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refrain, refrained, refraining, refrains.verbs
intransitive verb use.to hold oneself back and away from; forbear.(refrained from swearing)
transitive verb use.to restrain or hold back; curb; abstain
a phrase, verse or group of verses repeated at intervals throughout a song or poem, especially at the end of each stanza, for example; music for the refrain of a poem; a song or melody; a repeated utterance or theme

raison d'être.noun,.plural.raisons d'être
pronounced 'ray sawn det ruh'
reason or justification for existing

a sweet grape best if dried in the sun (sun dried grapes)

result, resulted, resulting, results.intransitive verbs
to come about as a consequence; follow; to end in a particular way (a profligate lifestyle turns out to be nowhere city)
the consequence of a particular action, operation or course; an outcome; effect
resultful, resultless.adjectives

issuing or following as a consequence or result
something that results; an outcome

recur, recurred, recurring, recurs.intransitive verbs
to happen, come up or show up again or repeatedly; return; to return to one's attention or memory; to return in thought or discourse; to have recourse (recur to the use of a calculator)

occurring or appearing again or repeatedly

regurgitate, regurgitated, regurgitating, regurgitates.verbs
intransitive verb use.to rush or surge back
transitive verb use.to cause to pour back, especially to cast up from the stomach (partially digested food; ruminants such as cows, etc., regurgitate food)
regurgitant, regurgitative.adjective

rave, raved, raving, raves.verbs
intransitive verb use.to speak wildly, irrationally.or.incoherently; to roar; rage (the screaming preacher ranted and raved upon the congregation; the storm raved along the coast); to speak with wild enthusiasm.(he raved about the new play)
transitive verb use.to utter in a frenzied manner
the act or an instance of raving; an extravagantly enthusiastic opinion or review (the play received raves)
relating to or being an extravagantly enthusiastic opinion or review

reimburse, reimbursed, reimbursing, reimburses.transitive verbs
to repay (money spent); refund; to pay back or compensate (another party) for money spent or losses incurred; re + imburse, to put in a purse, pay 

recede, receded, receding, recedes.intransitive verbs
to move back or away from a limit, point or mark (the flood waters finally receded) to slope backward; to become or seem to become fainter or more distant (with the passage of time, my unhappy memories of the place receded); to withdraw or retreat

the act of restoring to the rightful owner something that has been taken away, lost or surrendered; reparation; the act of making good or compensating for loss, damage or injury; indemnification; a return to or restoration of a previous state or position
restitute, restituted, restituting, restitutes.transitive verbs
to bring back to a former condition; restore; to refund
intransitive verb use.to undergo restitution

repudiate, repudiated, repudiating, repudiates.transitive verbs
to reject the validity or authority of; to reject emphatically as unfounded, untrue or unjust (repudiated the accusation; he wisely repudiated the information without disparaging the individual); to refuse to recognize or pay (repudiate the unfair tax); to disown (most governments have repudiated love in favor of greed); to refuse to have any dealings with
the act of repudiating or the state of being repudiated

retract, retracted, retracting, retracts.transitive verbs
to take back; disavow (refused to retract the statement); to draw back or in (a plane retracting its landing gear); recede
intransitive verb use.to take something back or disavow it; to draw back
retractability or retractibility.noun,.plural.retractabilities or retractibilities
retractable or retractible.adjective
that can be drawn back or in (the retractile claws of a house cat; the non retractile claws of the Cheetah)
the act of retracting or the state of being retracted; the act of recanting or disavowing a previously held statement or belief; aformal statement of disavowal; something recanted or disavowed; the power of drawing back or of being drawn back

Ram Das.proper noun
founder of the Golden Temple in India located in Amritsar. The temple sits on a small island and connects with land on the west by way of a marble causeway, foreground..Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

reverberate, reverberated, reverberating, reverberates.verbs
intransitive verb use.to resound in or as if in a succession of echoes; to be repeatedly.reflected, as sound waves, heat or light; to be forced or driven back; recoil or rebound
transitive verb use.to echo; to reflect repeatedly; to drive or force back; when a loud sound reverberates through a place, it echoes through it
the act of reverberating; the condition of being reverberated; something reverberated; an echolike force or effect; a repercussion.(reverberations from thunder were experienced over a wide area)
produced or operating by reverberation; deflected or diverted, as flame or heat, onto material being treated; of, relating to or being a reverberatory furnace
having a tendency to reverberate; characterized by reverberation; resounding
a reverberatory furnace

resound, resounded, resounding, resounds.verbs
intransitive verb use.to be filled with sound; reverberate.(the school yard resounded with the laughter of children); to make a loud, long or reverberating sound (rolls of thunder resounded in the valley); to become famous, celebrated or extolled (the party was a resounding success); to sound loudly; ring
transitive verb use.to send back sound; echo; to utter or emit loudly; to celebrate or praise, as in verse or song

of, relating.to.or.resembling a riot; participating in or inciting to riot or uproar; uproarious; boisterous (a riotous party); dissolute; wanton (riotous living); profuse
unrestrained outbreak, as of laughter or passions; a profusion (the garden was a riot of colors in August); unrestrained merrymaking; revelry; debauchery; dissolute; an irresistibly funny person or thing (isn't she a riot?)
riot, rioted, rioting, riots.verbs
intransitive verb use.to live wildly or engage in uncontrolled revelry; to exhibit profusion (a huge garden in which different flowers rioted during spring and summer); take part in a riot
Law:.a violent disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled for a common purpose
transitive verb use.to waste money or time in wild or wanton living (in rioting his life he rotted away his future)
transitive verb use.to waste money or time in wild or wanton living
a wild or turbulent.disturbance created by a large number of people

rheumatic fever.noun,.plural.rheumatic fevers
an infectious disease occurring chiefly in children, characterized by fever and painful inflammation of the joints and frequently resulting in permanent damage to the valves of the heart

regulate, regulated, regulating, regulates.transitive verbs
to control or direct according to rule, principle or law; to adjust to a particular.specification or requirement (regulate temperature); to adjust (a mechanism) for accurate and proper.functioning; to put or maintain in order (regulate one's eating habits)
a regulation is a rule made up to control something, the breaking of which has consequences; in free societies.lawful regulations are rules made by those elected by people and approved by those to be regulated in order to control the way something is done or the way people behave; the act of regulating or the state of being regulated; principles and rules made law, designed to either guide conduct and/or make money for those imposing them, if such regulations are caught being disregarded by those they were made applicable to

request, requested, requesting, requests.transitive verbs
to ask for; to ask someone to do something; to express a desire for
the act of asking; something asked for (I had put in a request for an apartment)
by request.idiom
in response to an expressed desire (we are offering these scarves for sale again by request)
in request.idiom
in great demand (a pianist in great request)
on request.or.upon request.idiom
when asked for (references are available on request)

reversion; retrogression; gone back to; relapse to a less perfect or developed state; in astronomy, retrograde motion of a celestial body

regress, regressed, regressing, regresses.verbs
intransitive verb use.to go back; move backward; to return to a previous, usually worse or less developed state
transitive verb use.to induce a state of regression (in his state of solemnity his thoughts regressed to the good times of childhood)
the act of going or coming back; return; passage back; reentry; the act of reasoning backward from an effect to a cause

relapse, relapsed, relapsing, relapses.intransitive verbs
to fall or slide back into a former.state; to regress after partial recovery from illness; to slip back into old ways; backslide
a falling back into a former state, especially after apparent improvement.

a courageous fighting carnivorous mammal (Mellivora capensis) of Africa and Asia, willing to attack cobras, cattle and even bison, having short legs and a thick coat that is dark below and whitish above, called a honey badger. Honey badgers are extremely difficult to kill. The skin is unusually tough and is attached loosely to the body, making it hard for other animals to grasp it. Animal bites, bee stings or porcupine quills usually do not penetrate the honey badger's tough hide. As an added deterrent to predators, the anal glands of honey badgers can emit a foul smelling liquid.

When a bird called the Honey Guide finds a beehive it gives a series of characteristic calls to guide the Honey Badger (the Ratel) to it. The Honey Badger then uses its strong legs, claws and teeth to tear open the hive where both animals feed on the contents.

Honey badgers live in underground burrows that they dig with their strong legs and claws. They den in groups but often hunt alone or in pairs. After mating, the female experiences delayed implantation, which means the fertilized eggs do not start developing for several months..Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
