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difficult to comprehend; recondite

clearly untrue or unreasonable and therefore laughable, ridiculous, ludicrous; ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable etc.; laughably inconsistent with what is true; foolish and harmful

the academic community
academic is used to describe things that relate to the work done in schools, colleges and universities, especially work which involves studying and reasoning rather than practical or technical skills; of higher learning; scholarly; of the mental faculties, the mind (not necessarily yet of the heart, the true knowing)
one who is a member of an institution of higher learning; person who has an academic viewpoint or a scholarly background
in an academic manner

accede, acceded, acceding, accedes.intransitive verbs
consent given often at the insistence of another; concede; to become a party to an agreement or treaty; to arrive at or come into an office or dignity (accede to the throne)
accede implies a yielding, often under pressure, of assent or consent (officials caught red handed had no choice but to accede to the demands)-
synonyms.assent, agree, acquiesce, consent, concur, subscribe

accentuate, accentuated, accentuating, accentuates.transitive verbs
to stress or emphasize; intensify; to pronounce with a stress or an accent; to mark with an accent

the relative-prominence of a particular-syllable of a word by greater intensity or by variation or modulation of pitch or tone; vocal prominence or emphasis given to a particular syllable, word, or phrase; a characteristic-pronunciation, especially one determined by the regional or social background of the speaker; one determined by the phonetic habits of the speaker's native language carried over to his or her use of another language; a mark or symbol used in the printing and writing of certain languages to indicate the vocal quality to be given to a particular letter; a mark or symbol used in printing and writing to indicate the stressed syllables of a spoken word; a distinctive-feature or quality, such as a feature that accentuates or complements a decorative style; particular importance or interest; emphasis (the accent is on comfort)
accent, accented, accenting, accents.transitive verbs
to stress or emphasize the pronunciation, as in the word accent (ak' sent) where the stress is on the syllable ak'; to mark with a printed accent; to focus attention on; accentuate (a program that accents the development of speaking in public)
of.or.relating.to accent; based on stress accents

accord, accorded, according, accords.transitive verbs
an accord between countries or groups of people is an agreement, also called a covenant; if you are accorded a particular kind of treatment, people act towards you or treat you in that way; if one fact, idea or condition accords with another, they are in agreement and there is no conflict between them; to make, agree or harmonize; unity
according to.preposition
as stated or indicated by; on the authority of (according to the Bible); in keeping with; in agreement with (according to instructions); as determined by (a list arranged according to the alphabet); if someone says that something is true according to a particular person, booj or other source of information, they are indicating where they got their information (Philip stayed at the hotel, according to Mr Hemming; he and his father, according to local gossip, haven't been in touch for years); if something is done according to a particular set of principles, these principles are used as a basis for the way it is done (they both played the game according to the rules); if something varies according to a changing factor, it varies in a way that is determined by this factor (prices vary according to the quantity ordered); if something happens according to plan, it happens in exactly the way that it was intended to happen
in accord.adverb
in agreement (my feelings about the matter are in unison with yours
agreement; alignment with; conformity to (in accordance with your instructions); if something is done in accordance with a particular rule or system, it is done in the way that the rule or system says that it should be done (entries which are not in accordance with the rules will be disqualified)
in accordance with.adjective
agreeing with; in a manner.conforming with; in accord; accordant; concordant; consonant; congruous; harmonious; conformable; at one with
being in agreement or harmony; consonant

in accordance; correspondingly; consequently; therefore; you use accordingly to introduce a fact or situation which is a result or consequence of something that you have just referred to (we have a different background, a different history. Accordingly, we have the right to different futures); if you consider a situation and then act accordingly, the way you act depends on the nature of the situation (it is a difficult job and they should be paid accordingly); in a way that is suitable for a particular.situation or that is based on what someone has done or said (Katherine still considered him a child and treated him accordingly); as a result of something (some of the laws were contradictory so, accordingly, measures were taken to clarify them)

accost, accosted, accosting, accosts.transitive verbs
to approach and speak to; to want someone to stop what they are doing and give attention to you; often done in an aggressive, obtrusive and/or hostile way

ancillary items of equipment or dress; accoutrements are all the things you have with you when you travel or when you take part in a particular.activity; trappings (the standard accoutrements of the historical novel; cathedral ceilings, heated swimming pools, and other accoutrements signaling comfortable wealth); clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing; accessories

the process of growth or enlargement by a gradual buildup, as an increase by external addition or accumulation (as by adhesion of external parts or particles); the increase of land by the action of natural forces; an extraneous addition (accretions of grime
accretionary, accretive.adjectives
accrete, accreted, accreting, accretes
transitive verb use.to make larger or greater, as by increased growth
intransitive verb use.to grow together; fuse; to grow or increase gradually, as by addition

bitter and sharp in language or tone; rancorous (an acrimonious exchange between the candidate and the anchorperson on TV); unfriendly; difficult to be agreeable with
acrimoniousness.noun.(many words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' can make the word be clumsy)

accrue, accrued, accruing, accrues.verbs
intransitive verb use.to come to one as a gain, an addition or an increment.(interest accruing in my savings account); to increase, accumulate or come about as a result of growth (common sense that accrues with experience); to come into existence as a claim that is legally enforceable; to be added as a natural increase, natural growth; to increase naturally
transitive verb use.to accumulate over time (I have accrued 15 days of sick leave)

perfect in quality or nature; complete; total; cannot be questioned; not mixed; pure; not limited by restrictions or exceptions; unconditional (absolute trust); unqualified in extent or degree; total (absolute silence); absolute is used to say that something is definite and will not change even if circumstances change; an absolute ruler; not to be doubted or questioned; positive (absolute proof)
something that is absolute; something regarded as independent of and unrelated to anything else; something without limits, restrictions or conditions; its own will or attribution; without any limitation or condition; the word is derived by the Latin 'absolutus' meaning without any link
Grammar:.indicates what is a construction, independent by the term
Mathematics:.the absolute worth of a number is the real relative number, without algebraic sign
Physics:.the opposite to what is relative; the system
(of a unit of measurement) is 'absolute' when the adopted unities in this system are invariant one in every time and every place, and are defined by theory and without any reference to experimental results
Philosophy:.what doesn't depend on nothing else, to affirm its own reality
definitely and completely; unquestionably

acquiesce, acquiesced, acquiescing.intransitive verbs-pronunciation 'ak we es'
to accept, comply or submit.tacitly or passively or quietly without protesting; assent without enthusiasm
acquiesce.implies.tacit acceptance or forbearance of opposition (acquiesced to his boss's wishes) 
agree sometimes implies previous difference of opinion or attempts at persuasion 
(finally agreed to come along)
passive assent or agreement without protest; the state of being acquiescent
disposed or willing to acquiesce; obedient

acquire, acquired, acquiring, acquires.transitive verbs
to get possession of; to achieve or gain by one's own efforts

the act of acquiring; something acquired, especially an addition to an established category.or group

a vehement.quarrel
altercate, altercated, altercating, altercates.intransitive verbs
to argue or dispute vehemently; wrangle

giving assistance or support; helping; acting as a subsidiary; supplementary (the main library and its auxiliary branches); held in or used as a reserve (auxiliary troops, an auxiliary power generator); equipped with a motor as well as sails
Grammar:.of, relating to or being an auxiliary verb
an individual or a group that assists or functions in a supporting capacity (a volunteers' auxiliary at a hospital)

annex, annexed, annexing, annexes.transitive verbs
to append or attach, especially to a larger or more significant thing; to incorporate (territory) into an existing political unit such as a country, state, county or city; to add or attach, as an attribute, a condition or a consequence
a building added on to a larger one or an auxiliary building situated near a main one; an addition, such as an appendix, that is made to a record or other document

antsy, antsier, antsiest.adjectives
restless or impatient; fidgety (the long wait made the children antsy); nervous; apprehensive (antsy they were as they crossed the dark forest at night)

besides all that; in whatever way or manner; however (anyhow the matter isn't relevant any longer; I'll cook it anyhow you like; they came anyhow they could, by boat, train or plane); in a careless way; haphazardly (clothes stuffed anyhow into the suitcase); in any case; at least (I think they're asleep; anyhow, they're quiet); nevertheless (It sounds crazy, but I agree with it anyhow); anyhow means much the same as anyway

in any way or manner.whatever (get the job done anyway you can); in any case; at least (I don't know if it was lost or stolen; anyway, it's gone); nevertheless; regardless (it was raining but they played the game anyway)

one, some, every or all without specification (take any book you want; are there any messages for me?; any child would love that; give me any food you don't want); exceeding normal limits, as in size or duration (the athlete is able to endure execise almost for any length of time)
any.pronomial.(used with a singular or plural verb)
any one or more persons, things or quantities
to any degree or extent; at all (didn't feel any better at all after taking the medicine).
Usage note:.used as a pronoun, any can take either a singular or plural verb, depending on how it is construed (any of these books is suitable {that is, any one}); (but are any {that is, some} of them available?); the construction of any is often used in informal contexts to mean 'of all', as in 'He is the best known of any living playwright'; any is also used to mean 'at all' before a comparative adjective or adverb in questions and negative sentences (is she any better? Is he doing any better? He is not any friendlier than before); in writing, one should avoid sentences like 'It didn't hurt any' or 'If the child cries any, give her the bottle'. Also see 'every'. See more Usage notes

located on the side nearest to the axis of an organ or organism; of or relating to the side or surface facing or nearest to the axis of an organ, such as the upper surface of a leaf; ventral