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M o s a i c  L a w  Q u e s t i o n s
p a g e  4

-If the law is spiritual.(Romans 7:14).it came from God. Why would not then it be always in effect?

Hebrews 7:12 "For the priesthood being changed.(to Christ:.Hebrews 7:22-28), there is made of necessity a change also of the law."

Paul refers to one of the twelve commandments as being efficacious:.Ephesians 6:1-3 and Colossians 3:20

It is in using it believing it is necessary as a way to gain/maintain a relationship with God that is outdated, because Christ now is the only way:.John 14:6; Acts 4:12

Paul shows the impossibility of now keeping the law in this regard of a relationship with God:.James 2:10. But the law is a fine set of principles to follow as long as one does not have it in his mind that it is necessary to be and keep right with God.

-Did Emmanuel not say that He came to fulfil the law.(Matthew 5:17)? Why then would it be done away?

The law came by Moses; grace and truth by Emmanuel:.John 1:17. See 'Emmanuel and the law'. 

Emmanuel came to fulfill all righteousness for a specific purpose to benefit you and me. 

-What about James 2:17,20,22,24,26 talking about faith and works?

-Should Christians be keeping the Sabbath Day?

-If sin no longer counts, why did Paul put such an emphasis on the law in Romans 7:12, calling it holy, just and good?

The Mosaic Law was a spiritual law:.Romans 7:14. It was designed by God to show that a carnal people could not keep a spiritual law.(Deuteronomy 5:29; Jeremiah 31:31-33; Hebrews 8:8-10; 10:16), that something more was needed and that was the nature of the Infinite One in us. But the people back then, being of low consciousness, couldn't care less.

Many think then, that with this nature in us we are able to keep the law. But, God designed this old law to be only until Christ.(Galatians 3:23-26 and as shown throughout the above).

The whole chapter of Galatians is showing what is concluded in the last verse, that of, that we are Christ's by faith and faith alone gives us the promises which.come by faith, as Abraham so long before also exemplified:.Galatians 3:29 "And if you be Christ's, then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise."

Paul, having been brought up extremely legalistically.(*), fought himself constantly, knowing now he should be totally different.(Romans 7:6,9-11,14-24).seeing himself with still a long way to go in Christ, as legalism was so ingrained in him.

He kept seeing the sin that the law was exposing, all the while struggling to see and live in the new law of God, the law of love.(Romans 7:22,25 with verse 6; 8:2, note in 7:22 that it is the law of God after the inward man). Realizing that this was an effort for Paul, because of his upbringing. He still felt like a sinner.(Romans 8:1).and don't we all, even though he and we are actually made free from all that:.Romans 8:2.

So the law of sin and death was good in that it showed something more was needed and that something more is the loving nature.(Romans 13:10).of those already in the God family.(the Father and Christ and others).in our hearts. In our hearts because it's a frequency multiverse.

-1John 2:3,4, Revelation 22:14 and Ephesians 6:1-4: Does it not say in these places that we are to keep His commandments?

1John 2:3 and 4 are talking about the context surrounding these verses and in the previous chapter and the theme of John's writings here regarding fellowship with the Father or a relationship with Him. 

The word 'commandments' means 'instructions' and is translated either plural or singular.('commandment').without difference in the original. The commandment he is talking about is the instruction or information regarding this precious fellowship we can have with the Father; the reason Christ came and did what He did.(Isaiah 52:14), as you can see if you read the rest of the book with this in mind. Think of sin here as a lack of a relationship with God the Father, a being out of alignment which automatically generates problems. 

John 17th chapter and Matthew 11:27-30 show how Christ's intent was to make it possible for us to have this intimate relationship with His Father and our Father, which art in heaven.

Verse 4 of 1John 2nd chapter is saying much the same thing as 1John chapter 1, verses 6,8,10

The commandment mentioned in chapter 2, verses 3 and 4 you asked about has to do with the 'word' that perfects one, mentioned in verse 5 and that word is 'abiding in Him' and 'walking in Him' as mentioned in the next verse, verse 6. And, as the rest of the chapter shows, that word is love of the Father and others. 

Verse 12.re: 'His name's sake':.'His name's sake' is for the purpose of His name or, through of by His name:.1John 2:12. Christ's purpose was to bring us into a relationship with the Father as we have seen just above. 
   On Ephesians 6:1-4.
