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Proverbs 23:27 "...a strange woman.(original Hebrew is 'stranger', 'alien').is a narrow pit.".A woman is often alien to that which she cannot control, does not take effort to comprehend and underrates that which she cannot possess. 

An alien woman to you would be one that you just don't match up with. You have to really consider any potential mate. Sort of hold them out in front of you in your mind and see if you feel comfortable warm and happy or upset and disconcerted.

Couple this with 2Corinthians 6:14 and you may arrive at: A woman who is a stranger to you, one you do not really know.(remember many {not all,  see...} play games and use their charm to pump a man's ego.for selfish reasons.including achieving control and money; avoid manipulative women by thinking about her to see if you are comfortable with her; if not, run), is a woman to stay away from:.Proverbs 5:3-13,20; 2:16; 6:24-29

An evil woman like Jezebel.(2Kings 9:22).might try to lead you away from being a true spiritual person, towards her way of thinking:.1Kings 16:31-33; 18:4; 21:25. Jezebel was a controlling influence over the king.(1Kings 21:7,15).and others in power:.1Kings 21:21. There were many evil women then.

What did God think of Jezebel?.1Kings 21:23; Revelation 2:20

How Jezebel reaped what she sowed.

Jezebel seems like a woman who 'just had to be right' according to how she saw things. It's more important to be harmonious

Even more important is walking in the light of the Lord:.Isaiah 2:5,6 "O house of Jacob, come you and let us walk in the light of the Lord. "Therefore you have forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east and are soothsayers.(one who pretends to prognosticate.future events).like the Philistines and they please themselves in the children of strangers." Deuteronomy 18:21,22 "And if you say in your heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing follows not nor comes to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You shall not be afraid of him."

Many, not knowing the Great Infinite One today and therefore not receiving the guidance from God made possible by the Holy Spirit indwelling them, are relying on predictions they hear from psychics.

Avoid resentful, hate filled individuals of malice:.Proverbs 30:23;.21:9,19; 25:24. Resentment is anger awaiting retrieval and kills present minded awareness, poisons one's psyche, precipitates disease and shoves others away. Resentment is perpetual.hatred, ever waiting for opportunity to express and/or be reinforced.-.gossip anyone?

With some women and even some men, almost all they do is done out of resentment. If you resent someone, it's easier to have hate and be deceitful to them. Examples of these individuals of resentment

Just like pulling a cart full of heavy rocks, resentful people continue to drag emotional burdens through the garden of life. They just can't seem to live in and appreciate the present. No wonder cancer, heart disease and the like comes along. Whatever is eating you mentally will eventually eat you physically. What eats you mentally is past negatives and worry over the future.

Resentment comes from stagnant echos of old memories brought forth to poison the present. A Bob Proctor quote from page 173 in the free book for you:."Many of us spend most of our present moments floundering mentally in the time zone of the dead and should-be-forgotten past."

Some women view men with disdain. Time may heal their wounds, but won't beautify their faces. How do you recognize such? It matters not what's on a woman's face but what's seen in it! If there's a smile in her heart, her face will show it! If there is a hidden agenda.(like, 'how much is he good for?').behind the smile, time will bring out the real heart if you don't detect it immediately.(Luke 8:17; 1Timothy 5:24,25).and all the much quicker the more intuition and/or clairvoyance one possesses to be able to detect these types of negative.qualities in another.

A bitter person does not even love self. They have not forgiven others; they cannot forgive themselves. Some people having been abused or turned off at a certain stage in life remain stuck at that level. Bitter people often feel unworthy and do not believe others when they say that they love them. They cannot seem to love. They even fight it off. Such is the way of being imprisoned within the walls of resentment, mistrust and bitterness.

In men this is often seen as sabotage or malicious infliction of damage to another. Abusers have this makeup.

In women, it is often expressed in discontentment, depression and disconnection from reality, leading to abuse of their children, husband and other loved ones. Help is often sought for these types of things in many places for what really can easily be taken care of at the cross. When you know you are in a right stead with the Creator, it's easier to decide to forgive others and yourself too.

There are the takers and the givers, 'people are there for me to use to support my lifestyle' as opposed to 'my lifestyle is a means by which I can help and uplift others'. 

One cannot enjoy life with another who has an unforgiving attitude. One looking to be and remain a spiritual individual for sufficiency in all things.(2Corinthians 9:8).will never feel like they have 'had it up to here'. 

Also avoid clamorous women:.Proverbs 9:13; 10:18

And obstinate ones that are embarrassing:.Esther 1:10-12, 15-22

Beware also of cunning women.(Job 31:9-12; 1Timothy 2:12-14 {the word 'usurp'}).who turn on you when they don't get what they want, like what happened to Joseph

And, when is death better?.Ecclesiastes 7:26,28. Beware of the woman who tells you what to do apart from being a helpful participant in what you may be doing. 

Lady Astor once said to Winston Churchill at a party."Sir, if you were my husband, I would put poison in your tea.".To which Churchill retorted."And Madame, if you were my wife, I would drink it!"

And the women who like to tell you what to do, who feel that 'they know best'. And at times they do exhibit valuable insight! They sense things in their own precious way. 

But the consideration of the deeper wisdom of God, how He just may be leading them in life and which decisions He is going to work out and/or bless, must be gained:.Proverbs 16:9; 25:2; 21:2. The Infinite One has His reasons for being this way:.Proverbs 16:2; 17:3.

Eve was influencingAdam to do what he knew he should not, but did anyway:.Genesis 3:2-6.(notice how easily influenced, how easily deceived {1Timothy 2:14} that she was and how.sure that she was right.in what course of action she was advising him to take). Not having the circumspection that the Spirit of God gives, one fails to see what another really is like in heart. As a result, one is also highly subject to being deceived.

Let's hear it for so-called woman's intuition; they just keep going out with the same kind of abusive guy time and again. Hey! There just ain't no effective intuition there!

Avoid the avaricious woman.(Proverbs 5:3-13).who has got dollar signs in her eyes, the woman who sees you only as opportunity for money to fulfil.her.lifestyle. She just might sell you 'down the river' like the bitch Delilah did to Samson:.Judges 16:4-21. Note especially what this incredibly evil woman had the gall to say in verses 10,13,15,18. The story continues on from verse 22. See the Samson movie on Netflix.

Actual sign in a Doctor's office in Rome:
'Specialist in women and other diseases'