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a scornful remark or tirade; a jeer
taunt, taunted, taunting, taunts.transitive verbs
to reproach or challenge in a mocking or insulting or contemptuous manner; to try, tempt; ridicule; jeer at; to drive or incite.an indfividual by taunting

tend, tended, tending, tends.intransitive verbs
to proceed; (she tends to have her garden ready for planting every year at the same time); to have an inclination, disposition, bias, etc.; be apt (he tends to.exaggerate; she tends to be selfish); inclined in action, operation or effect to do something (tending the crop; tending to the needs of the children)
transitive verb use.take care; watch over; to look after; to tend to; cultivate (he tends his plants; she must go and tend the store)

tender, tendered, tendering, tenders.transitive verbs
to offer formally (tender a letter of intention)
a formal offer; a written offer to contract goods or services at a specified cost or rate; a bid; something, especially money, offered in payment; an individual who has charge of something

tender, tenderer, tenderest.adjectives
that has or expresses affection; mild; not rough, heavy or harsh; easily crushed or bruised; fragile (a tender petal of a flower); young and vulnerable (of tender age; tender green shoots); frail; delicate; fragile; appealing (the tenderest part of beef is the tenderloin because it is soft and easy to chew); considerate and protective (a tender mother; his tender concern for his children); characterized by or expressing gentle emotions; loving (a tender glance; a tender ballad)

tender, tendered, tendering, tenders.transitive verbs
to make tender (the meat became tender once the butcher was finished with it); easily chewed

tenderize, tenderized, tenderizing, tenderizes.transitive verbs
to make meat tender, as by marinating, pounding with a butcher's tenderizing hammer or applying a tenderizer such as papaya, which breaks down the tough meat fibres making it chewable
a substance, such as a plant enzyme, applied to meat to make it tender

a gentle.demeanor; easily moved emotionally by another's distress; compassionate

the tenderest part of a loin of beef, pork or similar cut of meat (filet mignon is beef tenderloin)

trite, triter, tritest.adjectives
hackneyed; dull; frayed or worn out; boring from much use; not fresh or original

the act, fact or condition of holding something in one's possession, as real estate or an office; occupation; a period during which something is held; the status of holding one's position on a permanent basis without periodic contract renewals (a teacher granted tenure on a faculty)

transliterate, transliterated, transliterating, transliterates.transitive verbs
to represent or spell in the characters of another alphabet; see also translate

the calm normal state of one's character, characteristic tone (the temper of the times), a characteristic cast of mind or state of feeling; disposition.(an even temper); mood; calmness of mind or emotions; composure.(an even temper; equilibrium); a tendency to become easily angry or irritable (lose one's temper; a quick temper); an outburst of rage (uncontrolled.emotions); ill-tempered
temper, tempered, tempering, tempers.verbs
disposition, state of feeling or frame of mind at a particular time usually dominated by a single strong emotion; heat of mind or emotion; proneness to anger (temper is the one thing you can't get rid of by losing it)
one who is showing the disposition of temper

frame of mind; disposition
relating to or caused by temperament; if you say that someone is temperamental, you are criticizing.them for not being calm or quiet by nature, but having moods that change often and suddenly; someone who is temperamental is likely to suddenly become upset, excited or angry; excessively.sensitive or irritable; moody; likely to perform unpredictably; undependable (a temperamental motor); if you describe something such as a machine or car as temperamental, you mean that it often does not work properly

temper, tempered, tempering, tempers.verbs
transitive verb use.to modify by the addition of a moderating element; moderate; to harden or strengthen metal or glass by application of heat or by heating and cooling; to strengthen through experience or hardship; toughen
intransitive verb use.to be or become tempered
the state of a substance such as a metal or glass, with respect to certain.desired.qualities (as hardness, elasticity or workability), especially the degree of hardness or resiliency given steel by tempering
one who tempers a substance

temper,tempered, tempering, tempers.verbs
transitive verb use.to adjust.finely; attune (a resume that is tempered to more properly suit the needs of the prospective employer)
intransitive verb use.to be or become tempered
able to be adjusted by fine tuning
having degrees of adjustment
one who adjusts or finely tunes something

typify, typified, typifying, typifies.transitive verbs
if something or someone typifies a situation or type of thing or person, they have all the usual.characteristics of it and are a typical example of it (these two buildings typify the rich extremes of Irish architecture); epitomize; to embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical; to express indirectly by an image, form or model (most, not all, ancient Pharisees acted typically of their behavior toward Gentiles:.Acts 10:28); be a symbol (what does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?); to serve as a typical example of; embody the essential.characteristics of (a painting that typifies the artist's work); to represent by an image, a form or a model; symbolize or prefigure; to be a typical example of something (the features which typify a Scottish Highland landscape; non-violent protest, typified by Gandhi; to be a typical part or feature of something; the long complicated.sentences that typify legal.documents)
typification, typifier.nouns
serving as a type; an antitype; symbolic; having the distinguishing.characteristics, qualities, etc. of a class, group, etc.; if a particular action or feature is typical of someone or something, it shows their usual.qualities or characteristics and you are saying that they are just as bad or disappointing as you expected them to be
typic, typically.adverbs
typicalness, typicality.nouns

easily to deal with; flexible; compliant; malleable
tractability or tractableness.noun
the quality or state of being tractable

not fully worked out, concluded or agreed on; provisional (just a tentative schedule); uncertain; hesitant
having the nature of an experiment or trial made or done provisionally (temporarily)
having a feeling of uncertainty about things is living life without faith

a telomere is a tiny section containing and protecting specialized pieces of DNA at the end of each of your chromosomes, ensuring that each cycle of DNA replication completes its process; once capped (like the plastic tips on the end of showlaces), the cell 'knows' it's ok to divide, as they come complete with a built in clock! A brilliant design! Telomeres stop erosion of DNA at the ends of chromosomes and can reverse aging.

As the telomeric DNA becomes shorter, it may become uncapped, so a signal is sent to the cell to prevent further division, thus, ensuring the integrity of the system, like you may say to your kids, "no more burning the candle at both ends; get some sleep and restore yourself". 

In the capped telomere are DNA proteins used for 'packaging' and DNA repair enzymes. How they are joined together is a real mystery.

a pyrimidine base, C5H6N2O2, that is an essential.constituent of DNA

something transcribed, especially a written, typewritten or printed copy (the transcript of a video provides a word for word written account of what was said; transcript of a court testimony; an academic transcript); a sequence of RNA produced by transcription

transcribe, transcribed, transcribing, transcribes.transitive verbs
to make a full written or typewritten copy of dictated material, for example; in music, to adapt or arrange a composition for a voice or an instrument other than the original; to record for broadcast at a later date; in linguistics, to represent speech sounds by phonetic symbols; to translate or transliterate; in biology, to cause (DNA or RNA) to undergo transcription
Computers:.to transfer information from one recording and storing system to another

a cell makes an RNA copy of its DNA (a gene), a single transcription facet affects different genes in particular ways; the process...

the act or process of translating, especially from one language into another
Biology:.in biology, the word 'translation' means the process in living cells by which messenger RNA.(genetic information encoded in RNA having formed from nucleotide triplets) directs the amino acid.sequence of a growing polypeptide during protein synthesis

a globular.protein that is the basic structural constituent of microtubules; the cell's ability to move depends upon the tubulin

an inclinationto move or act in a particular direction or way; leaning; bias; propensity; bent

something serving as an indication, a proof or an expression of something else (sometimes tears are tokens of happiness); a sign; something that signifies or evidences.validity or identity (please accept this token of our appreciation for all the work you have contributed to the project; the scepter is a token of regal.status; a crypto is a token); a distinguishing.feature or characteristic; a keepsake or souvenir; a piece of stamped metal used as a substitute for currency (subway tokens; tokens for rides at the circus)
token, tokened, tokening, tokens.transitive verbs
to betoken or symbolize; portend
done as an indication or a pledge (a token payment); perfunctory; minimal (a token gesture of reconciliation); token resistance; merely.symbolic.(a token woman on the board of directors)
by the same token.idiom
in like manner; similarly
in token of.idiom
as an indication of (a ring given in token of love)

a thick paste made from ground sesame seeds

having or exhibiting healing powers (a therapeutic agent; therapeutic exercises); of or relating to therapeutics

the art or science of healing

one who specializes in the provision of a particular therapy

treatment of illness or disability; psychotherapy; healing power or quality (the therapy of a healthy meal, fresh air and Sun on the patio)

tout, touted, touting, touts.transitive verbs
if someone touts something, they try to sell it or convince people that it is good; to promote or praise energetically; publicize
intransitive verb use.to solicit customers, votes or patronage, especially in a brazen way

tout de suite.(pronounced 'tuet sweet' or 'tut sweet').adverb
a French word meaning 'at once'; immediately, now; ASAP (as soon as possible)
