That is because
these things tend to consume a person's thoughts, crowding out attention
to the spiritual things of God and how they can so positively affect a
person's life for good, so people just keep 'missing the mark'; 'missing
the mark' is the original meaning for 'sin'. And so, people tend to set
these negatives into their character because they are mostly negative,
thanks to being highly influenced by the
mass mind of humanity.
What we think about is important
we are to progress up the right road:.1Peter
2:11 "Dearly beloved I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain
from fleshly lusts which war against the
soul." Romans 13:13 "Let us
walk honestly as in the day not in rioting and drunkenness not in chambering.(screwing
uncaring as to the results of one's actions).not
in strife and envying.(all
the things that are sought when one's
ego is dominant)."
4:31 "Let all bitterness.(having
a bitter root; a bitter person; resentful).and
wrath and anger and clamour
and evil speaking and all malice
be put away from you."
At times we are like a little
kid in hand with a parent going through a grocery store, upset that our
experience of life isn't going the way he or she thinks that it should.
He or she kicking and screaming and crying, reluctantly
is led forward by his parent. So it is with adults in life. Our inclination
is often resentful
of moving onward. Upset with the way life seems to be taking us, we latch
onto ways that are not beneficial
for us, but can't really see it that way yet because we are still somewhat
of a lower consciousness.
resentment opens the way for more negatives to come into one's life.
Some men and women have
become addicted to power.(usually
involves money {gambling, deceitful dealing, big ideas [Psalms
131:1] beyond peace, ways to be greater that shove spiritual concerns
aside {gonna get that hot car no matter what; and the horribly
in being so,
themselves down to the imperfection of character
worthlessness. They have clouded
themselves so as not to become aware, awake:.2Corinthians
Somehow they jumped the tracks
of sanity into
the dark side's playground. The 'somehow', is usually an unscrupluous
way decided
upon to get money through power available to him or her.
Their decision took them
away from dedication to usefulness and service for making the world better
for all in it and into selfish dreams of 'only
me and those like me':.2Timothy
2:19 "...Let every one that names the
name of Christ depart from iniquity."
4:1; Romans 1:28.
Always be a good example:.Philippians
3:17. In that way you are a light to the world:.John
1:4; 12:46; Ephesians
5:8; 1John 2:10.
5:22 "But the fruit of the
5:9 "For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness.(all
that is good and kind.{short
little video on it}.and
and truth".and
is of those things
of high consciousness).is
no peace without unity and there's no unity without connection; that's
why there is a unified
field of spirit energy), longsuffering.(means
2:24, original for 'gentleness' is 'kindness';
examples of kindness to others, David,
Christ {John 14:27} and Christian
nations in their treatment of prisoners:.Deuteronomy
control'), against such there is no
13:10; the ancient corrupt Pharisees.however,
made their own law against kindness:.Acts
10:28). And
that are Christ's.(those
having decided to live from His loving nature {all the qualities herein
mentioned, but as expressed individually, as we are all different [as every
face is different, so is every heart:.1Corinthians
12:6 "And there are diversities
of operations, but it is the same God which works all in all."];
the Infinite One does not want clones},
because individual decision brings that nature into expression in your
the flesh.(by
being in Him, being, becoming what the Infinite is, which is love,
believing in Him and this righteousness
comes forth).with
'with all its').affections
and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk
in the Spirit.(walk
in the spirit by being alert to guidance coming to you, how?)."
4:7 "For God has not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness."
In considering a decision
remember, first comes the will,
then with your intention
to carry the will out, comes the way. Careful with your decisions:.Matthew
And about
making a decision for a partner in life.
How to make a decision. Be
sure that they are always based on good:.Colossians
3:12-16 "Put on therefore, as the
elect of God.(and
the elect of God are those who have the
consciousness of Christ active within
them), holy and beloved, bowels
of mercies,
as kind as you can today, because you or the person you may be interacting
with may not be here tomorrow; see Jimmy's
letter. Kindness is love in action {an example},
a courtesy
of the heart. It is being mild, pleasant, generous and compassionate.{compassion
is kindness going further in concern,
being aware of what can be done to provide comfort and assistance
to another}, even when another isn't that way toward you. You should know you
are kind and how to become kind.–.examples
of kindness 1, 2,
of mind, meekness.(original
is 'gentleness'),
up', encouraging).one
another and forgiving one another,
if any man have a quarrel
against any, even as Christ forgave you, so also do you. And above all
these things put on charity.(means
'love'), which
is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace
of God rule in your hearts, to the which also
you are called in one body and be you thankful. Let the word of Christ
in you richly in all wisdom;
teaching and admonishing.(watching
out for, as a parent does for their children).one
another. In psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace
in your hearts to the
such is a friendly person)."
2:3 "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness
of mind let each esteem other better than themselves."
decision considerations.
6:35,36; 1Corinthians