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Interlinked Dictionary based on
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary (m-w.com)
and Star Dictionary
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a long, slender piece of wood; a branch or stem cut from a tree or shrub; a piece of wood, such as a tree branch, that is used for fuel, cut for lumber or shaped for a specific purpose (a hockey stick, a walking stick, a cane); something slender and often cylindrical in form (a stick of dynamite); a vehicle's stick shift; the condition or power of adhering (a glue that sticks well); a remote area; the backwoods (lives in the sticks)
something puzzling or difficult; one who insists on something unyieldingly (closed-minded so much that he remains a stickler for the fraudulent.evolutionary theory; she was a stickler for neatness)
stick, stuck, sticking, sticks.verbs
transitive verb use.to pierce, puncture or penetrate with a pointed instrument; to fasten into place by forcing an end or point into something (stick a hook on the wall); to put, thrust or push (stuck a flower in his shirt buttonhole; the dog sticking its head out the window); to confuse, baffle or puzzle (sometimes even simple questions stick me; to cover or smear with something sticky; to put blame or responsibility on; to burden (stuck me with the bill for the restaurant meal)
intransitive verb use.to be or become fixed or embedded in place by having the point thrust in; to become or remain attached or in close association by or as if by adhesion; cling stick together as a family when in a crowd; to remain firm, determined or resolute (stuck to the good principles of love); to remain loyal or faithful (stick by a family member through difficult times); to persist or endure; stuck in traffic for an hour); to project or protrude (hair sticking out on his head; an antenna sticking up on the roof)
stick around.phrasal verb
to remain; to hang around; linger; to stick out; to be prominent
the ability to continue doing something that is difficult or tiring; keeping at it; unwavering.pertinacity; perseverance
stick to it.idiom
to continue at something in order to finish it; to keep at it
stick your neck out.idiom
to make oneself vulnerable; take a risk
stick to your ribs.idiom
a substantial or filling
stick up for.idiom
to defend or support
sticky, stickier, stickiest.adjectives
having the property of adhering or sticking to a surface; adhesive (to cover something with strong or mildly adhesive glue); warm and humid; muggy (a sticky day); painful or difficult (a sticky situation)

of unusually high quality; excellent (a superb wine; superb skill with computers); majestic; imposing (the Cheetah is a superb animal); rich; luxurious (a superb home overlooking the lake)
superbness.noun.(many words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' can make the word be clumsy)

shambles.plural noun
a scene or condition of complete disorder or ruin: the world has been put to shambles by those liars telling us what they were doing was for our good); a great clutter, jumble, mess or mix up; a total mess (the little kids 'made dinner' and left the kitchen a shambles); great devastation (wars make shambles of everything touched by them)

in printing, a serif is a fine line finishing off the main strokes of a letter, as at the top and bottom of M; perhaps it comes from the Dutch word 'schreef' meaning 'line', which is from Middle Dutch 'screve', which is from 'scriven' meaning 'to write' and is from the Latin 'scribere'

in the Republic of these United States, a constitutional sheriff is an individual who is elected to make sure constitutional law is obeyed by all in a particular county and if he's a constitutional sheriff, has great power to arrest anyone, even the president, if they are not in line with the constitution (some sheriffs are not constitutional sheriffs); in Scotland, a sheriff is a judge whose chief duty is to act as judge in a Sheriff Court, which deals with all but the most serious crimes and with most civil actions; in England and Wales, the Sheriff of a city or county is an individual who is appointed to carry out mainly ceremonial duties, having no real power protecting We the People

an organism, especially a fungus or bacterium, that grows on and derives its nourishment from dead or decaying organic.matter

the exercise of the right of voting; also, a short intercessory.prayer; from Middle English and from Old French from Medieval Latin 'suffragium' and Latin 'suffragari', meaning 'to express support'
an advocate of woman suffrage
an advocate of the extending to women of certain rights men may have

scout, scouted, scouting, scouts.verbs
transitive verb use.to search or explore carefully in order to obtain information; reconnoiter; to observe in order to evaluate someone for a possible job hiring; 
scouting is what a scout does
intransitive verb use.to search (scout around the area for somthing lost; search for someone or something)
the act of reconnoitering; a sentinel; one who discovers and recruits others for possible hiring; a member of the Boy Scouts; a member of the Girl Scouts

scoot, scooted, scooting, scoots.verbs
intransitive verb use.to go suddenly and speedily; to hurry
scoot over.phrasal verb
to move an individual or thing (would you please scoot on over to the store and get some butter?)

shell company.noun,.plural.shell companies
a shell company is a company that another company takes over in order to use its name to gain an advantage for financial maneuvers
shell corporation.noun,.plural.shell corporations
a shell corporation a company that is incorporated (Inc.) but has no assets or operations