parts
of the brain begin to work in alignment.(shown
here from one of over 600
scientific studies done at over 200 universities in over 30 countries).
is confirmed by a scientific research, conducted using encephalograms.
Research has shown that as one becomes more experienced in meditation practice,
more and more segments
of the brain begin to function in accord.
And, when a person has fully mastered the practice, his entire brain starts
functioning concordantly."
Today, it's increasing difficult
for those of ordinary consciousness
to cope with life's
pressures. What help is there
to be had for them?
"Man can utilize
his full development once he realizes his
spiritual base. Meditation is important to restore the
ties with the soul."...from
pages 74, 89 in Grigori Grabovoi's
In what's called 'Einstellen',
a German word for meditation to gain intelligent energy for better daily
living, an individual's intuitive feeling
sense is trained.
4:23,24 "But the hour comes and now is, when the true worshippers.(a
true worshipper is one who knows himself; what
does this mean?).shall
worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeks such to
worship him. God is Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in
spirit and in truth, for the Father
seeks such to worship him." 1Timothy
4:15 "Meditate upon these things; give yourself wholly to them,
that your profiting may appear to all." Revelation
1:10 "I was
the Spirit on the Lord's day..." Psalms
104:34 "My meditation of him shall be sweet. I will be glad
in the Lord." Psalms 116:1,2
"I love the
Lord, because he has heard my voice and my supplications.
Because he has inclined
his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.".Although
one can meditate anywhere, even in a busy shopping center while he is walking
about, most prefer solitude.
In meditation one finds his invisible real
self, the soul of him that is alreadyof love in the kingdom
of God within.
No amount of self-analysis
or self-examination will ever reveal to you who
you are, but if you can take the focus of your attention off yourself
and project it forward, then
you will discover the other of which you seek. When you are helping and
serving, which is loving others.(Matthew
22:36-40), what you give to help
and serve others comes from what is called the real you, your spirit of
love. In discovering the other, you will discover yourself, the real self.
That's why the Bible talks so much about being involved with others.(*).and
why meditation with prayer is important.
The trillions
of individual operations within ones's DNA gathering information from the
and the synapses,
make us the special individual you are and the specialness of your parents
before you. Only one in a million sperm produces a baby. So, we're all
pretty special.
This principle
is similar to the principle
regarding believing.
The spiritual things laid
up in our hearts enable thoughts and actions to proceed
which are good, good for
us and good for others. Benefits are seen to be good. These are the thoughts
leading to actions which are in alignment
with high consciousness
When you meditate, use words
of meaning for your intentions
and feelings. Attention on them is
all that is necessary.
Take the good you that you
become as a result of being in higher consciousness and do some good for
the world with it. Why?
Are you happy with the you
that you are? If not, give attention to changing it by having words
you can give attention to that epitomize
how it is that you want to be. In meditation such a word or phrase is called
a mantra. A mantra is a switch which
turns on the meaning for you that is in the collective
consciousness, also called the
akashic record; that is, the word you use automatically aligns you
with what the meaning is. If you use a word that has no meaning.(make
a meaningless word up that evokes
no thoughts and say it to yourself and you'll notice that it takes you
deeper into silence).it
can take your mind deeper into the silence from which all in the multiverse
Just as the Invisible Intelligence
we call God, knows how to bring forth
baby from one cell, it knows what meanings are attached to a word in
mind and
knows what to do with it,
so it's
easy for you:.Matthew
11:30. Pick a word;
perhaps 'soul', perhaps 'eternal' or 'eternity', perhaps 'wealth', perhaps
a phrase such as 'I am excited' or 'all health' or 'In
the true God of all love, compassion and creation I am happy, healthy
and wealthy' or 'I'm so happy I have the health, wealth, safety and protection
of God in my life'. The invisible spiritual intelligent energy knows all
of every word, phrase
and thought. If the word or phrase you picked
is favorable to you,
the invisible
energy begins forming to bring into the physical life that which you
thought. When?
is both something you do and reside in. Meditation is making a decision,
an intention to be in quiet,
calm, yet aware.
Meditation has been done
since the beginning of humanity:.Genesis
24:63; Joshua 1:8; Psalms
1:2; 46:10; 63:6;
on the quiet while observing the trees, the mountains, wherever you may
be. That is why the great apostle Paul said to pray continuously:.1Thessalonians
5:17. Until you come to comprehend
what that means, it sounds like such a drag.
I mean, who on Earth would want to pray continuously, duh! It means
to be in a continuously evolving consciousness
as you live your life,
a higher
consciousness than the ego level
we all have been in that has handed us so many problems.
Learn, learn, learn!
on your intentions. Intend for the world to be at peace, happy, in harmony,
joy, laughter and love. Meditate means to see the Infinite Creator in all
life that you experience.
One surpasses
the physical realm
by meditation. Meditation lifts one up and away from the ordinary
consciousness the world bathes
itself in.
Meditation is life, your
life and puts you in touch with the real
you behind you. In meditation one finds the undivided spiritual where
one's life is away from 'a living time' where you go and drive truck or
work in an office, 'a dinner time', 'a party time', etc. Those are all
just things we do in our lives. But meditation means you are always
at your base and that is the spirit, even while doing all the things in
life that we all do. The spirit is the real you connected to the
Soul of all.
Meditation has been proven
to reverse biological aging. Research
proofs in the books Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth, Peter
Kelder and in Deepak Chopra's book
Ageless Body, Timeless Mind,
both available at libraries. Moon Over Water by Jessica Macbeth,
describes 20 or so different meditation techniques used by people all over
the world. Deepak's websites have many different mediation examples for
you. But as Charlie
Ward has said."we
connect inside with God.".(*).
time in the quiet.
It's your life and He, Christ.(what
really is Christ?), meant a life
of higher consciousness qualities one establishes in himself by using the
big three, plus contemplation,
so one could be happy, healthy and prosperous:.John
One absorbs nature by being
amongst it. Nature is closer to high consciousness than man's manufactured
things of concrete, metal, plastics and glass.
Here, the
Soul can bring your life into order. Here you find the level of your
mind that isn't conditioned.(programmed).
Meditation can easily take the mind to where there are no thoughts, emotions
and sensations, to where all is still
and where it is still, there is no negativity and when it is still, the
Soul can well up new things to your
conscious mind. When it is still you find the oneness of all things, that
is, you just know all is one. The multiverse is one verse,
song and that song is love.
People when starting to
meditate wonder if they are 'doing it right'. Just do it! The Soul connection
with your spirit will increasingly provide guidance each time you take
time to meditate. Meditation takes us into the level of solution for
stuck energy, as does prayer.
This young man in India has
been meditating continuously night and day for about a year and plans to
go for another five. His name is Ram Bahadur Bomjon, also known as Palden
Dorje, born April 9 1990. Video on him: Type his name into YouTube. The
documentary about him is 46 minutes.
Mahesh Yogi of Beatles fame.(they
went to India to gain life's wisdom from this man),
meditated unbroken for some 14 years and his guru
Jai Guru Dev meditated 40 years without a break. Not for me! Not for Deepak
either. Deepak felt that 7 days was enough. Everyone is different in what
they feel their purpose is.
I guess the long meditators
felt they had to kick some good energy into the world on the way to peace
and love in order to get it away from the horrible mess it had become.
The ordinary low consciousness
of humanity, its ego
is susceptible
to influence by the dark side and will
rampant, every chance it gets, unless a person learns to check
it. Consider
effective this has been for us today.
Perhaps only a very few feel
comfortable meditating that long. God wants you to live your life, knowing
that God is always with you, like a friend you trust who goes along
with you wherever you go, such as your dog.
Meditating connects one with
God. Once connection is made, it's made! You never lose it:.Hebrews
13:5 "...he has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you."
But overriding concerns of
physical life can submerge
it and so then, what good is it? Life is made active by love and love flows
with direction. Which
way are each of us going, the way of high
consciousness or of low
consciousness? Use any love you have or it stagnates
due to lack of use and then our lives become encrusted,
keeping us on the negative pathway until those negative ways become habits
in our lives:.1Timothy
4:2 "...having their conscience seared with a hot iron."
Soul or more correctly, your connection to the Soul of all by means
of the spirit you have, guides you
as you go along in life once one is in a higher
consciousness frame of mind. Here is why each one of us is comfortable
with what he or she feels should be done. We are also somewhat
comfortable with where we are if in
lower consciousness, that is and if we feel we have done the best we
could have done and this 'best we could have done' due to the factor of
hindering better ways of getting guidance, those ways
of guidance of a higher consciousness.
The multiverse
is governed by amazing laws.
All heartache is
a result of not being in harmony
with the way the multiverse works. We are in such ignorance of this and
it is causing all of humanity's problems; because if
we were like He who has
no problems, neither would we have any problems.
For example, drugs fiddle
with the particular pattern the body was designed by God with.(design
in the multiverse).in
order to maintain its chemicals in proper balance to provide optimal functioning.
Drugs distort
the body's natural energy patterns or to put it another way, they
are frequencies that often do not fit with the frequencies making up
the physical body, causing discord;
like an orchestra playing a marvelous composition in harmony and an instrument
plays out of tune. It spoils the presentation. So it is in this case also.
Drugs hit the body hard and broadly. Natural alternatives are even more
effective and support health without the side effects of man made concoctions,
as poisonous because they interupt the perfect pattern God designed the
body to provide optimum health. The
bioweapon many were conned
into is an attempt to sever
what's called the DNA connection,
by satanic criminals in the pharaceutical/medical/chemical/food industries.
GMO foods do similar harm to this perfect pattern. And so, one's health
begins declining.
Meditation puts and keeps
you in harmony with all that is. Meditation alone can make an individual
In meditation we withdraw
from our usual method of dealing with ourselves and the world, withdraw
into silence and thus,
the world. Really! How?
One of its simplest ways
is to just sit in the quiet and
keep attention at first on your breathing. When you are still, your mind
to also be still and you enter what's called the
unified field.
When you allow your attention
to be on your body you are using attention and intention to transform
the body. What intention do you have for that which you want improved?
How would you like to see it be? There is nothing you can't fix as the
world you experience is a mirror of that which is you. What you see out
there you don't like, fix it in you. Example 1.(miracleman.org);
Why meditate? Meditation
allows us connection with the Soul by means of our
spirit connecting us to the high consciousness level. One meditates
so he or she can become aware of their true self and the depth of the riches
in the Soul that is available:.Romans
Connection with the Soul
unfolds the high consciousness things of the Soul to the conscious mind.
It's the key to the future
of humanity as meditation allows a person to place attention
and intention into the spiritual realm.
In meditation your ever so busy mind stops thinking for awhile. Once it
is silent you can introduce your thought, your intention, the thing you
want to happen and it will have effect. When
would it occur then?
Silence, intelligence and
creativity come from deep levels of the self, the Soul's connection with
you, or better worded, the Soul. . .you, as once connected you can
call it your soul, that is, your own special connection to it by
means of your spirit:.Lamentations
3:26,28 "It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for
salvation of the Lord...He sits
alone and keeps silence because he has borne it upon him."
In meditation you are referring
to your own self, your soul. In meditation don't fight thoughts. Allow
your attention go to where it wants. Your mind will calm down soon after
that, if you don't get into all the chattering thoughts and just let them
pass on.
In meditation you are self-aware
of the true self that you are.
Here, you can also do great things for humanity in eradicating
Meditation turns
human awareness within, where the
unified field is, where consciousness is aware of itself alone, where
you find
your self.
The Unified Field generates
powerful waves of unity and coherence
that permeate
the collective consciousnessof
the whole population of Earth, thus
changing all of humanity for the better and forever. An
peace, prosperity, security,
and health all come as a result of being
in the silence. Why? Psalms 91:1;
And since we are all one it
applies individually as well.
Meditation reaches the higher
consciousness levels. The reason people meditate is to contact reality,
the reality that's in the silence.
transcend the ego based life is another reason one meditates. And to
remain in a restored state
with one's
soul is another reason, because once one comprehends
that everything above the atom
is actually an illusion,
he has wider vision and wiser seeing.
"In meditation you are in
the wellspring of all power, intelligence and organizing ability. The test
of effective meditation is you feel lighter every time you go into the
silence. This is due to old stuck energy being
moved. The highest form of knowledge is to know who you are."....Deepak
Chopra. The meditation is the feeling. To comprehend: Think of someone
you know and note the feeling you have. The active thought around the feeling
is your prayer for them and for you regarding
meditation for you.
46:10 "Be still and know
that I
am God....".This
verse refers
to the unfolding of a deeper reality."....Deepak
silence because
the gap is where
leaps of creativity come from. In the silence of meditation the self of
you can emerge.
When you are always busy, you keep shutting the door on yourself and you'll
eventually not know who you really are and then may go out and away from
everyone to 'find yourself', again in some pursuit way beyond the self
that could have been found in the dark
and quiet. Perhaps a psychiatrist. Perhaps a trip. Perhaps alcohol
or drugs. These are things those of ordinary
consciousness pursue for escape and they are all on a dangerous road
with traps that slam shut one's connection with the soul.
Life is so that we can learn
from what we experience, if we are alert.
To see the pathways of life and death before we commit to them and to deeply
learn things, life must be kept simple and quiet. Avoid the wayward
leading brash
lifestyle taking the rushers toward ruin.
The Creator learns from our
experiences as they become a part of our soul makeup. It's all the Creator.
All is His energy. All is His creation. All we see, all we know off, all
in the invisible; all is of/from the Creator and all for our
individual learning. Through us the Creator is experiencing, learning
things go along, because we are unique
expressions, individual agglomerations
of specific
frequencies of being and all handling life as we individually do.
and receiving so often talked of in the Bible means slipping into the
gap. Ask for guidance to keep you from evil: Galatians
In meditation you go from
to the Soul. This is what causes the qualities
of the Soul, the Creator's qualities, to arise; qualities that when
given attention to affect the
entire consciousness of all humanity for good, for world peace, world
prosperity, health, healing and happiness for all, etc.
In the Hebrew
of the Old
Testament worship means 'recognize as worthy of respect and honor'.
Worship as a spiritual experience
is really a person absorbed at
the time with the Infinite One, which
is only and all love, therefore when you are loving in thoughts, meditation
and actions, you are in alignment with the Great Infinite One and you have
power to live
Although Emmanuel
didn't specifically
teach meditation, it was implied:.John
15:4,7. Here.Emmanuel.teaches
a lesson to His disciples about higher consciousness. In the records of
those in Old Testament times much is said about
An example of this recognition
humility and respect and also an example
of not being presumptuous:.Luke
devoted attention
to something. One meaning of meditation is 'devoted attention time', devoting
oneself to spending time in the still
and quiet; devoting yourself to this for a time determined by you.
thinking is a devoted thinking interval,
a time when you can become conscious of unconscious thoughts through contemplation
on them. It's really 'a becoming familiar with' time, becoming familiar
with those things your
Soul connection is able to bring to your attention.
Mostly, entering into meditation
is stilling your ever so busy mind which is always active, always
thinking about what to do, analyzing what's good and what's bad about something,
how to do something, should it be done, where to go, what has been done,
what are others saying that it can take in and so on. One's daily mind
is constantly monitoring its interactions in the world. The mind is so
busy always contrasting opposites. The mind likes quiet, likes being
from all around you:.Exodus
33:7. Why do we watch TV? Why do we head out to nature? Why do we get
lost in a good book?
Notice how you feel just
upon awakening in the morning; but the constant bombardment of thoughts
Meditation is a process to
quiet the mind:.Psalms
46:10 "Be still and know that I am God...." Psalms
4:4 "...communewith
your own heart upon your bed and be still..."
In silent depths you can
know all that's going on, because in this spiritual reality everything
is all one and there is
only eternity, no past, no future. Eternity is only in the present, the
present moment and within the present moment is access to all the past
and the future. Rehashing
past negatives and engaging in worry over the future are things of the
human life mind, the things of a mind imprisoned by one's life concerns,
a mind unaware of what is beyond the things of the self.
Eternity is always and only
present. That's where
one finds God. Beyond the
of life you find true reality in silence. Example.
In meditation one slips into
gap. Paul called it a trance. Get to
the gap and intentions there are very powerful. Seed your consciousness
with your intention when at this point.
Silence sharpens the mind.
Silence softens the heart. The greatest teacher teaches in silence. Meditation
heals the brain allowing its full potential.
In meditation one doesn't
fight thought. Again, allow your attention to wander where it wants. You
are the observer. The observer is the Soul,
more accurately, a function of the Soul, available because of its connection
to you through your spirit.
Don't get deep into the thoughts that come, just observe them. Let them
come and just as easily, let them go.
Once you 'dump' them by just
observing them, you'll be in the present and it is here where the energy
and information of the universal intelligence is, for in that realm,
there is no past or future, just always the present.
Energy information is either
absorbed. We are always either contributing to the
mass energy field or absorbing from it that which forms our beliefs
and from which we view life and base our actions. What we contribute can
cause great good or great evil; example.
Clear limitations to your effectiveness in this area by learning and doing
what feels right to you in the documentary movie.The
Grand Self.
life means never ever leaving to 'go' to that place which is the enemy
of us all:.1Corinthians
15:26 "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.".Death
was the only option for those rejecting higher consciousness ways offered
to them many times daily, as it was
for Adam, for how could a Creator of love exist
alongside those rejecting love?
As said earlier, the present
eternity. In the present is the kingdom of God and it's within
you. Eternity is not something that comes. It's something that is,
something that we.(1Corinthians
in now and for a reason. Continuing on with eternal life is for further
spiritual development and expression
of higher consciousness ways. And our growth in that regard is being noted:.Revelation
You live in eternity when
it's always and only the present for you. Many live in past hurts and present
and future worries. The question is,
you continue to live and progress in a happy present with higher consciousness
principles? or is the future luring
you with greed toward a success, a success perhaps at the advantahe of
and/or hurt of others?
You can and should look into
the past. You can look into the future. You are the observer, observing
whatever you wish; giving attention to whatever you want. Here the angels
assist you according to your intention:.Hebrews
1:13,14 "But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my
right hand...Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister
for them who shall be heirs of salvation?"
Learn to keep your attention
mostly on the present because it is here that the
Soul shines. You won't feel anything. Just an alert awareness of the
present is evident.
This also allows one to advance in character,
that is, to advance into higher levels of
consciousness and by doing so, contribute
to the rising of consciousness of everyone on the planet. Eternity is for
all and all have a part in it so that there is
more death.
If you're in the present,
why should the present ever end? If you're already in eternal life, you
don't have to wait for a happening that has already occurred for you, as
many in churches are still doing:.Romans
5:21 "...grace reigns through righteousness unto.(or
life by.(or
Christ our Lord."
When you are in meditation
introduce your thoughts, be they peace, prosperity, healing, kindness,
or whatever is
of higher consciouness, for that is the realm
of the Infinite One and when in high consciousness you are aligned
with it. Your thoughts
create an atmosphere within which others are affected.
The amazing organizing ability
of this Intelligent Infinite Field of stillness from which all energy comes
forth, knows what to do with each
thought and even each word.
It has innate
organizing ability. How
does it do this?
It knows
how to produce a baby. It knows how to
restore your health. The brain
is born from a single cell that had no brain cells in it. Talk about amazing!
The invisible and oh so real organizing ability
what to do with
your intentions:.Psalms
It makes what
happens to you after your stint
on Earth is over or not over, depending on where you're at in consciousness.
Sadly, modern
education takes its toll on brain development and contributes to increased
violent behaviors when it fails to teach meditation methods that allow
the brain to fully develop.."As
with the laser, it is the coherent
operation of man's brain functioning that brings his principally new abilities
and potential into existence. Not only functioning of the brain, but functioning
of the entire body, of its each and every cell becomes affected by meditation
practice. "....Grigori
Notice what looks like holes
in the violent person's brain. See the video on it.(invincibledefense.org
click on the link in the upper right corner; also on YouTube, search for
'hagelin invincible defense').."Everything
good about the mind depends upon its orderly function."....Dr.
John Hagelin.
It's the same with attitudes
and their affect on things,
including water.
Without proper brain development
you get a fragmented brain. Education
today emphasizes study of only isolated subjects which engages only
one part of the brain, some 5% approximately. The brain is left hungry
and cannot become whole, being filled up with nothing that benefits the
toward wholeness residing within all individuals.
This is further exacerbated
by stress,
leading to underdevelopment of the brain. This is the root cause of all
violence leading to war. This is where the education system all over the
world misses the boat.
Today a fragmented
education system develops only one part of the brain and as a result we
get self-centered human behavior and all the ills of society. Today's education
does nothing to eliminate the severe.metabolic
brain imbalance that produces society with its fragmentations.
We see disfunction
everywhere and increasing, we see violence and the self-centeredness carries
on. We experience the results of not having learnt cooperation with others.
Our solution fails to rise above the regulation of behavior based on fear
We see results
of not having been taught to have insight, so we screw up in finding
a pleasing sexual partner and so the all to common relationship break
up comes about.
We daily experience
the stress which results from not having an exchange system where anyone
one can live out his dreams and implement his ideas, that is, unless he
can qualify for the loan necessary and that with a load factor of compounding
interest, further burdening society, bringing it into eventual economic
failure for the majority controlled by the decisions of the few.
School is for development
of the brain. It is too often used as an indoctrination
tool. It fails to teach young minds that it is impossible to seek peace
through death, through death meaning the kill or be killed thinking of
non spiritually minded war perpetrators.
Schools fail to teach wisdom;
wisdom such as, one can't have security through war:.Matthew
Wisdom such as "You
don't get what you want. You get what you are."....Dr.
Wayne Dyer. Wisdom such as the fact that one
high consciousness thought is supremely more powerful than the total
collection of evil that exists within the mass
When brain is properly integrated
through meditation, blood flow becomes normal to all brain areas, whereas
stress has caused restricted blood flow to all areas. The brain now heals
and the person becomes normal. Meditation turns on the prefrontal cortex
which spills over to affect the whole brain.
More people are changed by
an act of mercy than by years of incarceration.
This has been shown to be the most effective way to rehabilitate hardened
criminals, whereas the threat of incarceration and punishment has been
shown in history to do no good in rehabilitation of criminals.
By mercy, which is kindness,
a lovingness which acts from the knowledge that we are all
one and each
person is truly responsible for the things he experiences, the heart
is reached.
Here's where
real change begins. God found this played out in the lesson
of the Old Testament where He wanted a people to be as He is, but they
just couldn't be that way without the help that came along in the New Testament.
You can work it! You can
do the part you are able to. Just focus lightly on a word, the word 'soul'
for example; perhaps the word 'health', maybe 'safety and protection',
maybe 'wealth'. The Creator is wealthy. He owns it all:.Matthew:
7:7,8. Just lightly, whenever you think to do so; so lightly in fact,
for why would you make it a thing of effort? The things of the Creator
require virtually no effort. They are set up to work easily. Look at the
whole eco system. It just works.
Look at your breathing. It
just works. And so it is with all of creation. It works and works flawlessly,
that is, as long asman
with it and not against it for greed and selfishness, as man has done since
the beginning of time. So a light touch is all that is needed, so light,
that it may be better to simply write down what you seek and put it in
a shoebox or whatever and forget about it for a year before you look at
it again. Long forgotten by you because you have turned it over to the
eternal workings of the universe, which always work in one's ultimate
8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that
love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
The connection with the Soul
from what good is in your spirit is like a compass hand attracted to the
invisible magnetic field in the north. It all works automatically with
no effort of agonizing
if things will work the way that you want them to:.Matthew:
and intention are keys. Use them to lift yourself to where you would
like to be in life and forget looking for results. Results are automatic
when on the right pathway. They occur
when they should in the unity
of all things.
Look instead for
along the way.
take you further faster. Circumstances
begin to occur.
As they do ask yourself what is the meaning here? Once you see where the
synchronicities are leading, you'll know what to do.
This invisible infinite
ability knows what any word means in any language
and has built in programing of what
to do with each word or each thought. You have control by your words
over your own holographic
image, which is you in your life. Take any good word, let's say, the word
'soul' for example and learn from the past, from ancient Joshua's life:.Exodus
It knows how to handle any
word, any thought and in such a manner that you can forget agonizing
over any mechanics.(functional
and technical aspects of an activity; how stuff works).of
it, like 'how is this supposed to work', 'what do I need to do', 'do I
really need to believe', 'do I need to put power of some sort to it and
how? Do I need some strong emotion behind it'? No! No! Doesn't matter!
just work! Just use them and see what happens. Use them to live better,
longer, more intelligently, kinder, happier, in abundance, in safety, in
health, etc.
are powerful!
The 'great computer in the sky', the invisible
computer that runs the universe and creates and maintains our bodies, knows
what to do with the input and how to bring about invisible organizing to
bring things forth into
manifestation. I mean, look what it does to produce a baby!
For example, out of just
one cell programmed to work with
four basics, the cell follows
distinct mathematical patterns becoming one hundred trillion
to make a baby with an amazing one hundred trillion atoms comprising
each of the hundred trillion cells and even
more. Each cell only does 50 replications and from this comes a baby
with some 6 trillion cell reactions going on
every second. A lot
of transporting goes on to build a building and also a cell which is.much
and intricate
than any building. Such a design is the man and woman, together being the
process of creation of a new life.
each cell has knowledge of
every other cell; not just that they
are there, but what every other cell may be doing at the same time, all
going on without your conscious involvement.(another
example, walking),
all run by your subconscious, a
'computer' with amazing connections and capabilities.
This all keeps you and the universe going and what did you have to do in
it all? Zip! Zilch!
This tremendous organizing
ability that is in the 'no thing ness' is amazing! From this 'nothingness'
comes any and all creation. It is what keeps the Earth in balance, the
planets and the giant
high tech electrical engine that the universe is, going as it should.
It has amazing organizing ability to produce and maintain all life, such
as what happens when you cut yourself preparing dinner.
It knows your intent.
The silent awareness knows just how to seek and acquire
all it needs to heal on its own or bring
It does this by making out of the invisible, specific frequency patterns
which includes rearranging those that already are manifest, if that is
This intelligent invisible
organizing ability even knows your
heart and what
you want. Because out of it begins and comes
absolutely everything there is, it's called the 'Father':.Matthew
6:8 "...your Father knows what things you have need of before you ask
do ask, so that specifically it is known what it is that you want.
Because you are in this intelligent energy, it knows what you know:.John
16:24 "...ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be full.".And
you 'ask' by using a word or words silently in your mind. Using it how?
Just by having your attention on it. That's it! Nothing could be easier.
That's why
it is so important to have higher
consciousness thoughts. One has to be in alignment.(even
Tesla knew this).with
what works in this invisible realm, otherwise he is out
of sync and gets nothing:.Matthew
5:13; John 5:19,30; 8:28;
And so begins
movement in the
the stillness,
this field of unity.(the
keeps nothing in itself, but quickly makes
a wave using sound.(the
or your word {words spoken
or even thought creates sound; sound way beyond ability of humans to hear,
is what keeps the multiverse sustained
by using a certain frequency that continually retains the patterns set
for the multiverse to work
as intended; words involve attention
on your intention, how? and
enables the wave to become a
eventually into matter
that we can see feel and use:.John
1:14; 1Timothy 3:16.
The 'computer' program running
the processes which produce everything is set
in a hologram.
We can't see these so-called
particles of production because they are frequency fluctutations in the
void, the vacuum as some call it, in the nothingness as others call it,
yet we know of their existence because
accelerators we can see their trails and they come into existence
by our attention, because attention
affects matter. Just as one's attention can bring world peace and prosperity,
it's the attention that transforms.the
waves into material existence. See more by researching the 'two slit experiment'.
This starts the process
of manifestation into the physical world from the invisible unified
field and then it is a fait
accompli. Every creation has
its own gestation period and that according to how it will fit
with all else affected. The movement then returns to the still state
once more with no loss of energy.
Just like magnetism or steam which rises into the air and somehow just
disappears, so it is with consciousness. Once it is used it returns to
a still state.
Energy is transformed by
movement, movement of the mind, but it is always the same energy with the
same potential
for anything that can be
imagined; but there is a lock on it.
The potential for renewed
energy activity remains just the same as it was before the energy was used.
It's like you foraging
in the forest for food, finding it and returning to the rest and comfort
of your cabin, ready for another forage when necessary. Or you step on
grass. It springs right back. It is something
physics has been looking into at
two places, maybe more.
The particle
is not really a particle like a speck
of dust, but called a particle by quantum
physicists to distinguishits
advanced formation from preliminary
wave functions.."The
wave function is a vector
in a linear space."....Dr.
John Hagelin.
particles are not material
things but are fluctuations
of energy and information vibrating within
a huge void, flickering in
and out of existence depending if there is
observer or not, similar to a movie playing on your TV screen in the
other room, but you are not in that room to see it. The movie is being
projected onto your TV screen, but the observance of it is not presently
a part of your attention, because you are attending to making coffee in
the kitchen. In the same way, the holgraphic
projection of the entire multiverse and all in it occurs, but you are only
aware of what in the universe is in your present attention. We are made
take in things of information that we attentively focus upon.
Everything in the
multiverse is frequency; it vibrates. This is true of both visible and
things we know of, although nothing moves out of position. It's all
stable. The position is set. We move into it depending on what frequency
we live in, love or not. Keep watch on your thoughts:.Proverbs
4:23 "Keep your heart with all diligence
for out of it are the issues of life."
Nothing moves out of its
place because it's all a hologram,
a holographic projection, just like your thin screen TV where the LEDs
speedily switch
on and off. Earth life occurs and moves within the realm of time and
space we are in. In the physical world there is movement, but the patterns
that are from the 'world underneath', that is, the world below
the atom, are stable.
When the physical multiverse
switches to off, where does it go and what does it do? It is estimated
that the multiiverse flickers off and then on at thousands, maybe even
millions of times a second or maybe even trillions. That's not possible
for us of humanity to comprehend. A quartz
crystal vibrates so fast, it's almost unimaginable
and this may give a hint
to how fast the entire
physical world goes off into the invisible and on again in the physical
There is so much yet to know
about the invisible realm that supports the physical. When you walk, you
through molecules that are flashing on and off. You walk through
the frequencies that are there. What
about the planets and astral
bodies? They too
do not move, but they do flash off and on in
sync with the multiiverse, making them appear to be changing positions,
but they don't move. Like your TV, you can move it from one room to another.
Within this realm of Earth space time events happen. Moving your TV from
one room to another is a space time event. You move it from one space to
another and it takes a bit of time to do that.
Things such as the planets
in the multiverse only appear to us as
if they move, because of the holographic projection coming from the
invisible 'computer' generated program designed and set in motion by an
intelligence so great and far above us in its capacity. We call
it Creator-God or the Supreme Being, etc. Where
is this great being?
A pic on a cathode ray TV.(the
old boxey heavy ones now outdated).is
of pixels applied simultaneously
to a phosphorous screen and now to the new LED screens. As the pixels fire
on and off because of the electron beams of red, green and blue or now
the tiny LED bulbs going on and off as groups of them needed to make the
pictures of things you may see on the screen at any one moment.
Primary colors of red, green
and blue fire, moving from side to side in the old TVs that used the cathode
ray set up. In doing this, a certain set of pixels lights up according
to the signal received to present the picture so you can see it. So the
appears to move across your screen. All this happens at
speeds so fast. The activation of various pixels in the new or old TV,
make it look like there is a moving object and not a bunch of dots of various
colors.Similar to TV functioning is the multiiverse,
firing off and on thousands of times per second, so fast we do not, we
cannot, see it. Like a movie, which is all individual pictures that are
still, but flashed fast so it appears to us as movement.
Where does the multiverse
go when it's off? Flashing on and off with such quickness, the show appears
to be continuous. Is it the set pattern in
the stillness that sustains the observable universe? What
intelligence set the pattern? Certainly much greater than we know.
such mysterious things as this to the cause we commonly refer to as an
Infinite Intelligence or God, the First Cause, the Everliving, the Eternal,
the Creator, the Silence, etc.
By just observing your thoughts.(*),
the light of the Infinite is
4:6; Isaiah 9:2; 45:3;
2:8 "...the darkness is past and the true light now shines.".Day
by day silence in the present moment gets deeper. Your depth increases.
observer is the Infinite One's abilities expressing as you.
All can be disrupted
by the ego overriding one's connection
with the Soul and so we have dis - ease,
which is distorted
frequency functioning
and it is this that alerts us to find the answer as to what is going on
that is causing the distortion.
The answer is that a soul/body.inharmonious
relationship needs fixing. When energy that could come from the Soul is
blocked, one is in good health, because the Soul is energy and energy
that is love is called spirit and never gets sick, never
loses energy.(Isaiah
40:28,29,31; Psalms 51:10;
5:21; 1, 2),
dies and can't be destroyed by anything in the created world:.Matthew
10:28. Why?
But energy can be transformed.
One's brain is an electrical transformer.
and its negative sisters such as anxiety,
and its evil brothers.short-circuit
spirit energy.
And so we have meditation
to bring again the light of the Soul to bear upon disharmonious frequency
causing illness and the
problems of living. In meditation, your quiet
time, brings your awareness, your attention, to the
point in your body that needs healing as this brings the consciousness
healing there.
The eastern tradition of
states healing is the return of the memory of wholeness, the return of
the memory of who we really are, not a body, not a mind, not an intellect,
not an ego, but a spirit having a connection with the
Soul. Memories of the perfect functioning of patterns of all things
comprising one's body, return automatically to heal, when your soul connected
to the Soul of all, is reactivated.
occurs increasingly so as one meditates daily.
And so we have meditation
for you to use to make the life you want, to
get the things you deserve. And
so we have meditation as the key to the future, bringing better living
for all humanity while we are in the physical world and setting
us up for the world
surpassing the physical, a world existent
now. Where?
So, this 'nothingness' organizes
from 'nothing', at least nothing humans know of. All we see and know of
comes out of it:.Romans
1:20 "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world
clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal
power and Godhead..." And what are some of
these invisible thing? Wouldn't they be peace, prosperity, healing, love,
kindness, etc., the things
of higher living?
The mind is like a coach
being driven by a driver whipping the horses. As such the still
small voice inside us is usually bypassed:.Psalms
4:4 "...commune
with your own heart upon your bed and
be still..."
Psalms 46:1,10
"...God is our refuge and strength, a very present help.(but
sometimes is the help not forthcoming?).in
trouble...Be still.(original
is 'be silent'; you commune with yourself and be silent when inwardly talking
and listening for what may well up).and
know God...."
"To adequately protect ourselves
against stress...".says
Dr. Herbert Benson, president emeritus of the Benson-Henry Institute for
Mind/Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital."...we
should use an approach and a technique that we believe evokes the relaxation
response 20 minutes, once a day."
When in
this still meditation, for 20 minutes twice daily.(preferred),
or whatever works best for you.(but
do take enough time daily),
one has been able to calm the mind so that it becomes one with all that
is, one with the energy potential, one with the Infinite One that
all things we see and know of, one with what science calls the field of
possibilities, one with the Soul connection you have and at where the
mind is in a place of no or little content, nothing thought of, just allowing
thoughts to come and go until you arrive at the silence of no thought.
Where do we get the 20 minutes twice daily from?.1Chronicles
This is the stillness of
Soul. At this point one has reached pure consciousness, pure being;
you know you are there, you know you are awake, you know you are you, but
at this point you are devoid
of attention to anything of the past or future as you are deep
in the present moment. Here, what thoughts you introduce affect your
life and the lives of all humanity.(*).for
It takes
a miracle to turn one around from the ego level. If you love your meditation,
prayer and contemplation times, you have turned onto the road of higher
Take a vacation! Take a
meditation vacation from all your concerns and worries. Meditate double
normal meditation times.
It will greatly help all in
the world and make it easier for you to stay centered, where you are
in present awareness of the real you that is beyond the physical.
From here one can be honestly
aware of his or her emotions, deepest feelings and as thoughts from them
arise, one can choose to contemplatethem
or just pass them off back into
the nothingness.
is the key to changing all life for the better
and bringing peace and prosperity in individual lives and for all the world.
If chosen to deal with some
of those thoughts, one can ask
for answers, as all
answers are contained within this multiversal energy field of thought
from which all.(including
into matter, circumstances, ideas and solutions.
The way you 'ask' is by receiving:.Matthew
9:29" Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be
it unto you."
What does 'you ask by receiving'
1:9 "The thing that has been, it is that which shall be and that which
is done is that which shall be done. And there is no new thing under the
sun.".It's all
there for you, already done. Bring it into your physical experience by
thanking God for it and it begins to form in the invisible for you and
will show up at the
right time.
is an effective technique
for meditating, for stilling the conscious mind, for providing opportunity
for one to get to know his self, his 'self' being the true and complete
self already united with the Great Infinite Intelligence, but unknown to
most not familiar with the concepts,
unknown because of the clouding out of the Soul's influence by never taking
time for connection of one's spirit to the Soul. Information on this is
TM's Canadian site is here.(maharishi.ca)
TM is a proven technique
and one of the technologies
of the invisible for training the attention to look within, in order to
see the programming that has become us, become us by having molded from
our life's experiences what we have become.
We can't change what we don't
know about, so it's important to do meditation if one has a desire to become
whole and complete and have the power of the universe open up to him or
By taking the time for meditation,
as explained above, we come to see ourselves from the subconscious side.
We see the whole self as it is now possible to embrace it. This
reveals to us a side not available through the activity of our surface
mind, the surface mind
being the conscious thinking individual
that we are.
Through meditation we find
the path to our heart, the path that leads us deep within. Here
the Divinity
is a part of all that is, all that exists and away from the ways we have
thought and been influenced or programmed in. Those ways have cut us off
from ties to the Soul that would have carried us along toward a higher
consciousness, a creative consciousness and those ways began
early in life. There are many
ways that cut us off.
Kevin Costner's 4
part series.500
Nations The Story of the American Indians.is
a most interesting refreshing view of history, refreshing because it's
based on truth rather than the lies of history books dictated by the cabal
in its control over
And the truth
of how First Nations people were treated
in Canada will awaken you.
Costner's 4 part series you'll learn con
jobs used to dispossess
First Nations' Tribes of their land, their heritage,
their wealth and even their families. Check YouTube or Netflix for it.
A gentle, kind and peaceful
people willing to happily share all they had with the new arrivals
to their country, the Spanish and then those Europeans who came later and
became known as Americans. First the
Khazarian mafia came as the Spanish and Europeans.
The Spanish only wanted gold,
not friendship and plundered,
slaughtered and devastated
many Indian tribes, but the Europeans, now calling themselves Americans,
came with their controlling so-called
'Catholic Christianity' were worse, much, much worse. That's what you can
expect from satanically influenced ones, such as the Khazarian mafia who.always.engage
in lies, deceit, stealing, corruption, harms and death, no matther what
names they hide under. Christ came to take all that away permanently:.Hosea
13:14; Romans 9:5.
Higher consciousness ways
to those of the ego mind, so those acting from their evil natures think
only selfishly when they cause hurts to others.
Befriending the Indian Nations
to gain advantage was only the beginning. Making treaties was part of their
corrupt policies, as it also was in Canada. The satanic ones are.never.out
to do good to you, even though on the surface and for awhile, it appears
so, until you are well sucked in.
Breaking every single
treaty with them in the early years, slaughtering them, stealing
their land and destroying every tribe and nation of them they could was,
as it is today with their depopulation agenda. It was genocide,
even taking away their children and babies in order to
their culture,
was part of their cruelty. Divide, conquer and subjugate were their bywords.
Those Khazarian mafia ones
who became government soldiers of the U.S. Army, were without conscience.as
they continually conned
Indian nations and corrupted
them in their two hundred year sweep to eradicate
them. You'll know them by their fruits. That's how you know if they are
of Satan or not:.Matthew
The history not written about
in school books is part of the
dumbing down of people by corrupt controlling governments providing
historical 'facts' for 'historians'.(lackeys).to
write books from, books that were based on lies and sold as true history.
Few actual historians go to original sources for true facts, as was done
in this movie series.
The consciousness of the
Creator is after
all, creative. What has cut us off are
the things that have made us dull.witted,
the things that
have dumbed us down and plunged
us into a selfish world of the ego with all its looming
negativity. A big part in this cutting off from the Soul's influence.in
our lives has been the education we have received both from 'bad
ass' parents who didn't know much and a deteriorated.educational
system where no one taught us how to live and how to deal with others,
providing the tools for thinking and deciding, unless you had a very special
teacher, like perhaps someone in your family, because the educational system
at the time was government controlled and of course to their advantage
and the corporation that 'slept in the same bed'.
Knowing how to earn a living
doesn't mean an individual has learned how to live and interact intelligently
with others.
Since everything on the
scale is one, through meditation the intelligent multiversal energy is
becoming increasingly conscious of itself. The multiverse thinks and acts
through you, increasingly as you absorb
higher standards than what the
ego just couldn't ever provide.
Meditation allows us to see
the way to stop identifying with our surface identity, our ego. Here reside
our perceptions,
most of which are based upon fears
of one kind or the other. Our perceptions are also based upon misinformation
about our true identity. Misinformation has programmed us to become what
it is that we are now.
From deep within we can begin
identifying with the source of ourselves, the source of everyone else and
the source of all that is seen and known in this physically perceived
4:23 "But the hour comes and now is, when the true worshippers shall
worship the Father in spirit and in truth.(but
we still have all the rigamarole
in so many organized {government registered} religions),
for the Father seeks such to worship him.".(not
for His good, but for our good, for what does He need from us?)
Scientifically proven results
for time utilized.(quiet
times alone needed).pave
the pathway for a better life through TM.
TM is listening, stilling your thoughts. Prayer is talking to the Infinite
One, either silently or vocally. Prayer does much good if your programming
doesn't contradict
your prayer. If it does, continued meditation for around 20 minutes twice
daily will fix this.
To eradicate
the fears you don't even know you have, when you meditate, ask/desire for
them to be seen and for them to be removed. The fact that you look
at them means your attention is on them. Your attention is light
and light dissipates
The spiritual things are
all holistic,
that is, they are all integrated;
example, belief is as much a part of being a
spiritual person
as meditation and prayer and the
other spiritual things.
"Truth is the offspring.(the
silent unbroken meditation."....Issac
Newton. Paul's example.
A happy or serious
prayer to the Creator is worship. Time for thinking about God is worship,
etc., spiritual things.
And of course, studying to
grow in grace and knowledge.(2Peter
important. Why study?.Colossians
People who may feel insufficient
often seek to worship idols, rock idols, movie star idols, shiny new idols
with nice hubcaps, a bigger idol to live in and impress others by, the
of wealth, a bigger bank account, etc.."Do
not be awe struck by other people and try to copy them. Nobody can be you
as efficiently as you can."....Norman
Vincent Peale 1898-1993, American preacher and author of The Power of
Positive Thinking.
"Be yourself. Everybody else
is already taken."....Oscar
The Creator does not want
human race comprised of clones. Mindless robotic type clones belong
to communism.(people
are easier to subjugate
when they are propagandized
to think similarly;
the oneness of the group is what's taught in schools, not the oneness of
the spiritual universe which allows diversity).
The word 'praise' in the
Old and the
New Testament, with some variations, is, 'joyous attention to the
Infinite One regarding the
things of the spirit, the spiritual', 'being
happy with and/or thankful to the Infinite'. For what?.Ephesians
1:12."That we should be to the praise of his glory.(meaning
of word 'glory').who
first trusted in Christ.".How?
The original here is more
accurate and would be better rendered as.'That
we who trust in Christ be in His.(the
because we think as He':.Ephesians
2:10; Philippians 2:5,6.
Be thankful you are here
because if you weren't, well, you just wouldn't be. You wouldn't exist
here in these amazing turnover to good times, occurring now.
5:8 "But God commends.('establishes
in us', 'places together').his
love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us".or
more correctly.'But
God establishes His love toward us in that Christ
died for our
being in sin'.(being
the mass mind of
humanity and consequently
missing the mark of the wonderful life we always have desired, but kept
away from us by our choices of living, not that we didn't want them, but
we kept choosing what was against us and that was and is what's been recommended
by the satanists, now being
One can hear in church "Praise
Him, Praise Him" and that is fine, as long as they know what really praises
the Creator is the life one lives:.Philippians
1:11 "Being filled with the fruits of righteousness,
which are by Emmanuel Christ.(John
14:6), unto the glory
and praise of God." Ephesians 1:6
"To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein He has made us accepted.(how?).in
the beloved", or, 'Being
thankful to God for His gift of grace
by which He has made us acceptable to Him'..And
it's inspiring for the self and others to sing hymns
of praise. How can one be thankful and in a state of praise without
loving others? Do unto others
as you would have them do unto you:.Romans
It is the good works of one's
life that others see that leads them to be thankful that there are some
on this Earth having the Creator's nature of love, kindness and compassion:.1Peter
Churches must be careful
with their
14:21 "It is good neither to eat flesh nor to drink wine nor
any thing whereby your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak.".Respect
where other people are at and what they are like.
Churches must not forget
that some people's hearts come to church heavy and they come to church
for peace, quiet, time for reflection, gentle comfort and kind and warm
An atmosphere of compliance
to 'praise time' may just cause offense, in the sense, one missing a recently
deceased loved one may not at all be in a praise mode.
Let us have deference
for all members, for all the newcomers and conduct church with dignity
and concern for all, whether or not you know what their needs are.
in the early Christian church was concerned about this as well.
Perhaps specially scheduled
and advanced notice praise sessions after or prior to regular services
could be made available for those who are 'always up enough' for it and
continuously driven to feed on praising the Lord in the presence of others.
I have been to a couple of
'wildly praising churches' and it has turned me off! At that time my life
was anything but feeling like
I wanted to wildly praise God. And it made me feel
as the congregation seemed more interested in 'improving their stance
with God' and/or impressing each other with their outgoingness, by using
wildly uplifting praise. Uplifting to whom?.Philippians
2:3 "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in.lowliness
of mind.let
each esteem other
better than themselves.".Romans
2:29 "But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly and circumcision
is that of the heart, in the spirit and not in the letter, whose praise
is not of men, but of God." Ecclesiastes
9:17 "The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of
him that rules among fools."
Noticing my non conformance
to their praise participation made some wonder what planet I must have
come from.(or,
so I felt anyway). Where was the gentle
concern for comforting the afflicted I thought. I have not gone back there.
They all seemed happy, but were obviously sure that I was out of touch
with the
Lord, as I was unwilling to succumb
to any psychological
to 'praise' Him at that time.
I felt 'strain' to conform
to their pre sermon praise session seemingly
designed to provide an opiate
in order to squelch
the worries of the past week and refocus attention upon 'Jesus'
in order to be able to withstand another week 'in the world'.
Refocusing attention upon
Emmanuel is good. But, if one gets that far away from spirituality during
the week, that he or she is desperately in need of this weekly praise,
participation and reaffirmation session to stay balanced, then they should
seriously look at their relationship with the tru7e God of all and consider
increasing their.private.Bible.study
and private prayer time:.1Corinthians
10:12 "Wherefore let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall."