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surmount, surmounted, surmounting, surmounts.transitive verbs
to be above or on top of; to overcome an obstacle, for example; conquer; to ascend to the top of; climb

summa cum laude.adverb
summa cum laude.adjective
one with the greatest honor and highest praise; used to express the highest academic distinction (graduated summa cum laude); a summa cum laude graduate

belonging to a lower or inferior class or rank; secondary; subject to the authority or control of another
one that is subordinate
subordinate, subordinated, subordinating, subordinates.transitive verbs
to put in a lower or inferior rank or class; to make subservient; subdue
subordinateness or subordination.nouns
subordinate clause.noun
a subordinate clause is a clause in a sentence which adds to or completes the information given in the main clause; it cannot usually stand alone as a sentence; a subordinate clause is a dependent clause and as such cannot stand alone as a full sentence and can only function as a noun, adjective or adverb within a sentence

an instrument that indicates local apparent solar time by the shadow cast by a central projecting pointer on a surrounding calibrated dial (the strange occurrence of its shadow going back ten degrees)

of, relating.to.or.proceeding from the Sun (solar rays; a solar heating system)

solarium.noun,.plural.solariums or solaria
a room or glassed-in porch exposed to the sun; see also veranda

solar plexus.noun,.plural.solar plexuses
your solar plexus is the part of your stomach, below your ribs, where it is painful if you are hit hard because its nerves spread out from the center like the rays of the Sun; the solar plexus is located at the front part of your body just below your ribs; it has a large network of sympathetic nerves and ganglia located in the peritoneal.cavity behind the stomach and having branching.tracts that supply nerves to the abdominal.viscera; the pit of the stomach

characterized or swayed by sentiment; searching for the things of meaning and import; affectedly or extravagantly emotional; resulting from or colored by emotion; appealing to the sentiments, especially to romantic feelings; maudlin
a sentiment that people have is an attitude which is based on their thoughts and feelings; a cast of mind; susceptibility to tender, romantic or nostalgic feeling

tending to seduce
seductiveness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)
seduce, seduced, seducing, seduces.transitive verbs
to entice or beguile into a desired state or position; to win over; attract; to lure (see the book.Wild at Heart, of which chapter 10 is here)
seduceable or seducible.adjective
the act of seducing; the condition of being seduced; something that seduces or has the qualities to seduce; an enticement

the method or process of solving a problem; the answer to or disposition of a problem; the result of combining products and services in a synergistic way, making the whole greater than the sum of the individual parts; a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances, which may be solids, liquids, gases or a combination of these; the process of forming such a mixture; the state of being dissolved; in law, payment or satisfaction of a claim or debt; the act of separating or breaking up; dissolution

a substance dissolved in another substance, usually the component of a solution present in the lesser amount
being in solution; dissolved

a learned individual; one who has profound knowledge of a particular.subject; a specialist in a given branch of knowledge, such as quantum.physicists or otometrists
of, relating to or characteristic of scholars or scholarship (scholarly pursuits; a scholarly edition with footnotes); learned scholarliness.noun,.plural.scholarlinesses
being in the same ship, as it were, as others using the methods, discipline and attainments of a scholar or scholars; a grant of financial aid awarded to a student, as for the purpose of attending a college

of or relating to schools; academic; of, relating to or characteristic of scholasticism; adhering rigidly to methods determined to be scholarly by those using them academically; pedantic
a scholastic philosopher or theologian; a dogmatist; a pedant; knowledge resulting from study and research in a particular field
a way of studying.something, especially.religious.thought, based on things written in ancient times, which involves close adherence to the traditional teachings or methods, which often leave little room for imaginative questioning, but rather the remember and repeat approach

a viscous, whitish secretion of the male reproductive organs, containing spermatozoa and serving as their transporting medium

subserve, subserved, subserving, subserves.transitive verbs
to serve to promote an end; be useful to

subordinate in capacity or function; obsequious; servile; useful as a means or an instrument

submit, submitted, submitting, submits.verbs
transitive verb use.to commit something to the consideration or judgment of another; propose; to offer as a proposition or contention (I submit that the terms are entirely reasonable); to yield or surrender oneself to another for some reason
intransitive verb use.to allow oneself to be subjected to something; to give in to the authority, power or desires of another; yield
submittal, submitter.nouns
the act of submitting to something, such as a turn of events that were unexpected; the state of having submitted; surrender; compliant; meekness; the act of submitting something for consideration; something so submitted (long before time came for submission, I read three books on physics to gain informaton for producing my thesis paper)

inclined or willing to submit; compliant; obedient

subdue, subdued, subduing, subdues.transitive verbs
to conquer and subjugate; vanquish; defeat; to quiet or bring under control by physical force or persuasion; make tractable; to make less intense or prominent; tone down (subdued my excitement about the upcoming holiday); to bring land under cultivation (farmers subdued the arid lands of Australia)

a stint is a period of time which you spend doing a particular job or activity or working in a particular place (he is returning to this country after a five-year stint in Hong Kong); a fixed amount or share of work allotted; any of several small sandpipers (small wading birds) of the genera Erolia or Calidris, of northern regions
stint, stinted, stinting, stints.verbs
transitive verb use.to restrict or limit, as in amount or number; be sparing with (Emmanuel had such a short stint in the physical on Earth, having been crucified at age 33)
intransitive verb use.to subsist on a meager allowance; be frugal

suggest, suggested, suggesting, suggests.transitive verbs
to offer for consideration or action; propose.(suggest things for children to do; suggested that we take a walk); to bring or call to mind by logic or association; evoke.(a cloud that suggests a mushroom; a ringlike symbol suggesting unity); to make evident indirectly; intimate or imply.(a silence that suggested acceptance)

tending to suggest; evocative (artifacts suggestive of an ancient society); stimulating.further.thought; conveying a hint or suggestion (conveyed the message with a few suggestive words)
responsiveness or susceptibility to suggestion

the act of suggesting; something suggested (we ordered the shrimp, a suggestion of the waiter); the sequential process by which one thought or mental image leads to another; a hint or trace (she put on just a suggestion of makeup; the first suggestion of rain coming)
readily.influenced by suggestion (suggestible young minds)

one of the divisions of a poem, composed of two or more lines usually characterized by a common pattern of meter, rhyme and number of lines

the young growth arising from a germinating seed; a sprout; a bud, young leaf or other new growth on a plant; a cinematographic session (shooting segments of a movie)
shoot, shot, shooting, shoots.verbs
transitive verb use.to hit, wound or kill with a missile fired from a weapon; to cause to project or protrude; extend (shot out her arm to prevent the bottle from falling); to begin to grow or produce; put forth (the young child is shooting up so fast I have to buy new clothes every month now)
intransitive verb use.to discharge a missile from a weapon
shoot down.phrasal verb
to ruin the aspirations of; disappoint; to put an end to; defeat (shot down the proposal)
shoot from the hip.idiom.(both positive and negative)
to talk or deal honestly; to act or speak on a matter without forethought (shoot off one's mouth or shoot off one's face)
shoot the works.idiom
to expend all of one's efforts or capital (money)
shoot the bull.slang
to spend time talking; talk idly

startle, startled, startling, startles.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to make a quick involuntary movement or start; to alarm, frighten or surprise suddenly
intransitive verb use.to become alarmed, frightened or surprised startle.noun
a sudden mild shock; a start (he snuck up behind her and when she noticed it gave her such a start)

start, started, starting, starts.verbs
intransitive verb use.to move suddenly or involuntarily (started at the loud noise); to begin an activity or a movement; set out; to have a beginning; commence; begin; spring forth
transitive verb use.to commence; begin; to set into motion, operation or activity; to introduce; originate; to found; establish (start a business; start seedlings in a garden)
a startled reaction or movement; beginning; a commencement (a large number of new housing starts this year); a place or time of beginning

sutra.noun,.plural.sutras.also called.sutta in Buddhism
in Hinduism, a sutra is a Sanskrit.precept.summarizing.Vedic teaching and also means a collection of these precepts; sutras are any of various.aphoristic.doctrinal summaries produced for memorization.generally between B.C.E. 500 and 200 and later included into Hindu literature; the word 'sutra' literally.means 'thread' and is akin to.the.Latin 'suere' meaning 'to sew'; date word came into English use was 1801 

a suture is a sewed stitch made to join together the open parts of a wound,; the process of joining two surfaces or edges.together along a line by or as if by sewing; the material, such as thread or wire, that is used in this procedure
suture, sutured, suturing, sutures.transitive verbs
to join by means of sutures or a suture

stitch, stitcher.nouns,.plurals.stitches, stitchers
a single complete movement of a threaded needle in sewing or surgical suturing; a single loop of yarn around an implement such as a knitting needle; the link, loop or knot made in this way; a mode of arranging the threads in sewing, knitting or crocheting (a purl stitch); a sudden sharp pain, especially in the side; pain; an article of clothing (wore not a new stitch for weeks); the least part; a bit (didn't do a stitch of work)
stitch, stitched, stitching, stitches.verbs
transitive verb use.to fasten or join with or as if with stitches; to mend or repair with stitches (stitched up the tear in my shirt); to fasten together with staples or thread
intransitive verb use.to make stitches; sew
in stitches.idiom
laughing uncontrollably

if two or more things, actions or qualities are the same or if one is the same as another, they are very like each other in some way; being the very one; identical (the same boat we rented before). similar in kind, quality, quantity.or.degree; conforming in every detail (Julie made the origami in exact detail to the example); being the one previously.mentioned or indicated
in the same way
the quality or condition of being the same