(companion subjects
'Fear' and 'Trials
and Sufferings')
"I'd lay in my bed after
morning had come,
And wait for evening when
life might be fun.
I'd say: soul, let's go.
Let's get out with the stars,
I'm trying my best to repair
some of these scars.
Another morning came and
I'm back in bed,
Wondering if I wouldn't
be better off dead
A night had passed of searching
Results again proved my
life way to thin.
This time I'll change, I'm
early to bed,
To rise with the Sun in
the morning I said!
To discover its secrets,
that'll be my quest,
To hell with the problems,
I'll do my best.
Tomorrow will be different,
I'll be bold at the dawn,
The best time to sing a
brand new song!
I rose at dawn just as I
This was going to be a new
kind of man.
Started out for a walk in
the morning light,
Talked to some others and
experienced no fright.
A new me was rising, I could
feel it inside,
I heard children laughing
and playing
And birds singing whatever
they sang,
Brooks babbled as they always
Saying things to me, just
never heard that.
Where was I then?
Oft some other place away
from the fun,
Being busy with sadness
and glum,
Many stood away and I wanted
to cry,
Hey! It's me and I'm going
to try,
To no longer seem so blandified.
People were friendly and
I was too.
Children laughing and playing
had their part,
Of moving me from that mourning
bed in the dark.
No longer life seemed down,
No longer need to carry
a frown.
Greeted by birds and Sun
shining bright,
This is so different from
sadness at night,
With this morning of sky
and no haze,
I began on the road to the
Sun with haste."
40:12 "For innumerable evils have compassed me about. My iniquities
have taken hold upon me, so that I am not able to look up. They are more
than the
hairs of mine head, therefore my heart fails me."
"You are not the darkness
you endured. You are the light that refused to surrender."....Unknown.
A few excerpts
from the complete Psalms 88th
chapter: "O Lord God of my salvation,
I have cried day tonight before you...incline your ear unto my cry...for
my soul is full of troubles and my life draws near to the grave...I am
as a man that has no strength and like those lying in the grave whom you
remember no more...you have laid me in the lowest pit in darkness and in
the deeps...your wrath lies hard upon me and you have afflicted me with
all your waves...you have made me an abomination unto others...It's as
if I am shut up and cannot come forth...I have called daily to you and
I have stretched out my hands unto you...shall the dead arise and praise
you?...shall your wonders be known in the dark and your righteousness in
the land of forgetfulness?...why do you cast off my soul and why do you
hide your face from me?...from my youth up I am afflicted and ready to
die...lover and friend have you put far from me."
feeling sad and depressed.(and
Job and ancient David {Psalms
38 chapter; 40:12; 72:4
to 73:28} had as much reason as anyone; David's son Solomon also wrote
wisdom about sadness:.Ecclesiastes
7:1-5; Psalms 90:12).has
allowed thoughts to take him or her from the light.(joy,
peace, happiness: Psalms 40:1-4).and
into the darkness of despair,
by the energy thief:.Ephesians
6:16. Depression supresses
42:11. If you don't feel like doing anything good, it's a sign that
you are depressed.
The feeling
that nothing is really going to change to make things better, is its fuel.
Job commented on it:.Job
At times our soul.(we
each have one).may
feel disquieted,
Obviously, one's focus needs to change. See Psalms
Whenever you think you're
no good, take a look at the lives of these guys:.David,
a murderer. Moses couldn't trust
God even enough to speak. Paul considered himself the chief
of sinners, having had good people murdered. Rahab
the prostitute and many others. All of them will be in the kingdom
of God when on Earth and are there now in the spiritual realm:.Matthew
22:32. Is
there anything God can't do?
The feeling of being depressed is born from negative
thinking about the self, that is not being able to, because of not
wanting to, think only good.
So, discipline
is necessary.
A depressed individual is undisciplined
in mind. One just must reject any and all thoughts that contribute
to negative thinking.
Read some scriptures.
People are sad when they get seriously ill and/or
have severe negatives afflicting
them. Never lose the fire of good that is in you. Keep the fire burning
in you:.Proverbs
26:20 "Where no wood is, there the fire goes out...".How
does one keeping adding wood so the fire won't go out? And, be sure to
have a treat for yourself every day. Maybe a chocolate bar to look
forward to. Perhaps a special piece of pie or other sweet. Maybe a glass
of wine, a beer, etc. Maybe just a short thinking and/or reflecting time.
Maybe looking at old pictures of self and/or family. Something!
"I awaken self-confidence
in the human being and the belief in his goal. Never lose heart even if
you have already been told, We cannot help anymore. That gives me the most
pleasure, where help has already failed.(why?).
Whoever has been granted help should thank the Lord God for it, not the
little Gröning. I am nothing, our Lord God is everything!"....Bruno
Being sad is missing something, forgetting the
glory and grandeur of life, that of simply being a human being.
Get out amongst nature where what you are aware of all around you is the
Infinite One in various forms, trees, water, birds, rocks, flowers. Absorb
the reality of life. Absorb the positive energy of creation.
"What you can no longer do,
I will do for you."....Bruno
Gröning. Most people who get depressed don't have a true friend; they
actually do have a true friend, but maybe have never met him. Meet
Depressed persons mull
over the negatives in their lives. Getting out of this harmful syndrome
is easy. Rather than thinking of negatives, take action on positives.
Surely you know someone who could benefit from a visit from you:.Acts
16:40 "...and when they had seen the brethren,.they
comforted them..."
"Put hatred and envy aside
because, you live the way you are. Hatred and envy bring about quarrels
and arguments."....Bruno
Gröning. Living by love slays the negaives.
If one accepts evil, his mood will drop until he gets it back by being
"I weep for what I'm like
when I'm alone."....Theodore
12:8 "My heritage is unto me as a lion in the forest. It cries out
me. Therefore have I hated it."
songs help!
From Antoinette Keane, Ireland
Bin the Baggage
As a friend of the Bruno Gröning.(English
spelling is Groening)
Circle of Friends.(*)
I view life now with a different
The light of God is all
Through the spirit of love
it can be found
A higher energy permeates
our Universe.(*)
In it we need to immerse.(how
and where to start?)
Spiritual and physical healing
it brings about
Provided we cast all negatives
With ever increasing of
mind over matter
We can control mindless
endless chatter.(*)
Emotional wounds we store
We are their Rubbish Bin
Unexpressed and repressed
emotions must come out
Or self-destruction they'll
bring about
light dissolves all darkness and leads to inner peace
From the suffering of the
past we get release
Negative forces are stark
They have the power to destroy
Invade us body and soul
and decimate our self-control
We are puppets dancing to
their wicked tune
To bring about our own ruin
The God of creation they
push away
Leading His children astray
Negative thoughts separate
us from our True source
They come from a dark force
Bruno Gröning was convinced
all good thoughts and feelings
come from God
Perhaps this we'll realize
once the negative path's well trod
The negative past is a nasty
So bin the baggage.
10:29-31 "Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?
and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the
very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear you not therefore, you
are of more value than many sparrows.".The
shows God aware of all in your life to the extent you are aware of God
in you, for He is in you, even though at times you may not think that God
is. With God, nothing in our lives is small.
No matter how large is your trial at the time,
remember nothing is bigger
than God, so tell me, who is bigger than God? Who? And who runs the multiverse?
Come to see that God, as big as God is, is also
a being of extreme comfort.(*):.2Corinthians
1:3 "Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Emmanuel Christ, the
Father of mercies
and the God of.all
147:3-5 "He heals the broken in heart and binds up their wounds. He
tells the number of the stars and calls them all by their names. Great
is our Lord and of great power. His understanding is infinite." Isaiah
40:26 "Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who has created these
things, that brings out their host by number. He calls them all by names
by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power, not one
15:13 "A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance.(John
6:63), but by sorrow of the heart
the spirit is broken."
If you have stopped living
your life in the present moment
and have 'fallen down', get up and keep moving along. Don't let yourself
stuck in negativity.
And when your spirit is broken.(by
the effect of negative
energy), it's not long before you'll
get sick, but the God in you is never sick!.(Isaiah
it's important to think of God.in
you.and to
align your soul with the Soul of all. Even just saying, Now I lay me
down to sleep. I pray God will keep my soul to see another day, keeps you
things one can do here to keep yourself in the
present moment.
That way, there is this
protective aura that surrounds you, protective from negatives that
can make you ill:.Ephesians
Depression is a killer in
more ways than one. Keep yourself away from it because depression, being
negative, hinders
positive expression.
your thoughts and love humor. Have something
daily to look forward to that's just for you, no matter how broke, down
and out you may be or how hopeless your future may look. A chocolate bar,
a cup of a different type of tea or coffee just by yourself, a bit of a
book to read, a special treat for your pet;
something that you can
look forward to each day, something that's just for you.
If you don't do anything
for yourself, you can expect God to take a hand in your life.(*),
because God is good and wants good
for you too. Jonah's story, Nebuchadnezzar
and Job's story, shows it's better to straighten up yourself and have
a hand in the life God wants for you.
And while you do all that,
keep your mind on God inside you,
because all things come from God that are good for you and with God nothing,
absolutely nothing is impossible:.Isaiah
54:17. And keep your mind on
the good. Some people don't see this who are trusting, who are resting
in God.(Hebrews
4:9-11), until the last moment.
In sadness enthusiasm
is sapped. Things seem hopeless.
The drag of the mind that keeps us down and tends
to turn us inward, even against ourselves,
is lack of hope.
Lack of hope destroys enthusiasm.
The heart, the spirit is broken:.Psalms
34:18; Proverbs 15:13; 25:28.
can one do?.Psalms
Nutrition also plays a part. High
levels of manganese.(a
been detected in the brains of chronically.depressed
people. Crying reduces manganese by flushing it out. Vitamin C and fermented
foods massively helps to clean the body of heavy metals from vaccines
and other poisonings.
Antidepressant drugs are
not strong enough to stave
off influences over time by the
powerful demons. Only one thing is immensely effective once
Depression's main cause is
cut off from one's Soul.
There is a quick way
to rectify this,
getting one back on
Psychologist Martin Seligman
writes that."one
of the major symptoms of depression is self-absorption. The depressed individual
thinks about how she feels a great deal, excessively so... When she detects
sadness, she ruminates
about it, projecting it into the future and across all her activities and
this in turn increases her sadness."
"Each thought of depression
or happiness, irritability or calmness, cuts subtle grooves in the brain
cells and strengthens the tendencies toward sickness or well-being."....Understanding
How to Use the Power of Affirmation From Scientific Healing Affirmations,
by Paramahansa Yogananda.
The individual can't be crushed by the universe
if he realizes he is not an individual, but rather enmeshed within
a great spiritual web of life. The individual can't be crushed by anything
external to him if he knows how
to use his soul to connect to the energy of all that is or ever will
be. Know that you are never alone:.Hebrews
13:5. The dark side would like for you to think that you are. Then
'they gotcha'!
Mentally setting a higher
ideal aids in altering the thoughts that produce the depression and limitations.(I
can't do that; They always said I was stupid; I'm not that good looking;
those types of thoughts).has
been shown to, with some patients, to be more effective than anti-depressants.
See the movies.What
If? The Movie.and.The
Grand Self.and
you'll be able to get yourself out of negative syndromes.
But, it we are spiritual
persons of love and depressed, we really have allowed our power to be sapped
and have got off track of the goal:.Philippians
3:14. Perhaps we never understood the import
of Romans 8:30 and 9:23.
grains, such as wild and brown rice, oats, quinoa, buckwheat.(really
not a wheat), millet, barley and others
are especially high in B vitamins, so necessary for a healthy, happy
Apart from ancient grain varieties.(type
into a search engine).stay
away from wheat. Converting to a macrobiotic
way of eating would help and so would Sun gazing. Type that into an
Internet search engine.
Depression weakens the immune
system. Depressed persons rate of infection and cancer is higher. Taking
anti depressant drugs has been proven dangerous for many.
Lack of making decisions.(an
important reason we are here is to make
decisions; and what
happens to those not taught to).causes
depression. Ask yourself what decisions need to be made in your life.
To get out of depression,
a decision to do so is the first step:.Romans
13:12 "The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Let us therefore
cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armour of light."
1:5 "This then is the message which we have heard of him and declare
unto you, that God is light and in him is no darkness at all." 1Thessalonians
5:5 "You are all the children of light and
the children of the day. We are not of the night, nor of darkness.".A
decision to have strong determination to find out all you can about improving,
to practice all that 'makes sense' to you from what you find out and to
keep at it until you're better, is the best thing you can do.
Cheer up!.The
world changes so fast that you could not be wrong all the time if you tried.
Life is really simple. We ourselves create most of the circumstances that
complicate it!
Sometimes we get so wrapped
up in our own feelings of sadness that it is as if we are not here, sort
of living in another world and trying to get a message through to this
Do not feel sorry for yourself?
Feel sorry for the folks that have to live with you! Ha ha!
It is not what an individual
descends from, but what he ascends
To rehash old troubles is
somewhat like trying to make birth control retroactive! Sorrow looks back.
Worry always looks around. Hope lives in the present. Your strength comes
from faith which looks within where the Infinite One can be found.....continue?