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Faith and Works

Under the old covenant, it was performance based on laws, rules and regulations. In the new covenant, Christ is the sureness of it, the sureness of what's called the new covenant:.Hebrews 7:22.

Doing things to 'please' the Creator throws out grace. Living by faith is better:.Romans 9:32; 2Corinthians 5:19.

Living by faith is living by your love in each present moment. Living by a law is neurotic.observance, that is, one is looking at actions to see if they are in line with laws he or she may have accepted to be life guidelines. But, spiritual love obviates being physically concerned with law:.Romans 13:10 "Love works no ill to his neighbour, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law." Colossians 2:20 "Wherefore if you be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are you subject to ordinances?" Colossians 3:3 "For you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God." Romans 6:5 "For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection." Colossians 2:12 "Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who has raised him from the dead."

We are human beings, not human doings. And what are we being? We are to be in God, right here, right now. How?

It was His works that laid away our performance regarding what was needed to have and maintain a relationship with the Creator the Father:.Hebrews 1:3. It was His way, to use His own works of righteousness to qualify Himself to give us the gift of righteousness.(Romans 5:17).bringing us into the Family. It is by this that you have been given the gift of faith from your Creator. He loves us that much!

Christ worked:.John 5:17. We too should have good works. One's work has nothing to do with the fact of a person's beingness.before the universe was formed, only of a reward they may get.

Romans 14:23 ".....whatsoever is not of faith is sin.".The original Greek for word 'sin' means 'missing the mark' or, 'not on part with', meaning not aligned with. It means 'negative', that is, that which is out of the frequency of the Creator, the Great Infinite One.(which is love). And here our missing the mark puts us out of balance with the love workings of the multiverse, aiming instead at gratification and profit for the self, thus missing the mark of present eternity.

DaveXRPLion in one of his videos, has defined sin as being an acronym for 'Self.Inflicted.Narcissism'.

One must be aligned with the 'operating frequency'.of love.in order to be in sync with the higher consciousness of the Creator. A spiritual focus involves thoughts and actions based on love. That's why Bruno said this...

James 2:22,23 "See you how faith wrought with his works and by works was faith made perfect? And the scripture was fulfilled which says, Abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness and he was called the Friend of God."

To miss a mark, one must know the mark, otherwise he or she won't know about indeed missing the mark. One isn't responsible for what he has no knowledge of:.Romans 5:13. And if he does have knowledge of his or her missing the mark, should that knowledge include asking forgiveness of God for what's known, that is, asking forgiveness for wrongs done?

Therefore anything uncaring, unkind, inconsiderate, etc. is not of the Creator, but is a construct as a result of man's greed and selfish concern for self at the expense of others. Also means not in alignment with the Universal Higher Consciousness. High consciousness things are what the Great Infinite One exists by and has set up for great living now and for humanity's prosperity.

Any general way of living, such as our hearts, from where all our expressions come from, the thoughts, the words and the deeds that don't stack up to meet the Creator's nature of love with all that comprises, can be categorized as sin, a missing the mark of the consciousness that's better to have. 

Faith is so very important:.Hebrews 11:2. One's relationship with the Creator is by faith alone:.Hebrews 11:6. This is how we 'hit the mark' of our Creator's high calling:.Philippians 3:14 "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Emmanuel."

Whatever one is not sure of.(doesn't have faith and confidence in).should be 'put on the shelf' until more information comes on it for further consideration. 

Sin is breaking a law that one believes necessary to keep in a relationship with God, when that is not the case at all

Christ is in your heart. Listen to your heart. It will not lead you to where it may not be appropriate at any particular time. 

The salvation the Creator gives is just that, a free gift.
   Doing something.(tithing, commandments, church going, whatever).to get from God that which He has already freely given you in Christ, but that you believe you still must do something to get, is ludicrous.redundancy. You already have salvation and favor with your Creator. Progress from there. How?

Some Christians may be off a bit: They hope the Creator will approve of their works of church attendance, giving dinners to their friends in the church, tithing, prayer, study, etc. and have enough mercy regarding their faults to give them a place in His kingdom. They must realize that He already has had mercy upon them, enshrouded them with His grace and given them the sureness of being in His kingdom, regardless of their works. 

Have the fire to now qualify for the highest position in His Kingdom that you are capable of getting.

Press on now toward your reward by doing good works.(Philippians 3:14), works done not to gain salvation and favor with God; you already have that. But works to gain you a reward in that salvation, works done because you love God and His people and all people here. 

It is only by faith in the fact Emmanuel lived, died for all sins.(past, present and future ones).and rose from the dead, that we are saved:.Ephesians 2:8

But the works we do in spite of all our trials and tribulations.(Revelation 3:8).in life are precious toward the reward each of us will individually receive:.James 2:8; 14-26; 3:13; 1Peter 1:7; Revelation 2:19; 3:15; 2:23,26; Hebrews 10:24; Titus 2:14; 3:8; 1Timothy 6:18;.(*).

The individual reward for works is to be understood from the collective gift of being there.(in the family of the Creator, in His Kingdom).in the first place.

It is also important to improve in areas that one feels strongly about in order to be led toward new horizons in life and to qualify for a reward. 

Works are necessary for a great reward. The Creator calls works some believe necessary for being saved, filthy rags:.2Timothy 1:9

Why it is we do things comes from what is in one's heart from which thinking arises. Our 'working out our own salvation'.(Philippians 2:12).has to do with what we do in our minds with our time. Do we really believe that we are now made righteous? Do we know what 'works' please God? 

If one thinks that good works are necessary to get into or remain in a stead of salvation or a stead of being pleasing to God, he is out of faith righteousness:.2Peter 1:4. One can't get into the Kingdom of the Creator, also called the kingdom of heaven, which is inside us, without the free gifts the Creator has available for us to accept. One is the righteousness necessary:.Romans 5:17 "For if by one man's offence death reigned by one, much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Emmanuel the Christ.".Doesn't say one reigns in life by the works he feels should get and keep him in good stead with the Creator.

Good works are necessary to get a reward, a position in Creator's government, but salvation is a gift to us from Him and one's works do not keep him in a state of having been saved, nor do one's degree or lack of works take him out of a saved state, but good works are important for this reason.

Faith righteousness is the appreciation of the gift of righteousness Christ made possible simply be accepting this free gift as you would.(with appreciation and realization that the gift is indeed real).any gift that someone may give you. 

Otherwise, one may then be thinking about what he is doing, what he can do, may do, or should do, apart from what Christ has already done, finished and all completed:.John 17:4

His passion was to finish the work:.John 4:34 "Emmanuel said unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work.".And through those of high consciousness of the Father, the work of salvation is getting done by healings, resurrections and remarkable creations, protections, and those things which provide the joy of life for people.

One would then not be understanding that in Him.(believing in Him {that He is real and that He did what history says He did}).he is complete, at least as far as the Creator is concerned:.Colossians 2:10

On the other hand, if one does good works out of love and concern for others, because he cares for them out of compassion, then that is works of high consciousess, the high consciousness of love:.Matthew 5:16; Ephesians 2:10; 1Timothy 6:18 "...be rich in good works..." People of goodwill believe in being kind and gentle and show it:.Matthew 7:20 "Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.".1Peter 3:8..That's how you can tell if a person has a good heart.

Realize that works have nothing to do with gaining favor with the Creator.(as he already is in God's favor:.Ephesians 1:6), but they have to do instead with being rewarded in the Kingdom that the Creator has prepared for us, a kingdom of within that is in process of coming without.

So we do good works, not to please our Creator, but because we're happy that the Creator is already pleased with us thanks to Christ and we want to love others, doing our best and we know that this is our joy and everlasting reward in His family. It is right to expect something for your effort. The Creator knows this. The Creator rewards effort generously. He's not like low consciousness man who seeks to control others through various forms of modern slavery. The Creator wants you to be rewarded and wants you to be doing good works:.Luke 12:43.

We do good works because we want to, not because we have to in order to be saved or keep saved.

We do good works knowing they're counting toward something for us. To put it another way: One doesn't try to 'get to the boss' or get his attention by what he does, but does things because he is in favor with the boss and happy within the company, wanting to the best that one can be. 

One's inheritance we will say, may be to work in the dad's corporation.('corporation' here being the gift of the Kingdom of God for those believing {accepting Christ into their heart [the most intimate place you accept anyone you choose]}).

Depending on what one does here, he may eventually get a high position and rise to be in proximity to his dad or he may remain as a stockboy or garbage.(trash).remover or qualify for somewhere in between. 

The Kingdom of God is the same. It is the 'corporation'. Your inheritance there is secure. You will have a position there because you are a member of the family. The things that now qualify you to move to a high position there are the things of character development involving actions of love.

Salvation is the opportunity for the reward. Salvation is the 'opportunity' within the 'corporation'. One can then be rewarded for works within the 'corporation' and his works improves his character and improves his faith.

If Christ's nature of love is in you, you are in the Kingdom of God awaiting the time when it will be set up on Earth and in the meantime, are doing all you can to work the works that come under the overall framework of the spiritual principle of love.(guidelines for 'advancement' the 'corporation' uses to measure one's performance)

Righteousness produces a high standard of conduct in you and one from your heart. If you work for a boss whom you do not like, you have to please him or you could be gone from the job. How much better to work there because you want to from your heart, rather than having to, in order to please him and get a paycheque. 

Now your boss might like you a lot and wishes that you would be more open with him so he can get to know you better, and perhaps give you more help. But you however, are a bit stubborn, and may have chosen to relate to him only through your work's performance, thinking that is all he is interested in. 

Depending on whether or not you trust your boss's thinking, you then would either believe you are or aren't capable of what the boss says when he says you possess the ability to 'go for the gold'. 

Righteousness produces a standard of conduct. It is not itself a standard of conduct, although many religious people believe that it is. 

Righteousness is what God has provided to you as a gift because Emmanuel made the gift possible. So now God the Father sees you in this 'new set of clothes'. 

You have seen this bum every day for months. Same type of clothes and colors. Then one day he wins a lottery. The next time you see him, he is dressed up in expensive clothes, shoes, etc. From then on, you see him as happy, prosperous and vibrant. Let's hope the former bum, continues to see himself that way too. God now sees you dressed in righteousness. The new clothes can produce a new thinking and thus a new standard of conduct, unless of course one still thinks as an old bum.
