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inherit, inherited, inheriting, inherits.transitive verbs
to receive (property or a title, for example) from an ancestor by legal succession or will; to receive by bequest or as a legacy; to receive or take over from a predecessor.(the new administration inherited the economic problems of the last four years)
intransitive verb use.to hold or take possession of an inheritance
the act of inheriting; something inherited or to be inherited; something regarded as a heritage (the cultural inheritance of the First Nations Tribes); in biology the process of genetic transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring
that can be inherited (inheritable traits; inheritable property); having the right to inherit or the capability of inheriting (an inheritable heir)

built in, inbuilt; innate; inborn; involved in the constitution or essential character of something; belonging by nature or habit; intrinsic

lack of harmony or agreement
not congruous; unsuitable; lacking harmony; inappropriate

an infidel is one who does not trust in the true God; a disbeliever in something.specified or commonly.innerstood and accepted and proven to be true; one who acknowledges no belief in the real God; an unbeliever because of lazily being ignorant; one who is not a Christian or who opposes Christianity
infidel also.adjective

exceeding.reasonable limits; immoderate; if you describe something as inordinate, you are emphasizing that it is unusually or excessively great in amount or degree (they spend an inordinate amount of time talking)

necessary for completeness; a complete unit; a whole; something that is an integral part of something is an essential part of that thing (rituals and festivals form an integral part of every human society)
that can be integrated
Mathematics:.a definite integral; an indefinite integral

integrate, integrated, integrating, integrates.transitive verbs
to be part of a whole; to make whole or complete by adding or bringing together parts; unify; bring all parts together
integration, integrator.nouns
the act or process of integrating; the state of becoming integrated
integrative, integrant.adjectives
an integral part
a person or thing that integrates

integrated circuit.noun,.plural.integrated circuits
abbreviation IC; a tiny.slice or chip of material on which is etched or imprinted a complex of electronic.components and their interconnections
integrated circuitry.noun,.plural.integrated circuitries

integrity is being in touch with your soul connected with the only true God of all; integrity is being.honest with yourself, then you'll be that way regarding others, such as keeping your word; incorruptibility; completeness; soundness; has it 'all together'; the quality or state of being complete or undivided, being in honesty; uprightness; an unimpaired condition; sincere in standing in one's own truth; firm adherence to a code of especially moral, ethical or artistic values ("Integrity is not a conditional word. It doesn't blow in the wind or change with the weather. It is your inner image of yourself and if you look in there and see a man who won't cheat, then you know he never will."....John D. MacDonald, novelist, 1916-1986)

imitate, imitated, imitating, imitates.transitive verbs
to use or follow as a mode; to copy the actions, appearance, mannerisms or speech of; mimic.(amused friends by imitating the teachers); to copy or use the style of (brushwork that imitates Rembrandt); to copy exactly; reproduce; to appear like; resemble

of or involving imitation; not original; derivative; tending to imitate

the act or an instance of imitating; something derived or copied from an original

intimate.(in tuh mate), intimated, intimating, intimates, intimated, intimating.transitive verbs
to communicate delicately, subtly and indirectly; to hint at; announce; suggest; if you intimate something, you say it in an indirect way (she went on to intimate that he was indeed contemplating a move to a small town; he had intimated to the readiness of publishing his works on the Internet)

intimate.(in tim it).adjective
marked by close acquaintance, association or familiarity; personal; private (an intimate conversation); relating to or indicative of one's deepest nature (intimate prayers:.Matthew 6:6); essential; innermost (the intimate structure of matter); marked by informality and privacy (an intimate dinner); of or involved in a sexual relationship
a close friend or confidant
intimateness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)
the condition of being intimate; an instance of being intimate

not relevant; inapplicable (that statement is irrelevant to your argument) 

same kind, sort or class; if you talk about people or things of the same ilk, you mean people or things of the same type as what is the subject of one's current.attention (they are part of the greedy ilk of lower consciousness)

insist, insisted, insisting, insists.verbs
intransitive verb senses.to be firm in a demand or course; refuse to yield (insisted on giving me another present)
transitive verb senses.to assert or demand (something) vehemently and persistently.(we insist that you accept these gifts

demanding.notice (insistent hunger); repetitive and persistent (the jay's insistent cry); firm in asserting a demand or an opinion; unyielding

importune, importuned, importuning, importunes.verbs
transitive verb senses-if someone importunes another person, they want to bring them into what it is they are concerned about, asking and urging them for assistance on something or asking them to support them or do something; to press or urge with troublesome.persistence; annoy; trouble 
intransitive verb senses.to beg, urge or solicit persistently or troublesomely

troublesomely urgent or persistent in requesting (Luke 18:1-6); pressingly entreating (an importunate job seeker)
an importunate.request; an insistent or pressing demand; the quality of being importunate; persistent; refusing to take a denial

not comprehensible; can't be comprehended; something that is incomprehensible is impossible to comprehend, such as where did God come from?

not good at doing something; lacking.expertise; incapable, unskillful; not suitable for the purpose; unfit; generally.incompetent; lacking.sense or reason; if you say that someone is inept, you are noticing that they do something with a lack of skill, skill in some way that would have been expected from another (he was inept and lacked the intelligence to govern, not listening to those who cared for him, as did ancient Gedaliah:.Jeremiah 40:8 to 41:18); displaying a lack of judgment; inability to assess situations with a high consciousness; ignorant of that which would lead to efficacy; foolish; not suitable to the time, place or occasion; bungling; awkward
an inept act or remark; the state of being inept, incompetent 

having, for example, the power to activate, but not doing so (that bulldozer has been sitting there for years, engine still runs, but it hasn't moved; lacking a usual or anticipated.chemical.or biological.action; having inertia; without power to move or resist an opposing force; unable to move or act (for some reason they don't use the truck anymore); sluggish in action or motion; lethargic; inactive; in chemistry, not readily.reactive.with other elements; forming few or no chemical.compounds
inertness.noun.(many words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' can make the word be clumsy)
Physics: in physics, the tendency of a body to resist acceleration; the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or of a body in motion, that is, to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force; inertia is resistance or disinclination to motion, action or change (the inertia of an entrenched.bureaucracy)

the effect of possession of an inspired idea 
inspire, inspired, inspiring, inspires.transitive verbs
to be 'in spirit'; guidance from the Creator or influence.exerted directly on the mind and soul of humanity as a lifting of the attitude to the soul level; inspiration also refers to breathing in; to inhale; to infuse and/or renew with life and increased energy; stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity; the condition of being so stimulated; to have an animating effect upon; to stimulate or impel toward creative or effective effort; the feeling to produce and participate in some way one possesses when he believes he now has the means to accomplish an objective; a prompting from an agency, such as a person or work of art, that moves the intellect or emotions or prompts action or invention; something, such as a sudden creative act or idea, that is inspired; the act of drawing in, especially the inhalation of air into the lungs; compare expire
intransitive verb senses.to stimulate energies, ideals or reverence (one who inspires by example)

cannot be altered or stopped; cannot annul; relentless (the inexorable laws of God which judge us, how?; an inexorable opponent {some people being depressed, live with a feeling of inexorable doom}); inexorable is not being capable of persuasion by any means; inflexible

lack of harmony; discord
not in harmony; discordant; not in accord or agreement
no harmony; discordant; lacking in harmony; disharmonious
not harmonic; discordant

disharmonize, disharmonized, disharmonizing, disharmonizes.transitive verbs
to make disharmonious

the quality or state of being impious; an impious act

lacking reverence; no respect for spiritual concerns; not pious; lacking due respect or dutifulness (impious toward one's parents)' if you describe someone as impious, you mean that they show a lack of respect for the things of the Creator

not definite, especially unclear; vague; lacking precise limits (an indefinite leave of absence); uncertain; undecided (indefinite about their plans)

a badge of office, rank, membership or nationality; an emblem; a distinguishing sign such as a king in olden times would use to authenticate a document; example