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extradite, extradited, extraditing, extradites.verbs
transitive verb use.to give up or deliver a fugitive, for example) to the jurisdiction of another government or authority; to obtain the extradition of; banish
intransitive verb use.to perform the act of extradition or engage in the process of extradition
Law:-legal surrender of a fugitive to the jurisdiction (the extent of authority or control) of another state, country or government for trial

any of various neurological disorders characterized by sudden, recurring attacks of motor, sensory or psychic malfunction with or without loss of consciousness or convulsive seizures
of.relating.to.or.associated with epilepsy; affected with epilepsy epileptic.noun
one who has epilepsy

strictly and completely in accord with fact; not deviating from truth or reality (an exact account; an exact replica; your exact words); characterized by accurate measurements or inferences with small margins of error; not approximate.(an exact figure; an exact science); characterized by strict adherence to standards or rules (an exact speaker)
making severe.demands; rigorous (an exacting overseer); requiring great care, effort or attention (an exacting task); burdensome
in an exact manner; accurately; in all respects; just (doing 'exactly as you please' may be good and it may not, depending on one's motives); 'exactly as you say' is used to indicate agreement
the state or quality of being exact; freedom from error
rigorous (an exacting instructor); requiring great care, effort or attention (an exacting task)

exact, exacted, exacting, exacts.transitive verbs
to demand with the power to force the payment or yielding of (not knowing any better he agreed to pay the voluntary income tax a first time and now because he doesn't know any better, they are exacting it of him ever year, according to detaxcanada.org); extort.(exact tribute from a conquered people); to demand and obtain by or as if by force or authority (a harsh government who exacts obedience to orders of subjugation by nefarious.means)
making severe.demands; rigorous (an exacting overseer)
the act of exacting; excessive and/or unjust demand; extortion; something exacted
making severe demands; rigorous (an exacting instructor); requiring great care, effort or attention (an exacting task); burdensome

the evening is the part of each day between the end of the afternoon and the time when you go to bed; the period from sunset to bedtime; the twilight hours

to a greater degree or extent; used as an intensive with comparative adjectives and adverbs (looked sick and felt even worse; she always did even the little things for the better); indeed; moreover (he was happy, even to the point of giving away money to help others; even a child knows better than some adults); used as an intensive to indicate something that is unexpected (declined even to consider the idea); at the same time as; already; just (even as we watched, the building collapsed); to a degree that extends; fully (loyal even unto the nth degree); exactly; precisely (it was even as he said, the parts fit perfectly)
even, evened, evening, evens.intransitive and transitive verbs
to make or become even
even so.adverb
'even so' can be used when, after listening to what another has to say and you would like to amend his thoughts somewhat, you would say 'even so' which means these things and could also have been used, at any rate; be that as it may; in any event; nevertheless; nonetheless; but; however; still; although; though; albeit; howbeit; yet; on the other hand; in spite of that; notwithstanding
even though.adverb
despite the fact.that
on an even keel.idiom
on a stable or unimpaired state
the condition of say a board being even (he said this board will be ok to use if you can get it evener by perhaps planing it down)

having a horizontal surface; flat (an even floor); having no irregularities, roughness or indentations; smooth; level; being in the same plane or line; parallel (the picture is even with the window); having no variations or fluctuation; uniform (the even rhythm of his breathing); steady; of uniform distribution (an even application of varnish); placid; calm (an even temperament); equal or identical in degree, extent or amount (use even amounts of butter and sugar); equally matched or balanced (an even consensus); just; fair (an even bargain); having nothing due on either side; square (if we each take half, then we'll be even); having equal probability; as likely as not (an even chance of winning); having an equal score (the teams are even at halftime)
Mathematics: exactly divisible by 2; characterized or indicated by a number exactly divisible by 2; having an even number in a series; having an even number of members; having an exact amount, extent or number; precise (measure it to an even pound; an even foot; an even yard)

the act of expelling or the state of being expelled

entrust.or.intrust, entrusted, entrusting, entrusts.transitive verbs
to give over (something) to another for care, protection or performance; commit

enthrone, enthroned, enthroning, enthrones.transitive verbs
to invest with sovereign power; to raise to a lofty position (he was raised to a high position, but this shows those putting him there were above him); exalt

easy, easier, easiest.adjectives
capable of being accomplished or acquired with ease; posing no difficulty (an easy problem to solve) to accomplish; requiringor exhibiting little effort or endeavor; undemanding (took the easy way out of her problems); free from worry, anxiety, trouble or pain (my mind was easy, knowing that I had done my best); affording comfort or relief; soothing (soft light that was easy on the eyes; calm music soothes the soul); not steep or abrupt; gradual (an easy climb)
without haste or agitation (relax and take it easy for a while); with little effort; easily success comes easy after learning); in a restrained or moderate.manner (go easy on the butter) 

the condition of being comfortable or relieved (the eases of the summer); freedom from pain, worry or agitation.(her mind was at ease knowing that the children were safe; a life of ease often leads to a lack of humility, producing arrogant.attitudes); freedom from constraint or embarrassment; relaxed; naturalness; rest; freedom from difficulty, hardship or effort; easy
ease, eased, easing, eases.verbs
transitive verb use.to free from pain, worry or agitation (he eased his conscience by not charging high interest on the loan); to lessen the discomfort or pain of (she shifted position so as to ease her back)
intransitive verb use.to lessen, as in discomfort, pressure or stress: pain that never eased; to move or proceed with little effort (eased through the driving course)
in an easy manner; with ease; without question; certainly (easily the best movie this season); in all likelihood (a decision that easily was accepted)
at ease.idiom
pleasant; agreeable; relaxed; sans souci; content; satisfied; free from pain or discomfort; free from restraint or formality (feels most at ease with old friends); in a relaxed position, especially standing silently at rest with the right foot stationary (a position soldiers can be in while awaiting inspection); used as a command for troops to assume a relaxed position

explain, explained, explaining, explains.verbs
transitive verb use.to make plain or comprehensible; to define; expound.(thet explained their ideas); to offer reasons for or a cause of; justify.(explain an error; to offer reasons for the actions, beliefs or remarks of oneself)
intransitive verb use.to make something plain or comprehensible (I'll explain)
explain away.phrasal verb
to dismiss or get rid of by or as if by explaining; to minimize by explanation
serving or intended to explain.(an explanatory paragraph) explanatorily.adverb
explanation.noun, plural.explanations
the act or process of explaining; (gave us a difficult to understand convoluted detailed explanation which no one grasped); something that explains (the note contained the explanation)

possible to explain (explicable phenomena; explicable behavior)
explicate, explicated, explicating, explicates.transitive verbs
to make clear the meaning of; to explain; inexplicable; from Latin 'explicare', 'explicat-' meaning 'to unfold', 'explain' 
explication.noun, plural.explications
explicator.noun, plural.explicators

expressed or performed with emphasis.(responded with an emphatic 'yes'); definite in expression or action; standing out in a striking and clearly defined way (the new car's design emphatically grabs attention)

something that takes place; an occurrence; a significant occurrence or happening; a social gathering or activity
Physics: a phenomenon or occurrence located at a single point in space time, regarded as the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory
in any event.idiom
regardless of what has occurred or will occur; same as in any case

occurring at an unspecified time in the future; ultimate (the eventual failure of the worn out tires)
at an unspecified future time (eventually he plans to retire)

ensure, ensured, ensuring, ensures.transitive verbs
to make sure or certain; insure (our precautions.ensured our safety)

evaluate, evaluated, evaluating, evaluates.transitive verbs
to ascertain or fix the value or worth of; to examine and judge carefully (evaluated the resumés to select the best choice);  appraise; estimate
an elucidation where points of significance are utilized in formulating an overview of person(s) or condition(s); see also valuation

ensue, ensued, ensuing, ensues.intransitive verbs
to follow as a consequence or result; follow; to take place subsequently

encircle, encircled, encircling, encircles.transitive verbs
means same as 'circle'

ensnare, ensnared, ensnaring, ensnares.transitive verbs
to take or catch in or as if in a snare; catch
ensnarement, ensnarer.nouns