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a thin partition or membrane that divides.two.cavities or soft masses of tissue in an organism (the nasal septum; the atrial septum of the heart)

splice, spliced, splicing, splices.transitive verbs
to join film, for example, at the ends; to join ropes by interweaving.strands; to join pieces of wood by overlapping and binding at the ends; to join together or insert segments of DNA or RNA so as to form new genetic.combinations or alter a genetic structure (genetic modification, one of humanity's idiot.shortsighted.practices thinking he can improve on God's design:.Ecclesiastes 7:29 "Lo, this only have I found, that God has made man upright, but they have sought out many inventions.")
a joining by splicing; a place on the items where they have been spliced together (they spliced the two pieces of film together)

skip, skipped, skipping, skips.verbs
intransitive verb use.to move by hopping on one foot and then the other; to leap lightly about; to bounce over or be deflected from a surface; skim (the flat rocks thrown at the water skimmed across the surface of the lake); disregarding what intervenes (skipped hurriedly through the list; skipped over the dull parts in the book); to be promoted in school beyond the next regular class or grade; to leave hastily skipped out of town to get across the river before high tide); to misfire, used of an engine not functioning properly
transitive verb use.to leap or jump lightly over (skip rope); to pass over without mentioning; omit (skipped the minor details of the story); to cause to bounce lightly over a surface; skim; to be promoted beyond the next grade or level; to leave hastily; to fail to attend (we skipped science class as we were heading out of town)
a leaping or jumping movement, especially a gait in which hops and steps alternate; an act of passing over something; an omission

spring, sprang.or.sprung, springing, springs.verbs
intransitive verb use.to move upward or forward in a single quick motion or a series of such motions; leap; to move suddenly on or as if on a spring (the door sprang shut; the emergency room team sprang into action); to appear or come into being quickly (new businesses were springing up rapidly); to issue or emerge suddenly (a cry sprang from her lips; a thought springs to mind); to pay another's expenses (he said he would spring for the dinner)
transitive verb use.to cause to leap, dart or come forth suddenly; to jump over; vault as from a springboard; to release from a checked or inoperative position; actuate (spring a trap)
an elastic.device, such as a coil of wire, that regains its original shape after being compressed or extended; energetic bounce (a spring to one's step); a small stream of water flowing naturally from the Earth; the season of the year, occurring between winter and summer, during which the weather becomes warmer and plants revive, extending in the Northern Hemisphere from the vernal.equinox  to the summer solstice and popularly considered to comprise March, April and May
of or acting like a spring; resilient; having or supported by springs (a spring mattress); of, having to do with, occurring in or appropriate to the season of spring (spring showers; spring planting); grown during the season of spring (spring crops)
springy, springier, springiest.adjectives
marked by resilience; elastic; flexible; abounding in freshwater springs

a flexible board mounted on a fulcrum with one end secured, used by gymnasts to gain momentum, as in vaulting and in the use of a diving board in swimming pools; something that helps to launch a career or an activity

a musical composition for an individual voice or instrument, with or without accompaniment; a performance by a single individual
music composed, arranged for or performed by a single voice or instrument; made or done by a single individual, one person
unaccompanied; alone (flew solo from Anchorage to Miami)
solo, soloed, soloing, solos.intransitive verbs
to perform a solo; to fly an airplane without a companion or an instructor, especially for the first time
one who performs a solo
of, relating to or containing a solo or soloist; having elements or qualities of or appropriate to a solo or a soloist

strong, stronger, strongest.adjectives
in good or sound health; robust (a strong constitution; a strong heart); capable of exerting.sufficient physical power; having an ability to deal intelligently with any situation (a strong personality); having or showing ability or achievement in a specified.field (students who are strong in thinking); capable of withstanding force or wear; solid, tough or firm (a strong building; a strong fabric); having great binding strength (a strong adhesive); not easily upset; resistant to harmful or unpleasant influences (strong nerves; a strong stomach); having force or rapidity of motion (a strong current in the river); persuasive, effective and cogent (a strong argument); forceful and pointed; emphatic (a strong statement); forthright and tactfully.explicit; having an intense or offensive.effect on the senses (strong light; strong vinegar; strong incense); clear and loud (a strong voice); readily noticeable; remarkable (a strong resemblance; a strong contrast); readily detected or received (a strong radio signal); having a high concentration of an essential or active.ingredient (mixed a strong solution of bleach and water; containing a considerable percentage of alcohol (strong punch); organic oregano oil is powerfully effective (a strong infection killer); 
in a strong, powerful or vigorous.manner; forcefully (a salesperson who comes on too strong)

having a determined.attitude; having a vigorous, independent mind (having a strong mind is good as long as it's not a closed-mind)

also called teeter-totter; a long plank balanced on a central fulcrum so that with a person riding on each end, one end goes up as the other goes down
seesaw, seesawed, seesawing, seesaws.intransitive verbs
to play on a seesaw; to move back and forth or up and down

a faucet; a wooden faucet placed in the bunghole of a cask; the vent plug of a cask

sprout, sprouted, sprouting, sprouts.verbs
intransitive verb use.to begin to grow; give off shoots or buds; to emerge and develop rapidly
transitive verb use.to cause to come forth and grow
young plant growth, such as a bud or shoot (Brussels sprouts; bean sprouts); something.resembling or suggestive of a sprout, as in rapid growth (she grew somewhat slowly, then suddenly sprouted into the beauty she is today)

a seal; a signet; a sign or an image; from Latin 'sigillum', a diminutive of 'signum' meaning a sign

a die or signet.having a raised or incised.emblem.used to stamp an impression on a receptive.substance.such as.wax, lead or paper; the impression so made; the design or emblem itself, belonging.exclusively to the user (a monarch's seal); a small disk or wafer of wax, lead or paper bearing such an imprint and affixed to a document to prove.authenticity or to secure it; also called a sigil; something, such as a commercial.hallmark, that authenticates, confirms or attests; a substance, especially an adhesive.agent such as wax or putty, used to close or secure something or to prevent seepage of moisture or air; a device that joins two systems or elements in such a way as to prevent leakage; an airtight closure; a closure, as on a package, used to prove that the contents have not been tampered with; a small decorative paper sticker
seal, sealed, sealing, seals.transitive verbs
to affix a seal to in order to prove authenticity or attest to accuracy, legal weight, quality or another standard; to close with or as if with a seal; to close hermetically; to apply a waterproof coating to (seal a blacktop driveway)
seal off.phrasal verb
to close tightly or surround with a barricade or cordon (an unused wing of the hospital was sealed off)

any of various aquatic, carnivorous mammals of the families Phocidae and Otariidae, found chiefly in the Northern Hemisphere and having a sleek, torpedo-shaped body and limbs that are modified into paddlelike flippers; the pelt or fur of one of these animals, especially a fur seal; leather made from the hide of one of these animals
seal, sealed, sealing, seals.intransitive verbs
to hunt seals