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neither moral nor immoral; lacking moral sensibility; not caring about right and wrong

Greek: 'loves both'; an amphipilic.molecule 'loves" two different environments. An amphipillac molecule has two compartments, one dealing with water solubility and the other a water insoluble component. The water soluble environment is mostly polar, in that this molecule's several tails become arranged so that the polar heads contact the waterand the water insoluble tails are hidden behind, inside the compartment and out and away from any water.

adequate; fully sufficient

a thing or part that is analogous; of, relating.to.or.being a device in which data are represented by variable measurable physical quantities
Computers:.of or relating to an analog computer; compare digital

showing an analogy or a likeness that permits one to draw an analogy 
Biology:.similar in function but not in origin and structure

a comparison based on things similar in respects that are otherwise dissimilar; inference that if two or more things agree with one another in some respects they will probably agree in others; resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike; similarity; comparison based on such resemblance

analyze or analyse, analyzed, analyzing, analyzes.transitive verbs
to separate into parts so as to find out their parts, function, etc.; to examine.in detail so as to determine the nature or tendencies

analysis.noun, plural.analyses
analysis is the process of considering something carefully or using statistical.methods.in order to.overstand or begin to understand it or explain it (we did an analysis of the way that government money has been spent in the past); analysis is the scientific process of examining something in order to find out what it consists.of (they collect blood samples for analysis); an analysis is an explanation or description that results from considering something carefully (coming up after the newscast, an analysis of the new economic policy); you use the expression 'in the final analysis' or 'in the last analysis' to indicate that the statement you are making is the most important or basic.aspect of an issue (she seems to be on the right track and I think in the final analysis people will see that; violence in the last analysis produces more violence); analysis is the separation of an intellectual or substantial whole into its constituent parts for individual study; the method of proof in which a known truth is sought as a consequence of a series of deductions from that which is the thing to be proved

one that analyzes (a systems analyst); an analyst is an individual whose job is to analyze a subject and give opinions about it; someone whose job is to think about something carefully in order to know it well it and often to advise other people about it

analytics.noun.(used with a singular or plural verb)
the branch of logic dealing with analysis

analytic geometry.proper noun
Mathematics:.the analysis of geometric structures and properties.principally by algebraic operations on variables defined in terms of position coordinates

of or relating to analysis or analytics; dividing into elemental parts or basic principles; reasoning or acting from a perception of the parts and interrelationships of a subject; expert in or using analysis, especially in thinking (an analytic mind; an analytic approach); logical; following necessarily; tautologous.(an analytic truth; proving a known truth by reasoning from that which is to be proved)

if something is anathema to you, you strongly dislike it; someone or something intensely disliked or loathed, usually used as a predicate nominative (the American Civil War was anathema to most countrymen); word anathema comes from Greek, meaning a thing devoted to or regarded as being evil; curse, from 'anatithenai' means to set up, to dedicate; one that is cursed by ecclesiastical.authority and in the past done unfairly and on purpose by those wresting the scriptures.(Exodus 23:1,2; 2Peter 3:16) due to.superstition as in the Inquisition; a ban or curse solemnly.pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunication; the denunciation of something as accursed; a vigorous.denunciation

the structure of an organism or body
concerned with anatomy; concerned with dissection; related to the structure of an organism
an expert in or a student of anatomy

someone who was a member of your family a long time in the past; any individual from whom one is descended; family descent; forefathers; progenitors; lineage
of, relating.to.or.evolved from an ancestor or ancestors

ancestral.descent or lineage; ancestors considered as a group

of times long past; belonging to the early history of the world; very old; of or relating to times long past, especially those of the historical period before the outward appearing fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 A.D.
a person who lived in times long past; the peoples of the classical nations of antiquity

Biology:.having both female and male characteristics; hermaphroditic; being neither distinguishably masculine nor feminine, as in dress, appearance or behavior; unisex

a unit of length used especially to specify radiation-wavelengths, equal to one hundred millionth (10-8 or 0.00000001) of a centimeter in the lightest atom.(hydrogen); a drop of water contains more than a million million billion atoms

mental or physical suffering caused by pain or worry; agonizing physical or mental pain; torment; extreme pain, distress or anxiety; regret; sorrow; mental or physical suffering caused by extreme pain or worry (the anguish of having to lose your home after years of payments because interest rates were arbitrarily and substantially increased)
anguish, anguished, anguishing, anguishes.transitive verbs
to cause to feel or suffer anguish; feeling, expressing or caused by anguish (anguished victims of the Earthquake; anguished screams for help)
inransitive verb use.to feel or suffer anguish

allodial land held is from no landowner; it's free ownership of land given by God to humans to care for and freely produce upon; allodial is an absolute estate of inheritance; in all countries, title to land is allodial and every individual has absolute and perfect title to his land, free ownership from God of it, if you're born here, you have land here; allodial right involves the granting of land patents, called land title to the land owners; a Land Patent legally protects against unlawful land seizures, making it illegal to foreclose on properties owned under such titles. The British Crown and corporate US (USA Inc.) assumed ownership of these lands by simply ignoring the property rights guaranteed by the Allodial Title. These properties could only be transferred voluntarily by the rightful owners, but the banks, along with country clerks, faciliated fraudulent title transfers without the legal owner's voluntary signature; if it's so-called crown land or USA Inc. corporate 'stolen' land, it is land sold to those not knowing their land is actually theirs and theirs alone (everyone born has a right to free land); allodial land is completely unfettered; also see Natural Law
land owned absolutely by he or she who personally lives or is to live thereupon; free ownership, that being God's gift, in contradistinction to what's called a feud; allodial land is that which each individual is entitled to because of his or her birth, a generous amount of it being made available by neighbors for unobtrusive.particular use of the individual welcome to live there and which use is approved in commonality: see Western Sahara Case; see David's seminars, as many of them cover land titles,  David Lester Straight's videos

adulate, adulated, adulating, adulates.transitive verbs
to praise or admire excessively; fawn on
adulation.noun.(pronounced 'a ja lay shun'),.plural.adulations
excessive flattery or admiration

award, awarded, awarding, awards.transitive verbs
to grant as merited or due (awarded prizes to the winners); to give as legally due (awarded damages to the plaintiff)
something awarded or granted, as for merit

to one's liking; pleasing; amiable; suitable; conformable; open to change; ready to consent or submit

agree, agreed, agreeing, agrees.verbs
intransitive verb use to grant.consent; accede; to come into or be in accord, as of opinion; to be of one opinion; concur; unity; to be suitable, appropriate, pleasing or healthful (spicy food agrees with me)
transitive verb use to grant or concede (my parents agreed that we should go)

the act of agreeing; agreeing is making a contract with; in harmony of opinion with; accord; an arrangement between parties.regarding a method of action; a covenant (an agreement for living together {cohabiting, sharing})

the act or process of adding, such as the process of computing with sets of numbers so as to find their sum (2 plus 2 = 4); something added, such as a room or section appended to a building
in addition.idiom
also; as well as
in addition to.idiom
over and above; besides

add, added, adding, adds.verbs
transitive verb use to combine a column of figures, for example, to form a sum; to join or unite so as to increase in size, quantity, quality or scope (added 12 inches to the deck; flowers that added beauty to the dinner table)
intransitive verb use to find a sum in arithmetic. to constitute an addition (an exploit that will add to her reputation); to create or make an addition (gradually added onto my garage)
add up.phrasal verb
to be reasonable, plausible or consistent; to make sense (what she said did not add up with what we saw); to amount to an expected total (a bill that didn't add up); to formulate an opinion of (added up the other girls at the party to be basically of lower quality)
able to be included in calculating a total

a substance added in small amounts to something else, often to enhance profits at the expense of good health or to provide longer shelf life for a food product; some natural additives improve, strengthen or otherwise alter a product, such as sugar used to sweeten
marked by, produced by or involving addition; of or being any of certain primary colors of wavelengths that may be mixed with one another to produce other colors

Articles of Confederation
was the first constitution of the United States. The Articles were in force from March 1, 1781 to June 21, 1788, when the present hijacked and altered constitution, the Constitution of the United States went into effect. The hijacked one is always shown by its title being in 'all caps', like this UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Look on your driver's license or any other government correspondence. The capitals signify a corporation and you're one too in their eye. Look at the all caps on any correspondence they send you. The Articles were written in 1777 during the early part of the American Revolution by a committee of the Second Continental Congress of the former 13 British colonies. The head of the committee, John Dickinson, presented a report on the proposed articles to the Congress on July 12, 1776, eight days after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Dickinson initially proposed a strong central government, with control over the western lands, equal representation for the states and the power to levy taxes.

Because of their experience with Great Britain, the 13 states feared a powerful central government; consequently, they changed Dickinson's proposed articles drastically before they sent them to all the states for.ratification in November 1777. The Continental Congress had been careful to.give the states.as much independence as possible.and to.specify the limited functions of the federal government. Despite these precautions, several years passed before all the states ratified the articles.

The articles created a loose confederation of independent states that gave limited powers to a central government. The national government would consist of a single house of Congress, where each state would have one vote. Congress (the central government) had the power to set up a postal department, to estimate the costs of the government and request donations from the states, to raise armed forces and to control the development of the western territories. With the consent of nine of the thirteen states, Congress could also coin, borrow or appropriate money as well as declare war and enter into treaties and alliances with foreign nations.
    Under this constitution the federal government was unable to levy taxes, but all that changed as the corruption continued eroding the rights We the People have.....comprised with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
