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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n 
p a g e  3 2

The total amount of energy to do work in the Universe is running out.(entropy), or so we think. An apparent predetermined amount of energy available to do work is diminishing, or so it appears on the surface. There is no new energy coming into existence in the forms we most commonly refer to as non-renewable energy. But!

The extent of time the multiverse has for energy emission is impermanent, for example... The reasoning here is that, because of this, the Universe cannot be perpetual, otherwise the limited supply of energy would have expired long ago.

This Law of Energy Degradation states that everything is moving toward a state of disorder and ultimate death, which only makes sense to those having the ordinary low consciousness view. Every natural process, everything that happens in the universe adheres to this and the other fundamental law, it is said.

Either the Universe arose by chance or it was somehow designed 'by something or someone' to unfold and be maintained as it is. And this 'something or someone' must also be independent of any effects in the Universe, such as the eventuality the framework time has upon material objects, that of dissipating energy composing their formations. There are.no.other options. Scientists acknowledge the fact that the Universe had a beginning and is unenduring: Ecclesiastes 1:5-7. Believers in evolution attribute the materialistic creation to natural selection.

There is much uncertainty when Creator-God is left out of the picture as Designer and Creator and uncertainty in initial conditions translates into randomness. But, there is no happenstance in God's creating; just everywhere examples of suprisingly brilliant design, evidencing His absolutely amazing mind; an example.
    Romans 1:20 "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead....."

If a protein appeared in an evolutionary cycle with nothing to do, then mutation and natural selection would tend to eliminate it before it had a chance to become a useful part in a much more complex system, such as blood clotting, etc.

Darwin's mechanism of natural selection would actually hinder the form of irreducibly complex systems upon which all life depends. For evolution to have effect, it must explain how clotting might have originated and subsequently evolved. Instead, evolution is just telling a fictitious story.

For natural selection to work, something right now must be useful to work on. The pathway toward clotting requires two proteins, the pro enzyme and its activator. They both had to exist fully functioning simultaneously for clotting to be possible. The details of the clotting system and blood filtration are truly remarkable. 

If you happen to check an encyclopedia.(britannica.com), go to the pictures of the human body and seriously ask yourself if evolution was at all even remotely possible here?:.Psalms 139:14 "I will praise thee, for I am fearfully.(original is 'to stand in awe').and wonderfully made. Marvelous are thy works and that my soul knows right well." Romans 1:19-22 "Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them.(we are all walking around thanks to the systems Creator-God designed within us), for God has showed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made.(by studying the Creation subject we see the invisible behind it all), even his eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. Because that, when they knew God.(many who know these things in the Creation subject stop short of deeper contemplation of the incredible intelligence evidenced in Creator's design), they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools."

Cilium:."No one at Harvard University, no one at the National Institute of Health, no member of the National Academy of Science, no Nobel Prize winner, no one at all can give an account of how the cilium.(plural cilia, which are microscopic hairlike process extending from the surface of a cell or unicellular organism capable of rhythmical motion and acting in unison {in harmony, all acting as one} with other such structures to bring about the movement of the cell or of the surrounding medium), or vision, or blood clotting, or any biochemical processes, might have been developed in a Darwinian fashion."....Michael Behe, Professor of Biochemistry at Lehigh University, Pennsylvania. 

Sperm use cilia to swim. How did the cilia.(looks like a hair, beats like a whip).know how to act when first called upon to do so? Cilia beating in synchrony cause mucous to be pushed up the throat for expulsion. 

The complexity of the cilium is inherent in the tasks it does. Cilium in a cell contains over 200 different kinds of proteins. Many of the functions of the proteins as is important to the cilium have been identified. Cilium move by using their 'oar'. The function of the cilium is to be a motor and paddle. To achieve this function,.microtubules,.nexin linkers and motor proteins all have to be ordered in precise fashion. This alone obviates the haphazardness of evolutionary theory, that is, once one thinks about it, instead of just willy-nilly acceptance of it.

The electron microscope shows the cilium to be a.very. complicated structure. Research elicits.mammoth barriers to evolution ever occurring.

Mucous is normally at just the right consistency so that it stays in the nose, thankfully! Was this by happenstance or design?

Sense of smell:.Consider the sense of smell, the.only.sense that plugs straight into the brain. There are five million scent receptors located in a human being's nose. Each nostril is designed to smell the same scent differently, a bit like stereo! Evolution lacks an accounting as to why? A slight swelling exists on one side of the nose which moves every few hours to the other side. In the slower.(swollen).side, what we smell is stronger. When the airflow is greater, smells are absorbed quicker, making them easier to detect.
