-How long do we
stay dead?.Isaiah
According to
gene Decode, there have been many creations over eons
of time and between each creation, there's an 'uncreation', that is, a
time God contemplates
the results of the one just over, before the next one He creates. What
does God contemplate during this 'break? Probably
The Creator is excited about
the part of His plan where we become greater with Him: Job
John 5:24. God is excited
about you. Are you excited about you?.Romans
8:19. What to be
excited about? How
to get excited. What
was the early New Testament church excited about?
-What are the second deaths?
The first death is dying
physically, the result of spiritual death.
Adam 'died'
to a relationship with his Creator. Adam was offered the "tree of life":.Genesis
Adam walked and talked with
the Creator:.Genesis
3:9. Adam could have
chosen eternal life, but he faced a 'stacked deck'. He was created with
all the normal desires we have.(had
no choice in what God put in Him, the choosing part was only what he could
do with it); he came into a ready made
environment that he had no hand in fashioning.(just
like us).and
he had the devil to contend with, us too until
is in us and then too if we allow our minds to become
from God; but only alienated for awhile as God never gives up on us.(Hebrews
13:5; Matthew 28:20).and
He allows it because He does not want
The only advantage Adam may
have had over us was that the environment was not as is our present world.(Galatians
1:4), but yet, there were no lessons
to be learned from experiences because upon his creation there were none
for him to learn from. He was new.
Adam also had little or no
experience with his emotions and the things of life. Adam was created good:.Ecclesiastes
7:29. God knew what would happen:.Isaiah
46:10. It was a 'stacked deck'.
Into the world back then
first came this guy called Adam. Soon he and his
partner Eve allowed their ego
to guide them and chose a way
that brought heartache into their lives.
The ego will always
lead a person down the pathway
of destruction; destruction in some form or another. Sin is defined
as 'missing the mark in having a
relationship with God', as the word
in the original means.
So we see the first death
while still living; that of Adam dying to the relationship He had with
God. We come here already in that spiritual state.
Because of Adam's choice
of trees, of all things, death was passed onto humanity:.Romans
5:12,16,17 "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world and
death through sin and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.(in
Adam; whether we knew that we had sinned or not;, but we all have egos
and the ego is the sinning engine).
And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift. For the judgment
was by one to condemnation,
but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.
For if by one man's offence death reigned by one, much more they which
receive abundance of grace.('they
which receive', because God
never overrides anyone, that is, you've got to be 'in it to win it').and
of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Emmanuel Christ"
5:18 "Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men
to condemnation, even so by the righteousness of one.(Christ:.1Corinthians
gift came upon all men unto justification
of life."
A 'death' occurs while living
also; that of being dead in what
is called Christ:.Romans
6:2,8; Colossians
3:3 "For you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God."
For us: Here we have died
to the
nature, the ego nature, in that, it no longer runs one's life. The nature
that caused the relationship with the Creator to be severed.in
the first place.(Romans
has an overseer, as
it were, providing the conscience
that enables us to have sense as to what
is good for us and others and what
is not. We needed to die to the things the
ego formed mind uses to hide itself from the
soul. Example: We would rather visit, gossip, watch TV, go to a movie,
play at something, travel or shop, than meditate.
Do not allow all important meditation to take a side track, for it is here
that all life.(including
forward in wholeness. Wholeness is
This is because it considers
the world and the self in it from the ego level as separation.it regards
meditation as a waste of time as it sees and believes that there is no
benefit accruing
to self. And this because it sees itself
as separate from all others. Essentially it just does not know how
to love.
In this death, one 'dies'
to the ego desired externals
that were his life and the more the so one becomes alive to the 'things
from within'. He is no longer 'quickened' or made alive by being involved
in the exciting things of the physical life:.John
6:63. They are no longer the raison
Another dead while living
occurs to those who just don't care about other. They are emotionally anesthetized.
A dead person cannot change
himself. That is why we can rest
from getting ourselves to the
state we are already in but may not be aware of it. That is why we
are His workmanship:.Ephesians
We are now 'dead in Christ'.(2Timothy
'dead to sin' in Him.(Romans
'dead to the law'.(Romans
to Him:.Romans
8:10 "And if Christ be in you, the body is dead
of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness."
5:14 "For the love of Christ constrains
us, because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead."
3:3 "For you are
dead and your life is hid with Christ in God."
To be dead
to a thing suggests that it has no influence over us. But what
if evils still are influencing you?
About our physical death:.1Corinthians
15:51-55; 1Thessalonians
Matthew 24:22.
And another
'second death' occurs also.
As far as the Creator is
when you're in Christ and
He's in you, you're dead.(Romans
the old carnal
nature and sin; and God no longer sees
your sins. He now sees you as perfect, as
and as holy as His Son is. That's what Emmanuel
the Christ did for us!
The other second death is
a physical death talked of in.Revelation
20:14 "And death and hell were cast into the
lake of fire. This is the second death."
21:8 "But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable.(Romans
Galatians 5:19-21).and
murderers and whore mongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars,
shall have their part in the lakewhich
with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."
20:6 "Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection;
on such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God
and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand
2:11 "He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the
He that overcomes
shall not be hurt of the second death."
-Are those who have killed
in war guilty of murder and go
to hell?
We have war because we have
an invisible powerful being with powerful ways of influencing
those on Earth, a being whose job it is to cause unrest, confusion,
frustration and any other negative you can think of. And he and those spirit
beings with him does this through influencing the ego nature humanity naturally
has that is his purpose on Earth to move from.
Wars are from interpersonal
relationships of all sizes. Their purpose is to awaken humanity:.2Chronicles
16:9; 17:10.
life on this Earth at this time is part of a stage, a
stage for learning. God wants us to see that it's our way of thinking
that has led to actions of war. He has set up automatic invisible patterns
that are triggered by attitude and bring result bad or good depending
on the thinking. God wants man to awaken to a higher consciousness
which equals a better living:.Joshua
4:24 "That all the people of the Earth might know the hand of the Lord,
that it is mighty and that you might fear the Lord your God for ever."
Killing another is killing
aspect of
our own self because all
is really one.
8:52 What did Emmanuel mean when He said."some
wouldn't taste of death"?
this mean if a Christian we don't die?