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-Ephesians 2:5 What's this really saying? And, what's it mean."dead in sins"?

It is saying that if Christ's nature of love is in us, we are no longer in sin, no longer missing the mark by being in that thinking of negativity and now part of the love frequency.

And."dead in sins".is explained where the verse is.

-Ephesians 4:8 Captivity captive?

The captivity that Emmanuel led captive refers to 2Timothy 2:26; Hebrews 2:14,15.

Emmanuel captured the things which held us captive to the ordinary consciousness level; the things which disallowed us obtaining and progressing in a relationship with His and our Father.

Just as the burdens today which we seek relief of, so also it was in ancient times:.Isaiah 46:1,2; Haggai 1:6. The devil has many tricks to take us a step further down at a time.

Christ's work is us:.Ephesians 2:10. He is leading captivity captive, as day by day we move further away from the ways of the world.

-Ephesians 5:6 How does one ensure that."no one deceives.(or, guiles).him"?

This verse cautions us to be aware of 'vain' words.(how?), which are words that lead nowhere and really do nothing for you regarding a relationship with God and a special reward from Him.

-Does it not say here in.Ephesians 6:1-4 "Children, obey your parents in the Lord.....".and in 1John 2:3,4 that we are to keep His commandments?

The key is, why do we do things. What is in the mind when we act?

Though now abolished along with the ancient Mosaic Law that was a requirement way back then that came with penalties for noncompliance, the commandments are still great guidelines to follow. because, having been designed by the one and only true God of all good creations, they carry important spiritual connotations.

This particular one of them about honoring one's father and mother has a great promise with it too. But this does not imply the commandments were not abolished? As a means of producing righteousness, keeping the commandments, which was the cornerstone component of the the ancient Mosaic Law, couldn't reproduce the necessary spiritual character in people which entrained eternal life. This was because the people did not have the heart necessary for spiritual living in the physical and beyond. The operating frequency of one just couldn't be harmonious with the other. 

Something more was needed and this was provided in Christ.(Hebrews 7:19).who came to reveal the Father.(John 6:46).and the Father was love:.1John 4:6-17.

Creator-God doesn't do away with that which is ultimately good. In its intended application, the commandments and the rest of the Mosaic Law God designed for back then, produced death, as explained

The application of the commandments as a prerequisite to the Creator's approval of you is abolished. Now it's Christ. These Old Testament commandments and the Mosaic Law that went with them had to do with the righteousness of the people. Now, in the New Testament era, it's the righteousness of Christ in an individual and this given as a gift that enables us to grow in the high consciousness character of the Creator-Father. And, what does this produce in us?.Galatians 5:14. Without this, what good is anyone for eternity?.Matthew 19:16,21,22. Or, even for this life for that matter? Without God he or she loses the all important guidance needed for living a life devoid of heartache and anguish.

The devoted application of the commandments as guidelines for living should be utilized. And with the commandment.(instruction).in the question here, a blessing is attached to it. Just because something is no longer required does not necessarily mean that it is no longer advantageous in its utilization. 

The Infinite One is the Father of spirits:.Hebrews 12:9; 1John 2:16.(lust here means desires; the normal fleshly things we all have desires for); Hebrews 9:13,14. We are in the spirit, serving God in the spirit if Christ is in us and no longer subject to a carnal code designed for a carnal people.

We now live by the spiritual discipline of a higher form of righteousness, love, which is far higher than the 'righteousness' of the Mosaic Law that, though accepted by the people.(Exodus 24:3), was not of the heart:.Deuteronomy 5:29

"People think I'm disciplined. It is not discipline. It is devotion.
There is a great difference."....Luciano Pavarotti.

Compassion and concern for others makes it easier to discipline ourselves to seek only the highest and best for others, thus weakening and making it easier to move away from the darker side of our human nature. Christ is the way out of the darkness and the way to the light.

With this approach hardened criminals have become rehabilitated. Criminals at heart need to be removed from society in order for them to be away from what has caused and perpetuates them to be as they are.

It takes discipline to develop the character God exhibits.(Philippians 2:5,6).when things are going good. This provides a greater opportunity to develop character, than when you have no other choice than to conform. Time alone heals everything and when one seeks higher consciousness the healing or help gained is maintained. 

On 1John 2:3,4.

-1Thessalonians 4:15-18 Is this about the so-called rapture?

The word 'rapture' means, in the dictionary, 'a carrying away in the body or spirit':.Hebrews 11:5 "By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found, because God had translated him, because before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God." Revelation 12:14 "And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the face of the serpent."

The.word.'rapture' does not occur in the Bible, but events are leading up the new Earth for those of good hearts. gene Decode brings us up to date on it

It will be a clean kingdom:.Revelation 21:27. It looks as if it will be on this Earth, with the Earth alongside.(pic).used for placing the ever so many criminals today being arrested and tried in tribunals; or it could be the other way around where they stay and we go. gene Decode explains:.1, 2.

The verses say they'll be caught up together with Christ.(1Thessalonians 4:17), meeting Him in the clouds, when He returns to this Earth in similar.fashion as He left.(Acts 1:9,11), talking about back there in 70 A.D. And those then would forever be with Him:.Matthew 26:64; Revelation 1:7.

Has this occurred yet? Emmanuel did talk of His return?.John 14:3; 17:24; 2Corinthians 5:8

Paul knew that the next thing he would know when he died.(and he did die) was that he would awake and be in the spiritual realm with Emmanuel the Christ:.Philippians 1:23.

There is no scripture for the rapture theory, a supposed time before a supposed yet to occur 7 year great tribulation, a great tribulation which in fact fully happened in Emmanuel's time with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. by Roman armies under General Titus, causing 1,100,000 to be killed and 97,000 taken captive. At that time this was a great tribulation and so it would be a great tribulation at any time something such as this might occur. In the so-called modern ages it has been even worse 1) 2) 3). The great tribulation started with the cabal centuries ago andencompasses the covid con plan to destroy humanity.

According to the rapture theory, good folks will be changed to spirit and rise up out of their cars, trucks, homes, what have you; the cars perhaps then crashing into and maybe killing some little old lady on the corner as it veers off with no driver? Would God and His millions of angels not been able to make it a peaceful transition if this so-called raputre was to be so? Of course. But if we're to be taken away from the evil to come.(Isaiah 57:1),.perhaps.it will be like this:.Revelation 4:1.

Was the tribulation in 70 A.D. only a smaller type of a similar, a maybe worse one, still to come? The evil madness of the world increases today and will continue until it's changed. How? And in the 'how' we see our part in bringing this kingdom of the Creator, this, at present, invisible kingdom, to the benefit of everyone, even those who are at present engulfed in evil purposes.

Will the 'special' people of love get 'spirited away' or do they now live, move and have their being, in their spirit.(Acts 17:28-31), as this is where the kingdom of God is? The bad folks having made it through this supposed horrible 'beginning of the end' rapture time of judgment yet to come, are to further suffer the demonic philosophy, that of further punishment in 'hell' forever. The concocted rapture theory is rife with errors because of the timelines that we can choose.

The Jesuit priest Lacunza wrote that Emmanuel must return twice, not once. This secret coming became foundation for the rapture theory, a supposed time when the saints would escape a suppositious.coming tribulation and antichrist. It was not a part of the."faith once delivered unto the saints":.Jude 1:3 "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly.contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." 1Timothy 4:1.

From.Unmasking Pre-Trib Fallacies.(c) 1998, by Larry Simmons (icnet.net/users/lsimmons/webpage.htm)."Pre-tribbers.(pre-tribulation believers).consider the status of one particular group mentioned in the Bible. Despite terrible persecution, they."keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Emmanuel" ...Revelation 12:17.

"Most would reasonably assume these are members of Christ's body, the church. That conclusion however, would present a huge problem for pre-Tribulationists, because they hold the church was raptured in Revelation 4:1. But this group is not mentioned until Chapter 12."

From.What Happened In 70 A.D?.by Edward E. Stevens.

-James 1:16 What does this scripture mean?

The word 'err' in the original is 'deceive, seduce, to cause to stray, to lead astray, lead aside from the right way'. Paul is saying not to be deceived regarding where all good things come from and that is God, as verse 17 shows. In other words; do not get so involved in the physical life in pursuing your goals when God can cause them to easily come to you.

-Hebrews 6:6 the."unpardonable sin"?

What about it? And what about this one too?

-Hebrews 11:35 This makes no sense to me because it says some were resurrected and others died, as in the case of most of the original disciples of Emmanuel? What's going on? It works sometimes and not at other times?

The seeming.dilemma carries on down to verse 38 as well.

First of all, note that some were resurrected. It was this sure fact of resurrection that removed the fear of death from others who went through severe trials here, such as so many also which have been listed in the classic book Fox's Book of Martyrs, that you can have free.

The sure fact of resurrection gave those people way back then, great faith to leave their troublesome low consciousness behind them and move toward God's consciousness and the reward that overcoming the lower for the higher brings. Why would one fear death when he was sure he would be resurrected. Even today, this is the case. One way to be sure:.2Timothy 1:9; 2Corinthians 3:3.

Why some die and some carry on living for eternity is handled in the subject on death.
