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demote, demoted, demoting, demotes.transitive verbs
to reduce in grade, rank or status

de jure.adverb
in accordance with law of a constitution 
de jure.adjective
Law:.according to law; by right; compare de facto
de facto.adjective
not by constitutional law; actual (de facto legislation); actually exercising power though not officially established by We the People in accordance with the law of United States of America original 1776 Constitution (a de facto government such as was put into force by the cabal's concocted Maritime/Admiralty quasi corporate law mess of a system of rules, regulations, statutes, laid down in opposition to the original 1776 Constitution, which they usurped)
de facto.adverb
in fact; actual; in reality or fact; actually, but not necessarily in accordance with law, example

defame, defamed, defaming, defames.transitive verbs
if someone defames another person or thing, they say bad and untrue things about them, so that people will have a bad opinion of them; to malign; to disgrace; to attack the reputation of; slander or libel
the act of defaming; calumny

defer, deferred, deferring, defers.verbs
transitive verb use-to put off; postpone; to delay something to a later date; to draw out slowly; shelve; stay; suspend; if you defer an event or action, you arrange for it to happen at some later date, rather than immediately or at the previously planned time (corporations often defer payment for as long as possible as their raison d'être all to often is to get as much money as possible even at expense and/or inconvenience of others); if you defer to someone, you accept their opinion or do what they want you to do, even when you do not agree with it yourself, because you respect them or their authority (doctors are encouraged to defer to experts), thinking that authority equates with truth
intransitive verb use.to procrastinate:.Proverbs 13:12
the act or an instance of delaying or putting off

showing deference; deferential
submission or courteous yielding to the opinion, wishes or judgment of another; courteous respect (satanists are those who appear respectful in order to suck you in for later disappointment, such as many government bureaucrats, politicians and others higher up in ministries of control over We the People do:.2Corinthians 11:14)
marked by or exhibiting deference

marked by defiance; boldly resisting

open, bold resistance to opposition 
challenging; openly and boldly resisting 

defy, defied, defying, defies.transitive verbs
to resist or oppose.boldly or openly (defied the blockade by sailing straight through it); to refuse to submit to or cooperate with (decided to defy all unlawful legalities - example; played his trumpet past midnight, defying the neighbors); to be unaffected by; resist or withstand; to challenge someone

lacking in some necessary quality or element (deficient in judgment); not up to a normal standard or complement; defective (deficient strength) 
one that is deficient (a mental deficient)
the quality or condition of being deficient; incompleteness or inadequacy; a lack or shortage, especially of something essential to health; an insufficiency (a nutritional deficiency); a deficit

the amount by which a sum of money falls short of the required or expected amount; a shortage (large budget deficits); inadequacy or insufficiency (a banking deficit; a deficit in grain production); a deficiency or impairment in mental or physical functioning; an unfavorable condition or position; a disadvantage (rallied from a three-game deficit to win the playoffs)

define, defined, defining, defines.verbs
transitive verb use.to state the precise meaning of a word or sense of a word; to describe the nature or basic qualities of; explain (define the properties of support underlying the multiiverse); to specify.distinctly; to serve to distinguish; characterize
intransitive verb use.to make or write a definition

precisely.defined or explicit-(definitive laws, laws defining measurable occurrences); authoritative and apparently exhaustive; serving as a perfect example; quintessential; supplying or being a final settlement or decision; conclusive; decisive; authoritative and complete (a definitive biography); conclusive; see word 'must', it's similar to meaning for word 'mandate'
Grammar:-a word that defines or limits, such as the definite article or a demonstrative pronoun

definition.noun, plural.definitions
a statement.conveying.fundamental.character; a statement of the meaning of a word, phrase or term, as in a dictionary entry; the act or process of stating a precise meaning or significance; formulation of a meaning; the act of making clear and distinct (a definition of one's intentions); a determination of outline, extent, or limits (defining household responsibilites); clarity of detail in an optically produced image, such as a photograph, effected by a combination of resolution and contrast); degree of clarity with which a televised image or broadcast signal is received

deflect, deflected, deflecting, deflects.intransitive-and.transitive verbs
to turn aside or cause to turn aside; bend or deviate
the act of deflecting or the condition of being deflected; deviation or a specified amount of deviation; the deviation of an indicator of a measuring instrument from zero or from its normal position; the movement of a structure or structural part as a result of stress

no longer living, existing or functioning (the committee is now defunct); dead

deft, defter, deftest.adjective
quick and skillful; adroit; dexterous

having declined, as in function or nature, from a former or original state (acid rock shows music can degenerate from lifting one's spirit, to a level of dissonance.commensurate with emotions produced); having fallen to an inferior or undesirable state, especially in mental or moral qualities
degenerate, degenerated, degenerating, degenerates.intransitive verbs
the process of degenerating
the processof degenerating; the state of being degenerate; corrupt, vulgar, vicious.behavior, perversion
the process of degenerating; the state of being degenerate

loss of honor, respect or reputation; shame; the condition of being strongly and generally.disapproved; one that brings disfavor or discredit (your handwriting is a disgrace)
disgrace, disgraced, disgracing, disgraces.transitive verbs
to bring shame or dishonor on (gossiping disgraces others unfairly; disgraced the entire community with his attitude, words and actions)
bringing or warranting disgrace; shameful

degrade, degraded, degrading, degrades.transitive verbs
to reduce in grade, rank or status; demote; to lower in dignity; dishonor or disgrace.(a scandal that degraded the participants; to lower in moral or intellectual character; debase; to reduce in worth or value (degrade a currency)

the act or process of degrading; the state of being degraded; degeneration; a decline to a lower condition, quality or level

the belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena and giving no supernatural revelation; a 'dead' God in otherwords

the rank or essential nature of God; Divinity; Supreme Being
making or tending to make divine; of or characterized by divine or Godlike nature or made as such by the minds of man, as was Ishtar

deify, deified, deifying, deifies.transitive verbs
to make a God of; raise to the condition of a God; to worship or revere as a God (deify an entertainment figure); to idealize; exalt.(deifying success)

greatly pleasing; delightful; greatly pleasing to the taste; delicious
delectable, delectability.or.delectableness-nouns
something delightful or delicious (a feast of homecooked delectables)

draft.noun.also spelt.draught.noun,.plural..and used as a verb or.adjective
a current of air in an enclosed area (close the window, it's drafty in here); a device that regulates the flow or circulation of air; the act of pulling loads; traction; something that is pulled or drawn; a load; a team of animals used to pull loads (draft animals); a preliminary outline of a plan, document or picture (the first draft of a bill); a written order directing the payment of money from an account or fund (a bank draft); the drawing of a liquid, as from a cask or keg (draft beer); an amount drawn (ordered two drafts of ale please); the process or method of selecting one or more individuals from a group, as for a service or duty (a candidate who did not pursue the nomination, but accepted a draft by the party convention; a hockey draft system in which the exclusive rights to new players are distributed among professional teams); compulsory enrolment in the armed forces; conscription; a body of people selected or conscripted (here comes the new draft off the bus); a draftee; the act of drawing in a fishnet; the quantity of fish caught (this day we got a good draft of fish); an allowance made for loss in weight of merchandise
Nautical:.the depth of a vessel's keel below the water line, especially when loaded (a river vessel of shallow draft)
one who is drafted for military.service
draft, drafted, drafting, drafts.verbs
transitive verb use.to draw up a preliminary version of or plan for; to create by thinking and writing; compose (draft a speech); to select from a group for some usually compulsory service (drafted into the army)
intransitive verb use.to drive close behind another vehicle to take advantage of the reduced air pressure in its wake
suited for or used for drawing heavy loads (oxen and other draft animals); drawn from a cask or tap (draft beer)
on draft.idiom
drawn from a large container, such as a keg
(from Old English 'dragan', 'to draw')

drafty, draftier, draftiest.adjective
having or exposed to drafts of air

an individual authorized to act as representative for another; a deputy or an agent; a representative to a conference or convention; a member of a House of Delegates, the lower house of the Maryland, Virginia or West Virginia legislature; an elected or appointed representative of a U.S. territory in the House of Representatives who is entitled to speak but not vote
delegate, delegated, delegating, delegates.transitive verbs
to authorize and send another individual as one's representative; to commit or entrust to another (delegate a task to a subordinate)
an individual or group of individuals elected or appointed to represent another or others; the act of delegating; the condition of being delegated